How could you not get hyped for Astral Chain after watching this?

How could you not get hyped for Astral Chain after watching this?
GOTY material right here.

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Despite not being truly /m/, I'm super excited for astral chain, and daemon x machina

I was pretty meh on the game prior to this, the treehouse demonstration definitely sold me on it.

>Nintendo Switch is the home for a pro-slavery game mostly played by radical leftists
>The antifa doesn't make a peep.
What a clown world.

You want me to be completely honest? It looks boring. Why? I honestly have no idea. Everything about this game just says "meh".

Says more about you than it does the game

Bumping this thread, this game looks incredible from what I've seen. I rarely buy games nowadays, but this one has piqued my interest.


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I’m still confused how you control both the protagonist and Legion simultaneously considering they both have fairly complex move sets.

It's time to dilate, Sonyfag

It looks good as shit, honestly not even mad that we didn't get to see any of Bayonetta because I'm honestly looking forward to this more.

The legion uses auto attack.

Looks great. I wish Nintendo wasn't the only one to push for cell shaded graphics. The racing at the start is shit though.

Nintendo exclusive third party games will always be doomed for irrelevancy

Sell me this bridge, user. Why should I buy it?

It seems flashy and they are trying to distract you with story plus graphics to cover up the weaknesses in the gameplay.

>switch only
>No pc port, possibly ever
Good looking game for your console.
Kudos switchfags, and enjoy


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Damn dude, sick burn. You sure showed him. Why does Yea Forums engender such pathetic drone behavior on consolecucks?
Looks fucking great.

>>switch only
>>No pc port, possibly ever

Nintendo is paying them to make the game.

its no bayo but itll do

Years down the line I doubt we will be discussing this title.

I dunno just looks like it's falling into mediocre platinum territory as usual with anime tones overflow and combat that looks deep but is kind of button mashy, seriously the only good product Platinum has ever made by themselves is Bayonetta everything else had another studio involved.

Looks fun as hell, definitely gonna snag this when it comes out. Jojo cops with some small pokemon-monster capturing elements (just the one you start out with then 4 more apparently, but it's something)? I'm down.

I think the Legion attacks automatically. You hold down ZR to summon it and use the right control stick to move it around. If I had to guess, the left joystick will be relegated for the player character itself while the right has you summon and control the Legion.

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I was already sold on it when it eas first revealed.
Don't get all the salt though. Why bother if this game won't be as popular or relevant? Let's just hope it's as good as it looks.

>GOTY material right here.

>Gameplay looks solid
>player and legion design look fantastic
>main gimmick of game looks like trash

Let me switch between human and legion between stages, or via powerup. This "dog on a leash" concept looks fucking retarded.

I thought it would be awkward that the main dude is black and his sister isn't but then her skin tone changed to match him, I love it.

It feels like yet another generic anime game.

Wow this thread is garbage. The fuck happened Yea Forums?

Excessive amounts of salt and cope

Never cared for linear action games. That goes back to ye ps2 days.

Shills there are posts who aren't natural looking

>to appeal to the 72% of PS4 players who identify as LGBT
Wait, what about the other 28% of PS4 players who identify as LGBT? Are they too ashamed of the gay flag to the point that it doesn't appeal to them anymore?
Serious question.

What the fuck the game looks really great.
I wasn't that excited after seeing the trailer yesterday, but the atmosphere and the gameplay so far look really fun. Too bad that damage numbers are a thing. Also might have been my imagination but there were some performance issues, not really that unnatural for a switch. Wish it was on PC instead because visually it's very appealing

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Takes a shill to know a shill.

They are Log Cabin Republicans.

>first trailer hits nearly 900k views
>second trailer struggles to meet 60k
What happened?

You don't have to be interested.

That's not a trailer but a 30 minute interview which probably got lost in the deluge of videos coming out of e3.

Because I am turning 37 this year and I don't have time to play games like this any more.

No, there's a new trailer too that nobody's watching.

0.001 rupees have been deposited into your account

>No, there's a new trailer too that nobody's watching.
Nintendo give zero fucks to promote this game.
They acting like "Oh yeah, we have another P* project which will be released in 2 months. Let's upload the trailer, I guess? Ugh..."

Honestly I'm not impressed at all. This game looks like a wierd mix of Automata and Rising, nothing complex and charmed like Wonderful 101.
Music is good though.

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Because it's the same trash games like Doom, Digimon Cyber Sleuth or other cheap JRPG (or other "lol virtual reality") games are doing, namely being stupid lazy fucks making 80% of the game play in the same boring ass areas which are not actual overworld areas so they can just make it all look the same.
I thought you were some cop on the streets of whatever city but instead nearly of that trailer was in that shitty shattered world area.
Stop with this shit

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You are comparing a video that has been up for 3 months to new videos which have only been up for hours.

Mfw I’m 34 and have hundreds of unopened games.

>Don't have time for a typical 2 hour platinum game

Jesus user just go full normie

It looked like you can equip the arm legion

really excited for it, switch will finally have a game to play

Hell yeah

Switch is getting the holy trinity of celshaded anime action games between those and NMH3

Ive never really been a fan of nmh but it looked hella nice too

This. It's like a game that is trying to emulate Platinum as much as possible, except it is Platinum and you realize they've lost their touch and need strong direction (Kamiya, Taro) to make something decent.

wtf why don't they complain about pokemon

can't believe those hypocrites

I miss Okami. I'm overselling it but that game is legit the closest thing I've gotten to perfection and that was despite it's shitty third act and recycled enemies.

