What are your red flags that an MMO is going to be shit right off the bat?
>all races start off in the same zone
I hate this shit.
What are your red flags that an MMO is going to be shit right off the bat?
>all races start off in the same zone
I hate this shit.
Other urls found in this thread:
Gender-locked races
it's an mmo
>flashy out of place combat mechanics
>made on unreal engine/unity
Every time
And gender-locked classes too.
How about classes tied to gender AND race?
Fuck Tera,
>10+ classes available
>party size is 5
>2 classes are required for the meta
>no lvl cap
>enchanting items
>korean game
all these spot on
>Action combat
>use attack
>rooted for no good reason while animation plays
>no way to interrupt
Wow got alt tab mmo right. Black desert is imo the best "action" combat mmo gameplay. Too bad it's grindy piece of p2w garbage with no endgame except a fucking casino where the house always wins.
based triggered trannies
>What are your red flags that an MMO is going to be shit right off the bat?
It's not already 15 years old or more with established content and community.
Which is why nearly everyone still plays the classics, like WoW FFXI Everquest Eve Ragnarok Ultima Runescape etc.
Cant compete with a 20 year old balanced game with 20 year's worth of content already in it
How about a defense of genderlocked races/classes that isn't a buzzword-laden shitpost?
>What are your red flags that an MMO is going to be shit right off the bat?
The fact that it's an mmo
>we are going to do a level locked testing period.
means the game is unfinished/has no content
>preorder your 150$ pack and get all this exclusive stuff
means they are ripping you off right at the beginning and plan to continue to rip you off forever
real action combat is just making everything a fuck huge aoe. skill never matters. it cant matter because when 1 bad ass wrecks the shit of 100 faggots, thats 1 happy customer and 100 people who quit.
>game shut down in its main region
ohhh baby
>game is chinese
>staff is chinese
ning nong ching chong enjoy your p2w and overt gm corruption
>game is korea
>staff is not
enjoy your 6 months between updates and lore that doesnt make any fucking sense. nothing you say matters when it comes to game balance or suggestions.
abort abort abort
>spiritual successor of game x
Not spiritual successor of game x.
>if you don't want to play a kawaii uguu pedo race you're a tranny
based retard
Not a tranny yet, I just think it's lazy and very immersion breaking. If you can't afford to put in both genders for a race then you shouldn't put them in at all.
gender locked classes are a red flag because the main reason classes get gender locked is usually because the company doesnt have enough time, money, or resources to do animations or make models for gear the same class twice for each gender. If the dip shits running the game are cutting corners that obviously, then they probably are cutting corners on everything else.
race locked classes raise a red flag because it implies one of two things: one race/class combo will be objectively better than its counter part so there will always be imbalance, or two the devs are trying to content pad and pretend green man with sword is a totally unique experience than red cat man with sword. This itself will lead to imbalance because faggot tranny roleplayers will flock to one side and neglect the other because its too ugly/dumb/whatever looking.
what the fuck did he mean by this?
This. Muh lore isn't a good reason for it either. Look at wow and how quick they remedied that, especially the faction locked classes like paladin and shaman.
When the gameplay and character animations aren't fluid. This is why I will never play any other MMO seriously other than WoW.
>more than one character per account
Into the trash it goes.
Made in Korea
this thing^
This every fucking Korean MMO is the same shit.
>Generally good or great visuals
>Gameplay has innovative or unique ideas but are implemented poorly
>Game quickly devolves into a pay to win shitfest a few months after launch
>It's made by a Korean or Chinese developer
>It runs on Unreal Engine 3
>It's F2P but has a P2W cash shop
all of these are instant red flags
>Multiple currencies that are all earned in limited daily amounts
>wait times that can be bypassed by paying
>attacks are all on a numpad hotbar that play slilted repetitive animations
>rng rolls for endgame content
>part of the selling point is the voice cast
>rainbow status effects that are lifted from Pokémon and needlessly confuddled to add faux difficulty
>timegated content
Gender locked races or classes.
""Free"" to play
Action combat
Too many classes.
No healer or tank roles.
More or less anything launched after Blizzard shit WoW into existence thus destroying MMOs forever.
All tranny shit aside, gatekeeping classes to race/gender to pad your shitty lore is lazy design
>combat is ability based instead of equipment based with minor inputs
>orchestral sound track
>guild infrastructure is massive instead of minor addon
>playable races include more than one kind of elf
>has mounts that are similar to automobiles
>child races
>expansions/updates make older content irrelevant
Based retards who hate lore. Fuck fantasy games that aren't your standard tolkien races. And fuck original ideas.
have sex
Tbh every fantasy mmo is either weebshit or Tolkien/game of thrones knock offs now
It's called Guild Wars and has a 2 at the end of it.
