Whats going on. Im scared.
Bros, I-I thought Japan doesn't give a fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody care about your twitter outrage, ironic weeb
this is a great thread bro
The problem with the right one is that she has shit lightning proportions. Her legs look like shit and her post is robotic.
A complete fucking nobody with an opinion befitting of a complete fucking nobody.
Any man who disses spats is to be disregarded permanently. My sole regret is that I'm stuck breathing the same air as this mongoloid.
>not realizing there'll be a shitload of paid costume dlc
full retard
Why am I supposed to think this tweet in English is from Japan?
I honestly dont see why people are mad, its not like tifa is the only character getting a new costume
grow a back bone
I like the one on the left more.
Fuck off Nate
Why do people like Square?
I've never gotten the appeal of anything they've ever made.
Through dick, unity.
Why Yea Forumscucks so obsessed with that
Literally nobody else thinks its Sjw
What antisjw site is covering it as an SJW influence
Yea Forums - titgate
Can we take a second to talk about this fucking faggot and how he CONSTANTLY parrots Yea Forums in his videos? Hey Nate I know you're in this thread. Please start thinking for your own and start lifting again.
It is though and I don't even play final fantasy
The design on the left looks more balanced desu
>it's not about my waifu
>it's about my waifu
Goddamn just say you want bigger tits and stop pretending you have some manner of higher ground.
I don't care about tits, I WANT BARE LEGS BACK!
>It's not about jacking off.
Yes it is.
>art by nomura the hack
>funded by snoy
>ruined by snoy trannies
That only works on chan sites. If you do that on twitter, those blue checkmarks people will just accuse you of being pedo.
Just admit you wanted bigger tits to jack off too. Why do twitterfags always have to pretend to have this high ground bullshit when the real answer is obvious
It's not about her tits. Though.
Tifa's sex appeal was nerfed back when AC/KH2 came out over a decade ago. this new design isn't that drastic a change from that. Besides, it could be a lot worse, just look at what happened to the Dark Queen from Battletoads, or the girls from DMCV.
>trannies so desperate for wins that they are falseflagging about the other side admitting defeat
nazi misogynist here, I hate niggers, trannies and women and I fapped to nu-tifa, she's superhot.
I thought she always had leggings on
I want big tits
I want muscles
I want thiccness
I don't want a sticc skeleton
I'm glad they are keeping Angela's outfit the same. Hell, you can even see the bottom of her bare tit in that outfit.
This, she's got the same body type as Lightning now. Someone at SE must really love sticc.
Imagine being obsessed with a video game character's cup size.
You should have been smothered as a baby, you worthless faggot.
Yeah just say it outright and stop pretending like her cup size is a defining part of her character
Don't make sure rude comments.
I hold out hope that Square will allow us to tweak their outfits.
Yeah bestguyever is a fucking faggot
Beta alt-right bitch boi doesn't want a busty and beautiful strong woman character
>just pay more for the stuff they know you actually want
Welp, looks like weed has made it to Japan finally. >muh oh it's no big deal letz support the wahmynz. weed is cool and makes me feel good, uh, what were we talking about. Oh yeah, cannabis is a shinto tradition.
Imagine being gay
Exactly my reaction when I saw the skirt and the socks.
Someone at SE is an idol loving fag.
more clothes is sexier
Why so many ESLs on this fucking site
Don't be so afraid of tiddies incel
She is a sticc with giant tits, deal with it fucking retard.
Her current incarnation is the most faithful one except tits should be even bigger.
since they changed some things for Tifa did Cloud also get minor changes to his clothing???
You'll have to change all of the other Tifa designs to be consistent including the first one.
Tiffa in her original concept art is literally a somewhat /fit/ skeleton with very big tits.
In fact there has never been a canon version of Tifa that is thick.
Stop forcing your shit fucking BBW fetish everywhere you retard.
>here's your tifa, bro
Cloud also, in fact, looks different if you haven't noticed
Good thread.
Fuck Square Enix and fuck niggers.
