ITT: Vaporware.
ITT: Vaporware
more like ITT shit thats gonna get cancelled
Got a release date 2 days ago.
It was either get cancelled or wait for a stable yuzu to play it
that game came out 22 years ago lol
Only posted to confirm that a snoy faggot started this shitpost
>caring about K*miya in the year of our lord 2019 (two thousand and nine teen)
this got announced?
Miyamoto has been saying the game is almost done since 2015
>bought a switch exclusively for bayo 3, smtv, and prime 4
Well uh
Bro, aren't you excited for smash dlc?? The promise of a botw sequel at some point doesn't make your heart go bing bing wahoo???
I actually forgot about this
>Bayonetta fans complaining because their new game isn't out yet
Try being a Metroid fan for 25 years.
I'm so sorry user
I bought one for Monster Hunter and all i got is a port of a game i played ages ago. Fuck capcom.
you actually thought they were gonna port a current gen game to switch
its as if you were wanting to be dissapointed
This is what you Switchfags deserve for gleefully shitting on Wii U Chads
>all those devs who were gungho about the switch are now having to constantly delay their games because it's a piece of shit
>buying consoles before the games are out
>paying full price when consoles get cheaper over time
Your fucking fault
honestly after Bayo 2 we might be better off without it
How have people not yet realized that Kamiya is a huge hack?
All he did was steal money from MS until they dumped him for not being able to make a game with more than 20 fps. Now he’s doing the same to Nintendo.
I don't remember Bayonetta 2 being bad. Only thing I can recall not liking is that Infinite Climax mode encouraged spamming Witch Time instead of never using it like in the first game.
Bayo 2 battle system had a lot of problems some youtube chick explained it well but basically Bayo 2 is all flash no substance
but i like both the switch and the wii u
They've got Astral Chain coming out first, why would they shill Bayonetta right now
Truly retarded to buy a console before the games you want are even available instead of waiting for a better price and waiting to make sure THE GAMES ACTUALLY EVER GET RELEASED ON THE DAMN THING
Ah so you trust opinions because some chick on YouTube said it, got it
He only says that to pressure the suits to give him budget. Wonder why Pikmin 3 never got an Iwata Asks? They don't want to reveal how Miyamoto pestered them.
cause they fucking announced it first
Thnx for showing absolutely nothing square enix
If this ever does happen I really hope that they go back to just having Olimar and making it about exploring a planet. I hate having to manage multiple leaders.
I bought the switch purely for GU and got like 300 hours out of it so i'm satisfied
Serious Sam 4
I did this for Banjo on the Gamecube. It still hurts to think about.
Having multiple leaders just makes everything more convenient.
What you really mean is "I wish I didn't have to make all my progress in 10 minute sprints"
As in, get rid of the "end of day" mechanic.
It's hard to swallow, but the best parts of Pikmin 2 were the holes, and they had no "end of day"
What is thie from?
>Nintendo is incompetent to make a proper hybrid console
how to spot a liar
>"I bought a console for games that aren't out AND haven't had any footage or anything shown about them"
lol seething shitposter
I feel your pain anons, picked up an xbone for scalebound and crackdown 3 (okay, killer instinct & rare replay too).
Vaporwave is pretty cool.
The fact that Astral Chain is second banana to Bayonetta 3 is a clear fact. Just look at E3 discussion. People would rather talk about Bayo3's absence than the new trailer for Astral Chain.
They should have never teased Bayo3 so early. Astral Chain would be drawing a lot more interest without Bayo3 being public knowledge.
Babylonsfall, they showed a trailer last e3. Nothing about it since than.
Yeah, Platinum is so uninterested in the switch they're releasing a new game in two months on top of having Bayo 3 in the works.
Incidentally, Platinum hasn't released a single game exclusive to the PS4 in the however many years it's been out.
>buying a console for games that aren't out
Haven't you learned that with PS3?
Just wait.
And I bought PS4 Pro for Bloodborne 2 and Tokyo Jungle Enhanced Edition.
>Youtuber opinions are arguments now
>Implying the game isn't fun regardless
That is a yuck from me
I think Pikmin 3 had the same problem, didn't it? Miyamoto kept saying it was done for years with nothing to show for it. Could be in dev hell like 3 might've been, or Miyamoto's just being an ass at this point.
With the 'go here' command being added in 3, I think sticking to just two captains (Olimar and someone else) is fine. 3 captains is pushing it a bit imo, but I liked having the convenience of two.
I'm fine if they kept the 'days have a time limit' aspect, but maybe allowed you to extend the time you stayed on the surface for a bit? The longer you go after sunset, the more enemies that spawn and the tougher said enemies get to eventually force you to leave anyways if you don't want to face mass pikmin genocide, though it still gives you the option to continue just a bit further and collect that last treasure or two before heading out. Would be nice.
Will admit though, I fucking loved the caves in 2. Hope they come back.
>Bayonetta 2 on NSIC
>No word on Bayonetta 3
>No word on Babelon Falls
>No word on self published mystery game that is unlike any game
>No word on hinted at W101 Switch port
>Not officially killing World of Demons
>Not officially killing Lost Order
>Kicked off of Granblu
>P* is struggling
Astral Chain looks sick though, you all see the Treehouse?
Megaman legends 3
Thanks a lot "fans"
Rent free
Where's my new Maximo?!?!
FF VII Remake past midgar
Did The Last Guardian and FFVersusXIII made you learn nothing? Never buy a console before the game is actually released.
Every Platinum Game except Astral Chain seems to go into vaporware territory lately, Bayonetta 3 was a no show at E3, same for Babylon's Fall, Cygames decided to bring Granblue Relink back to their own studios, World of Demons disappeared from the face of the earth and same for Lost Order.
you really are retarded if that's what you got from those posts
Bait or retarded
this. snoyfags btfo
legs too long
>Not wanting to be lovingly embraced by those long beautiful legs
did anyone grill platinum over this?
and while they're at it, grill them over babylon's fall, ask why world of demons got canned and WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS?