Knock that 2 off and you've got yourself a fine experience.
Instances. You can call your game an mmo all you want; if it's got instances, it just isn't one.
Not gonna change with all the retards like the ones in this thread who think any form of class/gender locking is just the devs being lazy. So as I was saying, fuck original ideas.
It doesn't even make sense lorewise, unless it's restricting weak races or women from being martial classes, which they never have the balls to do anyway.
if you don't want to play a character then don't play it you dumb pedphile child molester tranny.
Bad crafting
This. I wanted to like it but god damn did they make it hard. Worst thing was the level scaling, that killed it for me.
These are invariably sluggish grindfests where even the act of leveling is tedious and unsatisfying
do you think a game like Final Fantasy Online 2 is cutting corners with the Viera? also race-locking classes for balance reasons is a perfectly legitimate reason to do so, assuming it was designed that way from the start and not removed content from the game because of abuse/imbalance.
>pedobait race
>genderlocked anything
>males look like walking metal boxes, females look like literal bikini strippers, and no choice for either to have a middle ground
>"action" combat yet enemies have autotracking on everything
>terrain doesn't matter; enemies can ignore fall damage, field of view etc
>but you can't
>pedobait race
This is the biggest flag to a shitty MMO.
are you a tranny or just a faggot in general?
>do you think a game like Final Fantasy Online 2 is cutting corners with the Viera?
Not him, but absolutely. They aren't even modeling their headpieces, and have gone into outright copypasting content from old games without the "ha ha cameo fight!" excuse, now it's an outright creative brankrupcy.
I just want an MMO that gives me the same feeling WoW did back when I was younger.
Everything is just too streamlined now, though. MMOs are just automatic matchmaking and there's no community anymore.
Hang the rope, desperation-kun.
>where is my MMO about being a white christian male who owns and marries a white christian female and sires a family of heteronormative sons, all while staving off the dark satanic impulses relating to sexy children trying to temp me to sin REEEEEEEEE
>why are people disgusted by my pedophiliac tendencies?!?!?!?! I thought the internet was a safe place for my degenerate urges, I bet it's those trannies!!!111111
It's time to get you neutered, mutt.
FFXI and FFXIV 1.0 would like a word with you.
They were fantastic MMOs and you can fuck yourself cunt.
If playing a feminine character bugs you so much then you're probably a closeted fag.
Gender locked anything wasn't even close to the top of the list of problems why TERA became shit. And even despite all it's flaws and shortcomings it was by far the best action combat MMO when it was in it's prime and there isn't a single MMO that's even came close to replacing it or nailing the same feel that classic TERA had.
>I'm not gay, it's the faggots who suck my dick that are gay!
have sex with someone your age or older
>i am not a p-p-pedophile, y-y-you are gay! gay!!!
Injection ahoy.
>established ip instead of an original one
has yet to be proven wrong
you need to follow your advice by example, pedoman.
Korean mmos.
Original ips have been failing much more though.
locked classes
tutorial boss are real bosses with less health.
quest killing brainless trash bombs.
bdo fuck u
>scantily clad males
>scantily clad males
Name 5
Doesn't contradict what he said, though.
None of the MMOs with established names beforehand are any good.
Guild Wars 1 was fucking great
That... that is not a korean MMO, user.
>enjoy your 6 months between updates and lore that doesnt make any fucking sense. nothing you say matters when it comes to game balance or suggestions.
ragnarok online
And you're a fucking retard.
ncsoft is literally a korean company, idiot.
Do you not comprehend the differences between publisher and developer, you absolute mongoloid?
Jump off a cliff and die, please. Do not reproduce.
>Tab Bar “combat”
Yup another “wowkiller”!
when people use fantasy names
You guys don't deserve these devs. Ungrateful anons what other game has a better story than XIV?
MMO Red Flags, in No Particular Order:
1. Genderlocked classes
2. Blatant fanservice (typical of eastern MMOs)
3. Extreme class imbalance (typical of eastern MMOs)
4. Has some kind of equipment 'upgrade' system that, predictably, has a chance to fail and fuck your equipment up unless you buy something from the cash shop (typical of eastern MMOs).
5. Has a cash shop that gives ANY in-game advantage whatsoever, NO MATTER HOW SMALL OR OBTUSE
6. Has a "VIP" membership subscription that gives wallet warriors advantages. Yes, "conveniences" count as advantages.
7. Open unrestricted PvP. This one ruins communities.
8. Faction PvP that allows you to attack your own faction. Archeage failed here (among others).
9. Paladins being tank or healer only with no viable DPS option. A true Paladin is DPS first with a 2 hander, smiting evil, a tank second protecting the innocent, and a healer never. No, having lay on hands or a few minor healing spells does not make them a healer.
