Translation: Until the milk runs dry.
>(((Jason Schreier)))
It is going to be three games, period.
Imagine paying 210$ for a fucking remake.
Why do i hate this guy again?
Can't wait for the full FFVII game to be done this was a bad method of remaking a game compared to RE2
>faggot fanboy getting btfo
>>(((Jason Schreier)))
>complete edition will include 20 blurays
RE2 is tiny and short compared to ff7
>Imagine paying 210$
Don't forget they are one the ps4 then ps5 so you have to add in the price of two consoles too. 610 dollaree doos for people that already own a ps4.
Also you're a faggot esl. Learn english.
>Also you're a faggot esl. Learn english.
Did you have a stroke?
The base game will be $60 per so $180 USD is very likely, but include dlc with each and you might be seeing $90 per which means $270 total or more.
>buy digital complete edition
>1TB download begins
>yfw they do 3 collector's editions for each part
>yfw there will be retards who will give SE a thousand dollars for one single player game
Learn English esl monkey.
>Sakaguchi blesses us with FFIX
>Kitase takes over for X
>series implodes almost immediately
They're going to sell the original OST for 10$, then the original costumes for 5$ each, then possibly the advent children costumes for the same fee.
Prism "All palestinian children must die" Schreier will get his comeuppance eventually
He didn't. You outed yourself as English being your second language because you put the dollar sign after rather than before.
Yuffie will no longer be an optional unlockable character. But now optional dlc. The fans will defend it by saying she was always optional and not a core member so of course her content would be an optional purchase too.
how will he ever recover¿¿¿
What does that mean for Vincent then?
god damn I'm sick of seeing this guy's disgusting jew face. Kitase probably just wanted this filth out of his face asap.
Jason confirmed for poor reading comprehension
Vincent will have his own game to himself called Final Fantasy VII Episode 4: Dirge of Cerberus
Jason is obviously too autistic to read between the lines and see beyond the corporate doublespeak.
Imagine paying 60 bucks for a part of a remake of a 20 year old game.
Nobody can be seriously considering buying this, right?
honestly with English as my first language I still do that without thinking because it makes more sense when spoken. you say "100 dollars," not "dollars 100."
It’s either 2 or 3 they just don’t know how much shit they have to fit in the second because playable characters, also I reckon the first one will finish on aerith death
>you don't say dollars 100
That's what esl believe
I guess but people who grow up at least in America wouldn't even question it. It is customary.
fuck off juan
>that's pesos 100
typical fucking mexican
>it makes more sense
No, dollars make more cents you absolute retard.
This post makes no fucking sense.
This post is what happens when an esl is ashamed of his native land and tries to role play as a native English speaker.
He unironically looks like a foreign ambassador, for a country like Switzerland or something
1. Midgar
2. Up to the end of Disc 2
3. Disc 3
I'm pretty sure this is good enough
If it’s three disc then it is going to be:
1) Midgar
2) rest of disc 1
3) disc 2 & 3
>literally shove like 80% if not more of the original game into Episode 2
under your model Episode 3 would be like three hours long and then cutscenes
You know what would have been good enough for me? The full game released complete.
Would they realise a full game of basically side-quests?
Just wait 20 years for complete edition
wtf I actually sat here and read all that but it was pretty good 7/10
I saw you yesterday. Yea Forums is a very small community.
English is a trash language anyway.
this game was the first final fantasy title for a lot of people that started playing games in the playstation era
there is probably some decent nostalgia bucks in that
I absolutley hate the guy, but I can't knock him for his reporting, he currently is doing better reporting than most game "journalists". But that says less about him and more about the sorry state of game "journalism".
Other sites are reporting the same thing
The idea of an FF7 remake has been a thing for as long as I can remember. It was always the "press in times of emergency" button.
>eceleb threads are ok if its a jew
>make game 1 - ps4
>plan game 2 and 3, turns out ps5 is the goat only need 2 games
Jason also said he liked what he played of FF7R so I guess FF7R confirmed shit?
