They not only nerf'd Tifa's boobs, they nerf'd her flawless skin. In the original playstation classic Tifa had flawless skin. I was there.
Tifa's Blackheads
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thats just pores
Three days into the game and she will have a mustache, they'll also add new cut scenes where she shaves her face.
Those are pores. Everyone has them.
If you can't see them, they've covered them with makeup
would still suck em up if that means getting my mouth that close to hers
>people wax nostalgic over triangle 20 poly tiddies while we get
White nose and lips
Skinlets out
Based idiot
>posts pores
>calls them blackheads
have sex incel
I've never had blackheads my entire life or had to clean out my pores
why do you guys live in such dirty shitholes where dirty and debris get into your skin LMAO
just have a shower and scrub you disgusting smelly fucks
The levels of butthurt incels were at the beginning was funny. Like seeing a kid throw a tantrum because his mom wouldn't let him pick two candy bars.
But now... it's just pitiful
Hmmm sliding my cock in between those lips..
Imagine being so deprived of human interaction that you have never been close enough to someone to know what pores look like.
You don't have them because you don't sweat, since you don't go outside. Have sex.
It's fucking disgusting is what it is.
Realism is going too far.
This is how I know Tifa ain't like any other girl. She doesn't shower. everything is all natural. She fights and sweats all day without the thought of washing her face. She sure is a country bar maid alright.
Uh oh
They aren’t black retard
Did you even bother to google that before making such a retarded post?
have sex
How are these not blackheads? She basically has anime blackheads
>the game is this realistic
>barret gets his smegma rinsed every morning by tifa's tongue
Lips made for kissing.
That's a social construct.
I'm a man on my 30's and I have better skin than that.
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with nitpicking on Tifa’s design?
Was her reveal the only relevant thing on E3?
Because Yea Forums consists of waifufags who should unironically have sex.
>gives blacks head
>has blackheads
Barret loves it.
I'll have sex as soon as they invent robowaifus. Not my fault it's taking forever REEE.
That's like calling masturbation with a fleshlight sex.
>that peach fuzz
Are you implying that robots aren't people?
One day people like you will be considered the worst bigots there ever was.
STFU, David Cage
I would fuck the model she's based on at least 4 times a day.
those lips. I want to kiss them. And I will.
>ever taking her out of her original packaging
because blackheads are BLACK and pores are SKIN COLORED. are you soft in the head? you even looked up a reference image and can't see the difference. are you blind?
Agreed. The only thing that smells is my dick from jacking off so much. It has a musky smell to it that I can't clean off.
skin with realistic "flaws" like pores, goosebumps, clothes indentations and hair follicles >>>>> """"""flawless""""""" textureless anime skin
Not even Japan complained about this.
Everyone has larger pores on their nose. The nose is the most prominent part of the face so it gets the blunt of sun damage and dirt clogged into it. Not to mention that young people usually fuck their pores up by trying to squeeze out the blackheads which forces the pore to expand too quickly and can take many years to recover if it ever does.
Personally I like the half-step into realism because it's more plausible for humans to look similar rather than absolute perfection.
I like how Aerith's high-res is basically this perfect-skinned chick, just with prominent vellus hair, whereas Tifa is all messy and sweaty with huge pores and terminal hair and shaving shadows all over her body.
JRPGs shouldn't be realistic.
I don't know why, but I find this extremely hot
Anyone else?
They aren't? Are you trying to say that the characters shouldn't be detailed? Have you been keeping up with Japan's AAA titles for the past 5 years or so?
it's not realistic, the characters just have realistic skin
Detail is a step towards realism. An anime character that is extremely detailed is more realistic than one who is not, and by nature must either be extremely uncanny or more realistically proportioned to match the detail.
eh that's pretty dumb, but I can't really argue with your baseless opinion so I'll just leave it at this.
What a childish way to concede the argument.
skin is not that shiny
It is after you have sex. Not that you would know.
Tifa and Nero's pores, unnnf. Hottest pores in gaming unnnf.
Holy shit it looks awful.
He looks like cheesecloth
it's a bump map
She looks Canadian. Bless.
She definitely showers because she's a bar-maid.
bar hostess.*
How many pores are too much?
Why can't these fucking nips take a clue from Cuphead and make some good looking 2D JRPG's like back in the day(except with anime style but still done by hand and with not shitty animation like modern anime)?
For fuck sake Cuphead sold like 3 million copies in less than a year and who knows how much more it sold since then.
There's a market for good quality 2D. I miss SNES-era JRPG's when they were 2D, they were so charming.
The name Tifa and the word black in the same sentence is enough for me to get excited.
