Any tips for a new player? I heard this game is pretty hard.
Darkest Dungeon
Do you consider yourself an unlucky person?
If so, might as well stop playing.
It suffers the same problem as XCOM 1 and 2; if you have shit luck, you will get fucked over and repeatedly die, no matter how good your risk control is.
Also, get a squad of man-at-arms.
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
>Do you consider yourself an unlucky person?
>If so, might as well stop playing.
Kek. I guess done is done.
Abandon all hope.
Never dismiss anyone. Don't let anyone die. This is your new family.
fpbp it's just like XCOM where its basically out of your hands. I get irritated if just ONE of my guys dies, because it feels like I've failed so the best option is simply not to play.
if you consider yourself unlucky then you have dunning krueger and confirmation bias, possibly due to low iq, and you cannot comprehend the concept of probabilities properly
this is the only game that gave me literal buyers remorse. Art looks cool and the idea was cool but lol rng the game.
Genuine tips
>Upgrade the Blacksmith and the Guild first, but ideally upgrade the Coach whenever you can too
>Always buy a key or three
>Try to keep Reynault and Dismas alive all the way though and bring them to the last mission for a cool achievement
>Don't kill the small piggy first
Manage your risk
Dead things don't stress or kill
Use your stuns
Think before you send a team
Remember what kind of monsters inhabit each zone
I imagine I'll be you, but Yea Forums constantly talking about me makes me think it might be worth the hype.
This game is braindead easy if you know proper lineups and how to prepare for each dungeon. Luck has barely any impact
t. let them eat cake
Yea Forums bitches about things like XCom and Morrowind hit chances all the time because they don't know how to minimize risk and just dive right in headfirst. Just take it slow and consider your options.
At least you can save scum in XCOM, in DD you can lose hours of progress if you're the "keep my people alive" type of player.
Honestly just don't play DD if you dislike the concept of managing character regression.
This man is your friend.
it's no use talking to people like this. they actually have a type of mental disorder that makes it impossible for them to understand risk management works in games like these. no matter how many times you prove that "luck" has minimal impact when it comes to beating the game, they'll still call the game luck-based.
it's more that missing a 99% headshot just feels really shitty and it never gets better, obviously winning is what matters and you can still win and miss a 99% headshot but that's not what people meme about is it
Try out every classes. Invest in Guild, Survivalist and Blacksmith upgrades first. Do not waste your precious gold sending your adventurers into a stress relief activity, bring a Jester/Crusader/mix of both if you want excellent stress heal while clearing quests. Vestals are good healers but don't be afraid to use Occultist too, his kit is excellent and lets you displace enemies easily.
>concept of probabilities
Explain. Are you saying if I keep trying due to probability, I will win eventually since it's less than a million?
The game isn't hard, it's just grindy, repetitive and tedious. It doesn't even have a fail state unless you're in ng+.
>survivalist first when you don't even get to do the longer dungeons at that point
The proper order is coach until you get 4/5 heroes available every week-blacksmith-guild-abbey-sanitarium.
Scouting is your friend, a detected trap can be disarmed for free stress relief or avoided completely, scouted encounters can't surprise you an shuffle your party
Big damage and crit mean nothing when you can't hit, either consider minimum damage and everything above as a potential bonus, or fix it using what you have in game
torches and consumables are refunded when you get back to hamlet, btw use one if you crave the void
Reading is for faggots
Don't touch anything, or maybe do
Bring some shovels or you'll have a bad time
And hey another tip if you have the Crimson Court DLC if you see a statue don't break the shield the shield isn't there for his protection, its yours
>haha look mom, I've put non spoilers into spoiler tags!
>darkest dungeon
>risk management
nigga it's just a slot machine where you can increase your odds by grinding more to get upgrades and the not shit trinkets
the actual gameplay is mobage-tiear and there's still nothing you can do if the enemies decide today is wombo combo day and erase one of your party members
refund it before you exceed 2 hours unironically
only if paired with marked team desu
He handled himself rather well against the final boss for me. Granted, he was the first to go
best advice is to avoid advice, the only fun part of the game is trying different combinations, experimenting and failling, unless you are on top difficulty its pretty much impossible to lose, so just keep trying
don't be afraid to use a guide to know what items brings depending where the mission is and all that stuff. it's a cool game but holy fucking shit no way i would take the time to discover all that shit by myself by dying over and over and over.
I’ve been playing the game on and off for a while, and in the recent sale I picked up Crimson Court and that never DLC. I’m fucking terrified to go near either, so can anyone give me a quick rundown on which to tackle first and why?
best girl desu
>Don't kill the small piggy first
I wish my characters used that line BEFORE the second round
>first time fighting
>my someone goes first
>one-shot crit the little piggie
>party take a fat chunk of damage and stun
>"don't harm the small one"
I exited the room, reentered and wee little pig was there fortunately.
just fucking do it you faggot, whats the point of even playing the game if you are going to ask others how to do it?