What needs to happen is that people stop thinking of this as three divided-up episodes of a single game, and start thinking of it as a trilogy of individual games re-telling the story. Marketing this as "episodic" initially was a mistake. They're gonna flesh-out, add, remove and change around so much that it's gonna be an entirely different experience compared to a straight remake anyway.
Brand loyalty or corporate shilling. I can't even tell.
>people need to stop thinking splitting one game into a bunch for money as bad but start thinking of it as good
Shill leave
fucking this. most people interested that lived at at the announcement will be dead before the super-duper complete edition deluxe will be released
It’s no just English that does that
what really needs to happen is that square enix needs to fix its stupid business until it can produce a aaa game without some kind of crippling dev hell, because there are a ton of video games made every year and i don't really need to play a game i played 20 years ago
Or we can complain that FF7R is objectively unfinished
My first language is Spanish and we use pesos in my country. I don't know where the fuck they do, but we certainly don't write "100$" or say "pesos 100".
We're backward shitholes, but we aren't that retarded.
Dedicating an entire game to Midgar is pretty odd considering it was less than half of disc 1. I think they probably chose to do that because it's a bit of a shift in the tone of the game, going from the narrow streets to wide open spaces. The next similar shift in tone would probably be the end of disc 1 which would make for a decent end of part 2. The next one after that is maybe the point where Cloud falls into the lifestream and the party kind of splits up, but that is way too short of a section to make up part 3 so I don't know what they're going to do at that point.
They're most likely doing it in parts because remaking the entire thing in one go is too expensive. There's a reason they put off the idea for like a decade.
How good is the pay at Square Enix for a full time shill? I have been wondering if it is a viable career.
>remaking the entire thing in one go is too expensive
No, it's because they're too impatient to wait until they finish the whole thing before release like literally every game dev with their DLCs. If they can finish FF13 & FF15 as a complete game then there's no reason they can't do the FF7 remake as well.
There is no amount of shilling that will make us like you, unironically kill yourself.
>All palestinian children must die
He's pretty based then. Fuck sandniggers.
dog do you remember how many fucking unique locations there are in ff7 that are important to the plot? compare that to ffxv which has what, three towns you can actually walk around in? i'm not trying to defend them splitting it up but opting to remake something at the scale of ff7 at the fidelity they're doing it at is a massive undertaking.
“While the development team finishes the first game of the project, they are also planning the volume of content for the second. Due to the work already done on the first game, we anticipate that the development of the second game will be more efficient. However, for now we would like to focus on the development of the first game.”
If you think modern Square can do that, you're delusional
Imagine being such a cuck you support this level of milking. You will die before the final part of a once 40 hour game will come out. Your grandkids will have to play the final part in your honor.
>complete games
Fucking, kek.
It's a fucking 40 hour game
>turning one story into a trilogy
Did squeenix hire Peter Jackson or something?
FFVII is much bigger than either XIII or XV. You also underestimate just how much more work the remake is going to take. FFVII had a fixed camera angle outside of the world map so they only needed to draw static backgrounds and maybe place some half-modeled extremely low detail objects on top and call it a day. Now they have to fully model all of those things in 3D and put in the amount of detail that is expected from a modern game. It's multiple times the work per area for an already very large game. That doesn't mean that it couldn't be done, but it's difficult to convince investors to back a project that would take massive amounts of funding and keep the studio busy for like half a decade, when they likely want something more low risk with consistent returns.
Selling the game in parts was the only realistic way for it to happen. I would have preferred a single game too just like pretty much everyone, but it's just not practical especially from a business standpoint.
yfw no World Map
>this level of milking
FF7R is the Hobbit trilogy of video games prove me wrong
The cracks were already there in 8 and 9.
>What needs to happen is that people stop thinking of this as three divided-up episodes of a single game, and start thinking of it as a trilogy of individual games re-telling the story.
Part 1 being sold at regular AAA game price and the other parts being free like the original game. That's how you'd separate the idea of it being divided up
Many gamers are such cucks they probably regularly fantasize about being a woman with watermelon sized breasts being forcefully milked and fucked.
