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realistically, what would be a good studio for Pokemon? I unironically would love FromSofts take
Fucking anyone but Gamefreak.
The safest one would be HAL of course.
Pretty much anyone besides Game Freak
Valve Software.
What did I miss? I went to sleep right after the direct. Why do we hate Pokemon now?
That isn't a game development company....
>Team Fortress
>Left 4 Dead
>Dota 2
Genius Sonority
Coming soon to Pokemon, loot boxes, hats, and keys you have to pay for in order to access those!
ummmm... what do you mean i can't import my 17 year old pokemon from ruby and sapphire. you should easily be able to accomodate all 1000 pokemon + animations. lazy fucks.
Gamefreak did the fucking unthinkable.
Pokemon Home can't transfer non Galar native mons to Sword and Shield.
So if you say had a Granbull that you wanted to bring into Sword and Shield, if the Snubbull family isn't in the game as part of the pokedex,
he aint coming in.
Oh and don't bother with PKhex, the non-Galar mons aren't even programmed in.
It's a joke, you autist.
Spike Chunsoft
This. And he means you wouldn't be able to import any pokemon that are not in the region dex. They won't be coded in
theres no national pokedex and you can only get the pokemon that are in the region's pokedex , so the ones you been brining via pokemon bank are unusable if they arent in the pokedex
>a multi-billion dollar corporation should be able to act like a small indie dev
Fuck I want to be in that timeline.
I knew this problem would arise sooner or later. When the demand for Quantity would outpace the quality of the technology. Surprised it didn't happen sooner.
Epic Games
Monolith wouldn't be too bad, and the world would be gigantic.
Camelot/Nintendo. Fucking hire an outside team to do all the attack animtions instead of lazy "the character model hops in place THAST A MEGA PUNCH" so fucking tired of that shit.
You can blame the success of Let's Go for this. It made Game Freak realize they don't need a full roster of for a pokemon game to rake in cash. There's no longer any need to even pretend to put in effort.
>waste an extra few million dollars just to appease a very small group of players when most people won't care
this is why you aren't a business man
May as well just hand it over to the fuckers that run GO if you're going to suggest that
It's literally one animation. There is absolutely no excuse considering it's even on a fucking console now
Only new pokemon? Sounds good to me.
Ah yes, I forgot what a minority everyone over the age of 4 is. The core players are angry, the kanto fags are angry... Who is left but small children? Even then, if they played LGPE they may get a little upset.
Nexon maybe
this and only this even if it was dissolved
Nobody is angry except Yea Forums which is angry about everything. It will still be a critical and commercial success and sell tens of millions of copies. Cry about it.
It's not like it didn't apply then, too.
HAL would do great
r u tard¿
those games all came out 10 years ago user
>wojak poster thinks he gets to have an opinion
the pokemon models and animations are already made too, all they had to do was import them if they wanted to be lazy with their gorillion dollar money maker
Wrong. Even the normies are upset. And I'd be too, look at that pathetic list.
Atlus. Pokemon itself was based in SMT.
regions pokedex are always a mixture between old pokemon and new pokemon
New pokemon, and old pokemon that game freak picks. If they don't pick scyther, you won't be able to find, or transfer one in
>buy keys to open pokeballs
Why can't Nintendo just be like Trump? Shit talk and fire everyone on Twitter. GameFreak really needs that treatment. The disappointment was indescribable today seeing Scorbunny lift its foot one millimeter for a "kick" attack.
It's not even an issue. They're all ported models from X/Y. There are idle, walk, and ability animations that already exist. This highly successful game company is simply being lazy and greedy.
You just exposed yourself as never leaving Yea Forums lol
ohnononono pokodex!
muh pokymans
have sex
Well that's okay. I already played with Scyther. I want to see what's new in Galar.
>When the demand for Quantity would outpace the quality of the technology
3DS confirmed more TECHNOLOGY than the switch
Children and women literally don't give a shit if they can't autistically transfer pokemon from several generations prior and manchildren only play pokemon to beat children online with optimally bred pokemon and masturbate to pokegirls, which this game is already confirmed to have plenty of.
Also, it's pokemon. It's literally always ALWAYS the top selling lifetime game on Nintendo without any exception. Keep coping.
Atlus or monolith
Monolith Soft
>What was BW
>We shouldn't ask developers for features that have existed in their franchise since forever
>In fact, if you think it so easy to bring 6 gorillion mons YOU do it
>Consumer=bad because Wojak
I hate this breed of meme contrarians
>I hate this breed of meme contrarians
ironic that you say that while you post trump's pajeet and probably unironically shilled for verizon and mediacom during the net neutrality fiasco.
Didn't HAL do the Stadium games? Those were ridiculously quality looking back.
Yea Forums is always mad about everything, and in the eyes of Yea Forums making billions of dollars is considered a failure. According to Yea Forums PC gaming is dead, Xbox One is dead, Switch was DOA, and PS4 is dead. According to Yea Forums the gaming industry is dead. However it's seeing record high profits.
Yea Forums is just a edgy 12yo who think's they're a genius. And all of us, you, me, and the 12yo's, are all losers. The more you deny it the more it is true. Deal with it.
they'd casualize the series even more lol
haha yeah, remember when they shut down the internet? good times
actually laughed out loud, thanks
The National dex had all of them
I've never liked pokemon, but would legit pick up the newest system just to experience a HAL pokemon game.
The national dex wasn't the regional dex.
Newsflash, the N64 has them already
>Alll that projection because you got triggered by a reaction image
Didn't those come out around the same time Nintendo was a playing card company? Companies change man.
>Mewtwo boss fight made by Fromsoft
>Teleports-behind-you shennanigans
>General mindfuckery
>3 phases
I didn't know I wanted Fromsoft to make a pokemon game.
The guys that did Morenatsu.
Waaaaaah I want my old pokemon back waaaaaah no don't make me use new pokemon noooo waaaaaahhh i wanna use the same pokemon forever!!!! Make every region the same!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Masuda!
Imagine that in (you)r favorite online game, all the shit you built up in the previous decade or so was made unusuable.
wojak posters do not get to even pretend they have a post worth replying to
You mean, Destiny 2, one of the best FPS if this Gen?
Based and Poképilled
user valve stop making quality game long time ago. They just focus on steam and vr that's it, I doubt valve will make pokemon good
Gears for Breakfast
I’d love that
Regardless of what you think of HAL.
Keep in mind they would probably just do a mix of casual, and hardcore with a lot of content. They also were the ones that did the Stadium games which were great spin offs.
See: Kirby
Imagine being a grown ass man and giving this much of a fuck about pokemon
where were you for the past seven years
I can't tell if this is a drone or a parody of what a drone would sound like
just listen to that jingle
Doesn't matter, it's a Wojak post so it's not worth your mental effort.
>EA develops new pokemon game
>brings in the same can't transfer pokemon unless they are in the region
>patches in a microtransaction system to get remaining pokemon