>microsoft thinks keanu reeves stands a chance against breath of the wild sequel
Microsoft thinks keanu reeves stands a chance against breath of the wild sequel
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I can't fucking wait bros.
Cyberpunk 2077 will outsell this kiddyshit with ease and you know it.
Only one of those two games will come out in the next year.
I fucking hate when companies announce a game thats clearly 3 years out or longer.
They probably thought about it for like 5 minutes and wanted to leave an impact bigger than Keanu. Footage looked more like dlc/unused content than an actual sequal
Fuck off with your lame game for 8 years old
But what if Nintendo casts Keanu Reeves as Ganondorf?
cyberpunk is a multiplat retard
Well Keanu is hotter than BOTW Zelda. Granted so is most everyone.
Breath of the Wild let's you fight a boss that sets the place on fire and you use the updraft from the flames in combination with a paraglider to fly above him and shoot him to aim and shoot him in the eye. What does Cyberpunk have that can compete with that?
best girl
best brow
hope she's playable.
Nobody cares. Cyberpunk 2077 will absolutely demolish that kiddyshit.
Yeah nice try, but Xbox, PC and Nintendo aren't in competition. We're bros. The only one who needs to worry about standing a chance is - Iwata forgive me for uttering this word - the eternal S*ny.
speak english retard
I will play both.
The graphics, ironically.
That alone could sell a lot of copies.
Microsoft isn't even competing with anyone anymore
>partnership with Nintendo
>partnership with Sony
>partnership with Valve
>More BOTW with a playable Zelda
>Meaning the french dub will have sound files of Amalia's VA panting, grunting and other sounds
Can't wait.
Well, Microsoft are a clear second place of E3. They actually did good. It was just impossible to compete with the avalanche Nintendo had in store.
>second place
>with that pathetic showing with almost no gameplay footage
They're dead last and you know it, shill
Microsoft is first. Nincels are a vocal minority, but games like Cyberpunk 2077 and Elden Ring will sell more than every single game on the Switch. Nobody cares about your fishers price tablet, sorry.
at least Keanu game comes out next year and not in 2022-2024 so it's not like they are competing or something
>with almost no gameplay footage
We've gotten hours of pure gameplay, and in a couple of hours we're getting hours more.
Why the fuck would anyone give a shit about your generic ubisoft game after Banjo got in smash?
Only a true straw-grabbing nintendies manchild would compare such vastly different games.
BotW2 obviously has hype, but you have to actually have more than 10 people owning the console your game is on before you can even think about "beating" a game like Cyberpunk.
It will probably do worse than Witcher 3, if only by a little. Zelda will definitely sell a lot more.
>Footage looked more like dlc/unused content than an actual sequal
It was just a small teaser. Just because they reuse the engine, doesn't mean it's a lazy usage of scraped content. They did this with Majora's Mask as well, and it worked incredibly well.
>Zelda will definitely sell a lot more.
Kek, saved. It won't even outsell Cyberpunk 2077 on Ps4 alone. Keep coping, kiddy.
you really have to be delusional to think it will do worse than the witcher 3, let alone zelda
BOTW outsold the Witcher 3 by a landslide.
Heck even Pokémon Let’s GO LOL outsold the Witcher.
oh shit they share the same VA
>Zelda will definitely outsell it
Didn't BoTW get BTFO by Nu Spiderman in sales? Lmao
>BOTW outsold the Witcher 3 by a landslide.
The Witcher 3 sold about thrice as much as the kiddyshit BotW and Cyberpunk 2077 will sell even better.
Terrible bait. You really need to apply yourself better.
>kiddy, kiddy, kiddy
You aren't sounding very mature, but keep trying harder. You're probably not even able to consent in Japan.
Im excited about both, since im not poor
Yes, we know. You're a big boy, no play your shoot games where you do epic stuff for big guys like yourself.
You’re comparing sales of an entire franchise to ONE game LOL.
