Here's your MUA3 roster, bro.
Here's your MUA3 roster, bro
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Overall pretty decent, happy that it wasn't JUST MCU shit
Hyped for Elsa, never expected her to be in.
7/10, glad it didn't go overboard with MCU shit.
Here's to hoping the Fantastic 4 DLC is good.
So the Fantastic Four are obvious and the X-Men will just be what remaining fan favourites didn't make the cut for the base, but who will be under the Marvel Knights banner? Punisher and Moon Knight in all likelihood, but who else? I'd love to see Echo, personally.
>captain marvel
whose next to elsa? jane?
It's good.
not bad. Im more excited for this then SE's game
i meant janet
Considering they're getting a movie set up, then Shang-Chi is a lock
>three (3) fucking spider characters
>No Blade
>Rocket and Groot together as one character
Into The Spiderverse made them big characters, it's a smart move desu
Hopefully Blade is at least DLC
God I hate MCU designs, even Thor has his helmet modeled to look like the one he used for a split second in Ragnarok.
Marvel should just renamed themselves Marvel Movies instead of Comics
It's a better cast than MvC: Infinite.
This makes me hope for a proper MvC4
>Being bothered by this
>Not the fact that there's no Fantastic Four
>Caring about Fantastic 4 in the year of our Lord 2019
>Using a RWBY reaction image
Also see
did they make captain marvel a samurai?
Isnt shang chi chinese?
Where is Ant-man. Wasn’t he confirmed playable?
>spergs still mad at rwby
He was leaked, they haven't officially showed him yet
So I guess we have to wait on Beast, Cyclops and Colossus. I guess I’m willing to wait on letting my enemies behold my optic blast
Honestly this is a pretty great roster. Missing some obvious stuff, but gotta get that DLCbux and they know faggots will shell out for the F4
Fuck the F4 where’s the punisher?
Everyone claim your teams
God, I hope the DLC packs have 5 characters so I can get DOOM
looks like the worse game in the Legends/UA series honestly.
Eh, kinda mediocre roster. Too modern for me. Sorry, I haven't looked into the game much, but is there costumes in this one?
>No Link or Samus
Do you think she's Team Ninja's equivalent of Shuma-Gorath in that they chose her out of their own preference?
They haven't shown the roster a month out? I thought they mentioned at E3 this was it
>Ghost Rider
>Dunno, will probably swap people around
A little edgy, but it's my team from the first game minus Moon Knight
Literally why???
>Captain America
I'm just as confused
You're an MvC2 player aren't you?
>Ghost Rider
No Cyclops or Colossus?
Oh shit is that Janet on the bottom right?
yap mad
>Rocket Raccoon
Moonbros where you at?
not wanting a size changing character
>Still implying
Where the fuck She-Hulk, War Machine, Spider-Woman, Blade, Quasar, and Silver Surfer?
Why not just have all 3 spiderment be a pallete swap?
>Ghost Rider
>Doctor Strange
team edge + dr. strange unite
Ghost Rider
Here, hoping for at least DLC
Where the fuck is Hank Pym?
>Silver Surfer
>In 2019-2020
The lack of cyclops bothers me but it's not a huge deal. Going Midnight Sons first run I think.
My robot brain needs beer.
replace Spidey with Logan and this was gonna be my team
>Doesn’t even explain how she fights or knows her back story
Damn she must be really garbage
Cyclops is almost certainly DLC if that helps
>no Jean Grey
Feels weird man.
I'm hoping Blade comes in with Marvel Knights.
playable villains when?
Taking the Treehouse gameplay into account, it's possible Ant-Man is just story mode support like Cyclops, Colossus and Beast.
Janky ass fake anime.
>Ghost Rider
>Doctor Strange
so you dont mind if i post some yang then
Character designs are cool but it's hard to watch with it's janky ass animations.
plz do not bully my poor boy, he's been hurt enough
Ghost Rider
I would play as ant man then you stupid nigger.
She seriously doesn’t have a interesting never before seen power? Are her comics even good? Like she never got a canceled series before right? Who’s who main nemesis?
Right here kek
dont look that way to me
Was the only exciting part of that Avengers thing.
Her series is pretty great actually and she is a pretty likable character.
But RWBY is still a garbage ass show and you should feel bad for continuing to watch it after Monty Oum was assassinated by his weeb wife
>Elsa Bloodstone
Yo what?
>my boys Hawkeye and Iron Fist in the same game
Elsa was announced today.
>But RWBY is still a garbage ass show
nice opinion and hiss brother wanted to keep going so i think he knows more than you and she is nowhere near it
it is pretty jank bro
We all know that kemono friends is the definitive 3d anime
Will Elsa bring along her kaiju summoner shota boyfriend?
>that background
>KoF ranbu-tier animation but slower
Gonna be a yikes from me, senpai
>manage to literally just reskin the first Avengers movie down to the quips and character designs to cash off of MCU hype
>doesn't even remotely capture Hank Pym's style/look
kamala can chage body part sizes so she'll fight like battletoads, ant man cant do that
The ONLY good thing RWBY had going for it was Monty's choreographed action scenes. Whoever took it over after his death doesn't even come close and never will. I've never gone to RWBY threads but I'm curious to hear as to what you spergs find redeeming about this show It definitely can't be the voice acting
Who is bottom left?
How do you pronounce Pym? "Peem" or "Pie-m"?
you know they are using his stuff in this fight right you guys will shit on anything
>Dr. Strange AND Ghost Rider
I am satisfied
>that background
show me anything where anybody gives a shit about the background
Treehouse was wholesome. You could tell they were actually having fun and wanted to play more.
it's fucking nothing
lame roster desu
>It definitely can't be the voice acting
Japanese voice acting for RWBY is actually really good, JP Ruby and Yang are head and shoulders above American pigs
Pimm, like the word slim.
