Last thread was deleted by jannies trying to uphold the Nintendo outlook on the board

Last thread was deleted by jannies trying to uphold the Nintendo outlook on the board.

BotW sequel is being inspired by Red Dead Redemption 2. Thoughts?

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is this why some people thought this was a prequel? Because of the RDR2? oh well I dont care. I am stoked, cant wait. I am hoping they are going to change the map a bit so you will have more dungeons. If they copy and paste the map then why bother making a sequel at all?

Well, it was one of the best games ever released period.

I just hope they fix the issue that spawned with weapon durability and how it made me avoid fighting like the plague

So, shit pacing and shit controls?

The first game was also "inspired" by Skyrim but plays nothing like it

If I had to guess, it probably has more to do with the attention to detail and production values hopefully and maybe giving us a tighter narrative?

BOTW2 is doomed.

BotW was inspired from the entire open world genre.
Then Nintendo almost got it perfectly if not for the subpar plot and monotonous dungeons.

>BotW inspires RDR2
>RDR2 inspires BotW2

>>BotW inspires RDR2
Nice lie

I don't get this meme. My problem was that I never had enough inventory space, not that I didn't have weapons. If you fight shit, 97% of the time that means you get weapons. And it sucks you can't give Hetsu all your Korok seeds when you meet him until he is at Korok Forest.

>BOTW was already inspired by Skyrim
Yea Forums acts like this is a suprise

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I hope they mean they will take inspiration from the good parts of RDR2 and won't get the idea that we need to see horse testicles.

This. BotW is good after all.

Good games should inspire other games...

Nintendo gonna embarrass Rockstar all over again.

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With their lower attach rate lmao?

>every dev of all the games Yea Forums ballwashes still adore Rockstar

What's the attach rate of RDR2?

Why does everyone love R*? Most devs speak highly of them

The owners are a part of the Illuminati

Doesn't really mean anything.

>lower attach rate

BotW had an attach rate of more than 100%. KYS

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They said in an interview a while back that they wanted RDR2 to be as interactive as BOTW

Don't see why that's surprising. BotW was inspired by Skyrim and garbage games like that.

so is anyone gonna mention how this is literally fake news? the article just mentions that the younger devs were playing RDR2. same with the "inspired by skyrim" bit, one of the lead devs then was just playing skyrim.

Find the source on that. No rockstar developer usually speaks about new things that inspire them

I don't know what we're supposed to take from that. BotW, at its core, was all about total freedom in a dying world, while RDR2 was about a series of areas you're discouraged from going because of NPCs and enemies.

I just want a spiritual successor to Majoras Mask.

Please, Elaborate, You have me interested. Lelsie said they record footage of the high ranking employees doing illegal stuff, So they have dirt on them should they ever talk, A tactic used in politics

Is BotW 2 coming to Wii U?

I don't have BotW for the Switch. At least until I go buy it this weekend.