*slaps your heart on the ass*
*slaps your heart on the ass*
she would never hang out with you and would probably think you're some weirdo creep
deprogram her
delete this
literally no fun allowed
Look at that ass
I want her to make Metal Gear
I unironically pray every night that it becomes illegal to be gay or a tranny. Like we adopt the middle east's way of dealing with them.
Looks exactly the same.
that is legitimately creepy af
>She will never molest you on the train Onee-san style
Why even live
Who else here part of 'kill ALL fags'?
More companies are going to seek out excited Asian ladies to be their presenters now. Get ready for maximum waifu.
Not even in the top 5 cutest girls at E3 this year, you weeaboo fucks only like her cuz she a no speak a engrish
Between her legs
Literally one of the reasons I'm thinking of joining a mosque and becoming one.
she looks like a snack in those jeans lad.
I'd be okay with this. Especially if the games were stuff like ghostwrite.
name one, chucklefucker
>self-awareness 0%
It's retardera so what can you expect?
more like Oba-san
I fucking despise this people.
hAHa itS LoSS I GoT ThE JOke
Ugly gook.
she's ugly, wouldn't wanna bang but could imagine platonic friendship with
Jesus christ
Hollywood is helping you out, you don't need to be so closeted anons.
Can someone explain to me what it means? I don't really get it.
I wonder how she feels about all the lewd fanart
>all the lewd fanart
There's barely like two. It's fucking disappointing really.
Not him. I like cutie asian lady, but Frankie Ward, Anna Prosser, Kelly Link, Rachel Quirico, Lucy James, and Audrey Drake are all better.
The only good thing to come from E3 and I am in love with this creature. She's too good for Bethesda.
Imagine being this much of a miserable faggot.
>being a racist faggot
Lgbt only likes ugly niggers i've noticed.
Those ResetERA queers better not touch her
old image macro still holds up
>falling for the puck beaverton
you're dumber than the people you try to decry
Why do we have to live with these people?
That's always the case. But let's not bother with that ResetFAG and just cherish this sweet face
what does any of that even mean?
Sauce is Ochako Uraraka.
She seems pretty weird herself, I bet she's really open minded
>how do we get the incels to ignore our shitty game development for all eternity?
>make that wonky girl from PR dance for the fuckers, they'll be buying chink shit for decades
I'd mating press her so hard she'd get pregnant with quints on the spot.
Resetera somehow thinks that people posting fanart of how cute she is is "demeaning" her, and they're mad that she's not taking offense to it and is instead reveling in actually having fans as a prominent woman in the gaming industry.
Hey Yea Forums, did you like Okami? She was the setting designer on it. Mikami chose her as his successor because she's fucking awesome at what she does.
Based. I want to sniff Ochako's butt!
i dont get
You can never be too passionate for grammer
Holy shit
oh gee THE puck beaverton?
how did i manage to fall for his believable bait yet AGAIN, damn
You might be surprised how receptive people are if you're even somewhat likable. Try leaving your belltower sometime.
Trannies that sit inside all day, depressed, tend to think that everyone online is the same as them. They forget that some of us go outside and know how to communicate with people.
Wow. we have bbq in Belgium too, and it didn't cost us an american army either.
its ok, try again next time
An auntie is fine, too.
Bet you're a real looker.
I dont geddit
You damn well what that user looks like.
going back to >>pol
Kelly Link I'll give you. The rest nah
bruh, if you don't think Frankie Ward is prime breeding material you might be gay.
Poor kid. He just wanted to talk about Ghostwire:Tokyo.
I'm ugly and so is she.
The real woman is cuter than the art. Incredible.
she's wife material but i wouldnt fuck her
Human respect..
>Lighter skin
was he banned for that?
because if it's satire he would've been banned, otherwise people are actually agreeing with him and didn't think it was a satire
How much uglier than her do you fancy you are if we're being honest? I'm guessing it's a sizable margin.
Why do some Asian people act like this? Is it just for the corporate/entertainment world or do they really do this on their own volition?
Todd howard
you can't ban him, he's confirmed to have actual autism and that'd be oppressive
>Try to become friends with girls
>Turns out they were lying to him just so they could fuck him
>This makes him cry
Does he have the gay?
it's only hate speech when the other do it.
Yeah no shit just like everyone else.
