Thank you Cyberpunk 2077, very cool
Thank you Cyberpunk 2077, very cool
Other urls found in this thread:
is that a cock lmao
brainlet here, what am I looking at?
A trap
Horse cock
oh sht nvm
The best part is watching the blue checkmarks seethe over it
wow cyberpunk is edgy
will we ever live in a society where this is as common as tits and ass?
Fucking hot, I'm sold, I'll mix those 16 flavors.
anti-trans propaganda by the bigoted CDPR
Probably pic related
Generic "cyberpunk" whore art used in all marketing for the next few years.
just like my hentai
>"In blood, the serum (/ˈsJərəm/) is the component that is neither a blood cell (serum does not contain white blood cells- leukocytes, or red blood cells- erythrocytes), nor a clotting factor; it is the blood plasma not including the fibrinogens. Serum includes all proteins not used in blood clotting and all the electrolytes, antibodies, antigens, hormones, and any exogenous substances (e.g., drugs and microorganisms)."
Not used to clot wounds.
>"Serum is an essential factor for the self-renewal of embryonic stem cells in combination with the cytokine leukemia inhibitory factor."
Used foe stem cells, and those can help, but serum isn't released around the wound to heal it.
>"The serum of convalescent patients successfully recovering (or already recovered) from an infectious disease can be used as a biopharmaceutical in the treatment of other people with that disease, because the antibodies generated by the successful recovery are potent fighters of the pathogen. Such convalescent serum (antiserum) is a form of immunotherapy."
Can be harvested and turned into medicine, but not wound closing.
>"Blood serum and plasma are some of the largest sources of biomarkers, whether for diagnostics or therapeutics."
Can be scanned by doctors, so the doctor can help, but not wound closing.
Are you done yet?
Isnt that dick a rip off of an SJW Marvel or DC comic. I saw that blatant bulge shit last year. This must be SJW stuff
I'm trans.
Normalizing variable sexuality and sexual expression isn't anti-trans.
oh so you recognize that bulge, huh?
Holy shit, the basedboys are actually throwing a tantrum about this.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
which video was this on?
Uhh, why? Chicks with dicks, that's empowering, right?
It's literally anti-trans propaganda you dumb
>makes trannies seethe
>adds the best fetish (futa)
this game is based
That's a lot of text to make a jiggly picture.
Apparently the idea of streamlining the ability of someone to shift their attributes and sexual characteristics is transphobic because it doesn't respect the suffering inherent in the struggle of trans people.
The people saying that shit are genuinely insane.
How so?
It trivializes the struggle of being trans if they just install new dicks on their cyber bodies.
Fucking bitch about anything for being immoral or unjust by your most strict and stringent contrived fucked up morality.
Wait 2 years for sale and buy, close my eyes and ears and scream until then thank you CDPR.
I mean if modular robot bodies were commonplace wouldn't you at least try stuff like this out even if it were just temporary
Fucking kek
You know that there's a lot of deaf people (genetically deaf) who don't want their kids to be cured of their deafness and are hostile to the idea of curing deafness?
New 50 minutes gameplay coming soon
I will now buy your game
Is anyone complaining about this? Its cyberpunk ffs. Degeneracy should be at an all time high
I didn't know this made trannies seethe till this thread.
This is fucking hilarious and a case study in why you tell people to fuck right off if they don't like something.
Still not buying this game, but definitely appreciate the chuckles I'm getting.
Yes and those people are crazy too.
It sure will be nice 30 years down the road when all the trannies have killed themselves and I can just play my fucking video games in peace.
OwO whats this?
It's completely demeaning, and standardizes being trans as a sexual fetish.
I recognize that boner!
Show us
What if they identify as a newhalf or a third gender, you fucking bigot?
Futa in cyberpunk
Can't wait to make my male V a smooth twinky sneak thief and then date whatever female love interest has a CYBER DONG
>he thinks mr robot is cyberpunk
>what does the cyber part mean again???
This is all the proof needed that these political commentary whores are desperate for cyberpunk to be a genre which it isn't, clamouring to subvert it to what they want it to be rather than what it is.
Just make a new name for your shit, commiepunk, revolutionpunk, whatever.
If the ability to switch things up was readily available and affordable, I don't see why I wouldn't. Could like it. Could be fun. You never know.
>over 100 body mods
Scarring your skin with razorblades doesn't count tranny
Fucking based
He said mr robot is ORIGINS FOR CYBERPUNK you dumpshit
Umm. Wow. Really? We're talking about the plight of the trans here. Alright, sweetie?
Because trans is a sexual fetish?
What normal person would cut their dick off?
I don't want your disgusting traps
I want my husbando V to suck a dick from a real man
To become a third gender, you have to transition there, shitlord
>oh yeah, mr robot? it's cyberpunk too
You were saying?
>here's your box art bro
Shouldn't you be dilating your infected axe wound right now?
New, younger trannies will crop up to replace them. The worse part is science and medicine will be so advanced by then that they'd be near-passing at a glance; if today's troons could be compared to mech augs, then the future ones would be the streamlined nano-aug fuckers. You would never even know they're there, and that is the frightening part.
I think you mean very bulge
>It's completely demeaning
It's supposed to be within the context of the ad, like a pin-up. It doesn't mean the devs endorse objectifying women.
>and standardizes trans as a sexual fetish
see above
>standardizes being trans as a sexual fetish.
I'm fairly sure it is. There's a whole section on porn sites for it.
What a boring generic white dude cover.
What if it's a giant dick that also doubles as a shotgun?
Shouldn't you be washing your ass?
well, i mean, in a dystopian degenerate future, i would imagine trannies are normal and plastered sexually all over the place. think blade runner and how buying waifus is normal
>over 100 bodily modifications
Holy shit. Is this the real life JC Denton?
