Explicitly against brexit

>explicitly against brexit
>you play as old lady
>you play as dyke negress
Were they trying to be convincing?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>pretend to have a view that aligns with game journalists
>game comes out and is completely divorced from that view
they can't keep getting away with it

this is gonna happen again. ala fc5

I'll probably never think about or see this game ever again as long as it isn't posted on Yea Forums.

You play as an old lady dyke negress?
Who the fuck would ever ask for that?

Fuck your shitpost OP

I think the game will be fun playing as a shadowy anarchist group of questionable morals sending building up your ranks and sending people to their deaths

You can recruit literally any NPC you see walking around in the entire game so at this point, /pol/ is getting angry about women and minorities simply existing.

In reality you can play as whoever you want and create an organization filled with only white chads or something

Anglos can't be chads retard they're the most pathetic non-white race in Europe.

>explicitly against brexit
Oh, is it going against your narrative, drone? Common sense is explicitly against Brexit, because it's a shit deal. Go shill for the Kremlin elsewhere you slav puke.


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