Finding exclusive games for the PS4 is easy. What I'm looking for is worthwhile games from the PS2 and PS2 that you are remastered. Doesn't matter if you can emulate it, since obviously on a ps4 you could play it on a higher resolution and without any visual artifacts you often get with emulation. Examples:
Odin Sphere
Shadow of the Colossus
Gravity Rush
Kingdom Hearts I and II
God of War 3
Finding exclusive games for the PS4 is easy...
>Finding exclusive games for the PS4 is easy.
What world do you live in?
I mean it's easy to just google a page that will give you all the exclusives. I don't really get what you understood.
no ape escape 4
The PS4 barely has any worthwhile exclusives and most of the remasters/remakes sucked too. The Ratchet remake, for example, was the most disappointed I've been in a video game in a long while.
Are you retarded?
Second Son sucks ass. I'll never forgive Sony.
Are you? Save your fuckin cash and avoid these shit games.
Infamous 1 and 2 were great, second sun was a massive disappointment.
Cole isn't even dead.
Shit, they could have went with the evil ending and have it set years after the beast. Infamous was at its best when it was apocalyptic.
I could have forgiven everything if they at least gave us electric powers. What were they thinking.
But SotC PS4 is inferior to the PS3 version
SotC on the PS3 is bugged. Unironically your best option is to emulate.
Nobody asked for your (shit) opinion though. Do you not understand basic english? Because you seem confused.
The question is what the worthwhile remasters are.
The answer is that there are none. None that you listed - well, maybe KH if you like that kind of thing.
But sotc is a bad remaster and odin sphere, gravity rush, god of war are just bad games in general. Same for other games you didn't mention like uncharted, tlou and ratchet.
The only good one I can think of is Crash, although even that remake has its own problems.
I didn't list anything, I'm just shitting on you because you're being a retard. OP wants a list from which he will decide what is worthwhile himself.
Google can give you a list. The only reason to make a thread is to get discussion.
Some people are dumb and don't know how to google.
You seem to just not like them, because while I agree on Ratchet & Clank being disliked due to the missing content, what's the problem with Shadow of the Colossus? I played the original on PS2 and I think the remake on PS4 is such a far better game, the only problem is the lightning in certain scenes but I also didn't like the lightning in certain parts of the original when there was too much.
You can dislike Gravity Rush, Odin Sphere, etc. based on your own tastes, but saying they're bad as in it was a rule is just a no, I had more fun with both Gravity Rush and Gravity Rush 2 than most "better" games in this generation, a Gravity Rush is a great remaster because it actually improves graphically and is easier to control.
Same goes for the Uncharted series, first Uncharted is kinda mediocre and only play it if you want to have everything but I played the rest I think they're perfectly fine TPS, I understand why some people wouldn't like them since they don't do anything really special, but I really enjoyed my time with them.
And to answer OP question on some Remasters/Remakes for the PS4 from PS2, not all games did get a remaster, for example the examples you gave, GoW 3 and Gravity Rush are PS3 and PS Vita games respectively, some PS2 games were directly ported to PS4 with improves on the resolution on that part I recommend Wild ARMs 3, the GTA trilogy, Jak and Daxter Trilogy, War of Monsters, Bully, Destroy All Humans but it's getting a remake and overall there are plenty of good PS2 games on PS4.
If you want remasters overall, I enjoyed WipEout Omega Collection, Tearaway Unfolded and Dragon's Crown a lot.
You'll never have Bloodborne lel
The Ratchet remake sucked because of the gameplay, not because of the cut content.
Gravity Rush and Odin Sphere suck for simple and easily understood reasons, they suck because the level design is insipid and repetitive and so are the gameplay mechanics. They're the flipside to overproduced western AAA trash that only gets a pass because it looks pretty.
The PS2 ports are fine in general I guess but not all that noteworthy.
There are problems in some of these, for example GTA has cut content and Jak & Daxter has broken directional inputs.
We finally got into the good stuff at the end though. I don't care about Vanillaware one bit but Wipeout is a nearly perfect remaster. Shame about the sound design though. Tearaway is also a great game but I hesitate to call it a remaster because it's quite different from the Vita iteration.
I have a PS4 and I have Bloodborne. I'd have sold the console already if it weren't for that. Well, and a version of Wipeout with a locked framerate.
Gravity Rush and Odin Sphere Leifthrasir are both really good, though.
>SotC on the PS3 is bugged
Not the guy you replied to, but I fucking HATE this.
For real. Fucking why? How come they spent all the time and effort to fucking remake the remaster from fucking scratch, and yet they couldn't spare some effort to just fucking patch their damn remaster! Fuck them!
Patch it already you fucks! I am not buying your new abomination.
PS2 remasters on PS3 are all buggy as fuck. Jak and Ratchet both have major graphical glitches. It's a real shame because they'd otherwise be the ideal way to play those games.
No excuse not to get Deception IV, senpai.
You have perfect reasons to dislike on Gravity Rush but I can't agree with you on the level design, I think the world was great, exploring around it and the movement felt refreshing and while the combat was the biggest downside I think the freedom of movement compesates for it, is not a perfect game by any means but at least for me it's one of the few games I like to replay once in a while.
Fix them please!
Seriously. You have no idea how much respect for Sony I've lost this side of the decade. Fuck.
At this point Sony is not gonna do shit with the PS4, you better hope the whole backwards compatibility up to PS1 thing is true and they improve on it with the PS5 or else we're out of luck, but Sony is not gonna work on PS4 anymore as their main focus now is PS5, specially since Microsoft has already teased Xbox Scarlett on E3.
The PS5 will play PS4 games by default, but you'll have to buy your PS2 and PS3 games for a third time. Mark my words.