What is your favorite Hearthstone card?

What is your favorite Hearthstone card?
Pic related

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fucking dropped that shit recently but Death's Bite, it was so fucking cool to use. I even made two golden copies of it

Renounce Darkness. It's a fun roulette, pair this with a C'thun deck and you'll have a good time.

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Oh Sorry, I thought we were talking about a non-shit Card game.

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I like chucks buck boom

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it says heartstone retard

My favorite Hearthstone card is the one that creates random new cards and turns every game into nothing but meaningless RNG bullshit.
Oh wait, that's like 80 different cards.

>Call others retards
>Can't read a post


leeroy before he got nerfed by whiny crybabies

Hunter Death Knight

This was.
I quit the game before it got nerfed.
Made me realize how stupid digital tcgs are (and most digital product purchases that can be changed on the whim of the developer).

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Only because how it ticks off creature less control decks

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This was the best fucking card, it always felt good, fit amazingly in its spot and wasn't even broken.

Should never've been Hall of Famed.

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Confessor Paletress and Justicar Trueheart. Earned golden priest in TGT when it was a pretty bottom tier class. Only redeeming factor was it hard countered patron and freeze mage as well as potential for auchnai +circle heal to deal with aggro hunter and rogue. 2nd favorite deck was handlock featuring ancient watcher and eerie statie. Turn 4 5/6 and 8/8 taunts.

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Not my favorite card, but it the deck contains this, its usually my style of play.

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Motherfucking Kodorider
I miss inspire so much bros

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I got a shiny Bahamut in my starter packs for that game. Is shadowverse still kicking or is it dead?
Also, best girl was great.

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if my style of play was being immune for 2 turns until I draw fireball for lethal I think I'd reconsider my life choices desu

I think it died after cygames released like 8 shit expansions in a row

Bummer. Not like I have the time to sink into it anymore though. Getting old sucks.

typical response of bitches being mad at stall decks

Been playing since empty throne. Been masters ranked every month. Have 100% card collection. Throwing this trash game in the bin, fuck the crazy ass power creep, wtf are they thinking these past few sets? Putting eternity warden's effect on a 2 cost weapon, printing a SST in shadow with better combat stats and single handedly dicks decks that deal with control piles. 6/6 flier in red that redraws itself for 2, and refills hand if it survives a single turn. Hojan ending games on turn 3 if given berserk. Atleast the game was playable when tavrod was the only power creep. What was the point of nerfing big icaria if they're just going to fill the game with game finishers pre-turn 6?

fuck off with your stupid solitaire deck

Oh, something else. Wtf is this hooru control cancer? JP were the colors of the most based players. Control pile's weakness is having few threats now they just fabricate threats out of thin air just by cycling their hand.

fuck i just loved this card.
Any suggestions on what card game i should play to experience something similar to her again?

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didn't everyone stop caring about hearthstone when whispers rotated out/mtga came out

Wasn't that a "you win the game" card that was super hard to remove?
I never found a consistent solution to that while I was playing - I think it was basically a loss for me out of the gates.

it's still the most popular of the lot

It's not like Direwolf didn't attempt to fix the problem. Eternal is far from perfect, but it is still better than new magic and HS.

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They printed lich king and they wanted it to be the next 8 mana auto-include

Yeah it is. At the same time, Odin is one of the most prolific fuck you removal cards in the game and they came out on the same expansion, so Seraph is balanced. Not to mention you dont even reach turn 8 a lot of games.

it was limiting their "design space"
this is without the sugar coating

this for me, one of the first cards i crafted. so great

Jaraxxus, easily. The first and only time they printed a balanced hero card.

>8 mana 8/8 with charge and divine shield
>not broken

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As cool as the card was, the fact that it decided games on a literal coinflip was one of the biggest reasons why this game stays a casual childrens card game.

Sneeds was just the right amount of mix between wacky RNG and card strength.

Piloted shredder proved too much for blizzard it nearly set their motherfucking design team on suicide watch.

RNG is not charge.
>divine shield
The heck are you getting that from?

dealing 8 damage at the end of turn is effectively the same as a card having charge and divine shield. Theoretically the randomness offsets that, but in reality it's just as likely for the randomness to make it better than just having charge, ie if there's a taunt on the board and you need to hit face

Pre-nerf for sure. Playing 2 of these in a row was pretty fun

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damn, i didn't played this shit game in a while, how is it doing now?
i really liked tirion fordring

Those are some really powerful minions you've got there!

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It's doing well. The meta is in a better spot this year compared to the last.

god I hate freeze mages so god damn much

I miss freeze mage and so goddamn much

Everyone! Get in here!

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I guess I'm the only one who saw what u did thar

Is catchup up still a huge chore. I stopped playing in ungoro. I have most of the vanilla legends and epics.

i think none of my cards are actually standard now besides whatever little witchwood cards i got before dropping the game
is paladins any good?

My boy Tony.
It was always really satisfying to throw infinite fireballs at my opponents face. Hated playing freeze so it was a bit hard to find a deck he would work in but loved when he did.
Crazy to think this has been power creeped out of every mage deck.
What a shit show this game has become.

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As long as you've got a few classic cards you'll be fine. In fact if you login now they'll give you like 15-20 free packs over the course of a few days.

deathstalker rexar, build-a-beast roulette is too fun

Deal with it.

The first class legendary I crafted. In fact he's a staple in cyclone mage, the most powerful mage deck at the moment.

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Whats up with that? Thats shadowverse levels of generosity so there must be some kind of event?

The Hunter deathknight card so the beast craft hero power.
I still enjoy single player

I heard theyre locking sngle player behind a paywall. Is that still going on?

>complaining about RNG
>in a card game


They're enticing people to stay with the game and giving new players a leg up. It makes sense to give people the satisfaction of opening packs and let newcomers have a fighting chance.

It had to be nerfed so they could add Defile, which is one of the best cards they have ever added.

is this the designated cringe thread

Stopped playing the game when everyone started netdecking.

Ofcourse it makes sense. But blizzard/activision are arrogant cheapskates that arent known for moves like this. Are sales dropping?

Inspire was too much of a win more mechanic.

So you stop playing card games when they get popular enough for the internet to notice. Cool shit bro

The last time I played HS was during Journy to Un'groth or something like that. The dino expansion. Never touched HS since.

that and most inspire cards were dogshit even if you got the effect off

Kabal Courier and Lotus Agents. Discover is the best mechanic Hearthstone has and there's just something about discovering 3 different class cards that is the right level of randomness without it being too random.

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Dota Auto Chess and Magic Arena came out so Hearthstone lost some players.

I genuinely do not enjoy this game. Even in this "great meta" I still feel drained after every fucking match. I hate not being able to do anything about what my opponent discovers or what they do during their turn.

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Other then hearthstone, any other digital card games that are alive?

No, I think he means he stopped when it became normal for the first day of expansion to run into the same cheap deck 80% of the time even at rank 25.