So what's Solus' role gonna be when he inevitably turns into a trust?
>Mysterious nigga is BLM trust
>Y'shtola is also BLM trust
What's with the redundancy?
>An entire expansion and 5 content patches dedicated solely to Solus shitposting
Jesus christ, I can't wait.
Solus will just follow your party around and taunt and shittalk you the entire time, no contribution in combat.
>you can kill him but he'll just keep coming back
He also takes up healer slot because fuck you.
They know BLM is the only caster you need now in the selfish DPS SHB design
They better not hype him up just to kill him off at the end of 5.0. Asahi was a little shit but God damn was he a lolcow, I'd hate to see Solus disappear just as fast, especially because of how much of a trollish prick he is.
>implying DNC isn't going to be busted as fuck and meta to cater to the tr*nnies
Nah, Solus has plans that reach beyond even what the head Shadownigger seems to be doing, he's gonna be around for quite some time.
I finally finished obtaining my Lost Allagan set.
Was thinking of spending my remaining seals on mount speed scrolls.
Which maps are worth it?
The Beast Tribe quest zones first and foremost?
And also, are hunts worth it anymore when you no longer need the seals?
It seems like spamming Beast Tribe quests is way more efficient.
But Solus is the current head shadownigger since Lahabrea kicked the bucket isn't he? Elidibus seems to be something else entirely.
Momodi is my wife, you can keep those harlots
How much time would it take to grind all the shit from the feast? is it too late
And by grind I mean it
mount speed scrolls are worthless because flying is always faster and isn't affected by scrolls. You only need the 2.x maps.
MKF in that order.
I would expect nothing less, hopefully they learned from SBs writing mistakes though. They rushed it way too much. Would be nice to see it get drawn out a bit.
All the other Shadowniggers have always seemed to bend their knees whenever Elidibus got involved, Solus seems to be the only one working outside of their usual channels. Hell, he seems to be uniquely aware that Zodiark is a sham.
They help a little bit for gathering.
Marry: Y'sthola
Fuck: Alisaie
Kill: Yugiri
>E3 build kills 3m prepull for SMN
I noticed that trend among all the changes to jobs and I like. It's a shame AST cards had to be killed but I'm still going to prefer this over what we have now.
Marry Y'shtola, disregard the others.
I thought we already know that after seeing the Aetherflow change?
The question was whether you could get 4 stacks of Ruin IV and cycle into Firebird Trance before the pull, and you just can't use any pet actions prepull at all now.
YFW he's an expy of Don Corneo and forces all women including the girl Scions in your group he will capture to wear bee outfits or skimpy princess Leia style slave bikinis
JP Solus sounds less evil.
Marry Alphinaud, fuck Yugiri, kill Y'shtola
>The question was whether you could get 4 stacks of Ruin IV and cycle into Firebird Trance before the pull
Ah, Christ. People really love to make it harder for themselves don't they?
sounds unoriginal enough to be true.
Are there any relatively small DRK swords? Since I'm a roleplaying faggot I don't want my character to be swinging around the fucking Dragonslayer or some hideous 7 foot long glowing abomination
For casters there's a plethora of humble armor and weapon options but most melee gear looks ridiculous even by high fantasy standards
Well he gets his mask on which means hes gonna actually be fighting. If it's with you is another question.
Then there's Varis who Solus had been trolling on a grand scale. Guy was looking like a somewhat reasonable emperor then the council shit happened and now he looks like he could be full on maniacal tyrant if that slasher smile is anything to go by.
Nodachi exist, but it's still a long sword even if it's a small one.
There are some zweihanders in the level 50ish range. I personally like Skofnung the most. There's also Balmung which you can get in mor dhona.
Pretty much almost every dungeon drops are like that.
Some notable one is Zweihander from Sohm Al.
By small, do you mean height or width?
the smallest DRK swords resemble real life greatswords or flamberges, all of them are level 60 or lower from dungeons and crafting
I quite like Balmung personally
Skofnung from sohm al is what you might be after.
Marry Yugiri, fuck Yugiri, kill none because I don't want to deny other anons from marrying their waifu.
Width primarily, I play a max height male elezen so a tall sword isn't nearly as ugly as one that looks like it's made of plastic with a three inch cutting edge
what's his endgame?
oops skofnung are other dungeon drops are going to be your best bet for non wea boo boo tier loot.
I miss him bros.
Balisarde from Aurum Vale
That looks really nice, how hard is it to farm?
>"Trimming armors for free" kind of scams are still effective in 2019
My fucking sides.
Somethings never change I guess.
New race naming conventions fucking when?
You can just solo it in like 5-10 mins on any level 70 job and hope for that sweet 1/15 drop at the end.
You can solo sohm ai easily. Probably would be fastest with RDM, but any job would do.
They're probably just using their gold chocobo feathers to buy dyes and make gil off that, but you can't trade them so they have to go through this method.
You can get banned for this, especially when everything is recorded in the game's log.
What's the most OP job for random Frontlines PvP.
Sohm Al is easy to solo quickly at 70, it took me nearly 60 runs for it to drop but my friend got it on his second run. The chest to the right before Tioman can also drop weapons as well if you plan on getting it.
a sam with a full kenki bar
Bard is very strong, it's very easy to get fucked with melee in there.
Summoner, Machinist, any healer
>stormblood introduced a guaranteed loot drop system
>but it excludes the most crucial dungeons for ilvl grinding and weapons, the most important slot for gear
I really hope they update this in 5.0. We shouldn't be grinding dungeons like this.
Give it to me straight, DRK bros...
I haven't touched this shit heap since the glory HW days.
How's it lookin' in Shadowbringers?
that's just a reskinned low level crafted sword
Still shit.
MCH definitively.
They have the strongest burst with ammos, Wildfire and Between the eyes.
And unlike BRD you don't feel like you're hitting like a wet paper.
BRD is the second best choice tho.
very strong but also not very complex, you will never get HW level of finesse required to play DRK again
my dude, its looking bad...
