Will CDPR be able to top this 10/10 masterpiece, or was it a one time fluke? The first two witcher games were dogshit
Will CDPR be able to top this 10/10 masterpiece, or was it a one time fluke? The first two witcher games were dogshit
Imagine Yen rimming you, Ciri gargling your balls while you fuck the literal feces out of Triss Merigold's moist cunt
I would give it an 8/10 tops. Combat is mediocre. The world is mediocre. The play experience is meh.
They just can't bring it together. Everything feels off. The thing that really made it meh for me was how repetitive it felt and the lack of RPG depth.
Why would you give it an 8/10 if everything but the story sucks?
Lol, no, what happened was Witcher 3 came out/was announced, you went back and played the original game and you found it didn't age well enough for your liking
The Witcher 3 wouldn't have been popular had it not been for muh graphix. The combat is boring as shit and the quests are repetitive as all hell.
You can always tell who has never actually played the game because they always parrot "the combat is shit" without ever bothering to actually state why.
Literally Arkham tier combat. It's fucking trash.
Not true at all. I played the game because I liked the story
Combat in the TW3 is waaaaaaay better than 2 so I’m not complaining
In what possible fucking way is Witcher 3's combat anything like Arkham?