>Hey Cloud wanna fuck?
Hey Cloud wanna fuck?
based and chadpilled
>Imagine being such a no-life faggot that you'd take the time to make this picture because you're butthurt that they slightly changed a cartoon character's appearance
Oh my god, how embarrassing...
go back to discord
Go literally anywhere else, you mean. Yea Forums is the only place where they're bitching about this.
>the only place where you are allowed to
Because people care about social status and don't speak their true mind on other platforms
el dilator
10/10 post, election tourists are seething
Inc- el
lets be real here female fighters are perhaps the ugliest and least sexy bodytype of any athletic woman.
The fact she has a thin super model appearance is much better and way sexier than something like this shit.
Sure. I'll go back to my friends on discord. At least they talk instead of claiming they don't have a microphone.
I bet you actually use discord emoticons, fag.
>tifapocalypse already already died down
wow it's almost like the whole thing was manufactured outrage from dozens of resetera and /pol/ shills descending on Yea Forums to rile up easily impressionable zoomers to fight their culture war for them
nah that can't be it, I'm sure Yea Forums just organically went from not caring about VIIR to full-blown shitstorm to not caring again in a 24hr span
Nah it is just most people fucked off because of smash fags.
>resetera and /pol/
You've already invalidated your post.
I bet you only play single player games you fucking hikikomori
This thread is gay.
you're right, Yea Forums is an island
the internet is so shit now someone posts something funny or satirical and it is just a bunch of probably (mentally) 14 year old posting butthurt. Usually about everything but the op subject the op subject is just the trigger
>3+ constant threads about tifa throughout the day.
>its muh manufactured media
Stop trying to camouflage , retarderabro.
sorry but you got btfo.
Amerifats too used to obese women LOL
You first
Get a load of this faggot who doesn’t want to get wrestled to the ground by a /fit/ girl who’ll ride you till your raw. Haha imagine being such a queer.