Can someone send this to its twitter
>I cleaned my ears out
>that's one body mod...
>tfw you got a city to burn
ur go full all fours down and get anal gaped
why are yall pretending this makes trannies mad?
like im trans and i literaly do not give a shit. sure a couple hons posted cringy shit on twitter but this bothers nobody but poltards
Nigger you screaming some shit he didn't say doesn't alter reality to have made him say it.
>cyberpunk is all about transhumanism and modifying your body with tools like night vision eyes, built in weapons, ect
>trannies think that because they cut their dick off that they're not only cyberpunk, but that everyone has been interpreting the genre wrong and that it's ALL about trannies
When will society stop humoring these freaks? It's okay to be gay, but it's not okay to fucking cut your dick off and act like it's the future
Unless it stops being trendy.
Because being a tranny is a trend, nothing more. Celebrities tell you it's cool, corporations support you as long as you give them money and you are immediately the coolest kid at school - why wouldn't you become a tranny?
Once all the Health Organizations realize how damaging this craze is to the society - it's an equivalent of treating a mental disease with an electric shock and hoping for the best - there will be a backlash.
Can you fags stop fucking desperately clawing for attention for one fucking day?
>Oh, transhumanism has trans in the word, that menas its about us, look at me look at me.
>Stop paying attention to this video game, look at me, give me attention me me me me
>This video game people are talking about offended ME so now this discussion is about ME, talk to ME, GIVE ME ATTENTION
Get a fucking grip.
>no true scotsman argument
take a look
twitter is burning
>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little cis? I'll have you know I organized top socialist and anarchist groups, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Yea Forums, and I have over 100 confirmed body modifications.
I wear glasses. Does this make me a cyborg?
Are you surprised /pol/ are just lonely incels who never get attention so they go to anime imageboard to shitpost about transfaggots
>cd project create a city full of the worst kind of people which is american degenerates
>free roam and loads of choices
Going to enjoy killing civilians in this.
You should work on your reading skills.
You should go back to resetra faggot
Dilate tranny.
it is cyberpunk, it's high tech low life
Wait, is it actually an erect cock or is it just some body mod that looks like one because of the poor quality of the pic?
coping discord tranny
all i see is "lol DATZ A PENIZ" and shit about keanu
It's not high tech what the fuck are you talking about, it's modern.
It is some body mod obviously, it looks like a dick put on backwards with weird shapes on it.
Probably gets hard on demand for prostitute work.
is your body ready?
I’d be right happy to.
modern tech is high tech now
I better be able to date on in-game
someone continue this
It’s almost as if one of the hallmarks of cyberpunk is oversexualization representing the degradation of morals.
It's Origins for Cyberpunk future you dipshit just killyourself discord tranny
imagine for a second being actually able to have a body type and face you want, and still retain your cock, or even better, an enhanced cock
trannies in the future don't have a reason to have penises, but true patricians can be futanaris
what a future
you first, suicide statistic.
imagine enhancing your cock so you pump cum every second and make boypussies pregnant because your cum has nanomachines son
It's not cyberpunk you stupid fucking tranny, i know you're desperate to subvert yet another form of media but you need to at least work on an actual argument.
>Transhumanism commentary in cyberpunk tends to be against augmentations due to them making you inhuman
>trannies wanting more representation in a genre completely against what they stand for
Faggotry becoming mainstream and socially acceptable, and faggots becoming socially acclaimed because of their distorted identity and mental illness are good indicators of a dystopian reality, so there's nothing wrong with having faggots and other perverts in a video game set in a far from perfect future.
trannies are mentally ill retards who will dilate to death, if they don't join the 40% of course (hopefully they will)
trannies will never be real women
tranniest will never have children
a nother good point, trans womenl would just have vaginas. within the fiction that pic is likely of a cis woman wearing a prosthetic for modeling or prostitution
what do we call the equivalent of a race traitor for these type of people?
cope more seething discord tranny
>cutting off your dick is fundament of cyberpunk
cyber punk was made with phobia of eastern companies making us conform to their culture which why most main characters in cyberpunk material is the straight mostly normal man.
>Competent developer
>Makes trannies seethe
How can one developer be so based?
Male V was pretty cute in the trailer
>seething tranny thinks nose piercing is a fucking body mod
>hurr he's arguing against my commie definition of cyberpunk
>fuck it i'll just false flag him
The reason why Cyberpunk is also so hateful and full of violence is because 80's had huge amount of violence
>SJWs hate CDPR so they'll call futas transphobic now
thank fuck
He is super handsome.
Mmmmmm, backwards benis. The future is bright.
yep cope more tranny
Ironically Japanese society is now more moral than the modern West
Trannies are just getting worse and worse every day, they live for attention on the internet.
ah I see you follow mombot's twitter as well
>Jackie dies before the game even starts
that image is actually really sad. look into that guys eyes, man he's positively broken
can i have a penis AND a vagina in this game though? i'm indecisive
Its some futurustic dildo implant for sure
A cyberpunk world is full of degeneracy who would have thought?
Enjoy your nanoAIDS
does she also have boydildo in her panties?
No, he's a cyborg. He's brave and beautiful.
is that a personal fuck toy?
>backwards cock
he was a good bro but I want to play solo with my exotic rocker bunny with hydraulic penis
This is the inevitable outcome of woke capitalism
That's progressive.
Respectable, though covering yourself in logos isn't but that's just my opinion not objective facts.
>Tfw all i wanted to was play the game with my hispanic Batou buddy
It swivels.
They sound alarmingly like the Tifa tit fags here sound.
Maybe it's not human shaped at all..
are trannies seething because the futa is cute?