Cloud already have significant number of changes, like the hairstyle and size, the j-pop face, the lack of clown shoes, etc...
i can still see skin
How can you accuse someone of being pedo for wanting bigger tits on a legal fictional character?
This is possibly one of the worst threads I’ve ever seen, fucking kill your self.
Her measurement at the bottom means she pretty much have the cup size of around a D.
I personally am not. I just think it's pathetic to demand that every single woman in a video game must be designed to give me the most optimal boner.
Big breasts are part of lolicon fantasy.
it's ok to be gay just do it in gay spaces
look man you and ted haggard have some shit to work out on your own
Another episode of white people getting upset on behalf of a group of people who don't give a fuck.
Give it a rest. Americans thinking American censorship influences a Japanese game developed and published by a Japanese company for a Japanese console. How stupid and selfish.
>Two sports bras
>The one underneath is the bigger one so it sticks out
Literally no one ever wears something like that.
Reminder (1/2)
The signs were always there.
That post makes no sense whatsoever. Kill yourself.
>another whiney non-white racist speaking on behalf of whites again.
He's got a point though. Lose the shitty undershirt and thighhighs, and thicken up her legs a bit and she looks 1000x better. You don't even need to puff her tits up. Keep the spats though. Alternatively, lose the spats and keep the thighhighs. I feel like one or the other would work well, but both together look weird.
Hey currently editing a Tifa model in SFM. Cant decide if innie or roastie. Thoughts?
Sony is an American company now. Where have you been?
Omega Labyrinth.
she lives with Barret. that thing is haggard as fuck. also Marlene is probably her kid
Post your work right now faggot
Shes canonically a virgin.
Fuck you faggots need a day off
Welcome to the real world, Jackass. Japan is littered with no nun allowed faggots and SJWs too.
The roastie thing is a meme. It's a genetic lottery, some vagainas are like that.
My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia. Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin
Same as the "uncut dicks smell and taste weird thing. I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering, while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells and tastes fine.
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
Waiting for the epic sea of replies.
imagine knowing this about your family
>He doesn't like black socks
Confirmed shit taste
>white people
>dick of my father tastes fine
Thigh high is ugly without skin indentation.
It's doing the rounds on twitter because mombot screenshotted it.
>the dick of my father
Fuck off Nate and make your dumb GitS video. It's been like 3 years
Imagine hating thigh highs and sports bras in 2019
She is honestly hotter than before
>Following and omitting their name
>It's an anime YouTuber
OP to ashamed.
Kill yourself OP.
>it's another twitter op post thread
This shit really should be autoban.
what could possibly be the sexual appeal of a sports bra underneath a shirt
Culture wars clearly cause fucking brain damage.
>what could possibly be the appeal of tight, form-fitting undergarments
Gee, I don't know.
>incels are just the male equivalent of whiny tumblrinas
>tight, form-fitting undergarment
>underneath a shirt that will never come off
>only nudity is attractive
It wouldn't come off if she didn't have the sports bra on either, retard.
Maybe in your unimaginative mind, pal.
>>only nudity is attractive
that's not what I said, at all
what is this fujoshit?
Thanks mr skeletal
I wonder how depressing it must be for a world class character designer like Roberto Ferrari to put all the work in and then you have people btfoing your design 5 minutes in paint
maybe you shouldn't pointlessly redesign a character that people really, really like
A term and wordplay stemming from the Japanese Fujoshi (terrible woman/undesirable woman); a woman who enjoys men having homosexual relationships/yaoi. A FujoSHIT is slang for a fat ugly perverse woman similar to the opposite gender's stereotypical "otaku", an avatar of fujoshi everywhere.
Similarly can be expressed as content fujoshi enjoy or is made specifically for, such as overtly homosexual anime or manga.