Do pores really bother you people that much? You guys must never sweat or look at other people to be this bothered by pores
Indie games don't really exist in Japan, at least not on the same level as in the west, and AAA companies are only interested in aping their western counterparts for money grabs. Dev costs and market have killed almost all smaller developers.
Oh shit, I squeeze them almost everyday, it make them worse? Shit.
Pores are disgusting looking.
Most of it is dirt, they're dirty that whole game lol
cum seeping into your pores
I rip out any pimples/blackheads and I eat them.
Stop posting your fantasies, senpai.
Aerith is made to be porcelain skinned angel while Tifa is just a normie with black thicker hair. Of course she has to shave her mustache too due to darker fuzz.
prodding and prying pores open to see what's inside
based display of dominance
Who's that he's cute
>shaved mustache
I never limited it to Indies.
Could be Square-Enix making one or Capcom coughABreathofFireGameThatIsn'tMobileTrashcough
Overall I'm disappointed with how successful Cuphead was that it didn't have much of an effect on other developers.
I was half-expecting a revival of the golden era of 2D gaming.
I hope their next game ends up somehow selling gangbusters(like 10-20 million copies or some shit). It's a damn shame with all this technology we have that we completely ignore 2D.
that aint shit
this also ch-ch-checked
lmao how can you live being bothered by such a natural thing? I couldn't imagine what kind of life you're living if you can't handle looking at pores.
>I never limited it to Indies
Which is why I talked about other companies. AAA companies are chasing the west, smaller companies all died because they couldn't keep up with the costs of the graphical rat race.
Oh no no
Rosacea out the ass
That's like asking how people can be disgusted by shit or unshaven pits or something.
White girl aging
Right they made Aerith nigh-perfect whereas Tifa is kinda ugly, especially her skin and gross body hair.
Aerith is an ugly dead bitch
Looks like a 40 year-old's skin.
That's reality.
Escapism is really damaging your perspective on the real world.
I'm not mad at you, I just think you need to change your lifestyle.
COPE kek
Your shit bothers you? Unshaven pits bother you? My god you must just pick and pry and yourself all day long to be so obsessed with normal bodily functions.
>AAA companies are chasing the west
Yeah I know, it sucks. I pray for the day when AAA western gaming dies.
Couldn't Capcom at least make Street Fighter look good and not like shit?
A fighting game shouldn't cost much at least.
jesus christ, did your mother even kiss you?
you're gonna be soooooooo grossed out if you ever actually have sex, even with an 8+
This is what a person who actually goes outside looks like.
I rub my dick in unshaved pits you turbo virgin.
Bet you gag at the thought of licking a girl's asshole too.
Life gets messy, bud. Learn to love it.
Tranny hairy armpits in women will never be attractive
Bitch who the fuck wants to play as some 2D fuck, the hell with that you boomer shit.
Senpai most people don't get off on scat or steel wool.
>how videogame characters age
Kill yourself zoomer trash.
Capcom is one of the scummiest devs on the market, east or west. Less virtue signals than the west at least but almost as greedy as EA.
Better pretty and dead than alive and ugly.
Yeah Modern Capcom sucks, they've gotten a bit better though. Square-Enix is still the worst one.
No one said it's attractive. It's just funny how much of a closeted fag you are to care so much about these things on women.
is actually fucking amazing for them
sometimes i blow my load right into my hand and rub my face with it and my skin is fucking GLOWING and getting compliments and questions. obviously i don't say what i'm actually doing but it works really well if you're not squeamish about your own jizz. works better than anything i've ever tried, it's gross but it makes sense since it's basically pure life juice on your skin. TRY IT
What are sebaceous glands?
Is this Lara? holy shit. My sympathies. Pathetic human aging.
>tfw demon and perfect
it's a meme, user
>everyone who laughs at me for being a delusional virgin that doesn't even understand pores is a tranny or a numale
apex cope
I read something heard back about a girl who would purchase semen from guys she knew and used it with her skincare products.
The important question is - will they have armpit hair? Or leg and arm hair? Will we see the fem trio shave by the waterfall during their journey?
>No one said it's attractive
Okay? So why shouldn't we have attractive things in fantasy instead?
Checked and op rekt
if you get over the weirdness it practically feels like you're cheating. it's nature's perfect skin product
Blackheads and pimples are convex retard.
Does everything have to be made just for you?
>When anime has ruined the part of your brain that identifies faces and you can only find flat face, large eyed, noseless with monotone skin faces attractive
I think too much anime might cause actual damage to the autistic brain.
copius maximus
tranny thy name is cope
diet cope
Cope John Paul
Star Wars A New Cope
Where are Aerith's blackheads?
because fantasy =/= your perfect little jackoff world
What's the name of the tifa paizuri/blowjob anime vid
they have trouble with faces as it is. boob size too, apparently
It all makes sense to me why none of these people can have sex now.
yes they should
I actually want this.