Why do people keep comparing him to trans stuff when the drawing has entirely male characteristics?
>anti-keanufags are trannies
For fuck sake, can those retarded people finally read a book and understand what "transhumanism" means?
As someone who wrote a Master's degree thesis on cyberpunk, this shit annoys the fuck out of me.
It's ironic he sounds like /pol/cuck
This is the third fat tranny I've seen posted here in the last few days seething about white men while claiming to be the true embodiment of cyberpunk, these people are just sad.
>creator of the cyberpunk rpg is directing the game
>telling him hes making the wrong choices
Ironically I find him more attractive because he isn't perfect. It makes him stand out more
What scene is this even from?
a female bulge, they're trying to please the straight male audience
pic related is what any normal straight man likes
Trannies are an abomination to human beings and god
it goes back and forth, it spins and vibrates you can choose the doge rocket 2000 or magnum chrome horse
I agree, he's not just some big hunk killing machine and actually looks like a realistic mid twenties guy.
>characters in a game about a seedy underworld use swearwords
That's terrifying.
That's the joke.
No and no, not at the slightest. It has absolutely nothing to do with cyberpunk whatsoever. More so, it fails even at presenting protag as believable social reject.
Never read anything cyberpunk, is there such a thing as cybercancer/spaceaids?
not the first time CD Project is pulling this sort of stuff
I am a big boi, give me an augmented gf with big tools
Doubles as an insane killing machine.
This poster will be dead by 35.
He's not the director for Cyberpunk 2077, retard, he's there to give """advice""" on their direction and to also be a "get out of jail free card" when any argument is brought up about how retarded CDPR's decisions are, because "oh well we have the original creator here and he says it's okay so haha get fukt". Such as what you're doing right now.
Is that a dick hanging between her legs?
nice edit
is this legit?
What a time to be alive.
anti-CDPR propaganda by the bigoted trans
The best thing about cyberpunk is that trannies don't exist. There's just men, women, and body nodded shit like futanari. There's no need for "trans" to exist because anyone can just become whatever sex they want. Trannies and their mental illness literally erased from existence. Trans visibility literally impossible. All attempts to seek attention and pity, invalidated and laughed at. How could they get more btfo than this?
I wanted to be real...
Give us a quick rundown
This person needs some more serious battles to fight.
>using cocksucker as an unironic insult
So they want to be called cocksuckers? I can't follow their "logic" anymore
Chuck's Buck and Suck
A State-Of-The-Art futuristic USB port for easy computer access.
If we're going down that road, give me a good strong girl with a pretty face and a pipe between her legs. I don't want to be walking right afterward.
If it has futas then I am sold
>queer/trans aesthetic
Sounds like our discussions about trannies.
If it were, you would have seen it reported to hell already.
Cyborg implants and neon lights are a trans aesthetic?
Is it futa if it's a female with an implant?
The butthurt over this is pretty funny to be hoest, but if thats the biggest complaint, it's going to be just fine
are all these just americans?
No leak of the 50 minutes from this year's E3?
I'll take what I can get.
Maybe he means the punk aesthetics?
And it's working. Because who the hell is anyone to say that CRPR's decisions are retarded when they haven't played the game and don't speak for anyone but themselves in the first place.
>transgender people are btfo because they can get advanced body augmentation to look how they want
I don't think you know what that word means user.
This poster will get removed won't it?
I feel like Mike Pondsmith might soon snap and tell those insane fuckers to fuck off
Just look at trannies like this losing their mind:
They don't realize that the logical conclusion of technology is the erasure of "trans folk". Men who want to be women will just be women, and vice versa. Gender roles will become stronger than ever as people willingly sort themselves into them. And for people who want something different, they can have it - but they're not trannies.
Trannies are people afflicted with a mental illness, which they use to garner sympathy. But when there is a perfect cure, there's no need to pity them anymore. Their attention seeking ability is lost. And when body modification is perfect down to a genetic level, there's no such thing as a "transwoman", or any other made up snowflake term. Just man and woman.
They're scared. They're realizing that even in futuristic fantasies, they are destined to be erased.
Forget dystopian cyberpunk. They're realizing that even with a perfect technological utopia, they would be erased, because they ARE one of the world's flaws.
They are BTFO on a metaphysical level. Their very concept is BTFO. I can't even imagine losing harder than this.
Drag aesthetics are a long established phenomenon.
wow I can't believe Nvidia hates transpeople
>Horrible technonightmare where corporations control everything, we're moving further and further away from our own humanity, people are forced to slice themselves up just to compete in the market, motherfuckers can literally HACK INTO YOUR BRAIN AND MELT YOU FROM THE INSIDE OUT, and you basically don't even own your own body unless you jailbreak your own fucking limbs which basically makes you an outlaw.
>This somehow translates to a happy tech utopia where I can actually be the a woman! ^_^ >W< ^_<
Where does one go to fist fight trannies?
>2 retweets from the people in the conversation
>about a dozen likes from their discord tranny poly constellation
Yeah I don't think anyone cares.
>when you're pretty sure the twitter trannies and discord trannies and /pol/keks and seething incels are all actually the same people LARPing to carry out the largest psy op ever conducted
whoa, anime tiddies, what was I thinkin about?
>game set in weimar america
>kill blacks, trannies, and druggies
>play as a straight white man
yeah, im thinking its based
>you were born too early to have a cyber-dick surgically grafted to your body
It ain't fair, anons, it just ain't.
What is the implication in the bottom tweet? Chiseled dudebro doesn't appeal to the queer community but 80 year old grandma assassin does? What does the latter have to do with queerness that the former doesn't?
>be tranny
>doctor agrees to do over 100 expensive body mods on you to make you a "girl"
>do it
>just an uglier fat guy but now thousands in debt and a skirt
Nice retweet fallacy
Antifa rallies.