Other* DLC
Not phoneposting I swear.
if you see this thing insert a torch into it
its worth it
you get ebin loots
>"hey you wanna see 3 digit damage on darkest dungeon?"
I prefer sweaty armpits and crotch of plague doc
Why the fuck does it still cost so much?
>not the Plague Doctor
GR gets second best, though.
t. eldritch horror
>sweaty armpits and crotch of plague doc
>tfw she'll never be real and she'll never be yours
Haven't played the Crimson Courg but Color of Madness is just an endless mode that's fun to try out teams and get cool gear. If a hero dies while doing it it will just be unavailable for a week after that so there's no real pressure.
The final reward (memories) are not really worth it, I think.
Oh I’m going to do it. I just want to know if I should do either one first.
post Collector getting rekt
DD2 news when
>not braps
>every valid strategy you find will be nerfed by the devs
they emphasise fake difficulty and unfair mechanics over everything else
Honestly just download a trainer to get those lvl 6 character otherwise the game is a pain in the ass when it comes to grinding just delete it if youre not into grinding and save yourself the time
Shitty rng simulator
Reminder that this class is fucking OP and boring to use
hes a good utility class in general
+human damage is high general value, he has multiple stuns for different situations and hes basically i think the ONLY melee class that can consistently attack from 3
hook and caltrops are borderline worthless though, which does limit his flexibility, hes basically always doing the same thing and his loadout is just dependent on which slot you run him in
jokes on you I found a girlfriend whos into this shit
I'm planning to make her wear PD cosplay
I love to eat sweaty hairy ass but braps and scat are too much desu
>jokes on you I found a girlfriend whos into this shit
>I'm planning to make her wear PD cosplay
I both envy you and hate you with all my heart.
>braps are too much
give it time
This game is for the smart people who write the guides instead of the sheep that follow them. You only lose characters when you're reckless(the theme of the game). Play the game based on your own intuition and try to avoid googling for help. Just know you can use some provisions on various props for loot/buffs (not well explained by the game. Retreating from bosses after you learn their mechanics to switch team comps is recommended.
true best girl
download nude mods
maybe if it were 2017 still sure
dude is nerfed into the fucking ground
just use a houndmaster instead, less of a liability if he gets focused
true slut
never give up, I see myself as pretty worthless, I'm poor, uneducated, depressed manlet, all I have is good body because genes and hard work (compensating height my whole life), she's a successful engineer with good job and somehow we ended up together
The only thing I did was listen to her and care, apparently more than her previous and only partner, who was also earning 6 figures as a software engineer
I do consider myself ridiculously lucky, but if I lost hope and never tried to get closer to her, this wouldn't have happened
I hope you find someone you love and who loves you back someday too
she's into scat and I'm afraid the slippery slope may be real, she already got me into rough BDSM, we regularly go to local BDSM events together
Ok the most important question:
Do you sacrifice Dismas and Reynauld in the end, or let them live?
Removing kleptomaniac from Reynauld is a bitch move
is that actually a question, why did you let go the bros when you already got so far
I'm happy things are working out for you. It's hard to hope for a happy end myself, but there's a lot of people out there and I guess they say there's someone for everyone.
I'd rather be a bitch then poor, pleb.
Are you talking about 90's Xcom or Nu-Xcom? Because the new ones are piss easy. The mimic beacon is a get-out-of-jail-free card you can use every mission.
just build a bank
t. Reynauld
Do yourself a favor and uninstall. Boring and unfair grindfest
It's one of those games where the people who think it's hard RNG are fucking retarded, and the people who think it's tough-but-fair are also fucking retarded and give terrible advice. Only a few, none of whom seem to post on Yea Forums, know it's Pokemon-tier baby shit and seek out mods or do challenge runs to make it harder.
you may as well just replace him with some other Crusader then, a combination of warrior of light and kleptomaniac that he always starts with is his core personality
everyone bitching about muh RNG haven't played glass cannon Dismas/plague doctor combo
>necromancers gather at his house to discuss their rituals
>murders them in their sleep and revives them
>pirates smuggling shit for him ask for a raise
>drowns them and curses them to drown eternally
>peasants are upset at all the eldritch fuckery
>brings bandits with a massive cannon to cull the population
>his rituals have resulted in a ridiculous amount of demonic pig flesh
>dumps it into the sewers
>a qt peasant girl is stalking him
>sells her to fish demons
>a peasant asks for help with crops
>summons a massive eldritch horror comet to wreck his farm
>defeats a powerful vampire with just a simple knife
>mixes her blood into wine and turns all visiting nobles into abominations
Interesting. So what's a better game to play?
Based grandpa
based as fuck
skeletons are fucking dumb as shit
Yeah, but then you've got the groundskeeper who lets all that happen, and then has the audacity to keep filling up spots in the town.
where do i have to go to get plague doctor braps
Toughts on Modded classes?
are they worth it?
there are none
what? the game is mostly
>did you bring food?
>did you bring torches?
>did you bring a shovel?
