>filter anything Smash and FF7 related
>Yea Forums instantly becomes a decent board
Filter anything Smash and FF7 related
>refresh the board
>more ff7 and smash shit
its not working
FF7 threads are related to video games though, smash threads are just leaker autism.
Great minds think alike. Absolutely BASED.
Yeah but the Tifa shit is annoying
>Yea Forums instantly becomes a decent board
>says the cancerous frogposter
Congratulations kid! You finally learned how to use a filter! Now learn how to post without frogshit.
smashfags deserve the rope
Autistic Smash speculation shit is honestly the worst and its been going on for more than a year now.
The freshies who come here every e3 might not know. Just helping them out!
yep, I'm thinking he's based
Filter this you dumb frogposter
Damn he cute
Dumb Frogposter
>filter any game with an hour of cutscenes or more
>filter any game with waifus
>filter any AAA games with cinematic trailers that contain zero gameplay
>video games instantly become better
Why haven't you taken the /puregameplay/ pill yet?
For me, it's filtering video games in general
based dumb frog poster
>filter the shit threads on Yea Forums
lol right Yea Forumsro? Wouldn't it be funny if people were discussing actual video games on a video game board loool
But then I wouldn't see this based thread
Am I autistic if I can scroll from the top of this image to the bottom multiple times and audibly laugh every time I see his face?
>filter every frog and wojak thread
>suddenly there's no off topic garbage reddit threads
someone say filters?
>text filters
#Iphone filenames
>filter anything Nintendo and Sony related
>Yea Forums suddenly becomes a pretty good board again
Same energy
and that's a good thing
contributing with my own
Much obliged.
The ghostbin links are mainly pepes, wojaks, and other shitty downvote memes' image hashes, forgot to put that in there. Around 40 thousand of them.
jesus fuck
also here's one for barneyfag
It's seriously a good idea to filter the phrase video games for OPs. I'm not even joking. It's that bad with all the
>what are some vidya
>any games where
off-topic threads
Nice addition.
>jesus fuck
Most of that is from one guy on /qa/ on an anti pepe/wojak crusade. I don't think more than a couple thousand are actually my own.
By the way, if you find yourself adding a lot of images to your filter, adding the button for it makes it a bit of a smoother process.
looks like it's time to filter GOOOOOOOOOOD EVENING/morning posters too
fucking hate ff7 do you faggots really need so many threads about that shitty character
You are going to have a good evening and there is nothing you can do about it.
i did the same but your post ruined that tactic
i will but I can see the steve spam moving onto pokemon now
>posts frogs and thinks he has any room to talk about the board being decent or shit
>Related to videogames
So you weren't here yesterday right? Everything was just about tits and they looked ok, it's just that these fags fail for the fanart meme, basically they don't like the real version of her
got you a frogicide here if you're sick of it
don't forget wow classic
>the same underage kids spamming smash threads aren't spamming frog threads
dont lie to yourself
I'm afraid that's not possible. This wasn't even an event, just their general reaching bump limit and 404ing.
Literally me btw