It's literally a cyberpunk setting, it's your fault if you didn't expect this
It triggered ResetEra so I'm happy.
No such thing in the future
>trannies trying to steal the term transhumanism and act like it has ANYTHING to do with the "transgender" fad
Jesus christ fuck off and seek mental help
Nice but overplayed
Based futas making tranny faggots seethe
>you were born just in time to witness mass extinction
You can probably have tits AND pecs as well.
The futa chad vs the tranny virgin
>The advertising is using generic whilte males
There was LITERALLY A WHOLE ASS 40-45 MIN gamplay reveal with a girl protag. There's NO WAY I'm not remembering this incorrectly. I swear it's a thing.
>tfw no trap gf to pound daily
Yea but you can actually trace a lot of the negative things about western society to Jewish people. Whether you want to inherently blame Jews for such a thing, the fact remains. There is some truth to that, compared to the "patriarchy" which is just a word misused by dumb cunts as if being led by males isn't why society ever progressed at all
different origins
>double negative
>me in charge of English
If we as a species are such a dead-end to the point where my dream of being a futa with a massive dick can't be realized, maybe it's what we deserve
The old Judge Dredd comics talked a good bit about diseases in post apocalyptic America.
Demolition Man, for as silly as it was, mentioned two other sexually transmitted pandemics that we were supposed to experience after AIDS.
Oh my God THAT'S what you people mean when you say "trannies", the ones who identify not with male/female but literally with "transgender"? Okay years of threads are making so much more sense now why you hate them so much and say they have a mental illness.
I can take her deep and call her mommy without being internally disgusted by her appearance, so it's negligible difference.
So just like the pride parade?
so who exactly is mad about this because everytime Yea Forums goes "DUDE THEY'RE SO MAD LMAO" it's usually some literally whos on twitter and their tweets don't even get 50 likes
>No balls futa
What absolute shit taste.
futa popping traps
>da joos
Yeah, and all the other horrible people for and against them.
how big balls do you like?
The white equivalent of "uncle tom" is simply "cuckold".
>muh likes
You're arguing with people who go search tranny stuff on twitter solely to screencap all of it, edit it in paint, and then paste it all over the internet. They're just as mentally ill as the fucking trannies.
I know you're falseflagging for good fun, but let's just have this one:
How is that demeaning in itself though?
And how does armchair analysts get to decide by extrapolation of the impact of individual images what is being standardized?
For whom is it being standardized?
Would be cool if this was one of the mods you could get.
At this point CDPR really should stop giving these morons any sort of attention. No matter what they do, these idiots will be bitching, so why bother?
Hold the fucking phone. Can I play as a Futa in Cyberpunk 2077? If so, they have my $60 that used to be going towards Pokemon Half The Dex
They told me slavs were basssedd?! baaaasseeed!
The Cyberpunk genre both triggering the right and the left because body modification and technology makes their present day gender politics meaningless. Fucking kek.
They NOT giving them very much attention though.
slavs love futacocks dumpshit
ignorant retard
Not too big but well rounded.
yeah i know
what's the point of searching for the artist dmitry and adding futa?
>REEs over what their boogeymen are saying on the internet
>screencaps problematic and conflicting internet communications to have 5 minutes hate with their friends
>engages in lazy slacktivism while barely managing to actually do anything in the real world
>intentionally submerges themselves in a meme hell of negative reinforcement
>retreat to safe spaces and echo chambers whenever they get BTFO by someone
>Ball futa faggot
You're the reason why futa art in Japan has gone to shit, fuck you.
>insulting someone for using made up terms
>get told that it isn't COMPLETELY wrong
>nuh-uh, now it's all serious, and that's something entirely different!!!!
>ad hominem
here you fucking degenerate
in all honesty jokes a side why would a horsecock futa be a thing on an energy drinking ad?
Or is that a particular statement on energy drink chuggers?
Yup, until you plant the idea in their mind that it is mysogynistic because you're saying males can be better females than actual females, and that'll just automatically accept that rhetoric as fact.
But none of Dmitry's men are futa. They're shemales.
Imagine basing your entire identity around being LGBT.
That's personally how I see it. If you want to be the little girl yeah okay, that's a fun fantasy, but you literally will never ever be a woman, so make sure you accept that and don't let it develop into a mental illness that compels you to hate your body.
Trannies dive so far off the deep end into their mentally ill fantasies that they start to think it's not their brain that's wrong, it must be their body. Having severe anxiety and self loathing unless cut off your arm is a mental illness, but if it's your dick then you're just LGBT and that's super okay! Yeah, gimme a break.
Then like you said there's the whole autistic snowflake subculture where everyone makes up their own pronouns and demands they be called a new name. EXCUSE ME EVERYONE I AM NOT DANIEL, I AM DANAERYS ROSE THE HEDGEHOG MY PRONOUNS ARE FEE/FI/FO/FUM
It's partly juvenile attention seeking, partly genuinely dangerous because it normalizes their illness and recruits others into it. A cult of delusion that worships seld mutliation, which leads more often than not to suicide.
And if there were magic technology that let people actually change their sex and body then yeah, I wouldn't give a shit at all. Actually it'd be great because there'd be tons of extra horny women and fewer men.
dmitrys is the founder of western futa you dipshit
don't link me this shit artist you fucking faggot
It's a broader statement on a lot of things. Advertising, the shit we eat/drink, the things we do to our bodies.
It's basically a blackpill like most good cyberpunk. I dunno how much of that the game will have overall but it's heartening.
You use the penis as a straw. Duh.
I think the idea is that it's just so normal. Like when you see a black guy in a commercial, it's just a dude in a commercial.
