Why aren't there high skill shooters anymore?
Why aren't there high skill shooters anymore?
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How is that skill they're just running around really fast shooting random spots hoping to get lucky.
>Not even in the air rocket shots
>Just some guy 1v1ing a really shitty player
Didn't even try my dude
based retard
Apex Legends map is way smaller than the other two so you run into people more and the matches are 10 mins. When I played the others I would not run into an enemy for 30 mins at a time.
New tech and game engines made AAA shooters get way too complicated for their own good. The people who want to play halo and cod don’t want a million layers of difficulty and depth, they’ve moved on and now want to build a really tall house in fortnite and shoot rockets at people while dressed as a llama person.
Bullshit, an average match of Fortnite lasts about 15 min on the longer side.
are you implying Fortnite and Apex aren't high skill? lol
also you covneniently forgot to mention Overwatch
Apex is still really fucking slow and the low player count together with some stupid design decisions mean half the players literally just drop dead in the first 3 mins and you can spend almost half of the rest of the match just chasing gunshots and looting random shit
BR is inherently just a really shit genre
I might be retarded but to me a BR mode seems perfect for Quake, or any movement based FPS really.
They're shitty shooting games with no strategy that work by layering their bullshit on a number of RNG layers to be as accessible as possible
Shooters aren't JUST about mechanical skill, yet those pieces of shit offer no depth beyond that initial wall
Even CoD is more of a thinking man's game
>high skill
holy fuck bro
What pro team are you on?
not him but if you're retarded enough to think this is a valid argument then I can understand why overwatch would seem "high skill" to your npc brain
>random spots
Your zoomer is show
Try planetside 2
Try Siege unironically
The skills are higher now.
Pressing R, E, and counterpicking isnt skill my guy, it detracts from actual gunplay determining victor and in many cases is a get out of free card for poor positioning a-la-offence characters like tracer and reaper. In tf2 rocket and sticky jumps require practice, and sacrifice health + loaded ammo. Every time a scout makes his second jump he's predictable as to where he lands becoming easy to punish.
Sure is telling how not one arena 'royale' shooter was announced
Fortnite unironically has a huge skill ceiling.
How? Seriously
spamming buildings is hard
I was born a brainlet, every shooter is high skill for me.
BR games while higher skill have such a low level of gunplay per hour. The lone wolf players who drop asap at the biggest fights know it. Any of the BRs would be 10x better if they were fast respawn king of the hills with none of the gear searching involved, but that's not marketable enough for publishers.
When were they?
Being good at building and being able to outbuild and create opportunities does require skill in and by itself.
The skill level in BR games is still lower than something like CSGO or Siege
Higher skill than overwatch is what I ment to say. mb
part 2 is better
It's just meaningless APM and muscle memory. Building and outbuilding require no strategy and make combat pretty fucking stale. It's a fight of resource expenditure between two equally skilled players and unironically decided most of the time by who has the initial advantage and who was blessed by the RNG gods.
how can you be this fucking retarded
Sounds like you have to make a decision at some point whether or not you should disengage.
Or you can just blame rng and do some mental gymnastics to help you cope
Yeah because using your leftover resources to just build retreat after you hit a certain threshold is so strategic am I right
Thanks for reminding me how eternally fucked rap is. East side rap is dead and I hate it, the rhythm is gone and its all about how pretty the sound effects you add sound to the lyrics. I HATE IT ALL
did you even watch it?
memphis > east coast > west coast
You mean that game girls play when streaming on twitch?
jokes on you I'm a tranny who streams Overwatch
kys twichtranny and go dilate
>muh skill
who cares boomer
>want to play arena shooters
>used to playing things on a very low sens
>they're on life support anyway
lots of quakefags use low sens
Quake pros play on pretty low sens and 400 DPI though
Just get a huge mousepad
i dont like fortnite, but building is arguably one of the most difficult mechanics to master in a shooter. not saying thats a good or bad thing but objectively the muscle memory required to be good at it is insane
Really? Guess I'm just not used enough to getting circlestrafed then, which isn't at all surprising given what I do play. Is there an alive arena shooter though? And if it's only Slipgate, do the portals make it as much of a giant clusterfuck as it seems they would?
>no skill in pubg
There's Quake Live and Quake Champions.
He didn't say no skill. He implied low/medium skill.
>can't even into basic reading comprehension
It's low skill.
you're right camping a building for 10 minutes is pretty high skill
>what is cs
>what is r6 siege
dead games
they're bigger than quake ever was
Oh, well fuck I'm dumb. I thought Quake Live's servers went offline a couple years ago. Quake Champions I've avoided intentionally because it seems to want to be a hero shooter. I'll grab Quake Live soon then. And then get shitstomped for 500 hours by the 300 people still playing it, all of whom are very used to playing arena shooters. Such is life though.
Arena shooters are actually pretty simple and easy to learn, don't worry that much about it
sorry man, eazy e was my damn 3rd nipple when I was 5, I still smell that scent when me and my older brother had nothing but his shit radio and the snes we from our rich uncle
and they're still dead as fuck, gaming was a niche hobby in the 90s and early 00s back when Quake was popular
and thats without the uplay numbers for siege
Not high skill shooters
They're more aim and strat intensive than Quake
siege is probably the fps with the highest skill floor
That's CoD on console.