Yea just like smash right?

Your opinion has no weight then. (If you dont have any feedback to make it count)

1) That trailer was already inthe Direct;
2) It obviously won't attract as much attention as Smash or Zelda;
3) Not marketed that much.

Same here. Initially I was into it but kind of confused and a bit worried that I wouldn't like the gameplay style. After seeing it in action I am overwhelmingly impressed. They've done a lot of stuff here that frankly merits insane amounts of praise.

The chain mechanics are incredible. Actually circling your dude around the enemy to trap them with the chain, clotheslining charging enemies with your chain, this sort of dynamic behaviour is breathtaking and innovative. There are all these little hints of greatness in the mini-videos they haven't made public yet - the default Legion can do a Blade Mode, you can fucking cut at weak points on enemy bodies to stun them.

I basically went into this anticipating Transformers Devastation, and while it still looks uncomfortably similar to me (the gigantic slowdown when you start using a special move, the damage numbers indicating RPG mechanics aren't far behind), I'm far more confident now that it will stand on its own.

Like, I'm not kidding here, this has the potential to be one of the greats. Just from what we've seen, and it totally could still fail to deliver. But you're in a damn good spot when you're going "wait a second, is this game as good as Bayonetta or DMC?"

gameplay wise it looks slow and floaty and visuals wise it looks very uninteresting

Motorcycle part was absolutely horrible.

Retarded? The visuals are great, Japanese Cyberpunk here I come, I've been wanting this shit since I played fucking Snatcher. combat looks great too, lots of nuance.

It was pretty meh. I hope it doesn't show up before every mission.

What if Chaos Legion, but dogshit - that's what this game is.

I can't be hyped for large scale games on a handheld piece of shit.

It's even worse than Highway from Bayo, dude. It's a fucking disaster.

But i'm hyped !! It's legit the only game i'm exited about for this year while waiting for Metroid Prime 4 and No More Heroes 3.

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>The visuals are great
Visuals are boring, it look like Remember Me:
These rusted neon square rooms will quickly get bored.

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By that logic any slightly futuristic game is visually the same.

>the visuals are great

I am very hyped for Astral Chain, but it's a damn shame it had to be on a platform as weak as the switch. It's clearly struggling to maintain even 30fps and for action games like this that fucking sucks.

Also fuck retarded artists putting thin high contrast lines in a low resolution game with barely any AA. Those jagged lines make it look way worse than it has to be.

Remember Me visuals and AD were gorgeous tho.

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It's resolution isn't that high you drone.

Not really.
Both Splatoon and Fallout are set in futuristic post apocalyptic world. Yet art direction is completely different.

It does have weight. You would just disregard any criticism and feedback with an adhom, since Yea Forums has become an even bigger shithole than before thanks to Hiromoot.

>Pc port never ever
>only way for me to get a switch is too steal it
Day of the rope getting closer lads

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Just as Astral Chains 80s/90s police anime look is different to other cyberpunk games. To say it's the same is to basically admit retardation, it even has it's own standout visual features on top of that. Remember me isn't even anime, it doesn't have anywhere near the strong stylization that Astral Chain has.


just emulate it if you don't wanna buy a switch

No doubts, but it still was generic and forgettable.

Keep an eye on the Yuzu progress.

>you get your own stand

Looks great, I'm getting the collectors edition for this one. Want that music cd.

>create a black MC
>Akira becomes delicious brown

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Its not that i dont want to buy a switch. I just can't because going into nintendo stuff is extremely expensive.
Also i would rather get it on its intended platform for you know... its stable nature, there will always be problems when emulating games.

>have to play as a nigger
Not worth it.

>first chimera boss is named briareos
i love it

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The graphic style reminds me more of Killer is Dead.

I’m having a thing where I think I like it, but it also looks a little soulless. I can’t put my finger on why. Either way I’ll probably buy it, but when I compare it to wonderful 101 it feels empty.

Anyone have a webm of wrapping enemies with the chains and flinging them back to stun them?
That shit is kino

Okami was boring as shit and extremely flawed.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>Have to run for several seconds to gain full momentum which makes you not want to stop to restore zones and dig up items
>Have to skip through item descriptions every single time you pick them up which makes you not want to pick up any items
>Pacing is incredibly fucking slow
>Combat is extremely easy to exploit to a point where you'll one shot most shit.

To be honest Wonderful 101 looked like clusterfuck when I first saw it, and that game become the best game of this generation. We should give AC a chance.

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>Too Weeb
>Platinum 'half baked' games
>It's Automata sided
>There is another big enemy with large telegraphed attacks
>Looks cheap

Don't get mad you asked and I own a Switch before you go all console war consumer on me

It's cool how your siblings ethnicity changes based on what ethnicity you make yourself
Looking at you todd

Yeah that was pretty cool.

Just wait for the emulator in 5 years

Jeez I know Yea Forums hates video games but I feel like people have been more pessimistic than usual I think this game looks super cool

This always happens with an exclusive game.

There are too many games with this abbreviation for it to ever be used.

It was one of the least impressive games in the Nintendo conference. Luigi's Mansion 3 was much more interesting.



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