1 combo, dark arts gone for a ogcd that does dmg and gives 10% dmg up for 30s
and you get ir lite and a glorified dot
Less spammy but everything else looking pretty much to be the same.
It's not what you want but the Oni Club from PvP is great
Hey guys if I get 170 ping to US servers should I just play there, or is 130 ping worth it to go to tonberry.
unoriginal but not entirely unwelcome.
I could literally feel my IQ rising whenever I pressed low blow when the button lit up
I'd say tonberry is worth it, there's a big oceanic community there too
They have very strong OGCD but will feel like a shittier WAR with the new Delirium v3.0 that let them spam Bloodspiller and Quietus for 10sec.
bloodspiller is gonna look so fucking dumb when you press it 5 times in a row
I wish they could make it sound cooler or more powerful too.
I'm pretty sure that's Ringabel's DRK outfit.
>TFW when PLD, the most MMO tank of MMOs, fucking sword and board vanilla tank... will be more fun and engaging to play than the flashiest tank of the 4
They just removed the middle man and now you only do one combo with a load of blood OGCDs all day. I'm going to max it first regardless but I wouldn't be surprised if I dropped it.
Do any Red Mage weapons have no offhand crystal? If not which ones have the least ugly looking ones, I want to look like a one handed fighter without just rolling PLD and using emperor's shield
Tonberry is where the Australians/SEA are.
>flashiest tank of the 4
that's gunbreaker though
then stop being a fag and wait for gunbreaker. shields are cool. the rdm focus crystal is cool. invisible shield glamours were a big fat mistake
And when, pray tell, did Yea Forums last have a good FFXIV thread?
Over a hundred bleedin' years ago, that's when!
Black Mages not really changed that much huh?
>This statement is actually true because SE keeps on removing cool animations from DRK
You can't change perfection.
Isn't the gunbreaker weapon two handed? I guess they use one hand to reload sometimes
I feel you 1h sword bro but the best option for a low presence crystal would probably be the Hellhound Tuck but lmao good luck
I dont get why RDM couldnt have just shot spells from the tip of the sword or slung them with their offhand, or even Witcher sign shit would uave been fine
>WAR main since 2.something
>tfw I'm gonna drop it for GNB
I'm sorry my love, the lionheart calls to me
They mostly use it as one-handed weapon.
I think only Burst Strike and Danger/Blasting Zone used 2 handed animation.
Fuck this glam
only changes to blm were easier maintenance of umbral ice / astral fire, single target foul, and 2 polyglot stacks
They're getting more AoE they absolutely dont fucking need, no AoE encounter lasts long enough as it is for that shit to matter
Just get rid of leylines yoshi you fucktard, what a garbage mechanic
>Plant yourself in place to DPS, in a game where fights are movement intensive
>Single target Flare
>Single target fucking Foul
Dont forget the single target foul (xenoglossy) is INSTANT
Neat. Do they get to do the iconic crossbones slash all the garleans do?the fact they introduced a completely different type of gunblade out of nowhere instead of the ones we've been seeing for three expansions is just bizarre to me
Sorry let me clarify, they could have just made foul do what xenoglossy does and have flare do whatever despair does different but keep the AoE
And then they could have added other shit
Nope. They using FF8-styled Gunblade and moveset.
FF8 is the bullet vibrates the blade instead of actually firing right?
So whats the ShB meta going to be?
Yes, you should go watch Shadowbringer cinematic trailer to see it in action.
your favorite job is at a smooth playing, aesthetic pinnacle of what it can be, but a new expansion is coming up
what would you do to keep it fresh without pissing off that job's players?
Leylines is the only thing that remotely requires any skill and knowledge for BLM
Play Gunbreaker, playstyle seems the most similar to HW DRK.
probably something boring and predictable like drk/pld/dnc/brd/drg/nin/ast/sch because muh buffs and muh dps simulations despite the game not being released yet
I thought about this but then your character looks like a weak shit, having slow animations suited to a bulky greatsword for swinging around a longsword.
Lmao no it fucking doesnt. Leylines disappears in the blink of an eye, they might as well make it a traditional on-self buff
reminder that the EN version was used at the JP fanfest
JP is the dub
Nothing changes except dnc maybe replacing bard.
desu drk/pld being meta would be thematic
a shame it'll probably be war and gnb
Add on to it and reinforce what makes it good obviously
>X class summons Giga Niggamut and people love it
>4 min CD added that turns it into Super Mega Ultra Chadhamut for 10 secs
With the tours number it seems to be
It will probably change with the final patch note.
EN is the canon version.
That can't happen with the new party bonus system that require one job of each role to get full damage bonus.
WAR/PLD, since WAR still has the best utility, including Holm, and PLD seems to be right behind it
SCH/AST, because SCH still has Chain Stratagem, and AST still has cards, and WHM still has nothing
DNC is probably a lock, thanks to Standard Step being permanently up, and because Saber Dance is retarded
SMN is probably a lock as well, since BLM is too "selfish", and RDM has little utility besides chain ressing
DRG will still be there even without pierce debuff
and of course, NIN for Trick Attack.
The only thing that remains to be seen is if all the buffs to healing skills don't end up creating a solo healer meta.
It can, there will be double anyways.
>they used english language at an english language event
Marry Y'Shtola, let her put me in a cage, make me listen to when she fucks hrothgar bulls. Humiliate me infront of Alisae, making Alisae disgust me for being such a beta cat boy, she humiliates and punishes me. And I thank Yugiri for helping free The Bull of Ala Mhigo so he can fuck Alisae as I'm powerless to stop it.
>the eldest and most powerful...of primals
Go home Solus you're a stupid cutscene skipper.
Diamond Rapier's crystal is very small and you can also dye it without affecting the main weapon too much.
you got serious issues you fucking NTR fetish loser, go play in traffic
>and AST still has cards, and WHM still has nothing
Actually I wouldn't be so sure.
WHM pDPS seems to be high enough compared to AST or SCH that they may replace them.
Especially since they have absolutely 0 way to get OOM now.
The Japanese fanfest has barely ANY gaijin you retard
>waaah i can't do good dps on this class make it like every other class
Unironically git gud
Exact same except DNC instead of BRD.
