You can actually pinpoint the second when Nintendo wins E3.
You can actually pinpoint the second when Nintendo wins E3
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Yup, it was as soon as the Square Enix conference ended.
You're wrong. Sony won without even trying because everyone else was so trash.
He says while posting an image that wouldn't be allowed in any Snoy product.
This series had all the soul and its just been getting such sucked out more and more with every entry. Its so textureless and bland looking, like Harvest Moon Light of Hope. I already don't like the direction they're going in. I want to be rewarded with items for investing time every day, I don't want to just make everything from crap I tediously farm. Don't know why Nintendo is on this kick of sucking the life out of their best games.
You realize that you can still buy items daily right?
The crafting is entirely optional, it takes nothing away from you. I personally love it, the degree of costumization and the way everything can be utilized in some way seems very fun to me.
should i buy a switch for it bros? will there be a switch animal crossing pack?
Nintendo knocked it out of the park again
you're absolutely right op
Kinda dropped the ball on the Pokémon bit, but Microsoft shat the bed with cloud crap and butchered battletoads.
Yeah most likely, i'd say wait until we get closer to release.
If there won't be a bundle then maybe there will at least be some good sales until then.
hardly nintendos fault when pokemon is second party and game freak has most of the control. fuck masuda
i haven't purchased a console in like 10 years, how limited will they be? most people who care about nintendo have a switch already
This is almost a year from a completed product, they still have time to fix lighting, textures etc
here is new leaf at this stage of development:
we don't know for a fact, but the game comes out next year so if you want to get other games then get a switch, but if you want a bundle with AC then you should wait the next direct or the one after, because a game like this wil have a bundle
Game Freak, TPC and Nintendo all own one third of the Pokemon brand each.
If Nintendo cared about Pokemon being good, they'd absolutely have the means to pressure GF into doing better, but they don't care because the games will sell insanely well even with the bare minimum amount of effort.
Sony pussied out because they have NO GAMES
What do you mean by "limited"?
I was very thankful they barely spent any time on Pokémon in the direct itself and moved straight on to Astral Chain (although Pokémon's presence in the direct was so minimal and shitty that it may as well have not been there at all).
like with the normal switch release, tons of people were buying like 5 copies with different names and credit cards so they could scalp them, one of my friends did it and i dont want to not be able to get one
It’s a good foundation but damn am I happy they took the harder route and sacrificed their holiday game to delay it so it doesn’t become yet another Switch game with no content. I’m OK with them taking their time with these games if it lets them flesh the games out. Just look at how much Luigi has improved since the reveal trailer, it’s looking fantastic.
I doubt that'll happen now, the hype kinda died down. So imo you most likely don't have to worry about that, just preorder the bundle if it gets announced and you're good.
I wish someone would actually behead Bella Delphine already. Never have I ever seen such a vile host of seminal fluids before
I'm going to miss those grass textures
>sacrifice a holiday release
how much content can you add in three months, unless this delay is a fake delay to quell outrage, and the real release is much further back?
i only really care about ac, speaking of which do people still buy 3ds xls? i havent used mine for years
>why do people still buy 3ds XLS
huuuuge library of games (most people who buy 3ds now are pirates, who dont want to emulate, for this reason or that)
found their e3 pretty bland desu. A dlc and some remakes shouldn't justify a "win". The only real surprise was botw sequel. The rest was just shit we saw last . the faggots on YouTube are proping the conference because it's profitable to suck Nintendo's dick for views.
That being said, I found MS and Nintendo to be tied on that level. They kinda played it safe this year when they could've all taken a steaming turd on snoys absence. But hey, at least these two tried. Can't say the same for the dumpster fire that was EA and bethesda
I think ill get a switch later this year since it seems to have enough games for me to bother now. Kinnda retarded even the oldest of games used are still mostly 40 bucks. Fuckin nintendo and games always costing near new costs.
no i said do they not why do they, i wanna sell mine and my games, also its not updated so i think it can be hacked
Nintendo has to fight with TPC and GF on a regular basis. Ever wonder why the Pokemon costumes in Mario Maker 1 don't have special sound effects like literally every other costume? Hell, notice how games that have unique functions for basically every Amiibo skip the Pokemon ones every time? Because the other two companies made it painful for Nintendo. TPC and GF are the real controlling interest, they basically work as one unit, Nintendo can suggest release dates and hope for the best.
If they have any real power in those old contracts now's the time to show it off