You need to getout of your mom basement sometimes user
This image actually makes me really sad. I thought NTR was the worst kind of porn.
they're just an Asian, dude chill
I believe they do it themselves. I went to Japan with 4 friends and we met up with an ex of a 5th friend who didn't join us. She often acted silly like you see japanese girls do. We also made her say "choke me, daddy!" out loud as we walked around. Took her a long time to understand what she was saying. She did it in that cute voice too which only made it more funny.
Nice projection
Fuck off. Like human beings actually walk around talking and acting like that. Just doing those poses mid-sentence.
You need to stop confusing anime with real human interaction, dweeb
He's now tainted forever. He'll never be able to share his first kiss with the one he loves. He'll never have his first time with his only partner in life. He'll never ever be able to trust someone intimately ever again...
Are you trying to imply that if I'm ugly, my opinion is completely invalidated? hahaha, get this ugly gook's wet hole out of your mind m8.
What if that guy is just some shitposting falseflagger? I mean, they do the same shit here
Fuck off normalfag.
i read that thread, that guy was being sarcastic and mocking what tards like crossing eden were saying
is she single?
I wonder if in that video where Mikami is laughing his ass off, if she was just parroting something he had said about not liking the keeper, and she was the one that made him sort of come out of nowhere
Japs act like that just to deceive kuso-gaijin filth.
I at least respect ugly people's opinions over gays and trannies so you're fine.
These is better
thats not an ass
did he get banned? if no then hes serious
He only has 1 option left, and it's the best option. Become their boytoy and let get his brains fucked out whenever they want. I would actually murder someone to be in his position. I've wanted a girl to rape me doujin style for years, but reality is terrible and it will never happen.
haha... funny... yeah
then someone should've reported and banned him, if not then people there really have no issues with what he's saying
THESE, you best be baitin you creepy fuck
I love okami. It's the best zelda game.
man. you all really did her dirty.
so this kind of near-autistic behavior was really a common thing over there? If so that's wild. I can't fathom Americans doing anything of the sort, especially mid-westerners. People around here are like soulless husks or straight up cracked out.
but thats what i think of her
Who is this? Who cares? Why in the 9000 threads about her have i not seen 1 person link the video she is in?
He lying dude. That shit never happened and you know it unless you're samefagging.
Ok, it's just, I can't stand how much these virgins worship this cunt. They are the reason why women have such high ego.
Wow that's so funny of you guys! Totes alpha bro!
Unironically have sex, you incels. This is beyond pathetic.
have we reached the point where we need to link E3 videos during E3 like nobody watched it
This. Stop latching on every soulless "am I kawaii yet UwU" thot you see you fucking losers.
Why does the left act like a cult and then starts denying it?
No wonder the left is so succesful, its a cult and its not afraid to control people.
i sure as fuck didnt watch dozens of hours of nerds trying get me to preorder games by showing me cgi trailers
Shitposters don't get banned here either
I've seen her hundred times on Yea Forums but I don't even know what game she worked on is it even good?
>watch our 3 days worth of game ads goy, preorder the games goy
yeah nah dawg
I would! with a Japanese QT only
She made my meatal gear S O L I D
Okami. Bayonetta. Evil Within 1.
I want to read the salt in this thread.
This saddens me so much since I have compassion for all humans. If they only knew we were actually the good guys despite maybe some harsh remarks. The "YASSSS QUEEN!! CUT IT OFF!!!" are their enemies. They don't give a fuck about you trannies. We don't want to see you go down this path. Seek real help that isn't mutilating your genitals or taking fucking pills to block what your body naturally produces.
I don't think we ever say gameplay, but her game is Death Strand- ahem, "Ghost Wire." A mystery horror game where large groups of people are vanishing suddenly in random parts of Tokyo, leaving only piles of clothes/apparel behind. Protag-kun is your typical late teen demon hunter from the looks of it.
Same devs from The Evil Within 1/2.
Christ, this leftists really think he's a free thinker doesn't he? But he's a leftist, he's not a free thinker. Leftism is defeated with free speech, he loses every argument on Yea Forums. Mate, if people want to, they can go to that Resetera thread, they can go to twitter, and just see how many genetically inferior left wing twat actually got legit upset by it, and how they talk. Your a cult, and you need to be called on it.
What a garbage poster, all they do is make shitty projecting post.
How is one supposed to fap when the writing makes you laugh your ass off
Holy fuck, an user actually said what it is. Took me 2 seconds to find the video now.
i just want a gf
I do too but the only asians around me where I am is veitnamese or some sort of islander.
How about being raped by a woman but then you're forced to raise your rape baby while she's in prison and you're still attending school?