Are they gonna change the default midlander in ShB?
WHM still has the problem of having very little in the way of oGCD healing though, forcing them to lose GCDs where both other healers can oGCD heal instead. That might balance it out.
I hope so
need me that stubble
I want to fuck that cat
Swap BRD with SMN, and you've probably got it. People aren't going to want to miss out on the free damage buff from having every role in the party.
>So what's Solus' role gonna be when he inevitably turns into a trust?
Either Blue Mage or Mime. If Mime, will be introduced as a mix-and-match-any-skill-wear-any-gear limited job.
Unless they force you to use casters like with Ultima.
They can't force a caster LB3 in every fight though, and the free damage buff from having a caster is enough of an incentive anyway.
No, BLU is for Tataru. Joke job for the joke character.
That's why you get a Nero glamour rolling
Tataru is Arcanist.
For now.
I want to go back to being a rogue.
Eh, BLU already takes the piss with its own concept, I got a chuckle out of the opening cutscenes with it where you have to bonk a kraken to death just to learn your first spell. I probably wouldn't chuckle the third or fourth time since Tataru would suck badly enough she'd still be an auto-attack bot two or three trusts in.
Too bad, goy. First you get to watch Thancred use Shukuchi as a ROG and now you get to watch him use it as a GNB.
>FC member getting every single eureka weapon to "gear up" for ShB
Will he even resemble a human being by the time he finishes?
tfw so many good jobs from the FF universe and we get all the shitty boring ones
The wait is hitting some people hard.
I really like how the base classes affect the adv jobs in the lore
>no THM into DRK
The jobs aren't boring by themselves, it's the XIV team that makes them boring.
Glam is the true endgame
Well if there's a time to do it it's now. Eureka is going to be completely dead forever once the expansion hits.
what's even missing? I can think of chronomancer and viking and what else that'd be cool?
>fire iv but the fire is your anger
ROG -> NIN I like just for being a cheeky little nod to class-changing in FF1.
>not using real drk weapon
any tank
a farming tool is not a weapon
Back to the meadows
Not him, but for me personally, Beastmaster, Gunner(MCH doesn't count because it's an engineer now) and Chemist.
They don't know how to do anything but shitty and boring though. Their catastrophic attempt at Blue Mage is enough evidence of that.
>Implying they won't make you farm both Eureka and Eureka mkII for ShB's relics.
>Do any Red Mage weapons have no offhand crystal?
No, dum-dum. That's the whole point of Red Mage. They channel aether through the crystal.
>npc armour
gayer than a pile of naked male roes
look at these filthy zoomers
>mog station
But 13 out of the 16 are hideous
Reminder that his true name is Emet-Selch.
>man who pays for mtx calls others zoomers
>Story originally written in Japanese by Japanese people
>Somehow imagine that the English version is not the dub
Yes they already said this ingame when Gaius hinted at a """mysterious""" Ascian
Beside FF11 when did DRK used a Scythe?
>paying for virtual items
>calling others zoomers
>Element: Death
>Hurr flashy bad
Moron, the point of an MMO is to stand out.
>meet fuccboi cat with two different colored eyes
>red eye turns out to be a sign of being descended from ancient Allag royalty
>Allagans degenerated into catfuckers
Well then
Time Mage
Actual Archer and Rogue/Thief and Summoner and Blue Mage
Mystic Knight
Divine Knight
Good. Any too unique jobs (see BLU) would have to be butchered to fit in XIV's restrictive combat system, so it's better they stick to the already generic ones.
Yes ever do our aching souls point heavensward as they've done for so long
cant blame them
ff5 mimic would be fun but impossible to balance, even BLU is too hard for them.
>He doesn't know
nearly all of those already have their themes covered by an existent job already
He's literally an allagan experiment.
There was no fucking involved.
They should just remake XI pre-abyssea with VIIR graphics so they can add all the unique jobs.
makes sense for him to be pushing that black rose deployment
>VIIR graphics
They can add a potato mode.
so lets see:
BRD, NIN, SMN and BLU's desiccated corpse
doesnt exist (yet)
crafting job
doesnt exist (yet)
>Actual Archer and Rogue/Thief and Summoner and Blue Mage
What? You don't like being forced to class change to BRD, to NIN, being a ripoff of WoW Warlocks or being a minigame?
Yoshida is a fucking hack.
This is your entire new hotbar
Say something nice about it
Silly user, necromancer is already a title!
You can change Beastmaster to
>doesnt exist (yet) (but will be limited when it does)
t.neon dye user
Flashy is fine, most of the anemos and pyros weps look good. Too bad the final step looks ugly as sin
>>tfw "You are still a good person" stops being true
Guys I'm not sure I'm ready for mr bones wild ride in shadowbringers. What if we sacrifice everything and still lose
i'm sad that they kept the heated shot animations, they are truly god awful
well yeah, same with necromancer presumably. both also got teeny-tiny mentions around the media tour, but nothing confirming or hinting to anything
I bet you think metallic dye wearers use it because they like how it looks.
Honestly, you're either retarded or the most naiive person alive. You think people drive Audis and BMWs because they care about how well those cars perform?
You've got a lot to learn about the world kid.
>Time Mage
Supposedly AST but all their Time Mage like skills are being deleted in ShB beside Gravity...
Supposedly ACN since both of them use calculation to attack and heal.
Aren't Templar just Paladins with Spear?
>Actual Archer and Rogue/Thief
Fair enough
It's actually getting a new summon, that's the second 2 expansion in a row, what do you want more?
>Blue Mage
I guess that's fair.
t. the guy in a slutglam dancing in Limsa while being a male roe.
And it will still clip.
What the fuck is wrong with your hotbar? It looks messy man, at least clean it up before you parade it. You disgust me.
looks great for controller play!
>click and forget
>click and forget
>click and forget
>spam when oh or oh/wf
>fancy click and forget
i sure love the new mch, cant wait to not play it for another 2 years again
>Time Mage
Part of Astrologian.