The biggest crime is how Cloud and Tifa look like absolute twigs. They look like they couldn't punch their way out of a paper bag, yet Cloud can swing his giant ass sword while Tifa does backflips and shit no problem
I have news for you sweetie
All that porn you have jerked off to with tifa? none of it is real. Even tifa isn't real
I saw my sister today do this with her phone while she was talking to her friend
>not about jacking off
but it is though
Right, they should have just ported the PS1 models in and changed nothing.
cucksumers did this to themselves by buying into shit-ass DLC in the first place all those years ago instead of leaving it dead in the water in protest.
or just don't change the costume :)
I care
>the biggest crime is that the characters are skinny exactly like the original game
Wow, amazing take here.
u fuckin mad boi
wtfffff please don't say you suck your dads dick
you gave a snarky retarded reply to what I felt was a fairly reasonable post so I figured I'd give one in reply
>I want a remake!
>Change nothing!
You don't think this is a little fucking retarded? Not even a little?
>I want a remake!
Not me tho
Regardless of her outfits and proportions, isn't her face really bland compared to other characters ?
what does tifa having a sports bra on add to the remake
was that a change that fans were clamoring for?
Ferrari isn't doing the main cast
Nomura is
At least you're a man of taste.
She looks like a blow up doll desu. The proportions are all off
That's not an excuse.
You think you're being smart but I didn't phrase my question in a way that I'm asking about what is fujoshi.
What does it take away from the remake?
>still has noodles for arms and twigs for legs
it looks worse than the original design
what does it add?
It's not. Nomura-san believes the higher resolution art demands certain changes to the design, that's all.
The people making the games disagree with you, so I don't really know what you want me to say. Go ask them why they're doing what they want even though it triggers incels like you. You're a SJW cunt, m80.
not sure if it helps, but they both look stupid. And on a final note, FF7 was and is a shit game anyway
It's a clever way to make it so her tits appear smaller so you don't generate backlash but at the same time if her tits are contained in this bra it means that they're just as big as before. See the subreddit called bigger than you thought, you'll understand.
why can you not defend your own opinions?
I can see some of the appeal of the new look. But just take off the socks and it's pretty much fixed. It's not about sjw or sony or whatever, it's just Nomura being Nomura, trying to add more of his "style" to older characters. Look what he did to KH3, look at how he himself dresses for gods sake
>if her tits are contained in this bra it means that they're just as big as before
but she's not gonna take the bra off, so it's exactly the same as shrinking them if you think about it for 0.001 seconds
Imagine being this autistic.
Go get laid, virgin.
What are the possibilities of the game having skins ? It's all the rage in modern gaming.
go eat shit you piece of waste. Nobody loves you and you are a shit-stain on the pants of humanity
I know, it's pretty clever of them
nice, I can pay extra money to fix their mistake, modern gaming is truly incredible
mombot has the final word once again.
That's how we got to play as nasty flat mutts in vidya, because of fags like you.
Seek Jesus
Both look like shit, she has the face of a thai hooker. Have you idiots even looked at it before pretending to be two warring camps when either option appeals only to blind fucks?
Horseshoe strawman. One side didn't ruin stuff, the other side factually ruins shit on a daily basis.
Spats are shit.
This picture represents everything wrong with modern vidya and so much more.
>triggered nu-/pol/ electrion shitter
fucking rekt by nice old ladies
>Spats are shit.
You're shit.
is your sister hot??
>tfw pirating and/or buying this shit used so Square will never see a dime
Not him, but blue check marks thinks lolicon means have something to do with big tits.
they confirmed that the first FF7R release, so Midgar, is taking two disks. imagine what'll happen once we leave and have the whole overworld to deal with
Why not just not play it?
Kill yourself.
>ZETTAI REYOUIKI?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Well "it" shouldn't be. Deal with it.
Because you guys can't do shit right and ruin things. Fuck it. White people caused radical leftism and feminism to bloom in epic proportions that it now affects a huge number of industries. Fuck you ball less weaklings.
Just play the original game to see the original design
Tifa has literally always had stick legs and arms.
Cause I want to play it
>Americans thinking American censorship influences a Japanese game developed and published by a Japanese company for a Japanese console.