>NPCs talking about programming
I fucking hate west cucks
Everything you said was a meme. You are a programmed robot.
cuck post
Yeah, you're a real free thinker.
Good lord
I've revealed my power level to many of my normie friends pretty early on, and they were at least understanding.
Turns out that people dont give a fuck about what you like as long as you are cool to hang out with.
None of my friends cared that I hate gays surprisingly. I'm sure of I was in san francisco though i'd be lynched.
thats it?
If that's sarcasm, then its badly worded.
could you be any more obvious with your same fagging shenanigans?
get the fuck away from her.
GAS all resetrannies.
Probably, since I only made one of those posts.
lol kill yourself memester. You're a walking repository for other people's slogans and catchphrases. Good job.
Imagine being programmed to always think only one person is ever allowed to mock you
Though one of my college buddies, who is from Seattle, didn't care when I went on a tirade about blacks and jews.
Maybe there is hope in this world.
>noooooooooooooo brooos, this can't be happening she's supposed to be mai pure waifu
>1 picture with a fan
Settle down dude.
Even if people saw you on stage an literally just thought 'I want to fuck that,' how is that demeaning?
Why would anyone be upset that people find them physically attractive?
>a fan
hes a dev aswell
Actually it cost you 2 American armies 2 British armies and 2 French armies in 2 different periods of time and then for around 50 to keep the commies away.
>weird guys drop spaghetti everywhere
>why would that make you uncomfortable?
Are you serious?
So is Todd. Do you think she'd sleep with that shorty?
No, my post wasn't so nuanced, m8. No surprise you're insecure with a face like yours.
come on, you have to admit it's highly unlikely that 3 redditors would show up so close to each other.
it doesnt change anything. this one is merely an example of resetera hivemind. its always filled with "deprogrammed" posts like this especially when it comes to japanese stuff. mods dont ban them either.
>its always filled with "deprogrammed" posts like this
then why do you have to spam the one falseflagger screencap everywhere as an example
>if the Nazi's had won we'd all be speaking German...oh yeah, and they would have banned BBQs.
Yeah, fancy meeting you here
Based Ikumi making roasties seethe to the point of privating their Twitter!
im not spamming. im just saying the fact remains that resetera is full of "serious" insane posts like this whether this one is a falseflagging one or not. we are talking about the forums trend/tendency, not this posters personality or personal background.
I'd probably be pretty sad too, I want love first and intimite time with the person I love. Being lied to and used doesn't really sound like my cup of tea.
nah ill pass
>wasn't so nuanced
Why did you bring my appearance in the first place then? It seems that the only one insecure about ugliness is you. I just said, she's ugly, and you got all butthurt about it.
but reddit loved memes, I thought? I don't know, I don't go there, bu tyou seem knowledgable. Doesn't reddit love memes?
Anyone got a link to resetera salt?
I come to Yea Forums willingly, I clearly don't give a shit about lunatics spewing filth and insanity all over the place.
merely pretending
Good luck trying to find coal, propane or meat when that shits in short supply due to all the uprisings and constant war. Belgians may not be subhuman but you are in an occupation zone.
Everyone is gaslighting everyone, nothing is real. Just give up
Dangerously redpilled
In the filename
yeah well nobody cares about you
Oh, I see. Yeah, man, let me explain: you are such an absolute gargoyle that it transcends visual mediums. I knewー No, I could FEEL the ugly radiating off of you. It's like radiation, or those stink lines you'll see hovering about drawings of garbage. Your hideousness is of such profound magnitude that it forced my hand, and demand that I pay tribute with my comment. See, I'm really more just an innocent bystander here, forcibly dragged into this exchange by your festering countenance.
So stop being a pussy and acting all thin-skinned. You have no qualms calling people ugly. Can't get all "abloobloobloo y u bring up muh appearance!?" when it comes back around.
>I can't pass a sally anne test as an adult
>somehow you should respect me instead of execute my defective self to purge the gene pool
Fuck the girl, I wanna know more about her game
But my game first
Agreed. I do that, and you report back to me.
Tood get off the stool, you're not that tall
She's a having a lot of fun there.
Being manipulated and lied to isn't fun user even if she's a hot piece of ass.
shit bros, we are too late
it's fucking over
how many midgets are inside that coat?
But how can I preorder games that are already released, Todd?
They're a bunch of guys on the internet drawing pictures of her and calling her cute.
She is not in the physical proximity of a single person.
If you're uncomfortable with POSITIVE ATTENTION, you don't go in front of a MILLIONS OF PEOPLE.