10. If it's a transplant from Korea; literally years of wait for updates.
11. Raid finder or something like it. Group finder for regular dungeons is okay as long as it isn't cross-server.
12. Pedobait race/class
All I can think of right now. I have many other preferences that aren't red flag worthy though.
As you can probably tell, very VERY few MMOS survive my standards.
Pretty much any other MMO, save for the poor translations. Hell, BDO has a much better written world, lore, plot and overall characters and it's a shovelware grinding MMO.
FFXIV is an absolutely atrocious abortion spawned out of trying to cash in from FFXI and WoW-fugees.
It is as soulless as something can possibly be, with C E R O original content or ideas of its own. EVERYTHING is copied from something else, from lore to the actual fucking races and even the storyline is outright retwritten from FFXI and FFXII.
It's absolutely saddening that that's the extent a FF MMO will ever reach, specially since FFXI was a brilliant and actually unique game in its own right, despite obvious shortcomings from multiplatting with PS2.
And I am speaking fully from experience because I have in fact played though most of FFXIV in hopes of it ever becoming something less depressing while under an MMO drought. It never did, in any way.
FFXI had gender-locked races and was great.
>Paladin is dps
Based Retardin!
I like tab target combat
why is there a fucking mmo thread up during e3
>10. If it's a transplant from Korea; literally years of wait for updates.
This is insane to me. I just don't get it when this happens - and it always happens. What the hell is wrong with the publisher developer relationship? The frameworks for these games are some portable engine like Unreal half the time, or at least the code is in English I'm sure. What gives?
because e3 is basically over?
Honestly, I think this could work well if it'd more akin to action games where you can't move during certain frames, or it was locked to a certain class due to the weapon or something.
It's silly when you're locked in place when swinging a normal sword, or doing basic attacks, but it also looks silly if you're flailing a fuckhuge sword around and twirling in the air - and then facing away from the enemy you're attacking because you looked away from it.
Why are you still playing Baby's First MMO anons? Join XIV, we'll show you what raiding is.
>low level basic abilities are overtly flashy
>random paid store shit/currency littered throughout
>fast travel
>overdesigned armor
>Raid finder or something like it.
What about a raid finder that isn't cross-server and doesn't use some neutered difficulty level? Not sure if it even exists, but I'm thinking something like FFXIV's raid finder but without the cross-server functionality.
Every class has a stun
Every class has a silence
Every class has a big damage button
Every class has a big defensive ability
Every class has a heal
If I wanted to sell my soul to chink cashouts, I would just jump on the gacha machine. At least it doesn't try to pretend it's a game to sell me uninspired anime tropes.
What is the problem with cross-server finders?
The issues with cross-server party finders don't really apply to xiv with the speed and ease of world visiting now. It's not like you're grouping with people across the world who you'll never have any chance of seeing again
>user score
Don't you mean russian bot score? You can't fool me with your hate campaigns, nazi!
As someone who's sunk way too much time into BDO, you couldn't have spouted more hilarious bullshit if you tried. Good concepts aren't considered writing when you let a 5 year old write them then shove the peice of paper into a pile of dog shit. Stop being assblasted that a game you like has poor qualities.
This is why MMO communities suck in general. No one can openly admit they like X game for Y reason even though Z reason sucks absolute ass.
>>males look like walking metal boxes, females look like literal bikini strippers, and no choice for either to have a middle ground
Thats why i loved Lotro so much because you could play a hobbit and model you toon skinny/normal or even with a belly if you intend to play a lazy as rogue or bard for example. Thats also what I hate about WoW. I always played forsaken or gnomes because these two were the only races who wouldn't make my mage look like Dr. Jersey Beach.
>Giant shoulderpats that are bigger than the characters upper body.
Generally GIANT weapons with eight different flame/thunder animations descending from it that turn raids into an underage anime convention.
Same with mounting house sized flying mounts and WINGS on characters, NO! BAD DEVELOPER!
>>"action" combat yet enemies have autotracking on everything
>>terrain doesn't matter; enemies can ignore fall damage, field of view etc
>>but you can't
Yea, generally outright bad or half-assed implemented combat systems. Just go for something simple if you can't do a better job with your engine for fucks sake.
I dont want this adhd action shit anyway. If I want action I play action games. I dont need RTS (with Mobas) or MMO's porting action gameplay (including jumping puzzles) into their clunky fuck of a an engine.
