EZA is discussing E3 Day 1, get in here, bros

EZA is discussing E3 Day 1, get in here, bros.

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>huber says he NEEDS Dragon Quest 8 remastered and uncensored
>he's asked what was censored in the 3DS version
>huber realizes what he said and backpedals
There's a true gamer in him still somewhere.

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Even worse, he said "probably things that deserved to be censored"
He is such a fucking clown

Now I'm just thinking about Huber watching the Puff Puff scene and then literally crying about it on the podcast.

I saw him play 8 on PS2 maybe a year ago
He played the vavaboom scene and he didnt know how to react but looked really weird for a moment then said "it was a different time"

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>"it was a different time"

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They didnt care much for either characters that were revealed today
Except Ben pretending I mean

This doesn't have the same vibe as the sweaty sauna garage... Hopefully Huber has a monologue about Shenmue or Judgment.

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How was the direct stream? Didn't watch it since Ben and Damiani were on panel.

Are they doing easy living this year?

Here are your easy allies.

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End of July before Jones becomes a dad

Not really anything. If Kyle was there he would've gotten worked into complaining about Dragon Quest before getting hit with Banjo.

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Brandon, Blood, Ian
Brad, Ben ,Kyle
Damiani, Don, Huber


Did someone tell Kyle you cant bring old pokemon to gen 8 yet?
I want to see his despair

There's got to be a better option instead of Ace, but this is good.

Huber is a fucking shill of the worst degree. EZA is hard to 100% support because it is a mixed bag of shit heads like Damiani and good dudes like Blood. I forgot which one of them said Friends was problematic in the current day because it was a bunch of white cast, like no fucking self awareness. Huber's also got some serious hang ups about any type of sexual content/discussion. He just gets extremely uncomfortable and awkward when it's brought up. It's fucking baffling for grown man to revert to a child like that.

I'd put all my Don Bucks on Kyle being someone who never trades up his Pokemon despite playing every single game.

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is the top pic real or edited from the snoylesbians?

He is a shill that doesnt realize he is shilling

That shit was way worse than the Masuda interview for ORAS.

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They're swapped.

Imagine being Kyle at this event and having to be all like "damn, Hydrobot, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your sharp blades and horrific blatant commercialism. I would totally shave with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is play another round of Tetris in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Kyle and not only stand in that spot while Hydrobot flaunts his disgusting exoskeleton in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing the dents and cracks, and just stand there, take after take, hour after hour, while he perfected that thumbs up. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking advertisement but his haughty attitude as everyone on set tells him he's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, HYDROBOT LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his stupid fucking Mortal Kombat video contort into types of shameless shilling you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been playing nothing but a healthy diet of Tetris and Pokemon and wondering if the new Mario will be "one of the greats" for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of Nowheresville, New York. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the steam that's seeping out of his stiff costume as he struggles to make a fist to fistbump you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in his "advanced" (for that is what he calls himself) technology, the technology he worked so hard for with hack scientists in the previous months. And then the Geoff calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the theater security could put you down, but you stand there and endure, because you're The Final Bosman. You're not going to lose your future game industry career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

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>I forgot which one of them said Friends was problematic in the current day because it was a bunch of white cast
That'd be Mr. Ian Hinck.

The only good thing about EZA is Brandon's voice in the reviews.

He is washed up anyways and he knows it

Kyle: "How cool will it be to customize Hulk?"
Huber: "NOT AT ALL."
>Everyone stares in disbelief.
Huber: "I just want normal Hulk."
>Conversation awkwardly halts and everyone else struggles to get it going again.

What the fuck is wrong with Huber?

There was nothing wrong here.

It's so hypocritical for Huber to be so uptight when it comes to sex, despite being so into gore and kills.

Damiani takes the cake though. He sperged out and refused to answer a question about crushes from tv shows or games that they had as kids. I'm 90% sure he's a virgin.

Hey Ben got it as soon as he saw the puzzle piece fly by. I haven't seen anyone else do that.

What is there to customize on Hulk? Putting armor on him is dumb. Different colors are actually different Hulks canonically.