Part of Conjurer (by theme) and Astrologian (by lore).
Loosely part of Arcanist but different enough that it could be made a separate job I guess.
>Actual Archer
Bard has been more archer than bard since Heavensward.
>Actual Rogue/Thief
Still part of Ninja, but they need to add a toggle for rogue animations already.
>Actual Summoner
Your IQ is below room temperature.
>Actual Blue Mage
Current Blue Mage undeniably IS an actual Blue Mage, they just need to uncuck it and make it able to do all the things a real job can.
>Necromancer, Chemist, Mystic Knight
Would be cool.
Probably has even less of a chance of becoming a real job than Blue Mage does.
>Divine Knight
Only one more expansion until we're at WoW-levels
>When people weren't lying and the Dark Knight quest line is actually really good for a class quest line
Damn I feel like an idiot for putting this off for so long.
>Not hiding empty hotbar slots so they don't clutter the screen
>they just need to uncuck it and make it able to do all the things a real job can.
Problem is, they will never do that, because they think (probably rightfully) that people will be stupid enough to run content without ever bothering to learn their spells.
This is a summoner from 1992, 27 years ago. Look at all these things they summon.
Just wait for egi glamour :^)
90% of these things are either not worth summoning or are replaced as you level.
yeah it's pretty fuckin solid, especially the capstone quests.
i like that WAR embraced how fuckin silly it got.
Do we know if there are any changes to the E3 build compared to the media tour stuff?
Some SMN changes, Egi Assaults and DWT don't work prepull now. Nobody else posted anything.
Stone and Aero being removed from WHM is a massive hint at Geomancer being the next healer in 6.0.
Beastmaster and Puppeteer were mentioned as possible Limited Jobs, and Necromancer was namedropepd by Yoshida recently, albeit as part of a joke.
>Stone and Aero being removed from WHM is a massive hint at Geomancer being the next healer in 6.0.
But they're not being removed, they still remain below level 72.
>thinking about leveling alt
send help
go for it, you'll just get bored before level 20
I'm about to start tanking, what are important do's and don'ts so I don't look like a complete shitter
always dilate before doing dungeon
don't underpull or overpull, don't lose aggro and you're already better than the average DF drooler
Hit all the enemies with your AOE so they don't run off to kill everyone else in your party.
There, you're now a passable leveling dungeon tank.
rotate CDs between pulls, generally dont need them for bosses unless you're in 50+ content and plan dropping tank stance
Turn the mobs away from the party, use your defensive cooldowns, even on trash packs, right click off any regen effects outside of combat if your HP is full, make sure to pick up every enemy, and keep your tank stance up until you know the content enough to go without.
Also, don't pull with Provoke: all it does is give a single point of aggro if used pre-pull.
>even on trash packs
especially on trash packs, dungeon bosses hit like wet noodles with like 2 exceptions
Holy shit guys broil 1 and 2 got removed from SCH, they're about to add a new broil mage job! Chef?
use defensive cooldowns -before- reaching critical health
so many bad tanks don't realize the best way to use defensive skills is before you even take damage in the first place
Use high aggro skills to ensure the mobs hit you, rotate defensive cds during fights, and keep your gear relatively updated.
Provoke is useful for many pulls in the game but you do have to follow it up with actual aggro skills.
In ShB Provoke will actually make aggro but we don't know how much.
If we're going strictly off of stacking raid buffs, MNK's Brotherhood is actually higher net potency than DRG's Litany now. 5% damage is almost equal to 10% crit in net damage, and while it won't affect healers or the SMN the healers won't be doing as much damage in ShB and Brotherhood has literally double Litany's uptime.
What the fuck did he mean by this?
>the SMN
user... I'm so sorry...
When is Hildi going to fuck the cat
i wanna play fat cat. wtf Yoshi
to be fair, they're only now getting a second meaty summon
hes gona hit shit with a book, no speels or nothing
cus everytime he speeks its a fucking lore bomb
Because the jp vos suck and only autistic weebs like them. Solus is medium build middle aged man. He sounds like medium build middle aged man in Japanese. This is the best japs can do with voices. No nuance.
You also use foreign vos to endure terrible writing but since ffxiv's writing is half decent, you might as well use the English ones. Even though alphi has one of the worst English vas the writing makes him bearable if not somewhat endearing. Meanwhile in Japanese I get the same flat insectoid affect I'd get from a character of similar stature and archetype.
Autistic tranny weebs will literally seethe if you tell them this though, listening to jap vo's was their only pillar of superiority over the plebs once everyone realised how babby tier ffxiv content is.
b-but egi glamours finally coming in 5.1
If there were usable scythes I didn't have to buy, that would be something else.
What, you expect BLM or RDM to be meta? RDM will still be better for prog, but prog isn't meta, most metacucks don't even know the difference between prog and regular gameplay.
I quite like the French dub
How fucking long do we have to wait before Alisaie is 18? I want to legally fuck her already.
Why would you respond to the shitposter you retard?
Literally nothing wrong with SMN in ShB
She's legal in my country. I still wouldn't, teenagers aren't attractive.
eorzea has no aoc
we're not garlean or sharlayan
I really don't need to know what this guy has in his pants.
yeah that's a nice one too.
But wait, she's Sharlayan...
Truly savages.
It's just like playing a traditional SMN from other final fantasy games!
Is high allagan coat of fending the most overrated glamour or what?
Elezen canonically don't get their growth spurt until age 20.
the one nice bit in that shitshow of a questline
If anything SMN is TOO powerful still.
>Insane potencies and burst
>Buffed Devotion that lines up with AST's own AoE party buff
>Completely mobile
Name ONE reason to play a caster other than SMN. The power gap is insane at this point.
>weeb tranny loser who relies on the fact that he uses jp vo's to feel superior has to put his fingers in his ears to avoid a meltdown
Lmao clockwork
Green Mage confirmed!
>Solus is medium build middle aged man. He sounds like medium build middle aged man in Japanese.