How do I get a qt Japanese gf, Yea Forums?
based Todd steals Yea Forums waifu
go to Japan i'd assume
It was always too late, user.Sorry you got twisted up in this scene. From where you're kneeling it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is...the game was rigged from the start.
>just imagine being this much of a whiteknight faggot just to defend some yakuza whore
hahahaha, she won't have sex with you, my dudes.
Based user
This shark comes up to you and says she's hungry - what do you offer her?
Whew! I was worried that you might be upset over those cracks I made about your lumpy face, but then I saw all that laughter you typed out.
My dick
delet this cursed image immediately, nig
Guys I'm worried our girl might be feeling sad on the inside
a man
sorry guys
$20 to fuck off.
>worrying about a woman
They deserve to suffer.
>nonono she's also a YAKUZA, and SELLS HER BODY FOR MONEY, stop watching REALITY!
I give it a week before you attempt murder in a wallmart against some random asian woman.
Low test
I am impressed that people love her so much. She totally reminds me of my GF and I always complain
>Why the fuck do you dress all in black? Are you some kind of goth chick?
Now that I realize that all those weebs on here would kill to have my gf I should probably start being nicer to her.
Ho w old is she?
Todd "the Chadd" Howardd strikes again.
yes and?
Literally boiling.
>Who's laughing now?
fap while laughing, duh
you will be sucked
hi rantoni
Kojima is hotter anyway.
I think it's safe to say that she's gonna replace Kojima as the director.
Fuck, I meant Mikami
WTF? We made video games too! Where's our adoration?
Japanese people drink a lot more than Americans do, no need to worry.
Betas orbiters have no standards, considering they are praising the old hag in the OP, so i'm sure you'll find some patreon paypigs.
Why is she so brown on presentation?
Did they tan her makeup?
seething tranny. The hag is at least a disciple of Shinji Mikami and has worked on games we liked versus some video essay who's a puppet to a bigger cuck than you and a literal whore who has a colorful resume that reeks of cum.
My thigg sausigge
white """"women"""", everyone
>wh*te women
>The hag is at least a disciple of Shinji Mikami
So, she'll go on to be a one hit wonder and create nothing but boring derivatives of that one hit for the rest of her career?
thank god i love older women
Can someone explain to me why millennials, a generation of race mixed mutts, are so obsessed with race?
Cope some more tranny.
This is why it's pointless to shove diversity in gaming, whether in games or in developing games. The people that scream for it the most will never be pleased. One of the most popular people in gaming right now is a female ACTUAL developer and the trannys and fags are mad about it.
Make-up can't cover their absolutely shit personalities
I'm sorry, ma'am, but you've caught me in the middle of a conversation with your son. Strong genetics like yours, it's no wonder he's such a looker.
No, seriously, there's far better people to learn from.
Not to mention that women are incapable of understanding things like worth ethics.
Everything they do goes through the "Will this help give me more attention?" filter.
That's why all the artistic work women create is generic, uninspired trash.
what exactly did Anikike Jewkisian do for video game as a whole other than scamming trannies are roasties?
Nice try, Mr. Goldsteinberg.
Ugly af
Filename wasn't me making some weird joke.
And what have you created other than your parent's suicide fantasies?
She has a good grasp of English but her pronunciation is so bad, she must read more than she speaks.
A little game called Mirrors Edge 2. Maybe you heard about it incel?
Well, i'm in the reserve, so, hopefully one day, i'll create plenty of muslim graves.
The world isn't in that state where we can afford to focus on entertainment shit.
why the fuck do japanese have shitty teeth
whole "british teeth" meme should be updated to "japanese teeth"
>Inspires people with her positive happy attitude to draw cute fan art
>This is bad somehow.
These trannies and freaks are just jealous that they do not get the attention. We need to reopen institutions for this people. They definitely need professional help. They are no longer functioning in our Society. This is actually sad.
Because, for some reason, japs think crooked teeth are cute.
peak roastie cope
oh so you're the cuck dog of the jew huh?
still would make her a mom
Plenty of westerners being autistic, you just don't want to see it cause it's cringy as fuck
Literally virtue signaling. That's where all this shit starts
Can someone translate this post from millennial to english?
Japanese uses a completely different set of phonetics than english which is why its almost impossible to have perfect pronunciation if you speak one language and learn the other. As a portuguese speaker, japanese is very close to portuguese and its ridiculously easy for me to pronunce japanese words perfectly but holy shit does it stress both brain and my throat to try and have a decent pronunciation of english.
