What is the most realistic release date for BoTW 2?
Breath of the Wild 2
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Spring 2021
Next June because of pride month
They are probably using the same engine and assets. That and they had a posting for a new Zelda game like last year so holiday 2020 doesn't seem too unlikely.
based. BOTW 1 was bland and mediocre. its a game for fags and fags only
Until Yuzu emulator is fine so i can pirate it on PC on release
2021 at the earliest, maybe early 2022.
I'd say three years at the most, unless they've already been working on it for a year now.
I'd say WIN2020 or SPR2021. Assets are there, trailer has been made, hype is starting to build. Ideally in your mind if you're getting to excited or "can't wait", just find solace in the fact that you will absolutely get a release date next E3. Just one year. If you're over 20 it'll fly by so no worries.
They have assets from BOTW and have said they regret announcing BOTW so early. I think it'll be out at the end of 2020
Q4 2020
If Aunoma doesn't go full retard, they already have a ton of assets and work done from BotW, also, Aunoma is the retard who pulls
>Hey guys, this is a nice idea! Let's implement it on the sequel!
So he doesn't have to figure out things for BotW 2.
the game is already done since it's literally breath of the wild 1 with new hat
Considering it will be largely an asset flip of the last game with the same engine and mechanics, don't be surprised if it comes out next year
Next year prob around summer or near the end of next year maybe. They have the building blocks from the first game. they just have to recreate the environments, enemies and add in a couple new features to draw people in.
There's generally a 2-3 year gap between Zelda so I'd say 2020 at the earliest or 2022 at the latest
BotW is pleb filter
Zelda games are always delayed. You’re a fool if you think this is coming before 2021.
>BotW is a pleb filter
>most popular zelda game
>pleb filter
you've got a lot of learning to do kid
Majora's Mask was made in one year thanks to re-using assets and work done in OoT, guess what they showed us? A sequel that will use the same assets and work done from the previous game.
Honestly, this is for the best. Aunoma did a ton of things wrong with WW, TP and SS by reinventing Zelda with each iteration, here he's following a formula and work done that proved to be great with a ton of room for improvements.
>Majora's Mask was made in one year
Majora's Mask didn't have 720p textures, a giant map and poly counts out the wazoo.
So does this take place in Hyrule?
Because the map wouldn't have changed much from BotW
What are your hopes for new Zelda? I want:
>more enemy variety
>more dungeon variety and length
>better bosses (especially the final boss)
I absolutely loved botw and these were the main issues i had with it. It was definitely worth playing though. With these improvements i feel like they could make a near perfect game
Nintendo aren't smart, if they were this game would be fully complete by next year, ready to go head with The Last of Us 2 and Halo Infinite, they already have an engine, they already have gameplay systems, they already have assets, they already have audio design. A direct sequel like this shouldn't take more than 2 years, but it looks like it's going to take more than 5.
They started development at the end of 2017.
You can play it on pc now you know unless you have a toaster which you probably do since you can't afford a wii u or switch
Those feel like the 3 main things people didn't like and the most likely things to be fixed. Other big complaint was weapon durability, so ways to craft/repair your own items seems like it would be a pretty sensible extension to the system.
Personal hope is for more runes/older items to make a comeback for gameplay, and for playing as both Zelda and Link. Armour swapping zelda into cute outfits and them having different weapons to use, along with everything else, would be 11/10.
Aonuma literally cancelled a mainline Zelda game for the Wii in favor of Skyward Sword because his son suggested Link have the ability to soar in the sky.
It started development in December of 2017. It's reusing assets. They're far enough along to have cutscenes. I'd say full reveal at Tokyo Game Show, March release date next year. You can probably buy it as a standalone, or as a add-on for BoTW. The add-on will let you jump straight into it, and carry certain things over from BoTW. I'm calling it, they want a new big game to compete next year with the big next gen releases from Sony and MS. The latest it'll launch is Holiday 2019.
Fuck, I meant 2020.
No date = They're unsure of the year
Meaning they're targetting Holiday 2020, but don't know whether they'll make it
Holiday 2020
Early 2021
Depends on how derivative it is.
My guess is 2021.
Q4 2020 is my guess. I can see them dedicating a large chunk of next year's E3 to BotW2 gameplay.
i would hope q4 2020 launching with an upgraded switch, but i wouldnt hold my breath. more likely 2021
Weird how certain you guys are of your own bullshit. Add-ons? Really?