In the future there'll be no more men or women, just wankers
Shemales are not futanari. Just because retards like you don't understand the difference between hermaphrodites and shemales doesn't make Dmitry's art futa.
It's called cyberPUNK. I think CDR are well aware that it's meant to be edgy and not catering to some ideological whims of the current day.
If Cyberpunk 2077 wouldn't ruffle anyones feather it would be a failure.
I so want Mike Pondsmith to come out and tell them to fuck off.
Because it's the Current Year, user. God, what are you, futaphobic?
you fucking degenerate you asked for futa and u got futa
its futa my nigga its western futa
You can relate to him or self-insert a lot more that way.
Stupid nigger probably thinks futas don't have pussies either.
It's a dying style, just like video games.
it's set in 2077
DUDE, I want to identify as FEE/FI/FO/FUM
I'll be a giant in the LGBTQ community.
nobody in you post chain asked for futa
It would be max irony if he calls people manchildren on twitter considering how fucking grade-school tier this shit is.
>cocksucker as an insult
This might be a point if it was used by character that was meant to be likable and heroic, but you it's very clear that it's being used by a villain. All the more, a villain operating on sleazy underworld. People like that are going to act and talk like crass fuckers.
Why do trannies have unwarranted self importance?
Fuck you too and go throat a pool noodle
>its futa my nigga its western futa
Retards like you call it futa because you're too dimwitted to differentiate between two concepts*
Can I bang with a trap/futa while I'm playing as a female?
trannies demean themselves by existing
Let's compare which game sells more: SJW Dogs 3 or Cyberpunk.
How many suicides do you think will CDPR be responsible for?
Unfortunately there's going to be a massive shitfit about this and it will be removed with an apology.
Unfortunately, they apologized and fired the guy that made that "are you assuming their gender?" tweet a while back. Why don't devs realize that these people don't play games?
i didnt ask for futa but you did now get that ass ready for it
Same reason this ad has a pretty girl offering you a seat, society has just degenerated so much in cyberpunk that getting pegged by an artificial horse cock looks more appealing.
This, If you want to know how a proper futa is done, watch Bible Black because it also biologically makes sense due to the fact that when you are developing as a fetus, everyone starts with a clit, but if you're a guy that clit turns into a dick.
There are no balls in that equation.
Go have insulation sprayer jammed down your throat and turned on full blast.
>thinking big dicks will ever be vogue for the masses
They already tried that in many ancient cultures and utterly failed. Nobody ever thinks men are sexy on a billboard with a boner
Because the people in charge of marketing and HR don't play the games either.
BTW did you know that Major could have chosen a male body just as well, but she deliberately CHOSE a western womans body?
yeah nigga non western futa has balls and vagina while western futa is only dickgirls fucking traps or males
>It's called cyberPUNK. I think CDR are well aware that it's meant to be edgy and not catering to some ideological whims of the current day.
Cyberpunk is called cyberPUNK specifically because it WSA pandering to an ideology. Specifically, progressiveness, anti-capitalism and anti-establishment. Its roots are firmly in left wing politics.
>Western futa.
That's called a shemale you stupid fuck.
>Tits + Vagoo + dick = futanari
>Tits + no vagoo + dick = shemale
this guy that is working on shitlines 2 loves resetera tho.
>And now the writing in the game is using cocksucker as an unironic insult?
this is what happens when your only source of socialization is the internet
Wait, that guy was fired? For making a joke? That pissed off people who are atively looking for things to be pissed off about?
Is he the king of guy that would do that?
>fired the guy
Stop spewing this fucking nonsense, they didn't fire the guy
Your screenshot is of a random forum member saying they like his work, not of him posting there himself.
yeah nigga you surprised trannies self inserted in to futa scene and ruined it? yeah i blame only westerns about it
Exactly, in 2077 that is not out of place at all. Just like how these days you have bikini models in soda adverts, having a model with body-enchantments wouldn't turn any heads at all. It has become totally normal and accepted part of society.
is there anything on earth worse than trannies and their gay self righteousness?
It's rather an anti-establishment and anti-corporate ideology. So, pretty much bucking the current trends. Once left-wing becomes mainstream and corporate - as it is now in the west, cyberpunk would criticize that. It's always about being a rebel and thinking for yourself.
glad I didn't expect anything from that game
>transhumanist with body mods
I'm sure I have more severe body mods than her, I actually had my skull broken to be able to chew better.
Also I bet she doesn't even have an NFC chip.
Eh, they're fine.but remember to add a vagina
The only people who ruined the futa scene are ball fags.
So many good artists lost to the balls menace.
What, do you want people to say that he "was let go"? Fact is that he doesn't work at CDPR anymore, there was a fucking article where he was interviewed after he left the company.
>the writing in the game is using-
What is it these people don't understand about fiction?
A fictional CHARACTER is using a certain word as an unironic insult. Which may or may not say more about that character than it does about the person it's aimed at.
The writing would be bullshit if it was unable to portray conflict.
What a cocksucker.
SHUT THE FUCK UP FAGGOT balls are fucking great i love big balls in a majestic cock pulsating hot cum
Hopefully he wasn't instrumental to development.
What's the big deal as long as you remember to attach a vagina?
>somebody posts at Resetera = insane leftist
You are like those retards who think that posting on Yea Forums makes you a nazi.
He is working on the game.
It was some different dude, not that one.
Why would person behind their twitter would be instrumental to development?
THIS, amazonian futas re the best
Prove him wrong?
Advertising a drink and a cyber penis implant for the discerning woman, at the same time, smart corpos.
If I recall he was just a PR guy that was hired to handle forums and twitter.