Look at the first post user. Anyway she doesn't get pregnant.
Just dropping a "have sex" here. This time it's unironic
you know I bet if you googled the first filename, you'd know
For now i'm getting paid for doing nothing but playing phone games and shitposting on Yea Forums.
My final goal is making big bucks in one of those private security companies, they tend to have military focused divisions.
you wanna recheck your sources tranny boy
>ugly, old, white hag
A perfect example of an unattractive woman who gets no attention attempt at dragging others down to make them selves feel less unwanted and unattractive.
Lol. She cute af.
I thought the reason we liked her was because she's asian and not goth.
She's really pretty. I think you just got the gay user
>live in a majority white country
>don't get laid
>have a retarded black and white view on everything
>blame all white women for your virginity
the essentials. interactions with asians are limited to what they see online and that fuels a fantasylike view on asian women, who haven't rejected our fellow user yet because there has been 0 interaction to begin with
She successfully created a sidegig where she can just get paid to indoctrinate college games and game devs. Not sure if she gets any more gigs.
Because they don't have any.
For now, they praise japs, but eventually they will turn against anyone who isn't some racemixed abomination.
>same height as petite chink qt
shit man, now i can kinda understand all the evil shit he did to my vidya.
can confirm that this is indeed that actual meaning
I meant source for this pic.
She already failed though. She is a has been that got laughed out of the UN.
>disgusting femoids insert themselves into every fucking facet of male hobbies
fuck community managers, fuck PR people, fuck marketing departments and fuck women
You sound like you'd be better suited for a special focused Olympics.
for those who see this and assume "theyre literally just trying to kill our fun" their concern is that shes being cute and pretty and people are responding well.
this undermines the western feminist movement. women should at the very least be respected, preferably feared. woman is the new man, get back in the wagecage bitch.
Nobody cares normalfag, you need to go back.
>How about it dreamboy? Are you going to buy Fallout 76 now that you know what's at stake?
Yeah but even so her pronunciation is like a beginner though she's clearly not a beginner, I know it can be hard but this is on par with those Americans who pronounce Japanese in thick American accents.
She talks like she's reading English spelt in katakana.
when most people say "do FOR" something
it is supposed to be positive thing
you will never be a woman, tranny
u spergs only like her because shes japanese
I did have sex, with my girlfriend who's from Japan
No, that's the air force.
You have to realize how jaded one must be to even think something like this
Can they even still enjoy life like that
The roastiest of roastie copes
>3 years later
>i am forgotten
That's not how your ride a Shai'hulud
Sure is a cutie though
Fucking Todd I swear. This is how he gets us to buy the new Elder Scrolls. That guy plays 12D Chess.
I wonder why this makes you so mad every time.
>more than 300 reply just for one girl
Imagine the seething, crying millennial, in his 30s, balding and obese, cutting all those headlines in between Söylent meals and Nintendo Switch sessions.
He was in the chess club after all
>tfw no asian game dev gf
Don't make me get up from my bed and turn on my pc just so that i can reverse image search ONE image.
>millennials are killing relationships
>millennials killed democracy
Objectively correct, millennials are so autistic that they are stuck fightign with their own women for no reason, and millennial activism is an infinite source of second hand embarassment.
She is literally an infertile cat lady these days who is hated by everyone with a brain.
look out, roastie.
The wall is approaching, better jump off the cock carousel and settle for some beta with a well-paying job
Imagine the foot smell
Every time it makes you furious. Why is that?
I have downs syndrome.
Go back.
Nah, the air force is exam heavy, Gotta make sure those guys are prepared to fly behind those desks, after all.
Nice picture of yourself, m8.
Guys why did my message get posted twice?
It's thanks to capitalism that fucking faggot is even breathing
ugly is a strong word, you probably meant to say plain which only makes my cock even harder
This bitch is ugly. What is with the hype surrounding her?
That's the thing people here refuse to accept, that betas belong with roasties.
Roasties don't have a boyfriend throughout their entire youth to settle down with, and betas have never had a girlfriend, so you are doomed to that.
Even the girl in the OP is married like any decent girl.
That's the thing about decent women, those girls find a boyfriend in high school and eventually marry.
If, by the time you ended high school, you haven't found a girlfriend, all that's left for you in store is different degrees of whore.
nothing, she is unimportant today.
Absolutely furious every time. I wonder why
fuck off with this ugly cunt
Guys i'm going to subway, do you want anything?
Can't find it anywhere
Not even Tsumino
Not anywhere with the artist's tag
Now if you could stop being such a massive faggot, that would help.