Nah I'm just shitposting because SMN has no business being RDM but better, and I dislike playing ruin mage as it's the least fun of the 3 casters. By Alphascape most groups did not even prog with RDM.
truly the best continent
>still spams ruin 3
>pet rotation stuff was a lie
>still plays itself
Fuck this job when are they going to shed it
ah, another debuff-centric class in a game where three casts and the enemy becomes completely immune to the effect, if they're not immune from the get-go cries in BLU
>The age of consent in Garlemald is 18
>The age of consent in Othard is 13
>Eorzea has no age of consent
"I'm tired...just so tired."
50-60 isn't as good because it's about Raiden and his loli elf slave
it doesn't have a sword
I switched to JP mid-SB because I couldn't stand how terrible Yotsuyu's english VA was and Fordola having a distinct accent that didn't match Garleans or other Ala Mhigans, seemingly for no reason at all really fucked with me.
But for ShB I might switch back because everyone else seems to generic and dry. Even the big names they get are just phoning it in for this job.
This is what I dislike the most, rdm have piss all, no damage, just raise. If you think vercure is worth a shit you're a nigger. They use vercure and verraise as a way to justify lower damage though, which is retarded.
Why haven't any of the E3 faggots uploaded tooltips?
I hope he forces the boys into that as well, especially Thancred and Alphinaud.
And then you get to 58 and you get one of the best job quests in the entire game.
Fucking moogles.
Good. Pets are shit and the less they focus on them the better.
You do know that most jobs currently have debuffs with no immunity right
>Since I'm a roleplaying faggot
Evidently not since you're attempting to roleplay another setting instead of Final Fantasy.
verraise does have value in prog, it just falls flat on its ass quickly after that
>eorzea has no aoc
I'm off to Idleshire lads!
>Name ONE reason to play a caster other than SMN.
I want to actually have fun while playing the game, not work my way around pet animation locks while being a safety net for the healers so they can be even more braindead.
How do we make classes interesting and fun despite being chained down by the archaic holy trinity of Tank/Healer/DPS?
When are they bringing Ring of Thorns back?
Make the fights interesting.
Speaking of, just reached 50 on my DRK, is the armor i get good enough for now or should i get that Ironworks one?
Okay stay in your extreme trials then
Always Ironworks. Ironworks, once augmented, is item level 130. The coffer gear is usually 70 or so IIRC? And item level is king.
Fights can never be interesting if the jobs are boring.
$5 Mogstation emote
Just hit 60 on my DRK the other day, that quest was something.
RDM is easy but fun
Calling it archaic doesn't explain why it couldn't be interesting and fun.
that implies that the team cares enough to implement it properly. and 90% of all class' debuffs are resistible, with the exception of DoTs and longass cooldowns
But the fights themselves are a good starting point for fixing shit.
Ironworks it is then, thanks user.
>No RoT spam to annoy people
Feels bad lads
>Guild Wars 2 tries to remove the holy trinity
>comes out completely garbage
>stocked up on ilvl 270 gear, energy drinks and snacks
>got a friend down to powerlevel all day with me
>watched and read all the autistic analysis content on the class
Seconding Ironworks. I had a tank in AF armor at 60 while I was in Shire, he couldn't hold aggro for shit and had as much HP as me. Don't underestimate ilvl
>/xivg/ avatarfags are back
everything we did....
everything we gave....
I really hope if they ever introduce a 2nd set of Trust members that Arbert and his crew become pickable or at least bring them back in some form other than the duty quests
what vendor
I've seen that lizards butt if that's any consolation
I'm not so sure. I think they're gone gone sadly.
What do you mean, where i got the gear from?
The ones in Idyllshire sell 260 gear and the materials you need to upgrade them to 270, also there's a goblin in Idyllshire giving out a weekly quest where you can get a 270 accessory for cleaning Dun Scaith.
Yes we get it, you're a mongoloid who likes dubs, we don't need an essay on why you like eating shit.
I've fucked that lizard's butt and mouth.
Let them rest.
>where to get tanking stuff
Gee I don't know user
They'll be back as ghosts/memories that motivate and empower us like Haurchefant and Ysayle
What are the chances we get a Sin Eater version of the best minion (Wind-up Succubus?)
About 98%
God I want Khloe's hairstyle so bad.
Extremely high honestly.
I don't that's true, i'd remember that...
Anyone who progs without rdm is a retard
>tfw you can't stop reading or watching videos about gunbreaker
From as far back as ninja's announcement, this is the first new job that's gotten me this anxious to play it.
It was a long time ago...
They're dead. Their quests are going to be flashbacks/echo. It's also been a hundred years since they went home since Heavensward, so they're double dead.
I can only hope we get art of her inevitable sister then.
anal slut
Please let there be an Ultimecia Minion
Fuck off to /xivg/. Talk about the game here or don't talk at all.
Posting it
>Minfilia was watching the entire time
Huhh why's that? It seems honestly pretty simple, especially with the simplification of aggro mechanics.
Is there something about it that you don't get yet?
Were you a cat boy or femroe..?
But i'm talking about the game, you're the one who's metaposting. lol
I've seen that lizard suck off a horse
Why didn't she stop it?
futa Au ra...
anxious as in eager, I want the 28th to get here already.
what number is our world? the first is where we're going and they've mentioned the 13th before. but what is ours?
The Source
>o12s world first players are all retards
>uwu world first players are all retards
>ucob world first players are all retards
Sorry dude RDM was in bad fucking shape in the latter half of SB. SMN does way more damage, has full mobility, and still has a raise. Raise spamming like only RDM can has diminishing returns.
its the sorce the one the shards came from
Sorry Alisaie but you've been replaced
D-don't bring that up aaaa
Ohhhh yeah same here. haha
I really look forward to it, i haven't been this excited for a game launch since MHW.
Aren't we the source? Or did i misunderstand that, i think we're basically number 0.
The source
the dancer trainer better be a viera waifu
we are from the sorce yes bascily nr.0
Ask all you want, you aren't getting spoonfed
The important viera npc is a dancer.
Sorry bro, enjoy your hrothgar trainer.
What dungeons/trials outside of the MSQs are worth unlocking? Also post your HUD layout.
isnt that the floor of the Chrysalis?
