When did Pokemon die, Yea Forums?
Was it after ORAS? X&Y? B&W? Last time I truly had fun was in HGSS to be honest.
When did Pokemon die, Yea Forums?
Was it after ORAS? X&Y? B&W? Last time I truly had fun was in HGSS to be honest.
Gen 6 is when it became official
X and Y was the beginning of the decline
Whenever your nostalgia cutoff point is
I can agree though, that gen 6 is weaker than those that came before it, but, the OU meta was fun. Likewise, I can understand if one dislikes gen 7, but, I found USUM to be satisfyingly challenging, as pokemon games go.
X and Y were fine overall, but started a bad president of Friendly Rivals.
ORAS really fucked it up by removing things that were in the original and making it WAY to easy. On my first playthrough I could easily take out everything with my Blaziken in one hit. They also removed the battle fronteir because fuck you.
Sun was also piss easy, the rival was shit. The region and overall story was good though.
I'm glad this shit franchise is finally dying
After HGSS or BW2.
gen 2 with gen 3 saving it
B&W2. I used to think I outgrew the series and only liked it out of nostalgia, but then I played White 2 a few weeks ago (never tried it before) and had a blast
Gee I sure love Yea Forums being half Pokemon threads despite you fags HAVING YOUR OWN BOARD
So sick of this crap
For me, I started with Blue/Red and each got gen got consecutively worse. The DS titles were unplayable for me.
The next gen I played was X/Y and it was fantastic and refreshing and each gen including ORAS has again slowly gotten worse. Skipped the Eevee and Pikachu titles but will probably try SS. Only so much they can do with the same stale gameplay.
I mean regardless of the quality of gen 6, which was poor anyway, it is definitively the death for one reason - moving from 2D sprites to 3D models.
>incorrect coloration
>bad, lazy animations
>much higher space cost
We could have had beautiful, intricate spritework, now the games are so soulless Pokemon are getting cut.
Gen 3 was the beginning of the end but none of you will admit it.
>ugly as sin pokemon designs
>more legendaries than previous gens
>more baby pokemon
>ruined hideous evos of former pokemon minus Weavile
>SLOOOOWW-ass battle animations
>no battle tower/battle frontier
>great marsh
>pointless garbage bottom screen usage
Anything after gen 3 was a mistake.
BW2, heard it improved BW but creating a number sequel instead of being named after a new color was suicide.
pokemon should have stayed 2/2.5D
>>pointless garbage bottom screen usage
I agree with everything else but that was fun
Gen 4 was only bad because of how slow it was
>ugly pokemon designs
those are in all the games, this one had its fair share of kino and shitty designs like any other
>more legendaries than other
gen 3 had 8, gen 4 had 9, you fucking whiner
>slow battle animations
such a fucking nitpick, battle animations are fucking fine
>ruined hideous evos of former pokemon
a lot of pokemon now had better evolutionary lines, and introduced interesting Pokemon
>no battle frontier
those are for the third games in the gens
>pointless bottom screen
they had to do something with the bottom screen, but it didnt detract from it either
Gen 4 was not the gen that ruined pokemon. Blame 5 or 6
It died right after x/y. x/y was ok they did lots of shit like the models and everything but after xy they stopped doing innovation
XY was the highest point in the series and it's the general consensous on /vp/ too, any other opinion will not be accepted
/vp/ are losing their minds right now. It’s Armageddon
>and it's the general consensous on /vp/ too
XY was the canary in the coal mine, ORAS was your last warning. You only have yourself to blame if you kept buying pokemon games.
Gen 6.
Except that they aren't. It's 99% false flagging faggots.
It's the general consensus on /padt/ and /padt/ false flags /vp/ into submission since /vp/ is full of lazy retards.
Because it's wrong and inherently retarded.
>introduced phys/special split, online trade and battle in a globally popular IP
>contains Plat and HG/SS
>death of pokemon
See what I mean? You niggers don't actually care about content or quality, it's just nostalgia for what you grew up with. Which is in fact the fucking murder weapon.
Think about it, only miserable Kantofags who make trash like "Let's Go! Pikachu/Evee!" would think to start cutting Pokemon from the main games. I bet my right fucking nut that none of the original 151 will be gone. Truly, Pokemon died with Gen Wun.
>sees Weavile mentioned in your post
>sees you were exempting Weavile from the shit status of the others
Ah, a man of taste.
Absolutely based.
Gens 4 and 5 did well enough to carry things for a while, but after Gen 3 it was no longer Satoshi Tajiri's game. The only reason people actually like Gen 3 is nostalgia.
The original 151 are in Sw/SH, it's confirmed. Fuck genwunners.
Gamefreak couldn't handle the 2D->3D transition well.
Once it moved to the 3ds I stopped having fun with the main games, but showdown is always fun.
It's unironically dead now that they've confirmed they're going the route of other Monster Collecting Franchises by having different pools of usable Pokemon in each pair of games going forward.
What's the fucking point of Catching 'Em All when you can't Use 'Em All until GameFreak arbitrarily decides you can?
This is all just one big fucking scam to force people to upkeep their Home Subscriptions since their Pokemon being held hostage in Home waiting for a game that they can exist in will be lost to the abyss if they don't.
Black/White was the beginning of the decline.
XY and ORAS was the tipping point.
SM was when it died.
Gen VIII is the nail in the coffin.
BW did nothing wrong.
Gen 3 honestly. This is not to shit on Gen 3, it's good. Hell, I started with gen 4. But after Gen 2 the games became very story focused and the roadblocks got annoying. Gens 3, 4, and 5 were still good in their own ways, but 6 is when is got bad. But the decline began with 3.
>Black/White was the beginning of the decline.
It’s the series peak and the last time it felt new again.
After Red and Blue because it's the same shit, I was already bored of the formula halfway through Gold and Silver.
Everything after XD
Gen 12&3 all great. 3 is my favorite since I like the way the region looks the best and most all of the pokemon are fun to play with. 4 was garbage. Black and White were fun again. Everything past that was trash
Beginning of the downgrade in design philosophy and an overemphasis of story to the point of long and melodramatic cutscenes, for one.
Powercreep for another.