Shenmue kickstarter

>steals $6m from Shenmue fans
>accepts another $10m from EPIC games anyway
fucking lmao, based Suzuki pulled his second biggest scam ever (the first being to convince Sega to spend all the money funding the first Shenmue)

About 70% of the dev team are probably chilling on a carribean island right now whilst three people make this shit on Unity

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Other urls found in this thread:
Why it looks like those 00's radeon graphics cards
Why the animations are terrible

I bet they used the old engine, just slightly improved upon graphically to keep costs down, and like OP said cash in.

I think I read somewhere that yu suzuki knows the animations look like shit right now and intends to improve it.

i'm honestly very impressed with how well they captured the dreamcast spirit. in a good way.


you retards donated, blame yourself

Sure is efficient in his time

I am not "donating" to any more crowd funding campaigns until Kickstarter does something to protect backers from Epic. I am not going to use Kickstarter to give Epic an interest-free loan to go scouting for acqusitions with.

Epic is pretty much killing crowd funding for everyone and it's in these platforms best interest to stop them.

this, the stilted dialogue and budget voice acting sounds like it came straight from the 2000s

Isn't that the point?

Seething steam cuck

Shenmue 3 is boring though. Why is it set in China again? I was hoping fo some comfy rural suburb like in Shenmue 1

Because the narrative of II lead Ryo to China to chase Lan Di.


>epic bad
>steam good

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It's unreal engine 4. You think this new team actually has access to old Sega tech or the talent required to use it? Pfffffft!

Explain to me why I should not just pirate a game if it is Epic Game Store exclusive. The end product is better because there's no DRM and does not require an Epic game store login, and it works fine with Steam. The developer has already been paid for their work by Tencent, so that means they don't need my money, and I can get the game for free.

Maybe if Epic would actually make a user interface, service and community that is better than Steam I would actually choose their store instead of Steam instead of just pirating all these games they are throwing money at. The whole reason Steam works is because people like the experience better than pirating, whereas with Epic people would rather pirate than put up with their store.

If they were actually providing healthy competition, I would agree. But running a shitty barebones service and buying exclusivity is not good for the consumer. You are actual cucks for defending it.

you should kill yourself. it would be better for everyone.

Kill yourself in minecraft.

explain to me why using a different launcher for a single game is such a massive pain in the ass for you. pirate the game. get it for ps4. wait for the exclusive deal to end. but stop trying to latch onto this as some sort of crusade for consumer rights because it's gay as fuck and nobody is buying it.

I don't think so. Why they want to be bad instead of good/decent? If yes, why the japanese dub is way better?

I still can't believe this game is really happening desu
feels surreal to watch gameplay footage

Epic Game Store is cancerware. Your data is neither private or secure, and I already have enough bloat on my computer. Why do developers feel entitled to make me have another always-on background task running in my system tray? Especially when I can just pirate the games and avoid the problem completely?

Steam has a plethora of features that I actually enjoy using. Epic has none, and it comes with a bunch of crap that I am not letting near my computer. I am keeping Tencent out of my life wherever I can.

Because the style of the old games is what gave it a certain charm that got it's fanbase in the first place.

Ever watch old Chinese Kung-Fu Flicks?

That's a very good point, thanks

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So Epic is finally doing something good then. The crowd funding shit has been infested with scams for a long time, it deserves to die.

Man, this is the biggest vidya scam in a while isn't it?
>has a fake kickstarter even though they're already funded
>uses it as free marketing
>makes 6 million bucks in the process
>gets funding from sony anyway
>then takes money from deep silver
>AND takes money from epic
>spends approximately $2.49 in production values on making the actual game
>splits the money between as few team members as possible, takes it and runs
>ending of the game isn't even the conclusion, they're baiting for a sequel for even MORE money
God damn this is actually funny. It's like The Producers or something. I feel bad for the backers though.

it's literally just UE4, you dope

Hardly comparable. This is more like if you paid a thot for her nudes, she says she will send them to you over discord, and then at the last minute she tells you you'll have to make an epic game store account and use it whenever you want to look at them.

Be that as it may, if Kickstarter lets Epic keep getting away with this then they deserve to lose their place in the gaming market.

I agree, I just don‘t see why Yea Forums needs to be upset about the death of scamstarter.

>The developer has already been paid for their work by Tencent, so that means they don't need my money, and I can get the game for free.

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np, have fun

Based chinks making paypigs seethe

>because it's gay as fuck and nobody is buying it
You talking about epic exclusives?

>Tencent when I just pirate their warez

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This unironically

Yu Suzuki has always been sucking of China, him selling out to Chinese game distribution makes a lot of sense.

The cucks who fund Kickstarters deserve to be scammed.

Epic guarantees devs a certain amount of sales. Even if no one plays it, epic will pay them as if the game did sell. Tim essentially pays for everyone's copy

Game developer:
>I am making this game and it will be on Steam.
>It looks good, I will buy it. Here's my money.
>Hey developer, I see the gamers are throwing a lot of money at that Steam game of yours! I'll give you even more money if you make it exclusive to Epic Store!
>Fuck you guys, I am just going to pirate it now.
>Epic already paid us so we'll be alright
>Daddy Tencent, please send us more venture capital! Our store still isn't profitable!

Everyone wins.

Yes indeed

Epic truly is a blessing to the industry

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The funny thing is that this is actually true. Please post this on the Shenmue Dojo and Shenmue Reddit page. They will all just hate you.

Stop seething Valve slaves. Steam and epic are the same trash. There's nothing worth defending the SJW company obsessed with censorship and SJW puritanism. You are just being useful idiots.

After buying that new RTX card I was pretty broke and I couldn't have afforded Metro Exodus anyway, but it's nice that now I can actually try out raytracing on something.

