>no user for myself I prefer to play warrior class, the main staple of rpgs.
No user for myself I prefer to play warrior class, the main staple of rpgs
How do I achieve Astartes mode?
and by warrior, you must of course mean the barbarian
You sound boring, giga chad.
>you will never be so buff you look like you got hit with a giant meat tenderizer
mages are the most boring though. how do you make casting magic fun from a gameplay perspective. just let me run up to big monsters and slam my big ass axe into it till it dies
>that one guy in the group who plays human warrior in fantasy games
>variety of spells to fuck on enemies
>or you can repeatedly hit things with a beat stick
It's less boring than left clicking shit to death as a warrior
>Not monk class
You guys are just fags in dresses. Warriors look cool and have cool weapons. They are also usually the most rounded class. Only fucking fags would disagree
Warriors>Gishes>Dedicated spellcasters
simple as
Warriors are shit, paladins are better in every way.
>not boring
All nerds choose spellcasters, its the goto class for anyone here. Chads take physical classes
You are small time
You mean you prefer to play the one button simulator?
Hey, try this again on /tg/ in a couple hours. I wanna see how it fares over there.
Who else here /spellblade/ gigachad3000?
>why yes I play cleric how could you tell?
It's like on of those "buy 3 bionicles and use the instructions in the backs of the books" things
>no arguments
So this is the power.... Of 8... Int
>You do resemble someone who would play as a warrior... however I preferred being a psionic.
>brainwashing little girls never gets old.
I mainly play ranger or rogue classes, but I occasionally play warriors.
based, fuck axes and swords the weapons god gave me are the best ones
>The power of a mans hand has conquered nations and slain great beasts
>Being the personal heal bitch of a strapping giggachad warrior.
Oh my god just keep taking damage till I unlock offensive healing magic daddy.
>no prob. Can you lend me 500g babe I have all my money tied up in crypto investments right now
How many of these do you have?
>implying I take damage
Now use those DPS buffs.
>blue ball
>blue line
>red ball
>yellow line
what a thrilling variety of spells
>idling safely in the back while spending the entire fight standing still in place waiting for cast bars to slowly fill
>vs constantly moving, managing distance, positioning, and executing fast-paced complex rotations of melee abilities while in the midst of the most dangerous area in the fight, exercising your dexterity and mental acuity to its fullest in order to maximize damage output while minimizing risk and staying alive
playing a caster in any rpg is the most cucked and brainlet role possible, ironic considering they are supposed to be the "smart" class yet require the lowest iq to master
Literally me.