But seriously why sony didn't show up?
But seriously why sony didn't show up?
Nothing to show.
Almost nothing to look forward too on PS4 right now.
what about death strading and persona 5 royal?
Real answer? They're preparing for a dedicated PS5 event soon. They're planning on bringing the biggest new games in a clear environment.
Personally, I think they made the smart decision.
It was a gamble but Microsoft was too scared to show the new Xbox.
Even when one company didn't show up they still manage to make Yea ForumstendoGaf salty. Sony winning this generation has broken this place.
>That guy who posts this picture without understanding that the guy on the bottom is actually threatened by the guy on the top because he is better then him and even younger
Maybe that is what he intended to say subconsciously.
I don't believe sonyfags are that self aware.
I really hope they're developing Deep Down for PS5
Because, in an unironically non-meme answer, they have no games. If you track their previous E3's, they'd been showing games that have now been released except for TLOU2, so they have fuck all left because it's the tail of end of a console generation and most of their work is going towards the PS5. In addition, the exclusivity system is almost at it's end, with Microsoft and Nintendo collaborating, and Microsoft moving to an Xbox/PC platform instead of staying solely on PC. Most of the games Sony have exclusivity deals on are already out, or deep into production like FF7R. The blunt honesty of it is they've fallen into the same trap as Microsoft did towards the tail end of the previous generation; they were too big, got too greedy, and now suits are fucking it all up. That's why they spent the last 3 years rambling on about TV, they had a massive market lead that is now slowly being chipped away but everything's too deep in production to actually be revealed.
Sony's complete lack of games that are near the end of their production cycle is just because the company's massively mismanaged; the only profitable division IS video games, which is why so many other divisions at Sony are trying to jump in for a piece of the glory, ruining the actual product.
They DID show it. Just not properly. Next gen is just about to start and that was the first official hint. Next time will be the real deal, make or break. Sony hasn't "lost" yet, in fact they probably have the best lineup.
So, how will Microsoft incorporate a banjo into their conference next year?
>I don't think about you at all
You mean aside from the hundreds of "we won, nitendies!" threads?
>persona 5 royal
cool more royal shit
I think they will dominate next gen even harder but they will get BTFO when the stream era arrives.
What, have you ever seen Mad Men? That is not the character relationship whatsoever.
Life is all about sex, and men always want attention and to feel younger and more attractive to women. Sure the kid up top is younger, but he's small time.
>Walking sim made by a hack and a weeb game nobody but people here care about
Eh. I imagine there aren't that many games coming out right now because they are about to change production to the PS5
Saving up money for 2020.
It was when Ginsberg was introduced at first but then Weiner scrapped that idea and turned him into le Jewish neurotic guy lol
>Doing an e3 showcase just to show more Death Stranding footage and a weeb game barely anyone cares about
That'll be a yikes from me
OP here and this is a legit and honest question.
>in fact they probably have the best lineup.
Yeah can't wait for last Guardian 2 and Tlou 2 in 2022 :)
Because your idea of console warring is anal vore pictures that you clearly know violate the rules and then act like it only got deleted because "lol nintengaf amirite guize xdDD"
Because they're asking for it
They'll get double bodied in like ten to twenty years, yeah. Not just for when streaming arrives, which is like 5~7 years away max, but when VR fully arrives and Microsoft has already imported the "Xbox Market" into their "PC Market" with their next console, and VR becomes consumer viable and gets a few actually good games on it, because that shifts it away from being "Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo" into a fight of "Windows or Mac or Linux". One which Microsoft will easily win, because they're already investing into that future with their conversion from Xbox to Xbox+PC.
Sony's a pretty fucking terrible company, but they have such a massive chokehold on the consumer base for games right now that they're allowed to do shit like 'skip E3 for minimal consequences' in the moment, but you could tell how fucking annoyed companies were that they had to announce exclusive content for the PS4 at their conferences instead of it appearing at Sony's. Sony's treating developers like they're far above them, and that's going to come crashing down pretty soon.
They didn't want to waste everyone's time like Cuckrosoft did
>a weeb game barely anyone cares about
keep telling this just to sleep better at night
Keep coping
>Death Stranding
>Persona 5 Royal
>VR games
There's plenty of content