I guess literally every aspect of this remake is immune to criticism then, because you can just play the original game
I mean, in fairness, Japs barely buy console games anymore because they're too busy tugging their tiny cranks to gachashit.
he doesn't really hide it since he keeps saying "kino" whenever the oppurtunity presents itself
>I am determined to be upset about everything and I will succeed regardless of how much of an annoying faggot I sound like
Noruma made the original too faggot
Imagine thinking you are better than anyone here
but it's literally what you said
combat is bad? go play the original
story rewrites suck? go play the original
game never actually finishes because it's episodic and square enix is incompetent? lmao dude just play the original
It's a REMAKE you cancerous little faggot. Do you actually buy remakes?!?! then fuck off, I don't care about your serf-tier opinion.
You sound like the guys who got upset Claire wasn't wearing her spandex and biker outfit in re2 remake
what point are you even trying to make here
Current culture is against any type of hetero sexualization, while encouraging drag kids to strip.
Fuck this culture, it's rotten.
And you know whose fault is that? The west. The westerners. American and Europeans shaming big gaming companies to censor themselves so much that devs moved to mobile to get away from regulations.
Same with DLC and microtransactions, its also your fault. Its because you're all ball less twats.
>it's not about jacking off
Speak for yourself faggot how am I gonna blow loads to her ingame now?
Only problem is that you COULD change into Claire's original outfit at any time.
Answer the question faggot
Isn't that everyone?
I want you to answer the basic question retard
Zettai ryuki is great though. Smaller tits are a shame, complain about that instead.
Who cares what a literal who roastie believes?
I need more like this.
Imagine being a god damn loser that gets mad over fictional tits...
perfectly crafted bait.
Look at this shit Yea Forums. Look at this. You could have prevented this. You could have become the fire that saved video games. Like how the oldfags became the flame of the older anonymous movements. Now own it, you motherfuckers.
So can we talk about her face for a second? She looks fugly.
>I don't want a sticc skeleton
shit taste. Tifa's design is literally perfect, the only thing she needs to be my dream girl would be cat ears and short hair
she always was. aerith was the pretty one
Disgusting pedo...
that Italian guy is doing the art for the remake
asians dont like fat girls. everyone knows this
Who is thos tranny?
Why are you right-wing if you criticise consumerism? Join the left, the right will just propagate everything you hate and label extremist American liberals as ‘left’ so the right can keep you afraid of the left-wing bogeyman and cuck you for eternity.
Join the left and destroy it, destroy it all.
Tifa was always thin, stop asking for shit like thicc that was only in fucking fanart since forever
I would still add at least 2 cups to her breast size
Remake Tifa is still easily a D-cup
Tifa has been a sticc with huge tits in literally every canon incarnation
You lost the arguement and decide to sperg out?
>Even tifa isn't real
Fuck off loser.
Factually wrong bub
>every character in the remake looks super different from the original art
Why did they cover her legs? Is it to hide the fact that the undershirt was to be more "realistic" in compressing her tits in?
I mean go ahead and give her the black shirt, but why cover THE FUCKING LEGS WHICH HAD NO FUCKING PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE.
>Implying anything other than the slightly too small breasts are bad
it looks the same incels!!!
legs are haram, don't you want our muslim friends to enjoy the game too?
They really are putting something in the water for this many people to not be calling out the new design for how shitty it is. Get locally filtered water, the UV treatment and all. Start lifting. Have sex.
Sure buddy as soon as you stop defending criminals.
>yfw they cover up Yuffie's tummy
You guys should have sex
Why did they get rid of her ABS
He forgot the plated armor skirt.
looks way too asian tbf, cloud too Not like I care, I dropped this steaming pile of shit as soon as they announced the garbage action combat system. At least they're doing FFVIII right.
No FF female character has had abs.
Thigh highs are hot as hell you brain worms infected husk
Ok, let's just slap on every meme tag. Let's give her glasses and a choker and a school swimsuit and a womb tattoo
Retard. Less is more.
>Let's give her glasses and a choker
hell yes do that
Just look at There is not even a little bit of thickness outside of her boobs
Left should have black gloves.
more like implying being aroused by a woman as a man means you're a pedo no matter what
that's where we've degenerated to
Isn't that why they have smaller turn-based titles instead like octopath traveler?