You can take whatever unflattering picture of Ikumi Nakamura with or without makeup, smiling or not, and she would still be more woman than you dickless freak.
how about 100$
it's time to dilate
To go somewhere other than Subway. That shit is gross.
She seems nice but she's like 40. Japanese women always seem younger.
Alright, Arbys it is then.
Her ability to conjure up insecure uggos to make posts like yours when you could have just ignored the thread.
Literal homosexual
Have a nice day at work, honey, I'll get dinner ready and play vidya with the kids.
it seemed better quality when i visited australia and seemed quite popular, maccas and kfc were the top dogs it seems though, dominos too.
See her make Shinji giggle like a schoolboy.
Cute and Smelly 2d girl's feet
they really hate women over there dont they?
jesus christ
Who's laughing now?
well thanks for ruining everything user
What a treasure
>literally lets Adam Sessler go through his adjective word vomit just so say "yeah i hated that"
It's drunk communication you dumb fuck, I just googled "Drunk Communication Hentai" and found it. You double nigger.
Fix the teeth, keep the haircut from the upper left and you have a deal. Otherwise, I'd rather not go out with a genderbent Takashi Iizuka.
this "dilate" shit is the weakest meme ive ever seen, even SEETHING and COPE were better.
this is a pretty good seethe if i do say so myself
That shirt is cute and lewd at the same time
Gotta ask my gf to wear that when we go to church
>this triggers Yea Forumssetera
dude I kept thinking these threads were about kojima hahahahaha
Unf imagine sniffing her sweaty tights after roaming around e3
I NEED A GF.........................................................................................................
Sent ;)
>haha im gonna post that one reply and not the myriad of other posts in that same thread calling out this very same post
>he visits resetera enough to have read that thread
cmon now son
black belt in dick sucking, what a fucking whore
millennials once again demonstrating they have zero self-awareness
He's gonna give her his big 外人 チンコ
I never visit resetera. I just wanted to see what the consensus over there was.
Yeah, there's a portion of people acting like it's a bit creepy to make fanart of someone being cute, but there's also several others saying there's nothing wrong with it.
I'm just tired of /pol/-tier propaganda on this board where you post some ridiculous SJW excesses and act like it's some rampant, widespread problem in society.
>this is considered food in America
>just BARELY an inch taller
Holy shit, Todd.
Where is the from? Reddit?
Are they really like this ???
im so ronery
Excesses he says, as he "returns" from popular extremist hive.
Where the fuck did I mention zoomers, you dumbfuck?
Maybe if you question my Yea Forums cred enough, it will affect the reality that I've been here far longer than most of you electionfags.
Day of the Treadmill when
the point of this is to just imagine it jackass
oh no no no no no
Not surprising that an autist had a hard time understanding emotion and empathy
Can you guess what immediately gives away your tourist status?
Were all the rest banned for defending heterocissexist patriarchal brain-washing?
Sorry I'm not retarded and get your "rebel infiltrator" cuck jokes.
This is Yea Forums, not r/The_Donald. Please go back to your containment subreddit.
Getting warm.
Kojimbo is the japanese tommy wisau except he can handle what makes people like him.
He also doesn't seem to age even though he's like 60 years old.
>steals yellow fever fags' "waifu"
Thank you based Todd
No Belgian ever died because of Jews, gotcha
When I was in school they wanted me to get tested but my mom refused
I'm probably autistic but whatever I have a job, I have a waifu if been with since her game came out what more could I ask for
And you faggots wonder why people hate /pol/tards.
shes thes creative director of the game you retarded nigger
Another shitty thread
>Some doesn't love ikumi with all their heart?!
I don't know. I had fun laughing at people.
A smash thread died for this.
you're such a butthurt faggot
lurk moar
>that thigh gap
>Dutch and Armenian
Great now I'm going to wonder if it was kojima with that fucking genderswap filter
damn, how don't push a tranny to commit suicide, Sephiroth.
Of course she's ugly, people like her quirky presence and how she handles herself in such a goofy way. Stop assuming dudes just wanna dick good looking things, somethings "okay" looking things with personality are just as good.
he didn't get banned so he's 100% serious
1- I'm not the original artist, I only drew the bottom part
2- Please, don't tell her I drew lewds of her.
excellent read
vapid retards physically cant understand that looks arent everything, give up on trying to explain it to them
What games did she make?
what do people see in her?
literally perfect
something tells me >shadman will draw her and it will be horrible