Devs called to submit art are already uploading their crispy covers
Steambros, unite, because it's happening
Chinks on Sudoku watch
>if its not broke dont fix it
jesus christ
Valve published a guide for tard devs
cool phone ui
Damn, we're getting DVD-style box art pics? I guess I will have to replace all those custom steam grid icons I downloaded and made.
out for summer sale maybe?
cool to see they are already asking for 4k assets, although not mandatory for now
i guess with all E3 stuff and every other service presenting stuff, they are finally putting the pedal to the metal for good
i hope i can keep the metro look, new ui is pure garbage
I don't know what all the new changes are, but I know they're letting you add groups on the left hand side for your games, which is a very needed feature.
whats the store look like
and what about big picture
about time they redesigned it
But you can already do that, you just set them into categories. I sort mine into currently playing, completed and play next.
Can they unfuck the browser so it's not 1/20th of the speed of others
Who gives a fuck I'll be using gogalaxy.com in a couple weeks
You have been able to do that for ages
did they say when galaxy 2.0 is coming?
seriously there's no reason to use Steam after Galaxy 2.0 releases. It's cleaner, it's universal and it has all the same features. The only reason you should ever use Steam is browsing the workshop for games you own on Steam and buying shit on Steam (but just remember you're buying a revokable license :^) )
beta within 2 months first come first serve signup
wasn't it "weeks away" 2 years ago?
I'm actually really happy about this. I've always liked looking at the cover art for games when browsing, but the current grid view makes it so you can't see any of the details from the list view, so I've never used it.
>"Detail" view STILL doesn't show you whether the game has Steam Cloud or how much space it takes on the HDD, both of which are visible in List view
>not using GOG Galaxy 2.0 and just buying anything anywhere
WTF is this it looks like shit
>All those steam banners I've downloaded/made over the years are now worthless
hol up nigga, they got a cp2077 hype sale going.
I've never used GOG but this looks way better
The one thing I want from the Steam UI is that it becomes fucking RESPONSIVE.
Right now it's slow as molasses.
I already tried new Steam UI and it's even worse than the current UI
GOG 2.0 very well could be the replacement for Playnite.
The marquee resizes very well
Cool af
You can try it right now
Playnite is good but I hate how I spend gigabytes of my hard drive space storing the covers. Also I like how they made it open source so people can add their own features
This is fucking shit, just give me back old green steam. It was fucking flawless.
I kinda like it.
No it isn't, it's already a feature in the small view, just use that. No one uses the giant fucking library and if you do you're wrong.
I mean it's the official word
Not the leaked library
Try would be the keyword. My friend set it up, and he keeps complaining because features are broken that work fine in the current stable build. It's a good idea to wait until it's ready.
It's a good idea to stop redesigning shit no one asked for.
All these is to finally get rid of the old as fuck update architecture
With the new tech, they will deploy autoupdates like in the new chat client
Also, this will affect the mobile apps in the same good way
Valve wants to get rid of the current update system that is outdated as hell
Infinite amounts of people ask them to change the UI all the time and they haven't done it that often.
The new ui does look a lot easier to use. But I agree. It's why I use Playnite now.
The game detailed view is superb
It scrolls like a modern website, using all sorts of animations and transparency
Wow, this looks like fucking shit.
>have to add banners and library images to all my non-Steam/emulated games again
Pain in the ass but worth it in the end I guess. I use Steam as a front-end for pretty much all of my videogames and it'll look so much better with this now
>It scrolls like a modern website, using all sorts of animations and transparency
That's horrible.
>no news
No, it's not
It looks really good and it packs a lot more info than before, only that note it's collapsed, for a default cleaner view
Check the link posted, because they include the templates and resolutions the new library uses
>No, it's not
Yes it is. Having things move around when you're trying to reach or read a specific part of a page is fucking annoying. Ever had to deal with a site that put its links at the bottom of a page AND also enabled infinite scroll?
Web 2.0 was a mistake. Whatever this modern shit is is worse.
Thanks famalambourghini
Enjoy 2008 buggy backend.
>big picture
This is why I'm gonna use GOG Galaxy 2.0 instead. I want to touch Steam as little as possible.
Yeah but that's a extreme case
Here is just the logo and the marquee, mate
It's done very well