There's a time and a place for those, not every single woman has to have them.
For example, on office ladies they look fucking retarded, unless they're see-through.
The reality of this is, they wanted to censor her properly, see pic, but they couldn't or their cover would get blown up, so they decided to go with the final outfit, which looks like shit but is grounded in enough logic to dodge the "it's blatant censorship" status at least in the eyes of braindead mainstream audiences.
>it's not about jacking off
how can you just sit there and lie like that
If you take away the hotness factor there's not many more reasons to put up with women.
whats weird is ff7r just screams "hours of unskippable cutscenes" to me. the pace will already be glacial. it seems like the perfect game to make turn based
>The reality of this is, they wanted to censor her properly
What does this even mean? The Chun Li example doesn't even make sense because that's just her wearing different clothes.
does Cloud look like this in the remake?
OP edit would be perfect if they also gave her her old skirt back. Shes too stylish considering she runs a filthy terrorist bar in the worst slum in the game.
They wanted to cover Tifa entirely, top to bottom, either with a full body suit or with something more extreme than the embarrasing AC outfit. They couldn't because they'd vote Hitler back in power, so they tried to compromise and won twice, once for the breast reduction disguised as "squeezed tits" and twice for the body cover-up.
You fucking wish, he's the most "woman" of all the characters shown so far. Overlap the faces, if Tifa didn't have lipstick she'd be third, Aerith second, Cloud first.
It is not a out boobs
It is about journalistic integrity
I laughed so here's a (You)
>can't show Tifa's bare legs
>meanwhile Fortnite has skins with bare legs
The fact that FF7 was the game to beat on its release is why it will not be turn based. In this day and age being turn based will not get you the top of the charts
Name a single canon Tifa that has thick thighs.
no but in smash he does
Decidia, they even made her thighs move when she kicked someone
>removing the socks
Tasteless simp
Those thighs are not thick.
I find it funny that most of the people that like nu-Tifa are either
>muh fetish
Which I don't understand since her legs are noodles and there isn't even any skindentation nor is it really ZR. I guess they just want their fetish slapped on any character and call it day without putting any thought to it working as long as it makes their pp hard.
>muh realism
That also doesn't make any sense since nothing about her is realistic whatsoever
Frankly it looks like SE just put whatever they thought of to make it look like they did something, it's a remake after all lmao.
Bare legs and no spats.
new design is better and probably has absolutely nothing to do with censorship, stay mad you won't get G extra + size cowtits
literally your acount
fuck off
Tifa is the only one that doesn't look the same...
This combat is far better than the turn based garbage from the original
The undershirt is great because it provides a colour division between her clear skin and the white tanktop while respecting the original color scheme that made her iconic. The socks are ok, but I would made the boots brighter to highlight her kicks. Same goes with the gloves.
She looks fucking good in animation anyways.
Remember she's got a bush
I see the boots are red as fuck. My mistake
I appreciate the effort
never played the game
Left is clearly the better design
that is all
Have sex
Leave this place at once!
Leave. Plebbitor.
0.02usd has been added to your bank of india account
The undershirt is to provide a colour separation between her clear skin and the white top, so you can see the animations better.
whats your resetera name you degenerate?
Sorry if the truth hurts your feelings.
She's the only one that looks worse, not just different.
So you've mastered this foreign language so you can be ignored in another country as well?
Have sex
They don't give a fuck, the breasts aren't actually smaller, the main problem is that SquareEnix fucked up. This isn't socjus garbage, but rather a failed attempt at appealing to weebs, hence the sports bra, spats and stockings.
Your brains are leaking out from your ears again
>when retards with zero artistic skill "fix" cg characters so they can get retweeted on kotaku
Sorry if not having sex hurts your feelings.
Have sex
Have sex
Saw the trailer again. Its clear that the undershirt is to provide colour separation.
The high socks highlight the boots, something kinda important for a kickboxer like her. I dont like her being so thin, but thats something Nomura always did.