All of them?????? wtf question is that
All the ones you like the glams of.
Only the latest ones for expert roulette
>GNB trainer is a Viera
>DNC trainer is a Hrothgar
That would make absolutely no sense, but it would be fun to see.
all of them
will trusts really be limited to such a small amount of NPCs? I was hoping they'd go FFXI and have a ton
wowfugee post
What would be the best leveling food to use when ShB arrive?
I've made 90 Rooibos Tea (Det/Crit), but they are a pain in the ass to make and I wonder if there's an easier "everyone can use it" kind of food to craft.
The Source might as well be 0. There are 13 other shards, 7(?) have fallen to calamties and don't exist anymore, one fell to the void, and the First is going to be bleached if we don't do something. There's 4 other worlds besides the above mentioned that may or may not be okay.
im still not happy with my layout especially in raids i seem to be so extremely focused on my hotbars to see when my abilities come up, years of being spoiled by wow addons has crippled my focus
You have to realize that FFXIV will never be as good as FFXI. We just gotta take whatever we can get.
Stfu Lyn
It doesn't seem to be the same system, they're just using the name. You only get a certain select few unique for each dungeon.
Every single one of them, why wouldn't you?
I got a new monitor so the spacing might be a bit miffed.
Everyone uses Shakshouka and it's just as easy to craft and just as cheap on the MB
>will trusts really be limited to such a small amount of NPCs?
Seeing the way they implement unique quirks for each character, I don't think there will be many Trust NPCs.
numpad? really?
I was going to use that excuse but I actually just never played too many MMOs and this is the first one I’m really into.
Ahw alright.
That would genuinely be hilarious, i'd love it.
Rude >:(
doesn't matter. most people use aldgoat milk from NPC afaik
np im a lore head and i know how strange and unspesific the lore can be sometimes
It was beautiful
I could see them putting in a lot more trust NPC over time, even for older content but the catch will be that there's only 4-6 for each dungeon. So like Thancred is a GNB in the 73 dungeon but in the 77 dungeon he might not be an option and instead be replaced with like a DRK NPC or something
I'm sure they'll expand on it down the line so we'll get niggas like Arenvald in our crew, I'm hoping that they revamp the squadron system with the new Trust AI
You are now aware that the writer behind it is in charge for ShB's MSQ.
I use flatbread
Is there somehwere that collates all the new updated tooltips from the e3 build?
that sucks kinda
mostly because I don't care about anyone in adventurer squadrons but there's a ton of forgotten NPCs like Fordola that I would use
Am I the only one who expects one of them to stab the other?
ok SE I am ready you can release 5.0 now
The DH of Shakshouka bother me a bit since I mainly use Healers and WAR tho.
I guess making lowlevel food just for the 3% exp bonus is also one way to do it.
Why are femlalas such size queens?
14-13 days let till early acsess
The extra stats are so insignificant they won't ever make a difference for leveling dungeons.
Just go ahead and use whatever is the cheapest NPC food you can find for the bonus exp.
>Finally unlock the rare Pirate aura Squadron
>But it doesn't matter anymore since you can glam all of them now
Do we know when exactly it'll start?
All of them.
>>lustful thoughts of Arbert's loins
>someone actually wrote this
>Titania: Wet, wet, wet!
>Titania: Bigger is better!
Koji needs to have sex.
Wrong pic.
This is the face of controller gods.
the 28th early acses
the seondth a few days later is ofical lauch
But he does. As Yoshi P's personal prostitude taking it in the ass because that's the only way he still has a job.
You know he was grinning like an asshole when he wrote that.
what is going on in the animation for dragon kick? it's so weird, like the mnk is on puppet strings
best lore
>not melding dh to healers
dude are you okay?
It's ||Redolent Rose||
yes, just cant wright for shit
Won't do much in encounters but it's a lot more damage when aoe'ing dungeon packs. I'm not complaining.
It's a somersault axekick that comes down vertically and then turns into a disco breakdance horizontal kick when it comes back around.
It's what this guy does but imagine if he landed on his hands and then changed his momentum to spin back to his feet, striking again in the process.
>decide to pick up MCH to be a flavor of the month shitter
>I spend more time staring at the fucking hotbar than the enemy
Holy shit people actually like this proc-based gameplay? How do you enjoy a class whose rotation is literally in the hands of Jesus and not yours?
Aymeric, having just seen a childhood friend slain by a member of his father's guard, says with mild concern like he just dropped his fork on the ground. "Lord Haurchefant!"
Aymeric, having just seen having just seen a childhood friend slain by a member of his father's guard, yells full of grief. "HAURCHEFANTO"
>Chad user, wearing the tin can armor set
"Who cares"
both dub and sub have there flaws dingus
I like my crit adlo being big so I usually go crit/det
Stop bullying dubfags.
>>Chad user, wearing the tin can armor set, runs towards the body of his friend looking straight at his own feet while keeping his head and spine perfectly aligned
Shit dude I'm having the same issue. can't even rely on the +enhanced clean shot or whatever, because it has a bit of a delay compared to the icons lighting up. I only realised it after a good amount of time as I'm so used to playing other classes where you don't really need to spend 90% of your time looking at hotbars, hopefully the updated MCH changes this, I've not seen what the rework does
Wow 1% bigger when you could be seeing TWO exclamation marks on your broils
>rotation is literally in the hands of Jesus
Nothing wrong with that.
>A U G H T
wut ? i was just saying none of them are perfect
stupid armor messed with my head when I leveled WAR because I always felt like I was facing sideways
I don't deny that its retarded but that's just how I enjoy playing SCH.
I don't play MCH, but with the floating combat text I see when I get a buff, couldn't you use that?
do retainers have human rights
>Aymeric's childhood friend
I haven't played this game since 4.1 and I've forgotten how to do social interactions in MMOs, Jesus fucking Christ.
Can somebody post the DRK edit of WORLD IS A FUCK
It will be Guillaunaux
Yotsuyu sounds like a chainsmoking whore which is canonically what she is.
