Post vidya related images that will NEVER be outdated.
Post vidya related images that will NEVER be outdated
>Yea Forums hates movies
>BOTW is a movie
>surprised when people cry about it
Really makes you think....
>BOTW is a movie
What the fuck are you on about? That game was 5% cutscenes.
A classic.
movies run at 24fps
botw runs below 20fps
How the fuck is this image not banned?
It literally goes against the rules.
Reset the counter.
>someone was assblasted enough to make this
Feels good not being that guy.
>someone was assblasted enough to make this
Feels good not being that guy.
It's not about the cutscenes. It's how the game forcefully neuters your freedom for the sake of maintaining the narrative. At no point are you ever allowed to do something that would jeopardize the "plot". For example, Link being a white knight means he can't hurt any NPC in the game, even if they want to murder him like the gerudo women. He's also not allowed any agency in completing almost every sidequest. He has to complete them in the exact way that the game demands it. Every quest involving the divine beasts for example.
>why can't Link use the thunder helm to get into Vah Naboris? Because he protects women and is submissive to them, so he's not allowed a backbone of his own. He has to play supporting role to the gerudo bitches
>why can't Link just jump onto Vah Rudania by himself? Because LE WACKY GORON COMEDY ANTICS AHUE HUE
>why can't link jump onto Vah Ruto by paragliding onto the highest point? Because it wouldn't be cinematic and epic that way
Literally the only divine beast to have an excuse was Vah Medoh, and even then I could think of a thousand ways to get by the shield and get up to him without a bunch of sidequests involving tsundere bird boy.
But you deranged fanboys cry about it more than anyone. I haven't played BotW but I've seen someone play it; the weapon swapping looks annoying as fuck.
Had a hearty chuckle
Also reminder.
>not 9.7 TB
Story quest setpieces are like 5% of the game.
Also, BotW does agency better than HL2 in the remaining 95% of the game.
HL2 is much more of a movie.
>Also, BotW does agency better than HL2 in the remaining 95% of the game.
Then why can't I freely kill NPCs? Why can't I sneak into the gerudo fortress, or sneak into Vah Rudania without the goron? Why must I be a slave to these idiot races who probably wouldn't be able to feed themselves if I wasn't there wiping their asses constantly?
If this game guaranteed me true freedom, I'd be able to tell Zelda to go screw herself for being a useless slut, same with all the champions who failed miserably and made me clean up their mess.
You're focusing on the 5%. HL2 doesn't let you do out of character shit either. There's just much more, much more complex sandboxes in BotW between the linear bits.
Of all the thing to complain about, you complain about botw having TO MUCH story
>much more complex sandboxes
And I don't care in the slightest because there's no challenge to it. inbetween the disgusting cineematic segments constantly forced on me, I'm left with poor gameplay where no thought was put in. Enemies that aren't challenging, puzzles that don't require any thinking, and geometry trivialized by climbing and paragliding, which require no thought whatsoever. And any game that's casual is movie shit. Casuals don't deserve a single foothold in this industry.
>Also, BotW does agency better than HL2
What's wrong with that? Zelda could have 500 billion hours of gameplay, and I'd still consider it too story heavy. You do NOT have cutscenes in a game, EVER. Being optional is not an argument. They should not exist period.
Why? Because then you get threads like this Essentially giant waifu circlejerks. Gameplay discussion? Haha no, I need to post about my waifu's big braps!
Feels good winning E3 bros, this will be the best game of all time.
imagine being mad enough to make this lmao
Why do Zelda fans try to play the plucky underdog? Zelda is literally one of the most celebrated franchises in fiction, let alone video games
You are literally the last people who can play the underdog card
botw is ok but I still dont like open world games as a whole
Zelda fans are the jews of gaming communities. What a surprise.
ikr? Who the heck uses reaction images?
They poison everything they touch
The snoy can’t meme.
So what are BotWfags going to do when BotW2 comes out and all the people who were saying BotW was only half a real Zelda game are fully vindicated by the fact that dungeons, enemy variety and unique boss encounters do not in fact get in the way of the open world progression structure?
Ps3 won at the end of that cycle. Let's be honest, wii is between gen 6 and 7
It doesn't matter. Metacritic scores will be spammed regardless, and no criticism will ever be allowed. Infact, you're planning on calling me a snoy right now, even though I played through the game and thought it was okay. I don't think it's ubi-shit like many shitposters would blindly call it, but since I'm not blindly praising it, I'm literally the devil in your mind.
Now go on and prove me right.
I'd love to see Breath of the Wild 2 be better than Breath of the Wild, but that's a tough order to fill.
Bro you're the one sperging out at a reviewer for giving BotW an 84.
The sacred beasts worked well as mini dungeons.
literally just add more enemies, monsters, weapons, and bosses and Nintendo will get the easiest GOTY award served to them on a silver platter
Why do people suck this game's dick so much? On a combat and size standpoint sure its better than OOT but otherwise its a fairly boring game.