Fuck Tifa
Fuck Tifa
Nigga im tryin
I'm not in the vidya.
I can’t
She isn’t real
And if she were real she’d be way out of my league
Hit the gym, bro.
Just in case.
Believe in yourself user, if a manlet like cloud could score her then you could to.
Cloud is more beautiful than Tifa and Aerith though
Fixed, hire me Visceral Games
i see tifa is getting a ninja costume, i like it
Tenchu was a great game.
Only remember playing the first one though.
Literally Anri Okita
I'm okay with this.
every female character shown thus far in FF7R, I want to fuck
I look forward to Scarlett and how much of a hot mega bitch she is.
It looks like they were inspired by Anri Okita but were too beta to actually cast her.
Can you imagine how your past self would react if they saw this image?
My dick is literally throbbing at the thought of SFM porn, new Tifa is perfect.
Small tits 2/10
i want to FUCK Wedge!
With pleasure
Waiting for Scarlet and Rufus.
can't wait for elena, yuffie, and scarlet
I prefer the chibi polygons
Aerith>>>Cloud>>Barret>>>>Tifa. Imo.
Yuffie won't be in Disk 1.
Unironically it looks somewhat better than her current outfit.
btw three of those characters are dead in two hours of play lmao.
Judging by how expanded Midgar is supposed to be, it'll probably be more like 10 hours.
says you
Easy shopped.
>Naturally pretty.
>Minimal make-up.
>Thinner gloves, perfect for gloved handjobs.
>Realistic but still hefty melons. Natural slope to them. 100% real and natural chest meat, not implants.
>Good skin
>Thigh high stocking footjobs
>S P A T S
Yes, I very much want to.