Other urls found in this thread:
gaming in 2019
fuck leftists
fuck corporations
>literally doing it on purpose
Yikes. You can tell by how he looks that he would fuck this up.
i dont know what he expected
So did he actually say it?
>oy vey how dare somebody do something that offend kikel advertisers that are now the enforcers of all human behavior
kill yourself leftist freaks
E-Celeb Shit
LOL its a temp ban at best, twitch isn't stupid to ban one of their top streamers. Look at Pewdipie after he said the N word.
I'm pretty sure filming inside public bathrooms is illegal.
>stream strangers taking a piss
>get banned
wtf how was i supposed to know
I remember when E3 was for business only. Then they got greedy and just let anyone in there for $300 a pop.
Back in 2016 I was able to get some good contacts from other companies and open up my job prospects.
2017 came along and every fucktard there was a normie who had no connection with the industry. The parkinglots got full, and the lines became ten times longer.
>Stupid fuckin mistakes man
The internet is so shit now. You can't breath without a million cryholes trying to destroy your career for cybercrime
>Stream stupid shit
>Get banned
So the mods did their job for once, who cares?
Bros i am scared to take a shit now, what if Doc appears and fucks my wife.
Sounds to me like Twitch is homophobic in this important month of the year.
i read his cameraman streamed a boy peeing in the bathroom as well.
don't know if that makes it a perm ban.
you're a huge no fun faggot kill yourself cancer
It's illegal to film other people in a bathroom.
Who cares about ur Bilderburg group fantasys.
It's literally illegal.
No he said YIKERS
Eceleb discussion doesn't belong on Yea Forums desu.
It's OK user. He only fucks underage. Take your shit in peace.
Let me guess, you're not American?
Imagine being extremely successful simply because you were born tall and white. What a world bros
well crafted my friend, but you still need to fish in the right lake
Apparently not. It's like the streamers getting banned playing vanilla wow for saying Naga.
I don't know how people watch insufferable faggot like him
80 - 140 viewers is the sweetspot for a channel
god i hope criminal charges are filed. can you imagine?
Why did he do this? Did he think it was funny? Did he cover the entire event from a stall like The Fonz?
His ban was justified for saying something so gay.
>filming people in a public restroom without their consent
>tries to turn it around to joos
You're out of your fucking element, /pol/.
filming people in bathrooms is okay, /pol/cuck?
Those are not reasons he's go his claim to fame
I would have given you a proper response but you outed yourself as a weebfag so go fuck yourself and good bye.
Nice falseflag, keeping the status quo going there footsoldier
Stop pretending to fit in Retard.
>He doesn't know
Probably only banned for a week. They would never get rid of someone that makes them that much money unless he did something illegal,
He just did user.
Don't disrespect if you can't handle the rekt
Good riddance, fucking autist.
>Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it was just... stupid fuckin mistakes man. *sniffle*
Just 30?
So did he actually cheat? I get the feeling he only said it to draw attention to his twitch channel. Which makes me wonder if those incidents where people were shooting at his house were real too. Cause I never heard of that mother fucker until his "irl drama" shit got everybody talking. If that was his plan, then it worked. That's all I'm saying.
this is a win-win for doc/twitch
he'll get a slap on the wrist because he generates so much money for twitch and when he comes back his subs/views will spike through the rough and twitch will get their cut as well
only one mad about this is shitaku and resetrannies
Based twitch
Get fuck eceleb idiots
I kinda have a little bit of a... a little bit of an announcement. Uhmmm and I just wanna be completely transparent with you guys. Uh as you guys know I have a beautiful family, and a wife and kid, and umm I wanna be transparent that I've been recording them pissing. And brushes mustache sniff and uhh and i'm probably gonna be taking some time away. time off. Stupid fucking mistakes man. I'm gonna take time off to focus on recording them piss and so I just wanted to let you guys know that. and I apologize to you guys, and you guys are... I apologize to you guys my sponsors, and Twitch. This is not who I am, this is not what I represent and that's it..
I love watching streamers get blown the fuck out. They act like they're important.
He did cheat. He also got really mad whenever someone brought it up which is why it became a joke to make fun of him for it.
different case, the streamer wasnt even fighting nagas, there was no discusion about nagas, chat started spamming "shoot that naga"
And his crocodile tears in his apology video. I never believe he felt remorse which would make sense if the thing was a fabrication to begin with
jesus fucking christ this clown world
clip link?
If anything this is just going to give him more publicity when hes inevitably unbanned, which he will be. The stream was funny as fuck by the way, stay mad haters.
Me on the left
How many times have you had to register as a sex offender?
How do you not know filming in bathrooms is illegal? I played sports all my life, I have family and friends that live in 10 fucking different states, I took vacations on both coasts and while literally not in every bathroom but I feel as if the large majority of them had signs say "FILMING IN THE RESTROOM IS ILLEGAL". How do you not know this?
Who cares he will be unbanned
Me taking a leak
>it was real
Was there ever any pictures or videos taken of the bullet holes from when he said someone was shooting up his house? You would think someone with a fucking film crew could manage to point a camera at that.
Was it not gender neutral?
It's all left wing fags. The few right wing places left on the internet are the only places where free speech still exists.
cool picture dude!
have sex
what a fucking dumbass
Imagine blaming all of your problems on other people because you were born retarded and brown.
