Can you guys please start liking this game so that I won't feel bad about playing it?
Can you guys please start liking this game so that I won't feel bad about playing it?
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still no
But why would you need people o bn bnbvjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjhjh
This board wanks this game off all the time though. I personally love, LOVE, it enough that it's in my top 10, but even Skyrim is better.
>I won't feel bad about playing it?
Why? It's an OK game except that level scaling, fuck that shit
And this right here is why it's below Skyrim, I'll say it.
Fantastic world, quests, even better mechanics in concept but it all goes to shit when you have to bash an Ogre for a minute straight to kill it.
When Oblivion came out people were constantly shitting on it because back then the RPG fans grew up with Morrowind and saw Oblivion as more generic fantasy with dumbed down mechanics.
People nowadays grew up with Oblivion and love the comfyness of it.
>People nowadays grew up with Oblivion
Op I found a pic of you
Have you heard of the high elves?
I liked morrowind more. I was disappointed with oblivion and hoped their next game would redeem them. Then the next game came out and i wished we could go back to oblivion quality.
It's 2022 not 2011...
>Skyrim came out 8 years ago
So Oblivion has some pretty big problems, the loot in the game is either gotten from a quest (likely a daedric shrine for the best)
or from a randomly generated dungeon.
The scaling of enemies to your level is absolutely retarded. Eventually all you run into is glass bandits and minotaur lords, every encounter is grueling and takes forever. Closing oblivion gates become a chore.
It isn't a gradual process anymore, every enemy is maxed out based off artificial values. No hand placed enemies or bosses.
Not only are the enemies scaled, but the equipment. So if you get something at level 15, it's potential is capped at a level 15. This is extremely bullshit if you want to use a weapon for longer than the designated weapon, want a top tier piece of gear before level 30, or don't want a shit potential weapon due to something out of your control.
This makes it much shittier than any elder scrolls game at it's base, and if you mod it. You might as well just play Skyrim.
Has some of the best tracks in the game though, Skyrim had better quests. The shit quests in Oblivion can take hours and hours, absolute dogshit rewards too.
Also potions. If you get 150 gold as your reward from a quest, don't make a potion worth 137 gold from the store.
Also Lockpicking and the speech minigame suck balls.
jesus christ is that kevin smith ?
i knew he slimmed down but shit
Found the boomer contrarian
Ah fuck I'm going to save this. Too correct, even as much as I love the game.
Oblivion level quality? The game is the most half assed out of any of them. Morrowind and Skyrim had way more effort put into them.
Oblivion takeaways are still having elements of Morrowind still left while being this generic open world with some of the shittiest combat mechanics in almost any game.
I did too, but I liked Skyrim more than Oblivion. Oblivion was pretty much a straight loss compared to MW, Skyrim at least gained some things to make up for what it lost compared to previous games, like much more responsive and fluid gameplay, graphics that were actually decent for its era, much better mod compatibility and stability, and so on. I was in my last year of high school when MW came out, too, so I'm old enough to have really appreciated all three of them when they were new.
but the forests look so pretty
I still find it weird that Skyrim's voice acting and dialogue completely break my immersion while Oblivion's 3 different actors cause me no issues. It's like some kind of uncanny valley effect where Skyrim lets me know I'm in a game.
I think it's because Oblivion's UI keeps the flow of conversation better, while Skyrim is more optimised for consoles with the result that people just assume your agreement or infodump on you rather than pausing for you to click "tell me more"
can't forgive the vanilla scaling. Shit quest rewards, pointless fucking spells. Trapping good spells like Paralyze in Illusion a school in Oblivion which every other spell is functionally useless.
Having Mysticism being broke as fuck with Absorb, Reflect Damage, and Soul trap being tied to it.
Restoration completely sucking with potions quickly outclassing it if you level Alchemy.
Alteration becoming an abortion after Morrowinds glorious alteration. Base shield being broke as fuck still while still having pointless Fire shield, electric shield, etc. Unlock spells (which were present in Morrowind) being a stupid game play element making security pointless. At least morrowind had probing.
Among many other things coming from Morrowind. Which rewarded you immensely for playing, Oblivion punished the player if they didn't look up a guide on the scaling and the other bullshit.
Oblivion isn't immersive with everyone looking like bloated pieces of shit. My character is gorgeous and everyone else is a disproportionate ugly beast?
Most of you faggots were playing with mods. Vanilla Oblivion was THE worst elder scrolls game.
I don't play with any graphics or audio mods. I'm not saying it's objectively immersive, I'm saying that most of the ridiculous flaws with the game (like the potato faces and tiny voice acting pool) don't break my suspension of disbelief. Skyrim, which improved on those two things, somehow manages to do so.
it had rpg mechanics and shitty game design decisions but they were executed relatively well compared to skyrim. Skyrim was a bunch of shitty decisions executed poorly all made by different departments then thrown together at the last second into one game, the combat was improved for melee but the spell casting was the worst in the series. Even Morrowind gameplay was better for spell casters. Even the writing in skyrim was shit.