Honestly, given what kind of tweets he was making, I would say it was not a big loss.
futa is just degenerated as trannies and you are a fucking aids sucking faggot if you enjoy them die on aids degenerates.
The difference between Yea Forums and Resetera is that Yea Forums won't ban/dox you for not being a nazi.
Try admitting that you are a centrist on Resetera and see what happens.
Resetera is viewed by normal people as the successor to Neogaf, they don't really use the site that much so they don't care how terrible the mod staff and users are.
>somebody posts at Resetera = insane leftist
this is 100% true
Honestly this. Don't confuse punks with straight up communists or ancoms. The purest punk was always apolitical and shoving it to "the man". Do you think it's the ultimate dream of a punk to work in the factory or the bureau for the glory of the state and the good of society? Fuck that.
t seething self hating discord tranny
Get off the stage, no one's in to you. Bring the one with the penis back!
Got owned so hard he had to change genders to live down the shame.
Well that's nice.
Because believe it or not, actual game developers are on Twitter as well.
>How many suicides do you think will CDPR be responsible for?
the rates among the mentally ill will jump from the current 40%~ to a staggering 85%
God bless the CDPR, Poland and all its people.
>It's always about being a rebel and thinking for yourself.
No. It was only anti-establishment during it's formation because at the time left wing politics was not the establishment. It's always going to be anti-capitalism. That's its major pillar. Nobody ever wrote cyberpunk from the perspective of "capitalism and conservative right wing politics is good" and there's a reason for that. It's easy to claim that you are writing about "being a rebel and thinking for yourself" when you just write all the right wing guys are the bad guys and they are in power and all the left wing guys are the good guys and they are rebelling against the bad guys. Some of cyberpunks main tropes, e.g. the inherent evil of being rich, is basically just flat out communism.
high iq post
thats not an argument, so as far as you can say,
>somebody posts at Resetera = insane leftist
is still a valid claim. You can totally prove both wrong, but you didn't
Anyone else have a fetish about having a huge bulge like that then going to the nurse for a stomach and thigh checkup?
We talking trans or futa, they're two different things, one's a guy trying to be a woman, the other's a woman with a penis added. I mean, sure to the untrained pedestrian with no taste, they're the same thing, but aside from them, they truely aren't.
A scrotum is not aesthetically pleasing and clutters everything up where space is already at a premium, furthermore it forces the penis to be at a higher position than it should be due to the fact that it makes most sense to be where the cliterous is. By adding testicles, you physically cannot place it there without creating some absurd body horror.
As for why just the dick, one of the reasons it's appealing, outside of the obvious of less men in a sex scene the better. It helps the male empathize with the female orgasm since there are no normal visual cues on the female end. A woman with a penis that's ejaculating creates the visual cue. The issue of the testicles is it creates a distraction due to the fact you only need the penis to create said cue.
trannies are upset because of course
i am legitimately fucking baffled, do they want to be normalized to the point of getting appealed to in sexualized marketing like the heteros or fucking what? they just want to be depicted as cute wholesome family-friendly avatars and appear in infantalized ways that don't have any sex appeal?
they don't want to BE sexualized but it's fine for them to make THEIR entire public presence nothing but fetish shit all the time in front of kids
holy shit, I remember that guy
that's fucking hilarious
>Oh no my moral standards are being offended by a game with the word "punk" in the title
It's supposed to be a world full of degenerates, retard
>using "I AM VERY SILLY" to try to refute horseshoe theory
I can never tell if this is done ironically or not...
dilate faggot
you will never be a women
you are a man of great taste, let's hope we will have all the options for for our perfect futas
enough to contain my daily dose of protein
Did i hurt your tranny feelings that much i bet your seething why not go to resetera with rest of your tranny degenerates.
When I saw it I didn't even think it was supposed to be trans or futa, because the text covers the chest and it doesn't look busty. I thought this was some kind of over the top glam fashion or something, like David Bowie turned up to 11.
Somewhat off topic but jesus, people on twitter.
>Make a whole gameplay reveal that forces you to play as a woman (or, at a later iteration, a gay man)
>Release a video and a box art later featuring a man (potentially still canonically gay)
Come on now.
>If you want to know how a proper futa is done, watch Bible Black because it also biologically makes sense
I lived to see some high school drop-out post THIS shit on Yea Forums. That's something.
the perfect kind of woman is a complete one
not just suicides unfortunately
...Oh wow, it's the same dumbass. That's amazing.
>it's that guy
not even a redpilled faggot but this is funny
>b-but what about /pol/ guys r-right
fucking die
I went to college for this, stay mad.
A mouthful each
I hope there's a trend of tranny shooters
Holy shit
Am I the only one here who DOESN'T like Dmitrys's style? That "whorish/slutty" look is always so unappealing to me.
No way that's real right? It's shopped right?
Jesse Pinkman vibes
>mad that he's a meat puppet in a Game of Memes
poor kekold, you'll live.
You can be banned on Retardera for going against leftist views.
He pulled a Cosmo Wright hoyl shit
nope, you better take that dick boy
because is inciting me to consume more of their product and even drink from the source
Left wing can be as oppressive as the right wing. Ask post-Soviet nations. And there is a lot of potential to "stick it to the man" in communist/left-wing societies as there are in capitalist ones, if not more so. Because there always will be someone on top fucking you over. Never heard the stories of the individual standing up to communist regimes?
lmao madlads
It's gonna get censored 500% though.
Maybe I'm just too old to understand it but.. why exactly are they angry?
Also that doesn't even look like a proper dick bulge to me, looks like a dildo or something.
I'm sure it'll happen eventually
It's being pushed on younger and younger kids. Some depressed and bullied kid transitions, the harmonies fuck 'em up mentally + all the additional bullying they'll receive for being a transgender.
