Is buying a PS4 still worth it in 2019?

Is buying a PS4 still worth it in 2019?

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That's a tough one. I'd wait until we hear whether or not PS5 is backwards compatable. If that's the case just get one of those. Despite what Yea Forums says if you are going the console route, PS4 is the way to go
>God of War
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>The Last of Us
>Until Dawn
>Final Fantasy VII Remake
There's plenty of Multi-plats worth checking out. But I usually judge a console by it's exclusives.

If you can get it for $150 or less, go for it.

Not really unless you are desperate to play Cold Steel 3

>no persona

Yeah, you can get all the games really cheap now

Depends if you like
>Gravity Rush
>Persona 5
There's also a bunch of movies to watch on it.

I knew I was missing one!!!

OP, if you have any love for JRPGs you really need to get this one!

Was it ever?

I'm going to pick one up in 2-5 years when it becomes reasonably priced and fully hacked, to play a few PSVR games that I won't be able to emulate for at least another decade.

None of those games are worth owning this console for at the current price, when it's 150 bucks for a Pro and PSVR, I'll bite.