Most people would prefer the love interest to be attractive.
You didn't answer my question. Why shouldn't fantasy be better?
no it isnt virgin, have sex
She is half Cetra, she has none.
go read Ender's Game faggot, the writer hate gays and is a based Mormon.
Still 10000x better than any real woman
what is with modern games and the obsession with nasty pores? No one wants to see giant greasy pores in 4k ffs
If you don't think that's attractive then there's no hope for you in the real world. Enjoy your fantasies.
take a picture of your own nose buddy
Imagine Yuffie playfully teasing Tifa about her breast size and Aerith being all straight forward and molesting those orbs of her. And Tifa being all modest and shy and humble girl, moaning 'g-girls s-stop, it feels funny'...
>He's attracted to pores and stubble
Weird fetish.
Already read it.
because the genre of fantasy and your sterile anime jackoff fantasy are not the same thing
He's not a star in a videogame so he doesn't have to.
exactly faggot, if I wanted to see giant greasy pores up close I'd go look in the mirror
Why subject us to this in a fantasy world?
fucking this senpai
Fantasy is not being used in the sense of a genre, brainlet.
Will this autism continue until 2020?
You can barely see hers. If you want fuzz, look at Aerith. Perfect skin and lots of fuzz.
Your baits busted and I'm bored of you. It's just sad you think your OCD is normal
ugly things exist in the FFVII universe. people getting chopped up by swords, burning to death, filthy poverty and so on. and you're getting autistic about the existence of pores in a microscope you retarded virgin faggot
Senpai you're the one coming in here starting an argument about how much you love big pores.
>tee I have burned my nose so many times that it's now permanently slightly red
Not super bright or anything, but I notice it when I look at myself in the mirror
Should the love interest be one of those ugly things?
B-Based and check-pilled.
Are you blind?
They should have given her a bit of a mustache
Man up and use those pore strips on it instead. They're much gentler than squeezing.
that's the thing, they're not unless you're a delusional hentai addicted virgin who thinks pores existing on a detailed model of a character like a real person means anything
Part of me like how characters with blocky models come back in recent games showing them super detailed. Pic related
Ah yes people get chopped up by swords so that means they have to show giant greasy sebum clogged pores in 4k even though in reality you wouldn't even notice them most of the time unless you are literally two inches from someone's face
>m-muh virgin
kill yourself plebbit retard
Look into using retinols and Niacinamide. I've had skin problems since I was a kid from sun damage and started applying these daily which has helped my skin become more even and lighter. After about only a month of use I noticed a dramatic change.
They should of made her a tranny too since Yea Forums loves trannies now
>Anime-styled character in a JRPG
>Real person
I'm just baffled that anyone cares
Needs pores.
stylized is not sterilized
its disgusting and part of a larger trend because retarded devs want to show off their " amazing gwafics "
All style, no substance, ugly trash
It really warms my heart to occasionally see pictures I made years ago still circulating. My life is so stagnant otherwise, so these feel like I've made some kind of little mark on something. Though this particular image could be composed by someone else too, since so many people saw the video. But I would like to think it's the one I posted back in the day
I don't care THAT much, but pores are indeed ugly and having such big/obvious ones is a detraction from her face. They're above average even for real life too, and I'm just generally unhappy with how rough, greasy, and crinkled her skin is where it's visible. She doesn't look old so much as she looks like an unhealthy girl who doesn't wash much or sleep well.
Stylized means you don't need to, and it doesn't look natural for you to, plop highly detailed skin problems onto the model.
you do have to be the equivalent of 2 inches from the face to see it and it looks perfectly normal even then
>muh 4channel virgin club
You say disgusting, I say why does anyone even care. I can't believe how we've fallen this far.
Imagine putting that paper mache crap on her nose and pulling out all the blackheads.
That just what skin look like without makeup
Her skin is pretty flawless here
stylized means whatever the fuck the artist wants it to mean, and they decided to make the skin look slightly more realistic up close so user has to go through the trauma of being reminded that pores exist and the characters are more than just perfect eye candy
Is tifa white or asian?
I have those blackheads on my nose just like that, how do I get rid of them? i've tried those charcoal masks and various things like that but they just keep coming back
they're probably sebaceous filaments, not blackheads. blackheads are actually black in color, not dark brown like in the picture.
Might do that, thanks. I also fucked up my left leg last summer, burned the right side of it from the knee down to the ankle. Could barely walk for like two weeks because it felt like the skin was two sizes too small lol. Now it's a bit darker than the rest of my skin. In retrospect I should probably have done a bit more than just waited it out since it was so bad, but here we are
Damn it this model would have been so much better.
