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>tfw vidya journalist

the only people in the world more jaded and dead inside than Yea Forums.

>Kenny Omega pillowcase
>Rockstar Lemonade

literally me

>links awakening looks like shit/plays like shit
>Wolfenstein plays like shit
>Resident Evil plays like shit

lol Switch

I wish Brad and Jeff would just do a two man podcast.

the anti-eza

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This is correct

>The avengers game is shit
Wow. Imagine my shock

>best bout machine
>dates JAV girls and handsome boy Kota Ibushi
>didn't bitch out to Vince's advances like everyone else

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that would techically be a one man pod

>link's awakening runs poorly
it's not looking good bros

haha yes i too love watching exaggerated over-reactions to CG trailers

Everythings running poorly apparently.

jeff is still alright
considering he lives in san francisco he could be a lot worse

Did any of those faggots cry this year?

I'm not into e clebs, who's the chink?

anything more than a barely audience grunt or a snarky roll of the eyes is an overreaction to giant bomb faggots.

>defending the faggots at Bethesda

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you attacked eza allies like you always do

probably during the nintendo conference, didnt dare to watch that

I didn't attack anyone. Not the person you're fight with, you fat nigger.

>2 years later, Abby so are still isn't here


>Abby so are still isn't here

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Jan talking about pokemon is fucking cringe. Has no idea what the hell he's talking about.

There has to be a middle ground between over th top cuckmouthed faux-enthusiasm and over the top dead-faced post-ironic cynacism.

In fact I know there is. It was what giantbomb was pre Ryan's death. And it died with him.

It's actually AvoidingThePuddle

Alex and Dan hate the top left guy

Were any fighting games being demo'd today? I'd like to hear jason talk about how he lost at all of them

Why can't Jeff just wear pants? What's with these short shorts and dad socks?

>gives 5* matches like charity
>learned a foreign language just to play japanese games
>best tag team name
>became a huge wrestling super star after his match with Okada
>loves fighting games
>any wrestling shows that he's in the ratings skyrockets

You did it Kenny! No more bingo halls for you. It's the big leagues from now on.

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Thats just what white trash from Petaluma dress like.

well obviously
he's a republican.

Fat people get hot easier than normal people. He probably has constant swass

Because when your 30+ and fat anything with an elesticated waist is a God send. I can relate

i dont know shit about pokemon but goddamn jan is an annoying fag

he lives pretty far away in petaluma iirc

What, the Square Enix one? Was that playable?

no the other avengers game

Yea. He said you start off playing as each one right after the bridge thing, then a boss fight against taskmaster. He guessed it opened up after that but it was the end of the demo

That one looked fairly good on the treehouse stream

Neat, I'd like to hear more in-depth about this. I guess we're not getting any footage.

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I really don't understand why they can't stream at a decent bitrate. Also I think their wide shot camera is out of focus. Also their mics are all hot. And their lighting is too low.
Why is their production so bad? It's seriously distracting.

>drew please come back

yeah its fucking garbage. 720p yet it looks like a fuzzy fucking vhs rip.

Wow sure is a lot of video games being talked about in this thread.

Shhhh. She's doing her best

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fucking this shitty fucking music abby picked out

Gotta admit Patrick took really well to the HRT.

Idk, I think it's pretty cohesive to the mood

Oh god is that a tranny in a dress?

more surprised theres only one desu

id be able to tell if the stream wasnt such shit quality but looks like it

I haven't kept up with giant bomb... wheres vinny?

Seems like the best place to ask. But now the discord and pastebin got nuked where do you guys go to pirate their content. Want to rewatch some old streams but don't want to give money to current year cuckbomb.

the onion site on tor

Are you surprised? Giant Bomb's hosts and content creators are low IQ sjw panderers.

Behind the camera

Lol is this a joke? That exists?

upf bootlegs is serious business

Oh the discord died too? I thought I was just kicked.

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Why are you people still watching them ppst davis era?

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I only follow them for E3 week because Jeff actually gets some good interviews


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Where's Mary?

You can tell they're white? The bitrate sucks, so I can't. Thanks Abby.

Leaders of industry, notice the differences when the couch switches to mostly indies that have never done anything of note.

Jason: looks fine to me

I will never understand how these guys can afford to not only live but have two offices in two of the most expensive cities in America , SF and NY, when none of their Youtube uploads reach high numbers, their subs are shit, and they never do reviews or articles anymore along with Ben and Abby being complete anti-charisma holes. Did people just forget their subscription was on or is their fanbase full of autistic friend simulator types who never give up?

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giant bomb has been a part of Yea Forums and Yea Forums culture since 2008
seethe more, newfag.

Someone post the images explaining how Giant Bomb is only kept around by CBS because they want a leg in videogames and how also all of the Giant Bombers have fake personalities

cbs or some shit owns them

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Lol. How does it feel knowing your pathetic friend simulator culture is dying out. There were barely any threads for the streams this year.

The irony is the fact you're here means you don't belong with the gb community and soon you won't belong here either. How sad and lonely you must feel.

the things I would do to this jewess' ass

>all these game developers white males
Can't tell if their straight or not

Is Brad really leaving this year?

>i wish he would high fidelity headshot me live on stream

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Would the site even notice?


>Avengers game sounds like shit with lots of quick time events

It's just a meme

Their fanbase skews way older and boomer genuinely don't mind paying a subscription, we don't have the site numbers but apparently it's good enough to sustain middle class living for a dozen people and satisfy a conglomerate.

sound out of sync for anybody else?

No, refresh

It can't be. With Abby and Jason working on it, it's flawless. Must be on your end.

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ok that fixed it

As shitty as giantbomb is these days their e3 nites are great.
Love hearing developers get to actually talk.

i only care about indie devs

GB died when Ryan died. All the magic went with him. Jeff and Ryan played off each other perfectly. Everyone that's come in since has been a bland mealymouthed loser with zero presence that plays off of nobody and makes every video a chore. I haven't watched anything from them since 2017, and I doubt this has changed since then. I wonder what kind of living hell Jeff must experience working with these mouthbreathers every day just because he knows he this is his one and only meal ticket. I'd feel more sorry for him if he actually tried to recruit talent instead of grabbing the first lamebrained gluegobbler he spots.

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