I hope they add her to Tekken 7. Fits better than Noctis
Are the millets shown in game? I hope you can get cool colourful millets instead of the boring black one.
This is pasta retards. You really think modern Yea Forums is capable of being creative?
>bitching about boobs and stockings, while her lack of muscles is a much bigger problem
>Balked by the power of truth, the wolf exclaimed "have sex"
Cry more.
Tifashits are still seething holy kek. This is more than I could have asked from her reveal.
My name is user, what's your degeneracy.
Ferrari is definitely working on the main characters
why was she sipping her phone?
You're right about thigh highs being hot as hell, but you also made me look up brain worms...
But you should know that nobody has masturbated compulsively in his adolescence with Barrett. All the heat and overreaction from people in this board is about those who was thinking play the game with the right hand and beat the meat with the left.
Now Tifa is a normal pretty girl, but not doujinshi material. And that made them piss off.
Have sex
>painted on ZR
Where's the indents
She was never a bombshell or some shit
I mean you don't just keep the characters core design the same for 15 years and then think it'll go down fine with fans, even in house you've shown us YOURSELVES what she's meant to look like in HD
Objectively wrong opinion
Twitter trannies need to fuck off
Ever wonder why Japanese people hate westerners?
This thread is why.
Excuse me sir. I am an expert on breast sizes.
When measuring cup size, you don't just look at the breasts themselves, but the entire upper body to determine a comfortable and accurate fit. And Tifa is easily a G.
retard. roastie is a modern Yea Forums term
no indents on sticcs
But I like stockings
Then what's the point
The top looks better on the right but i love the stockings on the left.
that's what we're all trying to figure out
>just some retarded westerner
nothin to see here folks
Low poly block characters have more charm
The realistic models have no soul
Fuck off repressed faggot
Because the /v-pol/-tards are literally homosexuals in denial.
This is an actual truth. We live in an era that legitimized the OLD GOOD NEW BAD meme let alone Soul and Soulless.
Even the original FFVII tech demo had more soul than the shit we saw so far.
>real tifa
fucking pathetic
You sound legit desperate. Don't punch your desk or you could hard lock your pc.
>Rad dude. Rude 'tude.
>Philosopher God-King.
>PCP Puppetmaster.
>Humble kek merchant.
>Full-time YouTuber.
jesus fucking christ
>the guys complaining that the tiddies aren't big enough are homos
Are you alright in the head?
Tell me if the following resonates with you:
War Is Peace,
Freedom Is Slavery,
Ignorance Is Strength.
There are no compromises for are storm perfect future
>CONSTANTLY parrots Yea Forums in his videos?
he's probably the one posting his shitty opinions on Yea Forums in the first place
No he isn't
His name is right there, why would you hire a world class character designer and not let him touch your main characters?
that's what they're called in my japanese animes, I don't go out in real life america
Zettai Ryouki unironically makes her 100% better, prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.
You are correct
fuck zoomers
>”It’s not about jacking off.”
Saying that completely unprompted leads me to believe it is 100% about jacking off.
God, I fucking hate weebs but I love seeing you suffer.
They're called safety shorts.
I don't care about Japan or America I'm not from there
I'm a Canadian and we speak ENGLISH here
So learn English or FUCK OFF
You actually sound very ignorant. There's ways and ways to pull it off, and it doesn't work everywhere.
With Tifa, the long naked legs served a purpose to balance that shit on the arms and all that black clothing including the dark hair.
The same exact thing happened with Xenoblade, you were bloody wrong on that too and you kept insisting.
One of the major Japanese otaku blogs.
Overwhelmingly negative reception to Tifa's new design.
Everyone is asking where is Tifa's milk?
Canada pretending they aren't completely CHANG'd. Cute.
Stop samefagging your piece of shit.
Tifa's bare white legs served to contrast with her black hair and black skirt.
Now her new design is just too black.
>while the dick of my father tastes fine.
Completely wrong
Can I call you an SJW?
No women wears that shit. Begging for a sweat rash.