The Witcher 3 didn’t even pass 10 million copies.
BOTW is at 15 million copies and still top 20 monthly on npd.
Pokémon Lets Go sold 11 million copies so yeah it outsold the Witcher 3.
Lol you're proving him right user
But BotW has much more appealing graphics than Cyberpunk 2077.
I'll probably wait until the sequel console. I wasn't overly impressed with BotW, although I saw it's potential. Definitely not gonna pick up a switch for it, that's for sure.
Urbosa is voiced by Julith's too
Grow up.
>You’re comparing sales of an entire franchise to ONE game LOL.
Wrong. It's literally just Witcher 3 sales. Stop ignoring facts you delusional manchild.
>OoT was a bland soulless Zelda game made to capitalize on trends (3d) and get a Zelda game out on the new system
>Majora’s Mask used what had been created to make something genuinely interesting
>BotW was a bland soulless Zelda game made to capitalize on trends (survival sandbox) and get a zelda game out on the new system
Does this mean BotW2 will actually be good?
It's literally going to be BoTW DLC. It's going to be practically the same map.
>The Witcher 3 didn’t even pass 10 million copies.
TW3 was close to 10 million at the end of 2015. That was the last time we got an official number but you infer from their financial statements that it is north of 20 million now
Video games in general are for kids, don't try to pretend as if it as mature hobby. Zoomers played GTA when they were little, and this generation of kids are going to play Cyperpunk 2077. We're all manchildren by that logic, you're either in denial or pre-teen who wants to grow up already.
The Zelda series is for people who want magical adventures that can give our minds a challenge. If growing up means you lose the ability to appreciate that, why would you want to grow up?
MM was the worst Zelda game in the series that I've played, IMO, so that wouldn't be a ringing endorsement. That said, I'm sure it will be good so long as they actually fill their map with worthwhile shit this time.
Ffs the level of delusional is honestly sad. They barely showed anything
>Look at me mom im resorting to petty namecalling!
Yeah yeah you look like such a mature adult.
This entire post reaks of you being a underage teenager who is going though a phase where everything that doesn't have exploseions and comical amounts of blood and gore is "for children"
Grow up and stop playing game for kids, you manchildren.
Wanting to lick Zelda's perfect eyebrows doesn't mean the graphics were actually good, user. They did a very good job of stylising it to mask it, though
lol seething
The final boss was one of the most disappointing parts about BOTW. You're describing what is basically a quick-time event as if it is some exciting moment of gameplay
33 million is copies sold in the entire Witcher franchise, not just the third game. The sales figures are probably fairly similar, which isn't really a good thing considering witcher is a 4 year old multi plat and regularly goes on sale for massive discounts.
For what it's worth I think Cyberpunk will outsell BOTW2. Cyberpunk has much more mass appeal than the Witcher 3 did. It also gets the benefit of an established audience(everyone who liked witcher 3 is going to buy Cyberpunk) without the drawback of alienating players who are new to the franchise and haven't played previous games, which is a real thing for RPGs. It's also a multiplat.
Unless BOTW is a massive improvement, it'll probably sell less than the first game. Very few people will buy it that didn't play 1 and it probably won't be on the wiiu like the first game was.
Lol no actual source no real sales. Revenue from micro transactions and dlc don’t count.
If that counts then BOTW sold 30 million copies including dlc lmao.
Nintendo has factual figures release every three months. You can do a quick google search for that. They don’t need to hide behind “player activity”, “player retention”, “registered users”, “active users”, or “revenue”. All the buzz words used to inflate sales.
Video games are for kids user. If you play any video games above the age of 18 your a manchild.
Get over yourself dude. Not a single person is impressed.
>you infer from their financial statements that it is north of 20 million now
source? That's still not 30 millions anyway
The best video game ever made gets a sequel, and you better like it.
Though desu if you thought the puzzels in any zelda game were challenging then maybe you should be relegated to them.