Huber said nothing wrong.

The problem is he just halted the conversation. He didn't elaborate on that to create discussion, he just said no. Then someone asked him about why he said no and he just said no in a different way. It was very awkward.

i'll call any of them out when they deserve it but nah, hulk is shorts and green skin, nothing else.

This is fucking amazing

Well done, user. It's perfect.

holy shit that bloodworth is spot on in the best way

This is what I think too but Ben and Don aren't anywhere near as good as the others

How hard did huber defend Shenmue 3 selling out to chinese spyware
How hard did kyle defend cutting pokemon

haven't kept up with these guys during e3 I need to know how much respect I need to lose for them here

They've just started talking about Shenmue now.

I don't think they've talked about those things at all yet (if they're even going to) if they do know about them


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Fuck off.

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EZA are based.
Keep getting triggered, fucko

>eww boobs
Yeah no

They just went over it. He said it's pretty much bullshit to whoever wanted it on Steam.

Okay, he's talking about it now and saying it's still a "developing story" and that it's okay because Shenmue 3 needs the best chance possible. It's "BS that this is happening to backers but"

They just don't understand or respect PC
Ian thinks it not a problem being an EGS exclusive; fucking tool.

>let's discuss how other people react to games
>let's discuss how ECELEBS react to games
>let's view their videos on youtube and give them views and ad revenue
Kill yourselves

>and that it's okay because Shenmue 3 needs the best chance possible
how is losing a giant potential customer base and pissing off hundreds if not thousands of backers good for the franchise

like don't get me wrong I understand this quick money influx from an Epic deal will help 3's development along (supposedly, honestly that money's probably just going to DS's pockets) but it's not exactly a secret that 3 isn't going to conclude the Shenmue saga and this negative attention and PR damage is probably gonna kill any chance of 4 in the long run if the November release date already didn't.

Do we need to wait for Friend Code or next weeks podcast to hear what Kyle and Huber thought of Nintendo? Have they mentioned it?

Pretty sure that the main reason I still watch GT and EZA reviews. Gamespot reviews are harsh on the ears.

Fuck Ben, fuck his big head (literally and figuratively), fuck his gay little crush on huber, fuck his fake fandoms, fuck his needy jokes, and fuck his awful hosting ability.

They're talking about Cyberpunk now and they're very positive on it. Ben made a point to reassure that it actually does feel like a lore-heavy RPG experience and not just like a plain action game.

When is someone going to tell them (especially Ian) that CD Projekt Red are TRANSPHOBIC so they shouldn't support a game from such an evil, horrible company

This Cyberpunk discussion sounds unbelievable.

In a good or bad way?

In a good way. It sounds like CDPR is from a alternate timeline where Bethesda kept making actual rpgs and focused on improving their tech for the last 15 years.

theres another day to e3?
I thought we were done

Sad that he felt like he needed to backpedal. Even for them this shit is getting to be too much.

EZA will be doing impressions every night. Basically they spend each day playing demos, and then come back and all take turns talking about what they played. It's honestly the best part of their e3 coverage. Less memes, and more talking about actual game demos.

isn't huber the guy that constantly shouts "creator's intent"

What was even censored?

The press conferences are technically all pre-E3. The actual show floor is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. EZA gives their impressions from the show floor each night.

>What was even censored?

Has Kyle said anything about the Pokemon fiasco?

>Its not even them even Ian has toned it down lately its their shitty twitch chat its a fucking hugbox safespace they are horrible.

No. They haven't talked about Pokemon at all yet

Pretty sure he won't give a fuck. He'll get why people are mad, but he's never talked like he keeps his Pokemon gen to gen.

Does anyone else suspect that Ian's "fear of half-submerged man-made structures" thing is totally made up?

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He does. He's said before that he pays for Bank, and I remember he talked about his 3DS being stolen before he had Bank, and how bummed he was about losing all his Pokémon.

Huh. Maybe he'll be pissed.