>the FF7 Remake will never finish
>you will never have to watch Aeris die again
FF7 also didn't take ten fucking years to make like nuSquare is claiming.
I dont like jews
they have terrible behaviour on a genetic level
wasn't this announced like, 2-3 years ago?
how TF have they not even gotten the very basics designed? All there's been has been a few tiny snippets of gameplay footage and some cutscenes.
No wonder they're released in parts. Part 1 is PS4.5 exclusive. Part 2 is PS5 exclusive. Part 7 is never ever. I'm betting right now that the next Sony console release will have a pre-order bonus of being able to buy RE-FF7-1 a week early and fanbois will throw $949.99 (not including tax and tip) at it in an instant.
Commence CP dump. Give the pedophile what he wants and he'll leave us alone.
the people that think this behaviour isnt genetic are fools that disgust me
They think its "culture" or some horsehit, so they will happily let them in to destroy us
well they were the scientologists of canaan
stop posting 3Dshit
Whats with the neo nazi meme?
Fuck off Jason, you say this same exact shit at least a dozen times in every one of your threads. You're a laughing stock. Your catch phrase of self-described "best at kotaku" makes me respect the fucking special olympics. You're a joke. That was your 15 minutes of fame. Your making an ass of yourself.
cowmilk boing boing
Fine. Fuck it. Have it your way. Cunt.
remember (((they))) hate you and want you destroyed
>first one gets a remaster before the last one comes out
>complete edition releases after physical media is phased out
>3tb download
This is the future of FFVII
Disc 3 in the original is basically just the final dungeon so this is absolutely wrong.
At the very least it's obvious that FF7R won't get to the end of Disc 1. They've yet to show anything outside of Midgar yet and there's a lot to Disc 1 besides Midgar. I think optimistically FF7R can be three parts if part 2 picks up partway through disc 1 and continues until partway through disc 2 and part 3 finishes it off. But I wouldn't trust modern Square not to fuck that up so I'm guessing 4 or even more is likely
don't bump Schreier's threads
Good thread
Kalm is a village same as Old Lestallum
Fort condor isn't a town
Junon same thing as Meldacio
Costa del sol same thing as Galdin Quay
Corel/prison same thing as Prarie Outpost/Keykatrich
Gongaga same thing as Lestallum
Cosmo canyon same thing as Tenebrae
Nibelheim same thing as Taelpar
Rocket town same thing as Cauthess
Wutai same thing as Caem
Mideel same thing as Hammerhead
Chocobo Ranch same thing as Wiz Chocobo Post
Icycle Inn same thing as Cartanica
And Midgar same thing as Altissia
Cartanica/ Tenebrae has item store, weapon store, NPCs and lodging too all the same. Plus Insomnia which is a dungeon with a rest area like fort condor is not a town but has a rest area and things to fight
Wouldn't parasites want their host to live as long as possible?
15s """world map""" was awful, the major city was miniscule and the best thing outside of that was a gas station and a motel you couldn't go in. Please god don't take anything from 15 when developing 7R.
oh fuck off, it was just about to die
Unless part of their life cycle is destruction of the host.
What was the context of this dude going off on the Jew rat?
fuck you
I'm retarded, not fuck me
fuck you
How would it work? You can’t just run town to town it’d actually take forever
Excuse me?
Just how short are these episodes going to be?
That's why I'm not buying it at launch. 2 games would be fine but 3 is really pushing it. And it'll take at least 5 years on top of that
please don't spoonfeed the election tourists
thread was just about to die
chocobo racing better be in there
Is Jason trying to actively bury this thread because he got his feelings hurt?
