You can safely screencap this post because you'll be happy to post it when my words will show themselves to be true sooner than you think.
This is not a bluff. I know what I'm doing!
Phoenix Wright will undoubtedly be the next character in Smash Ultimate
You don't even have to pretend to be a leaker, Wrightchad. He's just inevitable.
If capcom gets another character in it’ll be a fucking Monster Hunter, not this washed up prosecutor
If Monster Hunter was getting into Smash it would have been on the base roster.
>This is not a bluff
You are not fooling anyone.
After what they did with Simon/Richter and The Hero there's literally no way Wright is getting in without Miles, right?
But of course
If Capcom Mii Costumes get released out of nowhere with no new character
Consider Costume Theory crippled
If its every Capcom Mii Costume
Consider Costume Theory dead
How cool would it be to have some alternate universe game for Phoenix Wright where he's taking on cases in the Nintendo-verse? Taking on clients like Bowser (to prove he did not in fact kidnap Peach this time), or Link, defending his innocence against a shopkeeper who claims he stole a shovel and bow. It would be kinda cool having surprise appearances from all sorts of different characters while investigating and conducting a trial.
new DMC ports to switch happening and the 5 port is inevitable since dragons dogma sold extremely well, get ready to get btfo'd wrightfags along with your 3 shitty games.
DMC ports weren't coming to Switch in 2015 when the roster was finalized, retard
Don't be so antagonistic Dante bro
>washed up prosecutor
DMC5 started development in 2015 you fucking idiot. they didn't even finalize the DLC (the thing we are talking about, not the base roster you braindead autist) the DLC wasn't finalized until late 2018.
Post yfw they get the Dragon Quest Hero treatment along with Edgeworth
No, the DLC was finalized in 2015 after the completion of the original project plan. Sakurai ANNOUNCED it in 2018.
Where are my fellow PunishedApolloChads?
Duh, you think Phoenix is smart enough to update the autopsy report? Someone needs to do it.
I love Phoenix
I don't think Phoenix would make a good playable character.
But I would *kill* for a patch or some DLC that's nothing but a bunch of new assist trophies. Phoenix would be perfect for that.
What an amazing plot point that went literally nowhere.
>I don't think Phoenix would make a good playable character
This testimony contradicts the evidence!
real talk my dudes, capcom has a huge chance of getting a representative in given their good relationship with nintendo, and the likely list is the following:
>phoenix wright
>monster hunter
>dante from the devil may cry series
monster hunter probably isn't happening because the dev team for the series doesn't want the "hunter" to have "one appearance", as stated by that team, and that ship seems to have sailed
dante COULD get in with dante getting neutered down to bayonetta level and skirting around a T rating, not anything crazy, but phoenix is probably the most likely and most feasible option here alongside an ace attorney 7 reveal
if i were a betting man i would put money on phoenix, given that a capcom rep is probably inevitable
I always forget he was in that game.
We don't deserve MvC3U's roster
>most kino idea posted on this board today
>no (You)s
its ok user, I love your idea
I dunno man.
I love me some phoenix, but he really doesn't have the clout that I feel a Smash Bros DLC character should have.
Like, is he really as beloved, by as many people as Banjo? Or the fucking Dragon Quest reps? Nah man.
Monster Hunter is, though.
Also, an option I think you're forgetting, is someone from Resident Evil.
Chris, Jill or Leon are just as possible as Monster Hunter, if not moreso
I never felt like resident evil was a reasonable fit for smash honestly, at least bayonetta and dante are already action game protagonists whereas an RE character would be another snake at best
They could totally do a MvC2 Jill Valentine thing, and have all their specials involve being attacked by zombies
So the new banjo is
>Literally the definitive visual novel
>Popular enough to get remastered 4 times
>Just brought to all platforms
Actually a cool idea
Have a (you)
It. Will. Happen.
>having to change your thinking from (somewhat) real life logic to video game logic
That sounds cool as hell but it'll never happen.
Maybe someone needs to steal this idea and make it real. Justin Power, Video Game Attorney At Law, defending video game stars like the famous carpenter twins Franco and Lorenzo, the intergalactic bounty hunter Samantha and so on and so on.
200IQ doggo