Oblivion was comfy as fuck, even despite its problems with level scaling and such. The art style was warm and welcoming and it had the best soundtrack out of any TES.
>Also Lockpicking and the speech minigame suck balls.
Speech yes but Lockpicking was the best, it actually taught me how to lockpick.
Plenty of people like it though. It just looks bad visually due to those hideous character models. Shivering Isles best DLC ever released still to this day.
Yea Forums does like it now though, I always did even if Yea Forumsirgins couldn't handle it being popular
I really want to enjoy oblivion because of how much better the spell system is than Skyrim's but the level scaling is so shit, and leveling in general is so bad. The fact that to optimally play a character you want to pick shit that your class is never going to use for your main skills just makes me want to kill myself.
>couldn't handle it being popular
no reason to play past 30 hours, there's no more items past glass armour, no reason to loot chests or enemies if there are no more upgrades to look for. i have no fucking clue why they balanced it to give you the best possible gear only 30 hours in, and then expect you to just do the other 100 hours of content 'for fun' with no reward incentives at the end of each dungeon, is asinine. also lol oblivion gates, enjoy doing 13 of the same dungeon
Best questing
Skyrim innovated a bit on combat and obviously graphics, though the combat still never hit the mark. The bread and butter of ES (and modern Fallout for that matter) is obviously the quests. Oblivion wins on that front.
And it was also still new at the time. Being Arch Mage essentially in name only, breaks the immersion. They're going to need to make the world change with the player, and react to the player better, if ES ever wants to be good again.
Yeah Shivering isles really saves oblivion a bit. Morrowind had Bloodmoon and Tribunal which were on par with Shivering Isles though.
The leveling was also present in Shivering Isles putting it down a peg. Making it so that if you aren't level 26-30 you get shit golden saint gear and quest gear. Also without mods they look ugly.
It was easier to make a better looking character in morrowind with their shitty low res preset faces and hairs.
Yeah if you want to use magic you pretty much have to use all the schools as majors.
It's not so much as an issue with choosing them as main skills, you have to use shit that you never will use or use too much.
Like if you choose athletics and acrobatics in major you level up fast, but get fucked the absolute most by scaling.
You still get attribute points in your level ups if you level up secondary skills.
thats a good game user. people who dont like it are just fags.
OBLIVION IS BETTER THAN MORROWIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone I also have an announcement to make, Elder Scrolls games are unbalanced fucking garbage and none of the games are good
> the bread and butter of ES (and modern Fallout for that matter) is obviously the quests. Oblivion wins on that front.
Nope. Just on replaying Oblivion has absolutely shotgun face blasting quests. These quests were created without thought. Mages guild, side quests awarding 150 gold or potions, quests in general rewarding fuck all.
Skyrim was much better in this respect. Morrowind was the best as you had the most options and the writing was better than both.
Only thing Oblivion has is the Kynereth song.
Oblivion had pretty good faction storylines. They were definitely better than Morrowind's (which were almost entirely composed of repetitive generic fetch and bounty quests, with story only provided through quest giver dialog) and probably better than Skyrim's, which were alright but short and kind of generic too. The Dark Brotherhood in particular was memorable as fuck.
dude I love oblivion and I didn't even play it until after skyrim. I think it is ridiculed on Yea Forums so much because there is a massive boomer morrowind fanbase who hates how generic and stupid it is, and a zoomer skyrim fanbase who hates on it for the potato faces.
auto quest item leveler is a must, I hate finding a legendary item at level one and thus ruining its stats forever. I hate the potato faces, mod everyone to be beautiful. mod in the mega fauna and grass patch to make the forests come to life. mod out psychic guards too and you've got the best elder scrolls on your hands (the quests and locations are top notch. just avoid the oblivion gates because they are no fun. Also leveling systems are a problem that requires major overhaul mods)
I will try to refute you.
ok yea someone needs to mod in unique bosses and items to scatter across cyrodil for sure. But I'm pretty sure there are overhauls that make enemy scaling less of an issue, item scaling too. and the music is baller. Lockpicking is fun too, its braindead in fallout/skyrim. i agree with most of what you said though.
>if you mod it. You might as well just play Skyrim.
why? you can mod out everything in a bethesda game besides poorly written main questlines. Oblivion is a great base because it has great quests and music. its just dungeons, scaling, and potato faces that really need work
No. you mean low level trolls with health regen.......
Morrowind was unbalanced but at the very least it was to the players favor. Oblivion had broken shit left in from Morrowind but it also had scaling on all fronts making it trash.