>'Incredibly Important Year'
>shows only 1 game
good job
I really think Nintendo should give starfox zero a second chance on the switch, but add more levels, and reduce/remove the motion control gimmicks
it wasn't bad, just flawed
if every level was like this, it would be fantastic
and grill them over what taro is doing
and where wonderful 102 is
Nah they're about right. Bayonetta has really long noodle limbs. Shes basically sexy Slenderman.
>bought a console for 3 games not yet out which don't even have release dates
You're fucking stupid and deserved to get fucked.
Bayo 2 had no stupid instakilling QTEs or gimmick stages. It was a better game than 1. Eat my shit.
Imagine the leglock
“Without speaking directly to the number of titles we may or may not announce, I can say it’s going to be a year of some major new approaches, new challenges and new methods for us."
Seems pretty fucking obvious to me, but that article wasn't about this year being big for announcements, but more for just the running of the studio.
There are plenty of Metroid games, not our fault if most are shitty
Waiting for this
>this got announced
Yeah you don't exist.
id assume Bayo 3, BOTW 2 and MP4 would be the headliners for E3 2020 unless they announce a bunch of stuff before E3 again (only big things i can see getting announced before E3 are Mario Odyssey 2 and Pokemon)
if you only play it once that's absolutely true, but it falls apart the more you play it unlike 1 which gets better the more you play it
Bayo shilling starts after Astral Chain is out. Platinum fucked up by talking about bayo first and now there's no way Astral will get proper hype. And it's a shame
yeah, but at least give us an update on the release
it can't be coming out this year, there's not enough time to build hype after astral
I hope so. I started replaying 1 hoping for an announcement of info yesterday.
I hope they do galaxy 3, THEN odyssey 2
this is why you don't buy a console for games that aren't out yet
You idiot, you only have yourself to blame
No one should be this dumb. That's like buying a PS3 for KH3.
>tfw ywn be your own mommy for a day like Bayonetta was
>buying the console before the games even come out
someone shoot this retard
Is it worth getting a switch for Bayo 2?
Astral chain has less hype because it's slightly too weeb for most normies. Bayo doesn't cross that line
You can get 1 and 2 on Switch
I'll be sad if Bayo 3 ends up getting cancelled and I'm not even a Bayofag
I already have 1 on PC and 360, it's my second favourite game. There's a couple of other switch games I'm interested in but they aren't out yet
Personally, I like 1 more but 2 is decent enough for a playthrough or two.
Most of the time I think I'd rather not have it get released at all than be any less great than 1
That game was damn near perfect. Nothing offends my autism more than the legacy of something great being marred by half-hearted follow-ups
How the hell do you kill Ardors to get PP?
I'm starved for info but if they're taking their time and it ends up like 1 or better then I'll be happy.
>Tfw no woman will ever be better than Bayonetta
Please stop making fun of me, I got it for Smash too but then it turned out the online was complete fucking garbage, which none of us could've predicted it'd somehow be worse than 4's
Please put BOTW on sale Nintendo god fucking dammit
Stop mass replying and play Bayonetta
I do have Bayo 2 but the changes to the combos was fucking with my muscle memory so hard that I put it down and haven't returned to it
Should have planned better. Also, do this
Play 1 then, or Bujingai
But 1 above normal difficulty is too hard for my brainlet mind. I'm bad enough at fighting Gracious and Glorious without there being 3+ of them, and stone trophies hurt my feelings.
I don't really like what Bayonetta 2 did to Balder
What? Redeem him?
instead of a zealot who was corrupted by his savior complex, he's just possessed by Aesir
Literally just keep playing and practicing, use the train trick if you haven't got all the moves
What about buying a Wii U for Bayo 2, W101 and XenoX? Is that worth it?
Yeah man, buying the console before even gameplay or a release date is shown is so smart! Nintendo are obviously the bad guys here.
>which none of us could've predicted it'd somehow be worse than 4's
Nah I wouldn't say its any worse than 4. Maybe even slightly better. Still dogshit though for sure.
pretty sure you can emulate all of those now
I have a pretty shit computer. I5-4760K, GTX 970 and 16GB RAM.
Last time I tried emulating with cemu it went poorly
Just the fact that you can't specifically pick a 1v1 game mode makes it worse. Even if 99% of the time I do get my preferences, there's still those games where I get some absolute retard who has stage hazards and smash balls enabled and it's miserable, and then I lose ranks for it anyway. It's fucking horrendous.
>and then I lose ranks for it anyway. It's fucking horrendous.
Quickplay is a broken mode, gotta find people to play with online. For example if the other guy disconnects right before you win, neither of you get GSP
If you can find a Wii U for cheap and then hack it, it might be worth. Could also get Pikmin 3 and 3D World on it which are still not on Switch.
Does the PC version of 1 have any mods?
there is a nude mod that one i know
>E3 2018 = nothing
Do you faggots not know what TGS is?
>all these games that will never get releases
Good job nintendo
there was like 3 possible indie trailers for it, wtf.
Astral chain actually looks like shit desu. I was expecting an action game like Bayo but got like a detective mission based type thing.
this board is full of consolewarring zoomers
lol retard
"irelevant for the past 5 years." is the answer.
Nah it wasnt cancelled. Its just that it would have canibalized the hype for astral chain that its about to be released
oh how the tables have turned
BotW was on sale though. NA got a discount in Jan, EU got one in April and JP just got one for Golden Week. That's just digitally too. Several physical retailers have also had price cuts. Did you even look?
I can't think of anything of worth from TGS in recent years besides Monster Hunter announcements