Serious question, how do you balance your real life with video games? I think I'm actually having attention deficiency issues with how I'm browsing and shitposting on this gay board and I can't even decide what productive I'll do next without realizing it's already midnight and I've already been wasting my entire day with video games.
Serious question, how do you balance your real life with video games...
You better not be under the age of 22. You are in control, fool.
Have sex unironically
Only play on days off work when i got my shit done. I just dont watch tv at all
730 -230 Work
430-700 Vidya
700-800 Shitposting
815-940 Vidya
940-1130 Shitposting
Get a job where you can play vidya/shitpost/watch anime and movies etc. Like night shift security guard.
Or invest in crypto and learn how to invest, and become economically independent at a young age, so you can go back to neetdom but now you live from your bank's reserve and can afford cool onaholes and new tech gadgets you desire.
Kill yourself redditor
I dunno, I just go to work, finish work, get home, play vidya or browse the internet untill bedtime and then repeat. I'm kind of a shut in, only really talk to people over the internet or at work. But I don't mind it, I prefer keeping to my self most of the time, and I like vidya enough to dedicate most of my spare time to it and maybe finish this back log ... eventually. Would like to get married and maybe have a kid, but I still have some life issues to sort out before I can consider that. Hope you figure things out user.
security guards get paid here 289$. How am I supposed to afford vidya?
Stay off /biz/
videogames is a hobby, not a lifestyle
get your priorities straight
>be me
>at work
>do work, finish early
>use remaining time to shitpost in Yea Forums
>play vidya on weekends and holidays
Life is easy. Just have good time management skills.
>and I can't even decide what productive I'll do next without realizing it's already midnight and I've already been wasting my entire day with video games.
Buy a To-Do List and fill it in, every night, with what you want to do the next day. Keep it somewhere with heavy foot traffic, and every time you do something on the list, put a big fat X in the box next to it. Include a mix of common chores, ("Go for a walk, take out the trash, buy dinner, etc.") And uncommon ones ("Get a book from the library, go to the park, browse more than 4 boards today.")
It's not a silver bullet, but it's a step in the right direction. The list will let you feel like you're working towards something each day.
Get a high security clearance job.
Daily time spent browsing in hours
Dont play vydia, play it when you really want it, consider it a hobby and only it.
its overratd shit.
i dont need balance, im fine with playing games 15 hours a day
whats wrong with doing your hobby the whole day?
You have to pretty much change your life. I find googling/researching something I really want to do helps motivate me
Not op but ive been doing that for years and its really no different to Yea Forums. I know a lot about games ive never played
I play videogames when Im not at work. I play multiplayer with buddies when I want to hang. I generally play very little or not at all when im spending time with my girl. That seems to work okay.
I don't actually play video games, I just shitpost on Yea Forums
dumb frogposter.
hope you figure it out, user
What work do boomers do?
I want to be a NEET but it's not possible when you're nearly 30 . Life is bad
Set periods every day where you can't browse the internet or play games. Cut down your smartphone use as much as possible. Yea Forums should be a reward at the end of the day, not something you refresh every 5 minutes.
I finish work around noon, try to hit the gym 3 times a week, and get out and walk the trails most days. It's not too hard.
Get extremely fat and live on welfare
I don't have a real life. Nor do I play videogames.
I feel the same OP. Just kill me already.
Work from 9-5
Eat, read, exercise and rest at home from 5:30-8:30
Play from 8:30 to 10:30
Be in bed by 11
Up by 7
I get eight hours of sleep. I get 2 hours of vidya daily. And I get some fit time in. How bad are you guys at managing time?
>2 hours
nice jjoke
Wake up: 05:30
Work 07:30-16:00
Home around 17:00
Workout 17:00-18:00
Dinner and YouTube, done by 19:00
Vidya/TV 19:00-22:00
I only do chores and shit on weekends, like shopping, cleaning the apartment, washing car etc. Plenty of time for vidya dude both during week and weekend.
>just get a shit job
Yeah, no
That’s more than enough for me, honestly. I rather spend my time doing other things. Frankly, even 2 hours seems to be a waste a day considering I spend about 4-5 hours a day on vidya on Saturday and Sunday.
> 3 hours
>plenty of time
I can still fit like 8-12 hours on Saturdays and Sundays as well, ya that's plenty I'd say
>more than 5 hours in a single day
That sounds like an intense waste of time. Maybe that’s why you guys are so lonely.
>financial independence
The worst part about work is that past the 8 hours a day you get paid for, all your time is spent revolving around work. Commuting, organizing yourself to be in a presentable state, planning tasks and doing stuff for work responsibilities. And then you just want to sleep because work is tiring.
Theres always the job on mind and you cant just keep playing video games because working tomorrow.
What would be well spent time in your opinion?
I only shitpost while on the toilet, I've saved my life from this shithole.
Doesn’t matter that I say, you’ll have an opposing answer for it. But personally, to me, that’s an incredible waste of time.
anyone else a compulsive buyer? Every time I get stressed because of assignment deadlines I can't control myself and go on a vidya shopping spree
Today I purchased New super Mario Bros Deluxe and Celeste even though my assignent is due tomorrow and I haven't started
I hate myself
No. I grew up poor so I'm stingy as fuck. I save most of what I make.
Sounds like you’re simply stressed and looking to give yourself an excuse to avoid the subject at hand. Step away from home for a bit to disconnect and then try to tackle the assignment again
Not really, I just think that anything you do that you enjoy doing is not wasted time no matter what it is. Why should we spend time doing things we don't enjoy on the small amount of spare time we have?
You can do other enjoyable things. Video games are simply instant gratification and it’s why most players are the way they are. They don’t get that immediate seratonin release from other activities because they’ve wired their brain from the instant onset by vidya, this getting bored of other more fulfilling activities.
Other more fulfilling activities like what?
Anything else. There are countless things and hobbies to do. You cannot tell me the only thing you can think of is just video games.
I always furiously masturbate when stressed
But why ain't video games a valid activity? It's fun, so why not?
It’s a zero sum activity. You invest time and get nothing out of it that improves life in any way.
Come on user, that 200 word essay won't write itself.
How doesn't it improve life? It's fun, it doesn't need anything else to improve life.
There's more to life than just productivity. If games are your only hobby you have problems. But there's nothing wrong with having them as one of your hobbies.
Exactly. That user is obviously saying having vidya as only hobby is ok, saying 8+ hours of vidya a day is ok. I’m saying there are plenty of other things to do, and not all of them have to be productive.
Pool. Hiking. Swimming. Running. Crafts. Woodwork. Exercise. Cooking. Figurines. Cars. Skateboarding. Biking. List goes on and on.
Do the math:
24 hours in a day
00:00-06:00/07:00 lost to sleep (18 hours remaining)
8 hours lost to work (10 hours remaining)
2 hours lost to showering and commute (8 hours remaining)
Still have to cook and eat and do chores in remaining time
If you spend 2 hours a day playing vidya, and 5 hours a day on weekends, that's only 20 hours a week on games. 100 hours in 5 weeks. 10 games a year (minimum investment 100 hours)
imagine this is your life for the next 40 years
Too much vidya desu, honestly
>need like 9 hours of sleep and often worked more than 8 hours a day
in one year of neetdom i played more games than in last 5 years of wageslaving