Sorry I mixed up Estinein and the other side story with Francel. The point remains.
>Fordola having a distinct accent that didn't match Garleans or other Ala Mhigans
All Ala Mhigans including Fordola have a Yorkshire accent though.
When you hit the button that gives the mob the debuff does it apply it immediately or do I have to wait for the next gcd before I can use a ogcd?
>Solus is medium build middle aged man. He sounds like medium build middle aged man in Japanese. This is the best japs can do with voices. No nuance.
So in order for a dub to be good, everyone should be horribly miscast and sound nothing like their character? I got good news for you then user, Yuyuhase's JP voice is right up your alley.
>using tranny tags to spoiler on Yea Forums
>try the 50-60 roulette since i've been in all of those dungeons except one
>get that one fucking dungeon
Fuck off.
If you cancel the animation with an oGCD it will apply the buff at the start of the next animation so your oGCD will snapshot it. It used to not work that way but they fixed it sometime back in early 3.0
The point doesn't remain because he has no reason to be grief-stricken over someone he's mildly acquainted with. Compare to the Final Steps of Faith scene where he's worried for his old friend Estinien.
>Recognizing it
As bad as the ones that "smell out" reddit.
Fantastic reading comprehension there, you fucking moron.
That's how you do it.
The only english voice that's better is Tataru's. Nip Tataru is ear-explodingly high-pitched.
everyone uses it except retards or people with no friends
no excuse for not remembering where you are
Marry all 3, I couldn't bear to make any of them sad
They are both head shadowniggers, there were three and they are the remaining two
>its desc is another quip about that damn Goldsmith
How do you explain Tri disaster then, because when I hit fester after it I get no affect message?
>Marry all 3
>I couldn't bear to make any of them sad
That's literally the only attempt at a real argument in your post though. You said that characters sounding like what they should sound like is "no nuance" and "flat and boring" because you have extreme autism and believe that it's impossible for a dub to be good unless it's constantly throwing LE FUNNY BRITBONG VOICE XD at you
>tfw thinking there's DRK job-specific dialogue in ShB but then realize the guy in the trailer was talking about a dark night and not a dark knight
ily lyn
>Solus is medium build middle aged man. He sounds like medium build middle aged man in Japanese. This is the best japs can do with voices. No nuance.
Here you're implying that Solus sounding like a medium build middle aged man lacks nuance, as if it's a bad thing to cast characters properly.
Fester and Bane are bullshit and snapshot when you use them instead of when the animation goes out like every other attack in the game so you have to delay those a bit.
I'm not even the poster you replied to but he was clearly talking about how every single voice in Japan is typecast. There are only a handful of voices that are applied to every character based on their build and personality. There's zero range. The muscular guy will always sound the same, the evil bishi will always sound the same, the ara-ara lady will always sound the same.
>flood of darkness is upgraded to flood of shadow
name itself feels like a downgrade desu
He's talking about both. It's just clever writing. They haven't had a "dark night" in a long time, but they also haven't had a "dark knight" in a long time either. Of course it's referring to the player as a dark knight and not a Dark Knight, because it's probably the same line regardless of your job.
Are you genuinely fucking autistic? Context clues, nigger.
People who think this is the "Dark knight expansion" are going to be as disappointed as Dragoons, Monks and Samurai after Heavensward and Stormblood.
>TFW leveled MNK for SB and all you got was one line when unlocking an EX roulette dungeon
It's not clever writing, it's only that way in the English version because it's a homophone.
HW really was the dragoon expansion though.
the Balmung (rowena tokens in Mor Dhona) and the Diamond Greatsword (O8s) are pretty slim compared to most greatswords, the Balmung is a nice and thin red long blade and the Diamond Greatsword is nice in a rough and jagged sort of way
>flood of death
would it have sounded better?
>I'm not even the poster you replied to but he was clearly talking about how every single voice in Japan is typecast
That's not what typecasting means user.
>There are only a handful of voices that are applied to every character based on their build and personality.
>There's zero range
>The muscular guy will always sound the same, the evil bishi will always sound the same, the ara-ara lady will always sound the same.
Just like English dubs. Especially XIV where everyone sounds like their archetype but with a british accent.
Blame Koji.
In JP, it upgrades from Ankoku (darkness, same as in Dark Knight = Ankoku-Kishi) to Shikkoku (pitch black, same as in the expansion name Shikkoku no Villains). I guess since in English the expansion is named Shadowbringers they named it Edge of Shadow.
I hate feeling like the only one who thinks they look stupid as shit as weapons, not even taking into account them being farming tools
>Koji stuck to the same naming theme but blame him for the expansion name the marketing department chose
One day the english release won't be horribly butchered and at many times weirdly localized.
One day...
What does the jap ShB name translate to?
>Neighborhood is fucking dead, no one is out of their house
>After the glitch the other day 2 of my neighbor lost their house
>Think I'm finally gonna have some activity
>The people who get the spots don't decorate their garden, close their homes and are never out
Jet-black Villains, with the word villains being an assigned reading for kanji that mean "traitors".
That's a faithful fucking translation and you're seething over it because nothing Koji does will make you autistic weeaboo faggots happy. Just learn Japanese and play it in pure Jap.
That's a cool goddamn name.
i wonder if this expansion is going to be good or not
i think it will be good :D
So when the japanese look at the title they're going "Oh damn. We're betraying the light."?
I feel like that shit takes a bit longer to pop up, while hotbar is instant. But I don't know. Maybe I'll try doing that instead. The GCD might help make the pop-up delay irrelevant anyways
All the expansion names are themed after colors in Japanese. The marketing department doesn't like that for the western audience because they decided westerners like snappy compound words. It's not up to Koji, he went through the entire naming process during the SB fanfest.
I think story-wise it will be miles above the boring snoozefest that was SB.
Content-wise it's unfortunately going to be the same as SB.
D-do you even get an email if you get cucked out of your house by the glitch?
Which glitch?
What's the glitch?