>Game(s) comes to steam
>Workshop Support
>Costumed DLC
This is literally LITERALLY all about memes (the actual definition) infecting your brain and influencing your perception of reality
All you motherfuckers did as kids was rave about Tifa's tits whenever she was brought up. a mere fraction of you actually liked her as a character
You went through hundreds if not thousands of pieces of fanart of Tifa with bigger tits than the ones she was actually granted with
You went on to consume more japanese media, further skewing your perception. It's the exact same shit women do when they see a 6 inch dick and say it's 8 inches or 5 inches depending on their relationship with the dick in question. Your frame of reference is completely fucked and you never even bother to fix it even when confronted with evidence.
Even not too long ago, there was another outrage over Tifa's tits on her new model and it was proven then that they're always roughly the same size as her head.
Naturally all of you retards ignored it and we're going through this all over again because you can't control your stupid fucking monkey nigger brain from thinking a pair of digital assets were a few millimeters off.
And then you have the gall to say it's not about jacking off? The sheer insolence to claim it's a practice of censorship? Go inspect the dick of your father, fucking mouth breathing reprobate
The core design is the SAME THOUGH
all they did was change some details
square has a long history of skeleton women
>b-b-but nier automata
it was made by taro and platinum
This is you
Incorrect, and a strawman to boot. There are many things wrong with her design, and one wouldn't even need to touch upon the tit to point them out. However, that being said, the tits are definitely subpar compared to her original design.
Include me in screencap
Claiming you have an argument but not providing it is a strawman in itself.
He isn't wrong right looks really superior
Bare legs AND sports bra.
You had no argument, only the manic venting of something vaguely resembling a person. You consider it fair sport to paint every individual who has an opinion on this matter in one color, so it is fair game for me to do similar with you and attain an equal level of legitimacy. Therefore, you're less than dog shit.
>if you're not sticc then you're fat
Basically all the fanart of the new look gives her thicker thighs. Everybody loves delicious healthy thighs.
>You consider it fair sport to paint every individual who has an opinion on this matter in one color
THAT'S also strawmanning
it was clearly directed at a certain audience, and you're playing coy because you have absolutely no way to refute it. So you just go off with a "ur shit lol"
Wow epic. Why even bother posting?
more pics of jealous nu tifa?
In an open forum, your audience is the people who read your words, troglodyte. If you are incapable of handling the responsibility that comes with it, you are a legitimate child.
>Why even bother posting?
I am wondering the same thing about you.
>In an open forum, your audience is the people who read your words
good thing this isn't an open forum then.
you realize users have the ability to agree and disagree with a post without the need to say "whoa hey guys jeeze louise don't group me in with the rest of them!" like you're doing
except what you're doing is even worse. you're taking a non issue and trying to use it as an argument, like the coward you are
and even then you STILL can't articulate why Tifa's redesign is [bad], because if you could you would have done it straight away.
you're taking absolutely no responsibility but trying to claim all credibility. are you jewish by chance?
Have sex sweetie
Yes she should be bottomless.
long socks look nice, but the sports bra under sports bra just looks dumb
>the virgin tifa
>the chad Reisalin
Why didn't they have both as different outfits?
Everyone is happy, classic Tifa a 19 Tifa or default Tifa or whatever you want to call the new
>Whats going on
heres your well-deserved (you) based user.
godspeed to the gates of hades
What a virgin.
The porn isn't going anywhere you fucking incels, stop crying over a T-rated game.
stop crying over attractive women you fucking landwhales
Cry harder /pol/
I don't give a shit about her being the original tifa or not, I'm just glad there's one more fap material with blessed zettai ryouiki
>t-rated game can't have big tits
Imagine being this much of a mongoloid.
>Spats are shit.
The boots are absolute shit tier now. Old ones looked like construction worker or hiking boots, these ones look like she stole the wrong size at Wal Mart or some shit on the way there. The old boots were big and cartoony but they were also solid and heavy, giving a girl like her the much needed weight when landing her kicks. These ones will literally fly off in a single roundhouse were it not for Square Enix moving all the powers of anti-gravity from her tits to her feet.