Valve is pretty based though.

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it will never not be funny to me that epic is so shit as a store that it's shills have to go to the steam forums to talk shit.

Tell that to Rance.

shut up incel, they dont owe you anything
have sex

Now just add Denuvo to their game and the Salt is complete

>a user interface, service and community
You need all that just to play Shenmue III? Are steambabies not capable of playing a game if it doesn’t have a workshop or some other useles crap like forums?

I backed for a ps4 copy. But i understand the rage from folks who suppirted for a steam copy. Fuck DeepSilver and fuck China.

>look at faq
>it's coming to Steam later
Why are you faggots mad again?
Just pirate it and if you want it in your steam library for whatever reason, buy it when it releases on Steam. You're missing out on literally nothing but having it in your library until it releases on Steam

these hoes are ruthless but the omgea male always asks for it

>not on steam? how the fuck am I gonna show other shenmue fans my cropped hentai avatar and 10 years running badge collection?

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I wish there was a way to see how many people that are buying this game actually played the first 2. I wouldn't doubt if people are getting this because of the Sony E3 reactions.

do we know anything about gachapon in the game???

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Controversy aside, I'm liking the gameplay they've shown us thus far, they really nailed the shenmue feel in this one.

looks like some unity porn game

that actually looks nice,i like how the new toys look

I only played the first game, didn't you use to buy stuff in stores by actually browsing the shelves yourself?

I'm confused by this valve/epic rivalry. What's stopping people from dowloading EGS client and playing the games on it? It's not like you have to buy a separate machine/console to use EGS. It's free software. Why are people bitching?

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that's so awkward

> steals

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>didn't you use to buy stuff in stores by actually browsing the shelves yourself?
Yes, they changed it. There isn't an animation for driking/eating

Good catch. This was apparent in the second game as well and the only time you had to use a menu to shop was on the pawn shops. Fucking Ys probably had to cut some corners to pocket more money.

Isn't that kinda missing the point then? Again i only played the first game just recently, the biggest peculiarity to me was clearly the "realistic simulation" aspects, why strip away what made the games unique

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Personally I just don't wanna give money to the chinks. But it could lead to thirty different launchers all with their own exclusives, and that kind of thing would just be cumbersome and unpleasant.

Not thing. Salt steam drones mad because steam monopoly threaten and have compete for first time in life. Ignore and laugh at dumb fffuck who madn.

> chinks
Epic games is american company.

All the hatred for Epic store is justice in my book. Don't give in to the Chinese, shun them, steal from them, don't let them take even 1 more inch of our industry.

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Dunno, making the game more fluid? Another example: they cut the animation from the gacha balls

You need more english classes before being let out into the field again, Chang.

It really does feel like a Dreamcast game.

that EASY ALLIES retard played a more recent build apparently the UI is different/improved and THERE is music not sure why it's not here

A haiku.

Insects own Epic
To protect our mother Earth
Join the EDF

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>All backers are steam cuckolds
Be thankful it made to PC in the first place

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>Explain to me why I should not just pirate a game if it is Epic Game Store exclusive

Connected to tencent.

no way fag

>consumer rights are gay as fuck
just do us a favor and delete yourself from existence along with everyone who's programmed like you

>You are just being useful idiots.
Your lack of self awareness is astounding

Looking though update 102, spastics sure are seething about it going Epic, even though they can't put into word why. Other than "Epic bad".

how is it a cash in?
I don't get it.

Like everything is connected to china nowadays based steamcell

>no family sharing
>no cloud saves
>no fucking cart
Your existence is useless crap, epic babby.

Can't argue with that.

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That doesnt make it good or alright in any way shape or form

>trusting kickstarters in the first place

when will they learn?

Chink spyware is not ok

BASED Epic for finally ridding us of the crowdfunding menace.

All these shits are scams

There's that word again.

Than turn your computer off and stop playing videogames, buy property like Tim and start a new life in isolation

You were going to pirate it in the first place, we don't give a shit about the excuse you tell yourself to justify it.

You can't steal what you donated you mongoloids. All of these donations from big companies and small, they use your money to go on vacation without putting on effort on any of their promises. Promises that are not legally binding. Stop giving out your money to these people expecting something out of them. They will just phone it in and pocket the rest of the cash

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Literally don't care. I just want to play the fucking game.

Keep telling yourself that.

Seeing normal guys here is pretty weird

While property sounds nice I'd rather create resistance where possible against the incoming chinese incursion

You cared enough to reply.

Tiananmen Square Massacre. Hong Kong protests.

You know what is really going to suck for Shenmue fans? This game will almost certainly end on another cliffhanger. It will be a repeat in history of Shenmue 2, but in this case there will be no hope of a sequel. All goodwill has evaporated.

It's actually pretty funny.

absolutely fucking based and understandable

Also the game looks genuinely bad, and I say this as someone who played the first two games over a decade ago.

Start with yourself rather than living in your dreams

I might be alone in this but I actually kinda thank epic for tempting devs to be gigantic faggots. The second a dev takes the epic/chink deal they expose themselves as a piece of shit that doesn't deserve my money and I kno to pirate or completely ignore their games. Along with that I'm thankful for the resurgence of interest in pirating.

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no thanks

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To put it into perspective, I think people knew what they are getting. The game got 6 million in kickstarter funds, while MA Andromeda had something like a $40 million budget and more years in development. There is no way epic store and publisher costs made up that difference.

I think many fans wanted to see the story complete, but I honestly believe that will not happen.

I legit don't see the issue.
Just fucking pirate it.
That's what I do when a dev does something I don't like.

based and infarredpilled

It's probably more of a publisher deal, as deep silver is the same publisher as mighty no. 9.

that place is still fucked up from the hurricane from 2 years ago, maybe they should opt for hawaii or something.