>forgotten 2 days later
What went wrong
Forgotten 2 days later
no gameplay
It wasn't Smash autism
Worst trailer of e3. 343 are shit.
>343 are shit.
I think they know they are which is why they brought back the old amour. They know they have fucked the franchise up.
PC Halo fan, haven't been following it super closely. Still have no fucking clue what it's supposed to be - can't get hyped yet for nothing.
343 ruined the franchise and their best trailer was the new flight sim
>Spend half a year on some random ass character.
>Finally get to Chief and it feels like a completely different trailer.
It was a shit trailer that really could've been cut down to 2 minutes.
>What went wrong
These two things combined:
>Teaser to a game everyone knows our corporate overlords aren't done milking yet
>No gameplay
>Literally 90% some fuck faffing about, 10% MASTER CHIIIIEEEEF you guise!
>Boring name
If it wasn't Halo, it would have been an absolute joke.
Because it's Halo, it's at least a sad joke.
Smashfags don't shut the hell up about it, can't even talk about Metroid and they like to shout NINTENDO WON because of that gay ass Smash shit and would eat anything up, fuck that series, fuck the mods, and fuck this gay ass board, they really need to remove the Smash and Sony faggots and give them their own fucking board. I want to talk about Halo and Metroid, not that Smash shit.
>Second teaser that doesn't show anything
>Still no announcement that after porting over the Master Chief Collection to PC that 5 or Infinite will come out on PC as well
There's literally nothing to talk about.
Did they say where the story picks up at?
After 5.
no flood
They didn't give us anything to discuss?
Last E3 they just showed a teaser for Halo Infinite and this year they basically did it again, we have no idea what the gameplay looks like. We have no idea what the greater narrative is. There is just nothing to discuss, and that's their fuck up.
WHY IS THAT FUCKING BANJO STICKY STILL, mods remove that fucking shit off the board. Can't believe you tranny assholes even had that shit up all day, it's fucking over! Hiro needs to do his job and fire your Smashfag asses, god damn!
Maybe they had nothing ready to show yet, you know like Nintendo with Metroid 5, you know the 2D game.
>no gameplay
>no idea wtf is going on
Seriously why did that guy find MC floating in space? Is it explained in another goddamn book?
Can't wait to play the campaign.
Nobody played 5, let alone 4 so we don't know what's happening.
If there are still forerunners as enemies or sprint/AB then I don't care
A lot of people played 4 and 5, don't try to rewrite history because you're all Smash faggots that won't shut up about a stupid ass dead bear and his pet bird.
List three people in the entire world that played Halo 5
I ain't going to list shit, millions played both Halo 4 and 5, get your faggot ass out of here and go back to your gay ass Smash threads since Nintendo is too good to announce a fucking 2D sequel to a game that released 17 fucking years ago.
I don't give a shit about smash, I give a shit about hating halo 4 and 5 though, it's basically a part time job for me and I'll be here all night.
Halo is dead, that's why Noone cares about this shit new trailer.
The trailer needed more Chief.
>What went wrong
Movie bullshit instead of actual gameplay. They still havent learned their lesson
yikes guess ill be skipping the campaign again
>Worst trailer of e3
Yeah the "whole fake-out for 45 seconds and suddenly reveal it's Halo" thing was old after the poncho-Chief trailer, why do they keep doing this shit? Just show the Master Chief and some marines rolling over shit and kicking ass, give the audience some hype shit.
They showed NO GAMEPLAY after saying that they would show gameplay.
They showed a spic marine rebooting armor. There's not much there.
>Hey Chief, it's good to see you alive now we can go home to-
>Status report
>Status report
>Uh, we lost a big fight and here is a partially destroyed halo
>*random thing bumps into ship*
>We better run
>No, it's time to fight
>I haven't even told you what we're fighting
>Shut up you pussy it's time to fight
>*Jumps out an airlock into deep space*
The series of events didn't make any sense at all. It has to be a mid game cutscene, instead of the opening.
I just want MCC on PC to hurry up so I can play the good Halo games.
I played 5
the campaign was awful and the story was a waste of time, and nothing of importance happened anyways, it was pure build up for infinite.
The MP was surprisingly good and the forge is amazing.
343 killed Halo. I want it to be good and relive the glory days the franchise once had. But 4 and 5 fucked it so much that I just can't get myself exited for it anymore. I look more forward to the MCC on the pc then this.
Didn't show any gameplay.
That pilot should have not said anything except, "Alright, Chief" immediately plugging it in. He should have shut the fuck up otherwise
Also holy shit why couldn't the at least get someone competent to show off Reach during that stream. Honestly looked real bad with that retard playing it. Bunch of Halo fans at Splash Damage my ass
Campaign plays like CE and 3 though and will be a soft reboot.
Keep telling yourself that Smashfag.
Psst... you guys want to hear some gossip
>Proof and what you all want to know
>MCC PC flighting is *scheduled* for two weeks from today
>The delays have been caused by optimization issues, tonnes of ctds on radeon cards and some others
>People with radeon cards will be prioritized for flighting
>expect the settings menu to not work properly
So anyways here's some office rumors/truths
>Frank hates you guys, he doesn't know any of you but he's very left wing and hates Yea Forums/reddit, anytime he brings up fan critique he uses Yea Forums/reddit interchangeably in a derogatory manner. This is despite the fact he rarely goes on either.
>Frank left bungie because alot of the "head" guys hated him, he loves the spotlight too much and was generally derided as an idiot. It wasn't totally because of the hatred though, halo moving studios just gave him an excuse to leave
>Bonnie ross is extremely bitchy towards the other women in the company, she is only liked for the fact she fights to hire them. Imagine a boss that treats you like garbage but promotes you anyway.
>Kiki wolfkill is more manly than any man working at 343 for reasons you'd expect and because shes actually manly
>The pro team was largely ignored and a few were actually asked to leave, a lot of them didn't have the balls to speak up to anyone key anyway, it was mostly PR for a comfy salary. Scott Ghandi was considered but got dropped because of his past criticism and loud voice
>There is a similar attitude towards "right wingers" in the studio as google, mentioning trump in any way will get you REEs over something, however Microsoft wants us to shut the fuck up about politics which I agree with
So thats the 343 gossip, I can't confirm any of it other than the PC stuff but it's what i've heard.
MCC and Infinite are coming to PC you absolute retard
Actually, they did show gameplay but it was short, it's the part where it's in Chief's visor.
Halo got killed when MW came out. I don't know why people still pretend like it was ever coming back. Shit, I loved Reach, but everyone just went back to MW2 after like a week.
Doesn't help that 4 and 5 were both pretty bad, though 5's multi is nice, the shit is just dead.
I haven't cared for Smash in 10 years. Halo is dead.
Infinite was confirmed for PC a long time ago. 5 isn't coming because literally no one gives a fuck about it, and custom games and forge are already ported anyways.
But it's not, people are more excited for Infinite than ever before.
every Halo was bad
5 isn't coming because it's control is a pile of ass because of the stupid ass Spartan Abilities.
What's there to like about Halo? It's a generic sci-fi shooter with bad visual design.