The OG Tifa is still in tons of other Final Fantasy games though. She isn't exactly gone.
>Why didn't they have both as different outfits?
They will probably add it as a DLC.
I almost thought he was japanese first.
the popularity explosion of the new atelier girl proves you wrong, thighs are life
Imagine being this wrong.
Non-argument like
>the original is still there, who cares they completely destroyed the remake
Huh. That's....
fuck, i'm not drunk enough for this.
OG Tifa still continued to exist despite AC Tifa though. I don't understand why people gets so upset when she changes her clothes every once in a while.
I'm more hyped to see her cowboy outfit.
He’s right.
Thigh high are completely unnecessary and have no business being there.
Stay triggered.
Fake and gay .... Have sex homo
Have sex.
>the high socks highlight the boots
False, bare legs highlight her boots.
You dont know shit. About character design.
I really hope Square gives us the option of changing costumes for all the playable characters, so that all the crybabies can STFU about the LEGENDARY AND ICONIC Tifa costume - generic white tank top and a black mini-skirt. Wow, so iconic! Tifa is just not the same without that unforgettable and unique costume. Square did us dirty, bros!
Its because FF7 is a Western game. Most of its rabid fanbase that can't shut up about their childhood JRPG is in the West.
I refuse to play it on principal.
Actually the FF7 fans are the ironic weebs user.
Wasn't this guy outed as a pedo
>modern Japan complained that Episode Duiscae was too hard so they downgraded the combat in XV
Fuck those soiboi virgins.
why is it the kids posting blurry JPEG artifacted images directly from social media seem the most concerned about "ironic weebs" from social media
No, that's another guy from Ars Technica.
fuck off incels of Japan
Left boobs are too big and her gloves are the wrong color.
The american left IS the embodiment of modern corporatism. social movements are just collaborative advertisement campaigns.
you're ideal left hasn't existed in over a century
I lived to see Japan get cucked.
It's over. The world needs a rain of purifying fire.
I’m fine with everything but that damn sports bra.
>gaming getting castrated in hundreds of different ways with shitty reboots, shift to streaming, platform infighting, and continuously lowered expectations
>titty character has slightly less titty now
hornygamers fuck off, go fap to actual porn before you play your video game
I’m hoping for this feature
Its not though, she never had much in the way of muscles in any of her designs or appearances throughout the years. Although I'm in the camp of her tits are fine and about the same size as in games like Dissidia, I just don't like the gloves and the stockings are just sort of weird. I'm actually fine with the bra since it doesn't cover anything that wasn't covered before.
I like the left one more actually. I can't see why anyone is complaining about this.
The funnier part is that women screamed when Tifa was released at E3.
Women wanted Tifa but yet its women censoring Tifa.
The irony is hilarious
I think it looks fine, even better. But the issue is that we know theres an internal censorship policy and it's probably the reason for it in the first place.
Imagine having and using a twitter account and acting like this much of a sperg over some design change. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if this same guy is the one making the constant threads about this.
>over some design change
is this the new "it's not censorship its localization" augment?
Rin the iconic example of ZR have black hair and black skirt
She is fine, and even if she wasn't, a subpar design is not enough to put a dent in the quality of the game. I'm more worried about other shit, the game is going to probably suck imo, but it won't be because of less than ideal character design.
Its a design change he's bitching about. The tits aren't smaller then her other appearances in other games, thats been pointed out already. You can try and argue all you want, but at the end of the day her tits are the same size as in something like Dissida's CG. The only difference between them is the new Tifa design has stockings, spats, and a sports bra, which even with said bra, she still has the same sized titties.
which do you think is better?
Why do you shitters always post the same damn picture from the trailer instead of other ones?
leggings are hot as fuck
shit, doesn't even follow the body shape of all the Tifa design variations. You might as well make a new character
>not only a twitter screenshot, but a censored-for-reddit twitter screenshot
Its always the same picture being posted
>It's not about jacking off
uh huh
thighs legs don't need to majorly increased, just a slight bit, also spats look like shit
>implying social justice warriors are good
fuck off you newfaggot cancer