>boss fight
>mitigate heals and dps
I don't understand the people who play roguelikes and dont enjoy roguelikes. It does have good pickup and play though. Can get through a dungeon on a lunch break 15-20 minutes.
after a while once you've grown tired of the vanilla - sure, though most are garbage
I like roguelikes but i hate it when they are implemented in long strategy games
It's not a roguelike, retard.
i swear i've seen them
caption this then
PD is cute! CUTE!
You've only seen the MS Paint edit of that image. Trust me, there are none.
some are decently balanced, i used a Guts mod that had a canon arm that dealt massive damage but was a one time use per battle and put marked on him
caption it
Let them live.
its SS13 all over again
what are your hopes and expectations for DD2? we've had zero news since the announcement
UFO XCOM or Firaxis XCOM? Cause the original XCOM was a shit ton less forgiving than the new XCOM.
Pro-tip for old XCOM, leave your best troops in the back and have your new guys be spotters. Will save you a lot of pain.
>That Siren poster
there's a new game coming? since when?
Love the battle theme.
Refund the game.
It's a grindfest. What you are supposed to do is buy new people, send them all into the dungeons to die and get as much loot as possible, then you buy more characters and do that over and over to make money for your real party you will use to actually make progress.
It's a massive grindfest. You will be going trough the first level dungeons with first level characters for 20 hours.
Trying to make actuall progress without grind is not possible. Every time they get sent into the dungeon they will gain illnesses and insanity which you can't treat without making the time pass, and time only passes when you go into the dungeon.
You can't send higher level characters into lower level dungeons so you are forced into trying to keep alive 4 high level characters and throwing all the other characters into the meat grinder.
Imagine being so stupid as to discount the Jester.
>you are supposed buy new people
>send them into dungeons to die
>then buy more characters
either you've never fucking played the game or are a fucking idiot
Everything for 2.5 is a lot?
What the hell do you mean "everything"? The game with all DLCs? Because that's 46€
2.5 what, gold bars? God you're retarded
since 3 months ago
Game is 5 bucks. Crimson Court is 5 bucks. Color of Madness is 5 bucks.
You should have enough characters to rotate through the dungeons, while giving your 'main' party enough time to rest and cure status ailments. Game slows to a grind where you replay the same dungeon over and over until you've upgraded enough to advance. Close fights come down to luck, and there's tons of shit to fuck with you.
shit, i've been living in a rock
Where am I supposed to find someone like this?
not really user, they dropped the trailer, we got a few threads at most about this then the team went silent ever since and no new info has come up
we were supposed to get some teaser or new info this E3, but seems like that got delayed
SCP game like DD when?
I thought the Crusader doesn't work with the Occultist.
there can be no hope in this hell... No hope at all...
>Dismas klepto's your Jute tapestry
>"Madness can take many forms, but none so contemptible as man's belief in a mythology of his own making. A world view buttressed by dogmatic desperation invariably leads to single-minded fanaticism, and a need to do terrible things in the name of righteousness. This man is an animal - rabid, destructive, and incapable of nuanced understanding.
He. Must. Be. Put. Down."
he always did, also the patched out that thing anyway
Kill yourself
I feel like that trailer was announcing that they were just starting development and we have another like 1 and a half or 2 years before the game actually comes out
>5 + 5 + 5 = 2.5
Just send in your high level party and retreat when you get fucked.
Occultist > Vestal
I met her on a local imageboard
few months later we met and now live together
What the fuck is a local imageboard? Is this a normie thing?
Flagellant is the fucking raddest motherfucker.
many countries have their 2chan equivalents, how new are you?
I don't think there's one for Australia then, or at least one popular enough to be the unofficial imageboard for Australia.
Nah, that's abomination.
I killed Vvulf with all my heroes alive, then lost two of them grabbing all the trinkets.
I'll miss my occultist, but I can always level a replacement and now at least the hardest part of the game is done.
I might even finish it this time!
You could get that town event that revives someone.
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with having the wiki page for curios open.
I feel like this game should be on my phone. WTF?
Roguelike is a subgenre of role-playing video game characterized by a dungeon crawl through procedurally generated levels, turn-based gameplay, tile-based graphics, and permanent death of the player character.
gee whiz you sure told me.
I think it's worth it losing one level 6 hero in order to grab those delicious ancestral trinkets. Remember that when you finish the first part of the Darkest Dungeon, your survivors will provide massive XP boosts to the other members while doing champion runs, so combine that with the fully upgraded stage coach and lategame becomes a bit faster.
Just remember to bring shuffle-able heroes for the first part, user.
The game literally has a memory function these days that shows you what items cause which general effect after you've used them once.
How would you react to Darkest Dungeon 2 being an epic exclusive? Would you care?
Anyone else play this game on switch like a tablet with its touch screen? It’s pretty nice and is the most comfy way to play
who cares almost everyone in this thread has probably pirated and knows how to pirate
Not really since it's a singleplayer game and I can pirate it.
I wish they made mobile version of this game
I just wouldn't play it. I've got other shit to react to.