Did we every find an explanation for this? I'm very curious what is happening here.
Did we every find an explanation for this? I'm very curious what is happening here
Just a science experiment.
>Bio Jade
That sounds like she was the failed prototype for creating Jade Raymond.
so fat
so magenta
Wait, is her(?) name really fucking "Bio?" As in Greek root word meaning "life," but more commonly used as "internet euphemism for taking a shit?"
How do you end up hiring this? One of the main social signals for looking for potential employees is conformity. That's what most of the value of a college diploma is. College doesn't really teach many useful job skills.
The more I see of Ubisoft staff
The less surprised I am at how mediocre their games are
Let me give you an sound to, it has a French accent.
>being more curious of fat nobodies then actual games
Nu/v/ everyone
you hire a young girl, and she gets fatter the longer she works at your company because she gives no fucks about exercise and good diet
I too remember a time science tried to replicate a superior being, but it ended only in failure
What a disgusting creature. I hate wh*te "women".
My curiosity on games was satisfied. I still haven't had an explanation for what manner of being this is, what it's name means, or how it rose to any position in a company.
>Bio Jade
Like......Bio Broly? is xir a genetic mutation?
Fuck off drumpy.
Man, Yea Forums can't let their hate boners calm down. All she did was talk about the Rainbow Six shit.
It escaped.
Wasn't the final boss of Sonic Adventure 2 also named "Bio-" something?
Do you need an explanation?
A retarded child's body grows into adulthood, but the brain and both intelligence and emotion stagnate and are kept in the mentally retarded early-to-mid teenage years.
On a scale of 1-10 on defining post-adulthood infantilism,
playing games past 18 is around a 4, while that shit there is a 10.
The architect has a mistress in France
How do you interpret curiosity over a person named "Bio Jade Adam Granger" as hate?
Yes, but then how would it be made leader developer for a game?
>Yes, but then how would it be made leader developer for a game?
Because a Game Designer's job is to conceptualize, they don't now shit about the creation process unless you have autists like Noth and Indie Devs.
It's a job you can give to high-schoolers with equal efficiency and effectiveness as with this pink lard.
Name is what I expect out of an RE monster.
>typical white woman
God they're so disgusting.
Is that what it was about? Could barely understand a word. At least Square had the common knowledge to bring a translator
At least we know which idiot to fling turds at if Rainbow Sex turns out to be dogshit with all the monetary cancer in accompaniment.
This is the person I want directing Rainbow Six games