I give it a year
>Penis only
Internal testicles are a bigger fantasy than futa itself is. You'd have to rip out the entire circulatory system and rewire it to cool the testis. Going even farther into body horror and shortcut it by installing a mechanical cooling system
Well put user
CyberPunk 2077 has actual, real, literally literal futas, literally
Good. Very good indeed.
I can get relating to the woman's pleasure more if she has a penis, since a guy would know what having a penis feels like, and I can also get having a thing for seeing women get pleasured, still not sure about the testicles, seen some bible black, not half bad.
I always knew Saten was best girl.
This nigga understands.
Nah, I won't be mad much longer.
>not having an aftermarket cooler on your semen processing unit
It's probably a Mr. Studd™ implant from Cyberpunk 2020. So that's a woman with an advanced nerve-connected dildo.
Maybe that's why they're angry? It's not a real MtF?
Dmitrys is actually Australian larping as a Slav.
Holy shit user thats super based i think its new fetish for myself
that's because it is
Yes. they augment your eyes so they can further withstand the blinding rays from the sun. But also no that's just silly.
Reminder that futa on female is the straightens porn there is.
You can argue porn is bad in general, but any other porn is simply gayer.
It's debatable which is straight maler between lesbian and futa on futa.
>Complaining about balls, when they rarely add a vagina to them anymore.
retards, he is not dead
>trans shit
The game is 18+ with full frontal nudity. Why should the bulge from a cyber implanted dick get censored? It's not even a real dick! it's literally a cyber dildo! /pol/ and the trannies both get triggered by the same image for different reasons without knowing shit about Cyberpunk 2020.
I know that if I lived in future cyber world where I could affordably and reversibly turn into a hot futa goddess, I would be all over that shit. Isn't this the future that the blue check marks should want?
i want a redpilled mom auuuuuuuugh
for me, is big saggy musky futa balls
That the barcode from your Monster Energy?
Is this loss?
>Yea Forums talks about tranny shit more than trannies do
You assume you want or need working sperm. Another appeal of Futas is their semen is sterile because of the points you raised, so unless you have a pregnancy fetish, you can keep going. Plus it's not like bodily fluid is realistic in doujins or anime since how often can you release that much or have multiple discharges?
Biologically it makes more sense, look at how the sex organs develop on a fetus.
Because twitter trannies are crying and killing themselves over it. Dicks on chicks are still more risque than exposed tits. I mean Witcher had bare tits and nobody seemed to care.
Post yfw you will never be a walking abomination hated even by your own mother, and you can live a happy and fulfilling life with the love of your family in your heart.
Thanks user.
I never said it's not possible for the left wing to oppress. I said the roots of cyberpunk are firmly in left wing politics and it's heavily biased towards those politics.
At least SOME of them are making "Die CIS scum! " a reality.
Live your dreams, beautiful young people!
Gonna make my V a futuristic skinhead punk
That's a western problem, the Japanese still do it, but there's a proliferation of artists adding testicles to their work.
That's one step removed from removing the vagina.
Yea Forums is full of walking abominations hated by their own mothers. They're called NEETs.
As happy as I am for CDPRs success and the following of normies to give them money, I'm glad I don't have to share enjoyment of particular video games with these people.
>A girl will never slap you with her 18 inch cyber penis (now with realistic nerv ending connections, for only 299$) across the face.
Why even go on?
I blame you fuckers and your trap obsession for this.
>Isn't this the future that the blue check marks should want?
Nah they're a bunch of masochistic, cuckhold bureaucrats who want institutional control through pity and shame sent their way.
I am neither a tranny nor a /pol/tard but i know my Cyberpunk 2020 and let me tell you. You don't want to live in Cyberpunk 2020 unless you are rich and in Europe. America is a literal shithole that got rocks dropped from orbit onto it. I'm not joking! Europe dropped meteors on America during a military conflict.
Gonna make my V a futuristic lonely and horny skinhead punk
I'm a NEET and my mom and dad love me a lot.
my mom is dissappointed on me but doesnt hate me
who is this cute GODDESS
The expressiveness of their facial animations is really amazing stuff.
But it's more based than a guy chopping his off to try and be a woman, since the girl isn't trying to be a guy by the look of it, she just wanted the benis addon.
I don't care about traps I'm all about the futa.
No, it's the future the hacker known as 4channel wants.
Progressives revel in disgusting and/or subversive things. As soon as you go from vomit inducing trannies to delicious futas, they will become hostile.
I know but twitter trannies can't miss a chance for acting triggered.
Why must trans people retain their victimhood even in a fictional universe? I imagine its a nice fantasy for them - that one day their suffering could be solved through science and technology.
mental help doesn't exist for these people anymore user
everyone seems to think that catering for delusions is the new way to treat them
like the preferred treatment for a schizophrenic person who genuinely believes they're Napoleon is to give them height reduction surgery and make them a manlet haha
Same shit. It’s a “girl” with a dick. Shame.
Can you miss a chance to act triggered?
In this case it's probably a girl with a "dick"
But, user, my mommy loves me AND I have a job.
It's worse than that. This will genuinely be seen the same way we see lobotomies in the 50s.
Old skinheads are weird, It's like pol and antifas love child.
I didn't say everyone on Yea Forums was a NEET. I'm just not gonna let you faggot sit around and act like you're not degenerate scum just like the people you hate because you most certainly are.
Why did they decide to go with the most generic box art possible?
There are roughly 10,000 games with this same "middle aged brown haired guy with a gun over his shoulder" covers
A powerful generalized assumption for the calm, rational individual.
I'm glad they let me know not to care about it before I ever started even considering whether I cared about it.
Gonna make my V a ... maybe what ever is closest to this D&D test.