>Very few people will buy it that didn't play 1 and it probably won't be on the wiiu like the first game was.
I find this kind of sad, honestly. It's obvious that the Wii U can handle it, but they won't do it in an attempt to move more consoles. But that just means they won't get any of my money, instead of 60 bucks (despite finding BotW quite empty, I believe they would actually fill the world this time).
You wanna know how I know you're about 19 years old?
looks shit
There are vastly superior games in its own franchise alone
Okay, how about you explain what makes Cyberpunk 2077 any less kiddy than Zelda?
do you think a mature person would make an image like that one? really?
Are you seriously trying to imply the final boss was anything other than utter dogshit? Even people who like BotW can agree on that.
Grow up, manchild.
Which Zelda games did you play, all of them? The difficulty between the the games vary a lot. The only Zelda game where I could legitimately say that all of the puzzles were easy, was Wind Waker. Any other Zelda game as at least one dungeon that is increibly confusing the first time, not necessarily because of the puzzles itself but the level design as a whole.
Metacritic said it's an objective 97/100, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to change that fact.
Just accept the fact that BotW is better than (you)r favorite game.
This dumbass didn’t even read the article posted himself LOL.
The Witcher Series sold 33 million copies not the Witcher 3.
Anyways, you have to really stupid of you think a game like Cyberpunk is going to outsell BOTW. Reminds me of all the onions fans crying out about how “HZD will outsell belda!!!! GOW will outsell belda!!! Noooo nooo Spider man is going to outsell Belda....”
It’s 2019 and it still hasn’t happened. Zelda is still 60$ while those games are in the discount bin and still can’t outsell BOTW
I was close wasn't I?
Retailers will literally be prohibited from selling it to anyone under the age of 18, for a start
>why would you want to grow up?
It's not about 'wanting', it's a natural process normal people go through, which excludes the stunted manchild Nintendo fan
The trick to getting the chest in this shrine is more intelligent than anything westernshit games ever came up with.
Cyberpunk 2077 will sell more than twice as much as Zelda.
Grow up.
Not a singe mature person on the planet would bother wasting their time making a shitty race comic tier image talking about how mature they were compared to someone else.
Well it's multiplat so ofcourse it will
Grow up, mamchild.
>better than Majora's mask
>better than Ocarina of time
That Cyberpunk E3 trailer is a 13 year-old's wet dream
So what's so good about growing up? Losing artistic appreciation sounds like a mental disability. Doesn't that make growing up a disease everyone suffers at some age?
Better by your shitty standards, yeah. I liked BotW, but despite being the Zelda game with the most potential, it managed to be the worst 3D one yet. Even SS is better than it, if it wasn't for the horrid controls this would be an objective truth not just an opinion.
Can only imagine how low IQ you must be to think 'put heavy thing on button' is tricky
The first part was great
The last part was the worst part of the whole game
Not even denying it? So you really are just a retarded Wojack-posting zoomer. Your opinion doesn't matter here.
well yes, teenagers want to be mature and therefore seek out mature stuff
>Cyberpunk 2077 will sell more than twice as much as Zelda.
That's completely absurd. Even if it were to outsell BotW2, definitely not by this much.
Keep playing games for children, manchild.
>35m switch units sold
>botw almost 13m
no one has a switch or Zelda
Cyberpunk 2077 wont even outsell Animal Crossing next year.
The as-ethic of this game and its rpg ness will hold it back from the mass audience. Blade Runner is the biggest flop in cinema history. It doesn’t have mass appeal.
Hang yourself zoomerfag
Keeping getting mad over stupid shit my guy.
Come on, you can do better than that. There were much more challenging temples in the game.
She looks like an aspie
RDR 2 sold more than twice and is console exclusive. Cyberpunk 2077 will be even better and has unnatural amounts of hype.
Grow up.
>increibly confusing the first time, not necessarily because of the puzzles itself but the level design as a whole.
Good job defeat your whole argument by yourself
No one.