>Looks xeroxed off a real human
No. This is fully realistic skin on a stylized model, like those old 'realistic cartoon' images, only not trying to intentionally be an abomination.
>you do have to be the equivalent of 2 inches from the face to see it
so any time she's talking in a cutscene, its gross
>implying I was talking about that and not shitting on a underage plebbit retard for unironically using "virgin" as an insult or whatever
"h-have sex ex dee" SO FHANNY HAHHA
Fuck off bitch, yes they should. You think I enjoy playing as pussy twink animu little niggas like Noctis? fuck no. Part of the reason I didn't even bother to finish FFXV was not only because the game sucked but because the protagonist looked like a faget. MAYBE if they were animated then sure, but realistic graphics with animu looking characters? FUCK THAT. Shit makes me as unimmersed as possible because NO FUCKING WAY in hell is a little bitch like Noctis or Sora hard. I want to play as chad.
>sebaceous filaments
Evil, worthless bastards.
It's not perfect, beause it's not covered in my sperm.
If you don't like anime or anime-styled shit don't watch/play, don't demand they change for you.
Damn, what did tifa do to make them niggas mad?
No problem! I don't know how severe your burns are, but for a little more input, I had a small burn on my leg from about 4-5 years ago and it's completely unnoticeable now so with time it should fade for you. I'm sure there's topicals that can help, but I wouldn't let it bother you. Just make up a cool story about it if anyone ever ask.
Just play FFVII then you stupid fucking nigger.
They're absolutely disgusting either way.
this is by far one of the most autistic thread I've ever seen on Yea Forums christ
they're normal pores like everyone has, it's not gross, it's literally fucking tifa. it is pretty funny that it would bother you that much. they could have gone either way and it doesn't really matter but a little detail on the skin of an eco terrorist that lives under a giant rotting pizza and suddenly your hentai fantasy is invalidated oh no
It really is. I can't believe this community's a real thing sometimes.
They're large even for a real person's pores, certainly bigger than mine are.
You're delusional.
Mostly I'm just paranoid about getting skin cancer at this point, don't mind the appearance too much. I don't really want to wear shorts anymore anyway, too afraid I'll burn it again lol. Supposedly the skin becomes more sensitive and burns easier every time
>Pore size doesn't vary among people
let's say they are, what now? you honestly think tifa is gross?
Of course it does. You're still delusional.
I think her pores are gross, I don't like how greasy she is, and her skin seems rough and crinkled. Is she overall ugly? No, but she definitely needs to bathe more and sleep better.
>Your pores cannot possibly be smaller than the large pores this girl has
>they're normal pores like everyone has, it's not gross
are they gonna show her ingrown toenails too, or pimples?
It is gross, there's a reason there is a multi billion dollar industry that exists because people want to make their pores smaller and less noticeable/cleaner
>it's literally fucking tifa.
Its not, if you showed me a picture of that character in the trailer a week ago I would not have recognized it as Tifa.
I bet you never even played the original game when it came out, did you faggot?
I know its summer, but its pretty late, probably past your bedtime, okay?
She lacks vitamin D my dude.
>He's not a star in a videogame
How do you know that?
Generations of our ancestors have struggled and gave their lives up for us to complain about a fictional characters pores. My god, we've failed.
What the fuck happened to Square Enix man?
>change saturation
>call pores blackheads
>make bait thread about ti
0/10 bait
I dare one person criticizing this decision to post their perfect, poreless noses.
Nero from Devil May Cry 5
This is what happens when a Japanese developer has made animu looking shit for too long, they are inexperienced with designing non-animu white people and it shows. Thankfully Capcom is much more skilled.
You might have that phobia where people are afraid of small holes in clusters. They can look fine if done right, or look horrible if done like
would lick her face desu
>western games
Nah, greasy oil holes are just gross.
You fucking virgins annoy the fuck out of everyone on this board, no one cares
Have. Sex.
I figured that may have been the case. The characters in FF 15 were basically all super models but their Avengers are all trannies and dollar store knock offs
>tfw large pores on nose
>sebascous filaments
I hate it so much bros. I notice people glancing at it for a moment and then looking away at disgust.
Oh no-no no nonono no-no pls photoshop a fix
>current year
>having sex
lol ok there boomer
Yeah, but you don't have tits. Hopefully.
Tifa: 1
You: 0
>Vidya pore thread
>We went this long and nobody's mentioned Kiryu yet
This nigga's pores get bigger and bigger with every new game, it's fucking distracting
a good reason to stay indoors
thats the power of superior art direction
>Agreed. The only thing that smells is my dick from jacking off so much. It has a musky smell to it that I can't clean off.
I could try to clean it if you want.
More pseudo mong whites. They ain't on Cap's level.