Never forget that you could enchant items on the fly in Morrowind. It just allows you to adapt to way more situations and made it the better game, being able to enchant iron greaves with 1 pt levitation for 2 seconds is probably one of the most memorable moments i've had in a game. You know what I remember about oblivion? Fighting trash mobs that are the same level as you with glass warhammers.
Skyrim is the easiest to get into out of any of them. It is also the most balanced after they took out all of the shenanigans from the games.
It's my favorite of the elder scrolls games.
Although I might be pretty biased since I got a mod config that I actually like. Vanilla game is a mess and I feel like you have to cheat in order to get any progress in the game.
Because Skyrim's mods are much better. The game can look much better but yeah, you don't have as good of a main questline. Which Oblivion's honestly wasn't that great to begin with and actually is very similar to Skyrims.
It has great atmosphere and soundtrack but pretty much everything else is comically bad.
I like it, it's the only good elder scrolls of the 5
An oblivion modded for both combat and fantasy life simulator is god tier. It's what daggerfall was attempting but modern. Oblivion's memorable quests are the icing on the top. It's just such a shame how unstable the oblivion engine is or it'd have everything. That plus how complicated modding it is at times keeps even some of the neckbeards out. Check out zhakaron's website for oblivion modlists, I use one of his.
>Mention mod
>doesn't source
Cope faggot
I'm 23 and Oblivion was one of my first rpg's outside of gbc shit and ff7, I guess I was the cancer all along
The radiant ai is pretty retarded, but it makes the npc's feel alive compared to the reenactment village actors of Skyrim.
that's a great game, OP.
Yea Forums has terrible taste and is filled with trannies and zoomers + fat balding underemployed men who will say they hate something just for the sake of hating it, even if they actually liked the game. They don't like other people liking what they like.
Ladies BACK to our kitchens
Oblivions quest feel like they were made by people that wanted to show the player cool and fun things. Skyrims quests feel made by people that considered them chores.
>Start up oblivion on PC
>fully ready to invest hundreds of hours into it with mods
>Plug in controller
>No support besides joystick control
What a travesty. I deleted the game soon after I realised that it was going to be a keyboard and mouse kind of game.
Oblivion has clever city design, which makes them feel much larger than they actually are. The only city in Skyrim that does this well is Markarth.
I grew up on consoles. I first played Oblivion on the ps3. I had been playing New Vegas with a controller on my PC before I got to Oblivion. The lack of controller support in Oblivion was a huge deal breaker. Keyboards are so awkward to game on that I can't use them unless it's for games like Age of Empires.
Don't worry, the second TES6 hits, everybody will immediately start declaring Oblivion as an 'underrated masterpiece' and lament how Bethesda 'just doesn't make games as good as this one anymore'.
Just like how nobody here gave a shit about Morrowind until Skyrim came out.
How old are you? Never been in a Skyrim thread, have you?
Necromancy may be legal in Cyrodil but none will openly admit to practicing it now that the mages guild has banned it
This is Morrowind country, son
> Skyrim is the most streamlined out of any of them. It is also the most boring after they took out all of the fun stuffs from the games
Oblivion is so bad it's good
Correct, except that:
Oblivion had significantly better quests than Skyrim in every category. Main quest was better, faction quests were better, side quests were better, expansions were better.
The lockpicking minigame itself is one of the best lockpicking minigames in gaming. It's faults were the degree to which Bethesda allowed you to compensate for character skill with player skill. The minigame itself was great, and it even had an auto-attempt if you want the Morrowind experience, Bethesda just shouldn't have allowed you to pick Master locks at level 5 because you were good at the minigame.
>Morrowind has the best atmosphere
>Oblivion has the best quests
>Skyrim has the best art direction
>Skyrim innovated a bit on combat
It had marginally better animations, but regressed in terms of mechanics compared to Oblivion.
Oblivion is unironically the funniest Bethesda game to date:
I hope the next Elder Scrolls feels more like Oblivion and less like Skyrim.
It’s the easiest game to fix with mods and once done so becomes the best TES game and honestly at least top 10 in the WRPG genre
>Skyrim is better
Mate, no
Hope you're playing it with mods. It's the second best waifu simulator after Skyrim.
The other problem is that time was paused during it. In Morrowind your security skill wasn't just about conserving picks or being able to pick harder locks: it meant fewer attempts to succeed on average and thus fewer chances to get caught by a guard or for enemies to reach you in a dungeon. In Oblivion you can try and fail dozens of times in an in-game second, and if you know what you're doing the skill becomes irrelevant entirely.
The mod to make lockpicking real time makes it nearly perfect IMO. Even though I agree with the issue you stated it's not as big of a deal when time isn't paused since it'll still take longer (to get the right type of tumbler animation/speed) at lower skill levels, so at least the skill isn't completely useless anymore.