Honestly wish the housing system was more along the lines of the one Wildstar had, fuck apartments dammit i dont want to sit around all day clicking a fucking placard just to get a house
I'm 100% sure "Jet-black Villains/Traitors" would stick much more in potential players' minds than "Shadowbringer", just with how whacky it sounds in english.
I hate marketing departments for always ruining the fun in video games.
I Solus is telling the truth then it's inevitable we're going to "betray" Hydaelyn.
I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from unlocking the ARR 24-man raids. Even before the Moogle Tomestone event, the Alliance Roulette was still basically CT and nothing but.
God I miss Void Ark. Take me home. The music. The atmosphere. Fucking beautiful. I would pay to have CT REMOVED FROM MY ALLIANCE ROULETTES AAAAAAAAAAAAA
I'm like 90% certain Ishgard "housing" won't be a typical housing ward but a private housing instance with an outdoor component.
I really hope it is.
>God I miss Void Ark. Take me home. The music. The atmosphere. Fucking beautiful.
I'm not sure, I was still online so...
IIRC after the auto demolition was put back (like 2 or 3 days ago) if you aren't connected in the next 24 hours you will lose your house.
We'd probably get Cannoneer rather than Gunner at this point. Machinist is already Gunner/Edgar, and I can't recall Gunners actually having much in the way of unique abilities. It was all just Fireshot/Iceshot/Thundershot and some hilariously broken shit like Stopshot
>manage to get a small plot with 2 friends for our FC in the Goblet
>we are surrounded by several other FCs
>always several players hanging around either the central marketboard or their gardens
>make several friends and run roulettes/raids with them almost daily
>plenty of open lots, but slowly are getting filled up with more players to play with
>suddenly they introduce personal housing
>all houses are scooped up with no noticeable change in players hanging around
>several players stop logging in and there are no new FC's to bring in new people
>existing FC's collapse or move, usually to new servers
>neighborhood slowly dies off towards the end of HW
>by the time SB launched, no one is hanging around anymore
it hurts, personal housing was a mistake
Void Ark (not the series though) is easily the worst of all the 24 mans
Arbert are just a bunch of entitled fags
>everything we did
>everything we gave
Does not that mean equal results.
It's like a saying a nigger who fully ooga boogas is equal to the fruits of the White man.
Reminds me of my favorite VN series with a similar naming scheme, although the second game in that does have a crimson color theme it doesn't use "guren" in its title. The other two match Heavensward and Shadowbringers (Souten and Shikkoku) though.
I'd say they should do Corsair as the gunner job but this fanbase would fucking shriek to no end over a gambler job because of the rng
>God I miss Void Ark.
if there's one raid I hate getting more than fucking LotA, its this one, even when it was new it was boring as shit
They'll probably put it to FC housing in 5.2 or something. XIV's active users will double for shadowniggers.
I'd fucking love Gambler
But yeah the game really has been trying to move as far away from RNG as possible, except MNK chakra and now DNC combos
They should have left some areas as FC lots only, to encourage active neighborhoods. Too late now.
Thankfully I play in an active FC so I can enjoy there always being 20-30 people hanging out around the marketboard at expac launch.
I want the opposite. trying to level my healers and I'd rather just sleep through CT than have to babysit retards in weeping city and dun scaith
>FC housing
I miss when neighborhoods were purely for FC's and when there were far less wards, personal housing should have been limited to a more robust apartment system with upgradable space (having a balcony for growing plants and placing outdoor furniture and shit) and FC rooms
What did she do?
I hope they add a disciple of land class that's basically a beastmaster that goes around tranquing monsters and harvesting materials from them live
Yeah, that sounds about right.
If they had actually thought about the system a bit more, they could've made that the central, larger houses are FC only, with small personal houses near the edges where no one wants to go anyway. That way the central "market" area would've had more people at least.
That's not really feasible with the current housing district maps anyway, since they're kind of a mess already.
Labyrinth is kino. 8/10
>That opening music transition
>That three way race right
>Jumping up steps
>how do these jars work
>Watching RDM's and DRG's getting hit by the final boss's finisher
It just doesn't fit the game model. Even AST lost their differential buffs due to the way the game is designed. If COR were added, it would basically just have Chaos Roll and little else. They might have to reach into the "Original Idea" barrel if they wanna add another ranged job; probably one that uses a Crossbow. The problem is designing a rotation that actually justifies a new playstyle and alters from the current job line-up. And if MCH ends up being a complete bust again, I'm sure the role will get the Healer treatment.
Who even is this
They planned to, but apparently it was cut.
She got caught sleeping in the men's barracks again
Too cute and funny, broke the law
I'd put my rising stone in her waking sands if you know what I mean
Man, fuck this. Shepherd would have been fucking great to have around, and it could even slim down the amount of tomestone crafting materials that show up.
From the trailer, I assume she was trying to stop the Sin eaters.
>adding yet another DoL class to level
Oh god no
i always heal the pots but I've never seen anyone else do it and it doesn't seem to do anything if you dont
as long as its not a fucking limited job, I would accept this
They've been hinting at a Harvest Moon type farm simulator but I don't know if that's the same Tamer class that Yoshi recently said was cut.
>help a friend with Final Steps in prog as Healer
>get in there
>figure out why it was in prog
>one of the tanks was a GLD with "I will remain as Gladiator forever, Yoshi!" in his search info
>he and like 4 other members of the party were jap only
what the fuck
>Im-fucking-plying DoL aren't the comfiest job to level
inb4 "hurrbotjobslol"
>Actually paying to not play the game you paid for
So what is it exactly about void ark that you guys hate? Always see kneejerk reactions about it but never anything beyond that
Can they even hold a controller with their hands so far apart?
that's because LotA used to be quite interesting, now you can just ignore all mechanics because its been nerfed into the dirt, the skeletons on the first boss you can ignore completely, a single aoe heal is enough to survive it all, the gear sync is far too high
its a shame
they play with an N64 controller
>An actual way of getting monster mats that doesn't rely on giga trash RNG or shitty retainer timers
Please sir
flashing people in the markets
Most mechanics you mean, be outside the circle while Megaflare is happening and everyone's dead