I dunno, why don't you watch the ant-man movies and find out
>Luke Cage
Am I missing something amazing about his character? Because all I see about him is that he's a buff black guy with super strength
Let's not forget about the bulletproof skin
yap thats luke for you
A bulletproof nigga
spiderman until i get iceman in the upcoming expansion
Mr fantastic can already do that you mentally ill tranny
"Japanese voice acting for an AMERICAN show is better"
Oh cool you're just a weeb that doesn't understand the language and just jerks off to the female characters.
>Doesn’t have a main nemesis
>Is muslim but supports gays
>Never got in a “nearly beaten to death” from a villain moment and pulls through with a last bit of strength
>Barely gets in any fights in most of comics and instead hangs out with friends and talks about food and social issues
You mean like Mr. Fantastic?
looking at the costume for him in both games man this one they fucked up
Where's fucking rightclops?
He’s a bulletproof black man, any cops greatest fear made reality
>Want X-Men's MCU debut to consist of the original 5
>But that means having Iceman
>And that means Feige will be pressured to make Iceman gay just like in the comics otherwise the tumblrinas will go REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I'm scared, bros.
Where's Vision? He was confirmed playable from the Nintendo Direct cut scenes.
not too hyped, but I'm satisfied, also is there really wasp but no antman
Iceman isn't gay bro. Jeanne just fucking mindraped him into one.
You described why people like her
they ruined him but his powers were the best in x men legends
Well Mr. Fantastic isn’t a muslim female and doesn’t have any real friends. This why she is better than him. Mr.Fantastic is from Justice League btw
Actually do your fucking research and quit acting like you read comics.
Is that canon?
>Want X-Men's MCU debut to consist of the original 5
Fuck off. 3 out of 5 O5 are fucking worthless.
Honestly not a bad roster. Toss in...
>The Punisher
>The Thing
>The Human Torch
>Invisible Woman
>Mr. Fantastic
>Ant-Man & Wasp
And it'd be a solid game.
>Luke Cage
>Iron Fist
No. He described why they keep having to give her new series so often for her comics getting canceled due to low sales.
I'll take not being able to understand them over the squeaky screechiness that is eng Ruby and Yang's voice breaking every other yell
No. People just keep memeing this because the reveal was the dumbest shit ever.
I’m too scared to pick up comics from before they made him gay. The comics they have of him now are so bad i think they nearly gave me ptsd.
its not because hes gay, its because being gay is his personality his superpower and his entire existence
>Any cops fear
You mean any black’s fear? They get gunned down by their own race the most.
RWBYfags don't get to play the "UR A WEEB" card when their show is the literal definition of weeaboo
Moon Knight
Shang Chi
But I guess it depends on how many characters they add per dlc. Having Wasp but no Antman is a little odd. And you would probably want another supernatural besides Blade to pair up with Bloodstone and Rider, unless Strange counts. Maybe Morbius or Man Thing?
It is canon though, just a retcon. But MCU takes inspiration from the movies and ultimate as well, and he was never retconned to gayness in either of those.
Those sound like good calls. I’d take Phoenix over Rogue, but either is good. Would like Iceman also, but I feel like his odds are low ever since they turned him into muh gaynessman and his entire personality died
why the fuck there are 3 spidermans? at least my nigga daredevil is in
looking better than the avengers game
>Ghost rider
With FF and Doom in the third DLC bro
Which Ghost Rider?
The voices are what piss me off more than anything about that game.
I just can’t picture Nolan north as a good iron man.
>Reddit spacing
>Dead horse shit talking point
Seething /pol/tard
I don't buy games with day 1 dlc
MCU friendly
SWJ friendly
Season pass already
No thanks
wow my man thats some good shit
>Ghost Rider
Basically do the New Fantastic Four while I wait for the regular Fantastic Four
Four Spider characters. Peter, Miles, Gwen, Venom
>black Spider-Man
>gwen spider-man
>not carnage, spider-woman, spider-girl, or 2099
>FOUR (4) Spider mans
for what purpose??
>spider mans
it's spider-men you retard
so is spiderman going to be the goku of marvel games
Is it bad that I only know Spiderman?
Why isn't there a good or any of that matter DC vs Marvel fighter games like MvC?
Being completely unironic here when I say, not a single soul on this fucking earth worth a goddamn, cares about Kamala or Carol Manvers. The inclusion of Elektra here is absolutely laughable as well. They had to reach deep to put women on this roster and it shows
Also choose your Spiderman: Hetero, Black, or Woman
Her movie was a trainwreck, but Elektra is still widely liked thanks to her Frank Miller stuff from the '80s and early '90s. Plus you're silly if you didn't realize that she's also there as so they can just have the Netflix Defenders without Jessica Jones (thank God).
There are heroes people like more than Elektra but they're male so they put Elektra on the roster instead
Morbius is a good call if they want some more spooky characters! Especially since he has a movie coming next year and we know from Venom, Miles and Gwen that they're not against giving the Sony characters a plug.
Well they said right from the get-go that The Hand are one of the major villains in the game, so having them (and Matt for that matter) without Elektra would rightly be criticized as being dumb.
Plus in-universe, Elektra is a beautiful super-athletic woman with big breasts and an affinity for swords. Sure sounds like the kind of character Team Ninja like working on.
Why the fuck would you care about this game then retard