That would require chocobo breeding. Such birther propaganda is too triggering for our trans inclusive community.
whatever helps you rationalize bumping blatant self-promotion by a fucking kotaku writer
>Pretend to be a master of fine arts
>"video game graphics are getting better and therefore closer to fine arts"
>Meanwhile creams himself for shit looking stuff like Picasso or whatever splat of ink on a paper
What would you like to see in FF7 Remake? (other than big boobs)
> huge Midgar with a functioning train system between sectors
> revisitable Gaea's cliff
> more Gold Saucer unique prizes
> expanded Rufus and Turks lore
> epic Dyne vs Barret fight
> 1/35 Soldier being useful as an Easter egg
I love how good the Japs are at bullshitting westerners, and they fall for it hook line and sinker every time "ooh, we don't knoow nice western man, anything is possiburu" it's just unlike these retards they know how to have an inside voice and not oust themselves by being immediatly confrontational, tribal or honest.
and Midgard is like 20 still screens, it's a massive shift to go from that full 3D and then allowing a person to move through it freely, even if it's the same length when you increase the fidelty your giving people more to do, weather it's Midgard or the entire western continent, you increase the fidelty you increase the stuff to do in game.
Although I don't agree with all the padding they're doing to Midgard, especially with the Guard Scorpion, I do think having a Midgard you can freely run through in the beggining of the game would be cool, but you need to leave some of that for the later game to, they're putting to many eggs in one basket for Midgard and they're compleley loosing they're sense of pacing and spacing shit out from Part 1, and it's going to bite them in the ass when everything becomes one game, or anyone who wants to start a new game and has to fight Guard Scorpion a second time, god that looks tedious.
>Your grandkids will have to play the final part in your honor
I actually had this same moment play out in my head earlier, now I'm scared it'll happen
You're pretty transparent.
>thinking Kitase is going to give a genuine answer and have the first episode of the game sell poorly because people will just say "i'll buy the complete set when it's on sale"
What? Isn't Final Fantasy 7 a game? How can a game have more games
I mean it was weird because immediately afterward I was thinking "no that's ridiculous, the original creators would be dead by then"
Jason blowing out fanboys with FACTS and LOGIC.
go to b retard
Jason, why are you posting so much on the alt right website Yea Forums?
a better question is, why the fuck are you bumping it
It is just your typical corporate equivocating, kid.
how long do you plan to keep bumping your own thread, Jason? Doesn't it make you feel pitiful.
Are you even using sage
by default
The Jewrat fears the bump.
Nope it was better than any other FF world and bigger too with way more to do.
Why are you doing this again ?
I am simply trying to sate your pedophilic urges so that no children come to harm, Mr. Schreier.
the man has no dick
Jason wants to flood the thread until it hits bump limit because his feelings were hurt under the guise of being an anti-eceleb crusader.
jews are sandniggers too
guess what (((tribe))) jason belongs to
>want to play ff7 remake
>boot up ps4 play through disk 1
>then have to boot up ps5 to play through disk 2
Who thought this was a good idea?
You're a sad man, Jason.
but im not a kike
They are banking on the fanbase being desperate idiots and they probably are.
Why are some people droning hard for SE with this remake?
The man's a pedophile. He's not that depraved.
>The man
No idea what you're talking about just saw lewd pictures and decided to join by posting feet
I wish I had some wine
carry on then
With the FIRST CLASS edition you can pay that much for the first disc and a toy. Happy meals are cheaper tho.
I hope one of the episodes' collectors editions comes with an Aerith statue.
I hope Aeris arises.
She makes my dick arise.
You probably don't even state the punctuation after every sentence
It'll most likely be like the Hobbit movies that bloat irrelevant or made up details into a drawn out unsatisfying mess. Can't wait to help Biggs and Wedge search junkyards to make a reactor bomb for 3 hours.
>he says this and then doesnt even punctuate his sentence. FULL STOP
Only gamers can rise up.
Whoa whoa whoa cool it with the antisemitism
Punctuating would give in to esl terrorists.
Its 4 for sure in my head. FF7 is fucking linear as hell, they can turn the overworld into a hallway like 10 and 13 and almost nothing would change until a few hours into disc 2 where you get the airship. I still would find it hard to see going from Midgar in Part 1, to finishing Disc 1 in part 2 and part 3 wrapping up with all of disc 2 and 3. Disc 1 is huge.
Boners rise up
Why does it matter if they're all good?
you have no idea how happy it makes me you people are this stupid
>fuck you
Leave the European StarCraft League alone
Have you not been keeping up with Square for the past decade? These guys always announce games too early and they always have a problematic development process