Alright, you do know that a large amount of people buy consoles due to peer pressure? It sounds stupid but if something is trendy, people will buy it up. I can tell you there are at least a few million PS4 owner who haven't bough a single game.
Botw: 17m
RDR2: 25m
Rockstar won this pissing contest easily
>and has unnatural amounts of hype
I haven't heard a single person talking about this game other then retards who are pissed because the twitter of the game said some mean words a few months ago.
That's generous.
Yes and cp2077 will sell 13mil copies and another 13mil by peer pressure? Are you serious?
>Mature-only content is mature
I hope you're being sarcastic.
>I haven't heard a single person talking
Because your only kind of social interaction is within Yea ForumstendoGAF. Go outside and talk with real people for once.
Everyday with this shit praising BOTW like the second coming of jesus. Can you do us a favor and off yourself so we dont have to keep seeing these fucking threads.
Nice multiplat
The difference is that, one game is a switch exclusive. The other one is available on two consoles which have been around for much longer than the switch.
Did you even read what I wrote? Your answer is completly out of place.
You do know most people who are excited for BotW2 are excited for Cyberpunk 2077 aswell right? This shit is literally throwing manure inside your own damn house.
by definition, yes
They're perceived as being mature and to a teenager that's all that really matters.
>"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development"
Links Awakening is outselling cyberpunk in preorders.
Yes it does. Especially considering BotW2 was just fucking announced yesterday and sure as fuck won't be ready any earlier than summer 2020. And that's assuming the game is one giant asset flip.
Cyberpunk will dominate April the same way FFVII will dominate March. If VtMB2 squeezes in early enough, it might get to own February.
BotW2 is no going to release in any of those months.
Gta >> rape zelda sales very very hard
Do you realize where you are?
>6/10 bestsellers are Ps4
How does Sony keep winning?
This thread is so fucking insufferable, I'm crashing it with my lolis. I don't care ban me.
Would you fucks stop arguing with the dude? You're not gonna convince him of anything, and he sure as shit isn't convincing you of anything.
>>Meaning the french dub will have sound files of Amalia's VA panting, grunting and other sounds
You're right! Damn. Zelda better actually be playable now.
Also, multiaudio day one instead of patched in later.
How about you come back to earth first?
Your massively overestimating the influence CD Projekt has on the industry. Your even more annoying then the retards here pretend they are the Jesus of western vidya even though all they have done is make one good game.
>Youtube views mean fuck all
Go take a look at the trailer for Battleborn and then come back and try again.
There's Nintendo exclusive fanboys who won't touch a game if it's not on a Nintendo you can already see them getting excited about Witcher 3 like it's brand new and same with Skyrim before that.
The thing that pisses me off the most about this is that they gimped the Wiiu version of BOTW 1 so that it wouldn't be better than the switch version. Using the gamepad to swap out weapons/armor would have been extremely convenient.
Here is your new Keanu Reeves Yea Forums
What the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums if you don't want to argue for the sake of arguing?
>nobody talks about it
>n-no YouTube doesn't count
Cope harder
Views =/= sales.
Spider Man ps4 still has not passed 10 million despite the Sony AND marvel shilling.
See this is why none of this matters.
Yea Forumsirgins that shill nintendo only have genuine conversations with other nintendo shills, so they're completely ignorant to whats going on outside of their tiny bubble.
Sales and figures don't matter. A game that makes you an immortal demi-god irl could come out and they'd still say BotW2 is better.
Zelda having short hair is pretty much a confirmation that she will be playable.
Devs prefer girl MCs with short hair so they don't have to animate the long fucking hair too much.
>n-no YouTube doesn't count
didnt even say that you fucking retard
the other retard i replied to was trying to say that youtube views mean sales
and thats completely fucking wrong.
>BotW manchild gets triggered because he realizes no one cares about games for children
>Starts spamming pedoshit
and pokemon and mario rape gta very hard??