+AAA marketing in the america
There's even a way of beiong generic without being boring and uninteresting. This box art is awful on almost all fronts.
Hey man brace for impact. Trannies are predictable.
The most insane thing is that a large part of the protest is based on the thought that the drink induces it. So think about that. A future where you could purchase mass-produced gene therapy in a can from a vending machine that would turn you into a perfect and aesthetically pleasing fusion of the sexes. And they're against that. The concept of that insane level of technological progress and societal freedom offends them.
I mean, yeah it's generic as fuck, but this is what sells.
This is actually an amazing boxart from a marketing perspective. Only physical buyers in retail stores are going to be looking at this. Therefore it has the two most attention grabbing things: a really bright neon color, and a person. Those two things instinctively draw the human eye towards them, it's in our DNA. Pretty good cover for visibility, and let's be honest that's all boxart is for now.
are tan futas the best kind of futas?
And they're all the same person.
The ripples of implications to come from this truth has yet to settle within me.
If they find out you're a wojack poster you'd be disowned and fired. You're a worse cancer to society than the trannies.
Muttposting went out of hand in that universe
Of course, because the concept entirely erases their position in the oppression olympics. These people deify being a victim.
It was a strange time
She's not tanned, she's American.
Goddamn shame no one is willing to license futa hentai in order to have it be de-censored because there's absolutely zero market for it due to how bad piracy is.
This is great, all the "cyber-trannies" are gonna know what it feels like when someone else comes in and takes their shit. Because give it a year or so and all the chads and normies will be all over it
"We want to be free from the meddlings of the establishment" and "don't be a sheep" does not a left-wing make IMO. Punk was mostly about "the little guy". And in the West it might be biased towards left-wing simply because they never experienced communist regime firsthand, so they don't know how would that look like. Listen to Eastern European punk-rock of the 80's. The message is still the same but nobody in their right mind would accuse the bands of being "leftwing". And yes, "I want to have a right to buy a car and drink Coca-Cola and mainstream shouldn't tell me it's wrong for me" is one if the themes.
Newfag detected
transvestites cling to cyberpunk only because the word transhumanism has the word trans in it, other wise they would never even bother.
>for only 299$
I would probably buy my own futabot, a lot of work for corpos but at least I will be dick slapped daily
That's completely wrong, they just want to be angry and get attention. People really need to wake up and realize this already
But isn't that's wrong? It's an actual girl, no quatation marks needed, with a penis. That's actually servicable and about ten quintillion times better, BECAUSE it's an actual girl.
>waaah waaah where is our representation
>finally get some
>waaah waaah this isnt what we wanted
kys already you scum of the earth. fucking locusts are preferable to you
I don't care about the box art, all my games are digital
This, without the constant complaining I probably would never have seen it in the first place
Trannies are only "cool" to a couple of gay people on Yea Forums and a small progressive liberal minority that you'll only see in the media and on Twitter. Everyone else who is sane knows trannies are mentally ill and find them pathetic and gross.
Also, friendly reminder to all the virgins here: liking dick makes you gay. Go jerk off on Yea Forums you degenerates.
the hilarious thing is that they want full uninhibited free range to be as absolutely disgusting and degenerate in public as they can possibly get away with, they will put their toe over the line of common decency without provocation, but the second you try to sexualize them -- which is a form of acceptance but not the kind trannies want because it reminds them that being a tranny will always be seen as a fetish and that's all they'll ever be good for, fetish shit-- they flip out like they want to only be depicted as wholesome and cute while IRL they are gross and crabby
>tfw too poor to buy games at release
>will have to wait maybe a year for the price to go down
cyberpunk future clearly isn't as bad as people claim
I'm sorry if you can no longer enjoy feels guy user, but I still do, I wish you love and happiness.
I don't think you know what that word means.
Ain't nothin wrong with a nice hard dick
Lets be real, They wouldn't give a shit because they don't know what it is. However, Your parents, Especially your father, Will ask themselves where they went wrong raising you, I can only imagine what your dad truly thinks of you
>I'll have you know I graduated top of my class and have over 100 confirmed body modifications
imagine if you would be my fucktoy and you would get paid in video games for dirty slut you are
>can look anyway you want
>choose to look like an ugly early-century tranny
>/pol/ppets triggered because they hate anything that deviates from a man and woman and want to suppress their own homosexuality.
>trannies triggered because everything triggers them.
CDPR creates best timeline.
imagine being so obsessed he doesn't understand what fantasy or fiction is.
Something with a penis is a dude in my book, this the quotations.
We've been over this in earlier threads. Your picture is presenting a false idea of the genre (and is stealing an actually meaningful image about gundam and such) and is ignoring large swathes of the genre that approaches things from different political perspectives
I'm geninuely not surprised, one of the cliches and common things about cyberpunk settings was always the ability to enhance sex related attributes, I do remember one OLD AS FUCK soft porn movie like that, don't remember the name at all though
Oh for fucks sake, really?
What the fuck do they even want?
I'm glad companies are starting to ignore them little by little
>be girl in 2077
>not choosing to become a futa masterrace
People like that is the reason i want to quit being a liberal. Holy shit, I know there are asshole like people from Yea Forums, but that doesn’t mean you have act like them too. That’s the diffrence, we’re better than them
Those are the influential people. They are the ones who are causing politicians to do retarded shit. They are the ones getting people arrested in my country for disagreeing with them.
My father occasionally visits some boards here. He probably dislikes wojak though.
Retarded nigger
>The G in LGBT is for giant.
Based and Bunyan pilled.
How will women with penis envy ever recover?
/pol/ here, Will be buying the game, Thanks for your input though.
So does this mean I can play as that really hot girl in the gameplay reveal
But also have a cock?
>living in london
just killyourself