But worst of all:
Rng on every drop, property and basically any value that can be a variable plus shit that is gated trough "earn 20 badges to reach this goal, every badge consists of 40 shards that can be found at a 5% dropchance in loot chests of which you can obtain five per day by doing the same quests over and over and over again but only if you meet the prerequisites that force you to grind 5000 [value] but you obviously can only get 50 [value] a day."
Thats how you keep players grinding for another six months with only three NPC's, three different types of mobs in some random area and one pulled-out-of-ass faction.
Bonus points if this is considered "endgame".
Muh server community
Korean or chinkshit.
"Combat" involves:
>Stand in place
>Press 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
>Wait for cooldown
>Press 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
>Move character out of telegraphed AOE attack radius
>Press 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0
>Enemy dies
>Here's 10xp and 5gp
Name a single mmo that has done action combat well without diluting RPG elements in the process and turning the look of the combat into a fucking incomprehensible pyrotechnic acrobatic eyerape of special effects the moment more than one player is on screen.
Someone revive GW2 gen for the love of god
Community is the part of an mmo that makes it an mmo, mate.
What this tells me is that you have actually spent no time at all in BDO, which by the way I hardly play any longer for that matter, as I can perfectly tell its glaring faults.
The game has a perfectly good written lore and setting, and a lot of its undertones and storylines are in fact very interesting. The translation is abhorrent like in any Korean MMO, and it also has an obvious shit ton of filler quests and menial whatever festivals shoved in for the sake of it.
If anyone sounds assblasted it's you, who I can only imagine are one of those post-burnout whining cunts that turn to immediately hate what they have played way too long and forget any good or passable aspects in favor of the last grudgingly tedious parts they went through.
>describe literally 100% of rpg/action/combat games with vague language
good job. I bet you have shit taste
ugly females
>This is why MMO communities suck in general. No one can openly admit they like X game for Y reason even though Z reason sucks absolute ass.
Honestly, this makes finding new MMOs to play hell and is why I have stuck to FFXI/XIV for MMOs. And XIV is literally only because I have friends who play it - otherwise I'd be huddling in XI like a crack addict wishing it wasn't dead.
what MMO isn't shit on release?
>Stand in place
>Wait for cooldown
>Move character out of telegraphed AOE attack radius
Nothing vague about any of that. It clearly refers to a total lack of anything resembling brain activity being needed in combat.
>2.5 second gcd
and tons of other homosexual shit
Korea just doesn't care about the English version and drag their feet.
Doesn't take much effort to code your character's attacks to not lock them in place/take 5 seconds to cast.
But then again RPG fans are fine watching the same shitty sprites run across the entire screen every time they select "attack" and get to watch an animation.
What's so hard about avoiding an attack that literally plants a giant glowing target under you?
What's so hard about mashing 1-0 and waiting for them to cooldown?
Old School Runescape has more advanced combat than these fucking things.
>Regions are separate by loading screens
>Races are only aesthetics instead of having abilities
>"Free" to play
>Grinding over quests
>Instant dungeon queue for dungeons
>No insensitive to meet people
>Timgegated shit
>Night system is a joke that doesn't look like proper night
World of Warcraft is a prime example. It used to be good, loved how you actually had to meet people in order to do dungeons. I fucking loved saying DING and other stupid shit. Past Cataclysm, it got to shit.
And then the last straw was putting copy-pasta races behind a huge time AND grindwall. Doesn't help you absolutely need to do all the content first in order to even start getting those races. I like playing as a new character every new expansions because I'm a nostalgiafag and Moonguard is fun to play on with RP mods but come on, i couldn't even get BfA because of that shit. If they actually want people back, they wouldn't do this sort of stupid shit.
PLEX/token like system
Cash shop
No wpvp
Forum and game bans linked
Silence system
Banning DPS meters
Any pedo/lolishit whether NPCs or PCs
‘Action RPG’ combat
Procedural generation
More than 2 gender options
You're again misusing 'written' with 'conceptualize'. You're arguing that because the premise and concept are well defined and have depth, that the execution doesn't matter. The written story, as in the writing of it and actual words forming sentences, is awful. The concept, lore, and setting are all decent, but when they're presented in a stilted, awkward, and horribly written way they're no longer good.
Much of the shitty dialogue and so forth only seem that way because they are directly translated from Korean, which has vastly different language norms than English.
BDO is still kind of ass either way. I won't return to it until they remove the enhancement system. Or remove the chance of it failling. Which they won't, so I never will.
Also if you ever run into a player named "Armoirize", feel free to kick his faggot wizard ass in the nuts and tell him Innak says fuck you.
what the fuck
That's after character creation too, which makes it all the more idiotic. A programmer probably had to satisfy a danger hair hambeast on his team and threw it under a random menu in options.
Gender locked classes
"Non humans" that are just humans with hats and tails
Weak customization