I'm even doing you a favor and using 'zelda' instead of Breath of the Wild so you don't get humiliated too hard
So nobody's talking about CP2077 yet it peaked this week with twice the amount of searches of the entire "Zelda" term huh. How does that work?
more like its another episode of platform war shit and one brave soul is attempting to crash it by posting cunny
>only people who are allowed to eat oranges may eat apples, so apples are oranges by definition
cyberpunk got announced in 2012. botw2 yesterday
I dunno how about you explain this?
I get you're trying to cope but at least make an argument that makes sense
What is this shit? Lolis for ants!?
>loli spammer
Why!? Did she send you for tampons too?
Dude just stop LOL.
I’m sure games like fall out76 and Anthem had huge hype last year too but where are the sales????
Using google as metric is completely stupid. Everyone knows what a Zelda is. You don’t need to search for it. No one outside the gaming bubble know what the fuck a cyberpunk is. Or cd projeckt for the matter.
Well it seems i made a slight spelling mistake.
However its interesting to me that most of the google data shows that most people who are hyped or atlease searched for it are in for it are in Eastern Europe. Meanwhile the West (The people who actually buy games lmao) cares about BotW.
>Dude just stop LOL
I will stop BTFO of you when you accept reality and stop coping
kys pedoscum
Anyways can the cyberpunk cocksucker explain this to me.
This is actual sales hourly. Not dumb internet, YouTube, Reddit “hype”.
Well you got a real attitude problem, you know that?
>Rather than just ignore a thread I don't like, I'm going to spend hours ban spamming images and ban evading.
No, but I think I've got something more to your liking!
>This is actual sales hourly
>no Steam
>no GOG
>no Epic
>no PSN
anti-nintendo fans are pretty pathetic. this place really is sonygaf.
>Pre orders
Nobody cares. The game is coming out in 1 year and when it does it will outsell BotW within weeks.
Mods should delete this thread anyway. Last time I checked precipitating In a flamewar was against the rules.
>seething at cunny posting
>However its interesting to me that most of the google data shows that most people who are hyped or atlease searched for it are in for it are in Eastern Europe. Meanwhile the West (The people who actually buy games lmao) cares about BotW.
Physical sales are still sales dumb ass. This is the best comparison because it’s all publisher in one place.
Are you going to count Xbox game pass free download as sales too???
I'm seeing a 20 80 split right now for the US. 80 percent is botw btw.
>food analogy
>This is the best comparison because it’s all publisher in one place
You mean this is the best comparison because it conveniently ignores all online sales and an entire platform (PC)
What makes you think Microsoft had anything to do with it when it's all on cd projekt?
I've loved Zelda since I was 4 man, and I have to tell you. That ending was very unsatisfactory.
Lmao. FF7 is coming in 1 year is outselling it.
And BOTW is just 3 spots below it.
And least try to see facts next time and stop living in a bubble.
Microsoft's E3 press conference.
I imagine if CD just held their own it would have significantly less hype around it.
even pokemon will outsell the turd that is cp2077
You think Nintendo don’t have their own digital store...???.
This isn’t ignoring anything. It’s just physical sales PERIODT. Last time I checked physical sales still makes up 60 percent of most games purchase.
Witcher 3 already outsold Zelda. Cyberpunk's trailer already has like 8x the views of Breath of the Wild 2's from just 1 source, and sales of the game will probably reach GTAV tier, specially with a cross gen release.
As much as I love BotW, only the typical memeworthy söychildren are losing their heads over a sequel.
yeah right 175mil sales how delusional are you
>This isn’t ignoring anything. It’s just physical sales PERIOD
Not only is it ignoring all online sales and PC sales entirely but it's not even physical sales, it's just Amazon US
CP 2077 beats Zelda all across Europe on Amazon
>will probably reach GTAV tier
Absolutely delusional. GTA is an already established franchise with a big name developer behind it.
CD is known for making ONE decent game they don't have even a fraction to be near Rockstars levels of hype.