Too optimistic. Definitely reusing assets, and it's in a state to have at least one fully complete trailer, but the fact they say "in development" and not even "2020" means that it'll be a Christmas 2020 release at the *absolute* earliest. More likely Summer 2021.
You talk straight out your ass, and it shows.
Nintendo doesn't go to TGS.
Holiday 2020 or spring 2021. I don't think we will have new trailer this year. The January direct will surely show a new one.
I believe Nintendo will announce a new improved switch model for next year, so Botw 2 running better on it would be a good selling point
I want a decent amount of the ruined settlements to be rebuilt or in the process of being rebuilt
weapon degradation to be lowered or at least there be a way to fix your weapons before they break
have more bonding time with the decendents of the champions
the Deku Kingdom
the Minnish people
small hidden village of enemy types that are friendly
able to import your data from BotW1
>it started development in december of 2017
You're going to have to provide a source on that, It could definitely hit March next year, if it did, but then we also need to offset for Nintendo, so 2022 is more realistic.
There's no way it's an add on, the game will be using a heavily upgraded iteration of the engine, unless Nintendo are really that lazy and don't bother with further optimizations for the Switch.
Fall 2022
November 2020 I think, considering that they're using the same enigne and that:
>Majoras Mask was released two yearts after Ocarina of Time.
> BoTW came two years and 3 months ago
>Hyurle Castle seem to lift off to the skies or transport to another realm,
>That or making way for malice emerging through the floor below Ganondorf corpse to create a Dark World or hopefully Termina like version of this Hyrule using assets from BoTW map
2020 or 2021. I wouldn't expect it too late because Nintendo have said they don't want to spend too much time on Zelda games like they did on SS.
2020 so it can be delayed to 2021
Nintendo needs a big hit to combat the PS5/The Last of Us 2, and the XB4/Halo Infinite so naturally they will have nothing next year and Breath of the Wild 2 will instead release in 2021 or later.
I just want more dungeons like Hyrule Castle all over the place. Enter from different directions, make players consider how to enter. Pull a Zelda 2 with "7 sanctuaries you must complete" in any order, in locations that makes finding a way to them as exploring them, and different entry points provide different starting points for puzzles etc
>a sanctuary in the middle of the sea; do you sail there? swim with lots of stamina items?
>a sanctuary in the side of a cliff with strong winds pushing you away; just gliding in might not be possible if you don't pick a careful route, but would you rather climb down or up?
>a sanctuary in a 'bottomless' pit; getting there might be the easy part
>carry over shit from botw
god i'd lose my shit for this. that'd be super kino since i 100% that game. fuckin seeds.
Oh yes, game development is the same as the one from 20 years ago. Nice comparison user lol.
Ubisoft put out Odyssey in the space of a year, but Nintendo can't put out a direct sequel to Breath of the Wild in the space of 3.5?
and it sucked ass lmao
>Iwata dies
>onions is instantly removed from zelda
made me think
Congratulations, you mostly don't.
My guess is that they will make a smaller world, with a HUB, like they did with Majora´s and clock tower,
Notice there's a dungeon most likely below Hyrule Castle shown at the trailer
>pic related
That's where they find Ganondorf, that may lead to another dimension, since Ganon is known to get sealed away in those.
This temple or even rebuilt Hyrule castle itself, since we see it being lift from the ground, will act as the HUB, and it'll brach out to 3 or 4 major areas, hopefully with big ass dungeons and areas that have to be revisited, lots of sidequests and more cutscenes
and monster variety.
>sequel is smaller than the previous game
What a disgrace, hope this is not the case. It has to be the same size.
Quality over quantity, user. I loved BotW but it could have done with like a 25% reduction in map size to help things feel a little more focused.
Only because it's Ass Creed and Ubisoft, they still made all that was needed for a full game in roughly a year, but Nintendo can't achieve that in 3, no wonder the Switch is sorely lacking in terms of games, Nintendo are now well above the industry average of 2.5 years and sitting close to 5.
2021 but I'm sure Yea Forums can keep being assmad about BotW1 until it releases.
Probably holidays 2021 but maybe by some miracle holidays 2020.
>way more enemy types
>a more challenging final boss fight
>I hope hyrule castle is getting up to walk in the trailer (a divine beast) and it takes Link and Zelda to another realm which is darker, edgier and with heaps of dungeons
>going through all the wait again
I hope that chinese ripoff turns out to be decent