>He sperged out and refused to answer a question about crushes from tv shows or games that they had as kids.
I thought his answer was something like pokemon with the caveat of
>y'know, in a cute pet sort of way
that zero people bought. Damiani is the worst though. I listened the other day and he was talking about FFXIV and how one of the new jobs has a revealing outfit for its artifact armor and as soon as he fucking sees it he's like
>ugh, can't wait to get rid of that
like fuck off. He is such an in the closet degenerate he acts like an extreme puritan. His autism doesn't allow him to hide it and still function like a normal person.

>he's never talked like he keeps his Pokemon gen to gen.
In fact, he seems like he would do exactly the opposite. He's all about context and shit and I think it would go against the world to transfer all the pokemon forward. He likes to treat each game as its own world and each trainer as its own character, so he'd probably be the type to want to build up new teams of pokemon as he goes and not go back to old mons.

Fuck, is that the EA game from last E3 about the cute monster girl? Did that come out?

>"fear of half-submerged man-made structures"
No it's a fear of fully-submerged mechanical objects.


why does the dude with long hair paint his nails

You won't be able to transfer in your Pokemon from previous games into sword and shield

Closet tranny

jfc, then what the hell was the entire point of the bank? And it's not even like SwoShi is using insanely different battle mechanics or whatever. Is this like a temporary thing?

Who knows if they'll change their minds with how much backlash they're getting. Or if Game Freak just don't give a shit because they're lazy as fuck and know the game is going to make them tons of money regardless

I await intense awkwardness and community culling when Ian finally decides that he's not Ian anymore and nobody is allowed to ever utter the name again.

They're going to release the rest of the Pokemon slowly in batches as free updates to give the game life for the next five years.

How the fuck does no one else see this?

I fucking hate this company so much, man. They've done nothing but the bare minimum for so long now.

Man, that talk about Cyberpunk is getting me hyped again. This game is such a rollercoaster of emotions for me. Every time there's an official announcement or trailer I get disappointed, but then when I hear details about actual gameplay I get hyped up again because it sounds so good. Is CDPR just shit at marketing or what?

There was one time Damiani apologized for calling Ian a pronoun, and corrected himself by just saying Ian.

To be fair, none of them are deep into PC gaming. Of course they don't realize the shittyness of it when all of them are console shitters.

Doubt it. This is the same company that didn't update XY to be compatible with ORAS megas. Why update it for more pokemon when you can get everyone to buy the next yearly installment.

Damiani is such an idiot, man. People call Ian "he" all the time, he has never asked to be called by any other gender, and he literally refers to himself as a man. Why force all that pronoun guilt shit toward him when he himself has never shown any inkling of it?

The thing is they just don't seem to care about having tons of storefronts to deal with. They all play EA, Ubisoft, Steam, Microsoft Store, and EGS games on PC and just don't give a shit that their libraries are splintered all to hell and gated behind a million logins and pieces of bloatware.

>They all play EA, Ubisoft, Steam, Microsoft Store, and EGS games on PC
Don't they play shit on consoles?

literally who

Actual transition may be sooner than you think, user...

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Yes they all play primarily on console, but they all play a few PC games on each of those platforms without a second thought. They've all made mention of having accounts on each of those stores on PC at various points in time.

Did you see that 50 minute gameplay demo they released last year? What did you think of that?

>lewd bosman

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I thought it was great, the gameplay got me stoked, but the E3 trailer before it had me very bummed out. Same thing is happening this year; the trailer deflated my hype but hearing about the new gameplay demo is getting me hyped up again and I bet if they release the video I'll love it.

I'm in the same boat as you, but I'd much rather the actual gameplay demos be promising than the trailers. Not sure if it's just hard to communicate a lot of the cool systems properly with the short-ish trailers or if they just aren't great at it, but overall I'm really excited for the game, especially after hearing impressions from this E3

>I'd much rather the actual gameplay demos be promising than the trailers.
That's a good point, yeah. Having the inverse would suck. I do really hope they release the gameplay footage from this E3 like they did last year, because hearing the descriptions makes it sound so interesting.

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Bosman looks like he could not care less about Keanu.

he was stunned