>user thinks breath of the wild sequel stands a chance against keanu reeves
Enjoy waiting 7 more yeaars for it, bro.
didn't one of the god of war games do exactly that
Zelda?? What are you comparing it too.....BOTW came out 2 years ago.
Look at the effects the announcement had....
I’m using the U.S sales chart because it’s literally the biggest video game market.
It did actually. BOTW hit 10 million after 1.5 years, Spiderman hit 9 million after 2-3 months
Yep, I'm thinking she's in.
Cunny posters deserve a .50 cal through their skulls
Why the fuck are you faggots are so concerned with who is gonna "win" the illusionary console wars??
If multiply companies make good games then guess what just play all the good games. You dont need to pick sides. You dont need to suck sony's and Nintendo's dick so much. They both makes good games? BUY THEM AND ENJOY BOTH. You goddamn autistic shitlords.
I really don't understand what you are trying to accomplice here. If you say that a game is bad and people say the opposite and you have a discussion fine. But this kind of posts? They only tell me
>"hurr durr my multimillion dollar company will make more better stuff than yours"
Like nigga what? How does that make a game less enjoyable or an other game more entertaining?
I am so mad right now,Jesus please, stop.
But I do not want to buy 3 consoles and also a PC
Fun fact for the seething Wahoo ping pingers in this thread
Spiderman sold 9 million in 3 months. BoTW sold 10 million in 1.5 years
>imagine unironically thinking normie shit like Cyberpunk 2077 (basically Cyber GTA) won't outsell a 3D Zelda game
i might emulate it again. hopefully i wont drop it again 2 hours in of boredom.
smash sold almost 14m since last december
and RDR2 almost twice that in less time
yeah and rdr2 is sold on 2 consoles
RD2 PS4 sales alone easily beat Smash sales lmao
it's another dumb fuck nintentoddler having his delusion the post who actually believes normie shit like cp2077 wouldn't outsell Zelda like hotcakes
kill yourself you stupid fuck
Quit being poor
It definitely did not.
And besides there are 90 million ps4.
So the comparison is stupid. Wait a few more years till the switch mature. Because you’re not seeing sales ceiling for most of its games yet. Smash can literally go on to sell another 50 million copies.
Post actually good futa on male stuff, please.
And if you want an indicator of quality, feel free to compare how the playerbases of each game are doing to this day
RDR2 sold up-to 24 millions and counting
stupid nintard
while current smash sales is 13.85 million
u wot
re-read the post i was quoting you retard
that wasn't me
I was only picking whatever shrine out from the top of my head since westernshit are so devoid of cleverness, a typical shrine in BotW is enough to best them all.
>"That's really kind of sad."
>"lol you're SEETHING XD"
lotr? sauron final boss?
You are aware that easily more than half of all threads on this board could be plausibly defined as flamewars, right?
What's next? Banning people for saying 'Nigger' because technically Racism is against the rules?
Get real.
The final beast ganon fight is literally the worst part of the entire fucking game, it's pathetic. He basically just straight up doesn't attack you.
You know you can have both. Unless you’re a Jew or poor.
The only way this game will be good is if they ditch the shrines and bring back classic Zelda gameplay like unique dungeons and bosses.
>You are aware that easily more than half of all threads on this board could be plausibly defined as flamewars, right?
Yes and half of all the threads on Yea Forums are shit.
>What's next? Banning people for saying 'Nigger' because technically Racism is against the rules?
In an ideal world where the mods actually care and actually enforce the rules?
Yeah it would.
Are you new or just retarded?
The quality of this website has pretty much gone downhill in tandem with increased enforcement of the rules.
Back in like, 2008, when this board was actually good you could easily post a loli doujin dump thread on Yea Forums and have it reach the bump limit without a mod deleting it.
Now those were the days I tell you.
>Mods Keanu Reeves into BOTW
What now bitch?
It's the astroturf marketing.