Exactly this. I'm not saying that guy lied about cheating, cause I don't know. I'm just saying he was AT LEAST lying about regretting it.
Nobody mentioned Jews until you did.
I've got a little bit of an announcement to make.
Colombo, it's your wife on the phone...
They caught a teen wearing a Mario hat peeing when they first walked in.
being tall and attractive is life on very easy mode, you're fucking retarded if you think otherwise.
based schizo
Wouldn't be surprised if he ended up charged. Just cus your an ecleb doesn't make you invulnerable.
This stupid fuck ended up in jail because of a text to speech donation.
>Let me just casually break the law and post evidence online
Are we sure this guy isn't a nigger in white makeup?
I love /pol/ desperately trying to turn this into a political issue and nobody's buying it. It's rare to see that.
Isn't there a board for twitch fags? get the fuck outta here with that shit.
Imagine being a third world subhuman who believes this
this post wasnt the effort you took writing it
filming strangers in a bathroom is illegal.
Also, Free speech for you is "I should be a dickhead without any repercussions". Get real. Stay in your safe space lmao.
/pol/'s losing influence, everyone is turning against them
imagine being retarded and brown and having leagues of progressives and marxists coming up with spheres within spheres to explain why you are shit when the answer is just a lower average general intelligence.
Good. Fucking twitch faggots all need the cross.
e3 was initially open tickets til around 2010 when they implemented limited entrance, which they lifted a couple years later.
It’s ironic that you would try to gatekeeper something with such limited knowledge.
Stop oppressing us gamers
forgot to include the morons calling /pol/ for the first stupid shit they see like trained animals. schizo yourself nigger.
rent free
Clearly not losing influence on you given how they live in your head rent free.
>Laws against filming random people without consent in most western nations
>"Lul, let´s stream people on restrooms"
He could be sued thousands if any of those guys wanted to.
This actually hurts twitch more than it hurts the guy, he can just go over to Dlive now.
I'm 6'3" and Scandinavian. I'm not extremely successful. Fuck off.
The other poster said oy vey and kikes do you have a fucking La Li Lu Le Lo filter in ur brain against jewish shit.
gaslight yourself you transparent shit. fuck off.
Nice try but that's not how you use that meme
It's illegal to film in bathrooms in most states, I'm pretty sure. If he's lucky it'll just end with a twitch ban.
Literally who
Cuts both ways buddy. We live in their heads too.
Is this your new variation after your copypaste shitpost was exposed in the archive?
they shot his house with airsoft guns. he's a gay fag
but we win elections and you dont
>2016 meme
This shit writes itself.
don't even browse /pol/ but people crying /pol/ are just as obnoxious. yes i'm talking to you fags
The ironic thing is every normie faggot wanted to get a picture with him, even in the batbroom. Nobody is going to file a lawsuit and he will be unbanned.
Keep joking, but they are growing.
Yes it is.
>mfw tall and white
where is my god damn free shit?
No, I actually have literally never heard of whatever that shit is.
Imagine if he gets perma-banned. Imagine how much he'll hate himself and how angry he'll be that he just destroyed his source of income because he wanted to do something risky. Karma for cheating on his wife.
>hi guys not even /pol/ here? but like you're being waaay to mean to /pol/ just saying stop it with the boogeyman haha not /pol/!!!
How tall is he?
The only reason he was banned was because he accidentally glimpsed footage of Randy Pitchford in the middle of taking a hit steamy piss to the face.
Pewdiepie has been shilling for a competitor to twitch which focuses on both creators and fans being rewarded, and the service itself takes a much smaller cut than twitch, isn't anywhere as bad in terms of censorship and is better on just any technical aspect you can think of.
Since D OMEGALUL C got banned i hope FOR SAN make forsenCD his channel emote again.
>gamers are braindead children who can't recognize a pedo operation at first glance
Don't remind me.
>being such a fucking basedboy you have a problem with people watching you take a piss
I'd be fucking honored to be in that room
He filmed a kid as well
rent 4 free
le stupid fucking mistakes man does it again
>white house
Trump lives there rent free
because we live in your head rent free
cope tranny
6'8" gigachad
I'm sure he worked very hard in life
What exactly was he hoping to gain by filming people in a bathroom?
>almost film cp
>but my free speech
lmao seething e celebfags
>filmed a fucking kid pissing in a bathroom
Welp, RIP.
What the fuck?
Is there anyone that does not believe he just did this for controversy? This guy has made his name and living thanks to all his "scandals" like cheating or people "shooting at his house"
Apparently it works as there is even a thread here on Yea Forums about it giving him more advertisement.
>Fuck leftists
>Fuck corporations
Corporations are capitalist, ergo right wing, brainlet
I voted for Trump, dumb cuckold
>brings up trannies for no reason
obsessed & insufferable
>Not wanting to see him permabanned and taken to court for breaking the law for maximum laffs
Oh please lose your main source of income and be forced back to the wageslave life
have sex
>Get ACCUSED of saying the n word
>Get a 30 day ban
What's coming next lads? I guarantee you if you told this to someone in 2010 they'd laugh in your fucking face. What about bans for just saying "the n-word"?
There is a difference between being controversial and literally filming yourself committing a crime
Imagine being this retarded.
>I should be a dickhead without any repercussions
How can speech be free if you have to pay for it? Censorious losers like yourself are so pathetic "help me daddy corporation people are doing things on the internet i don't like" it's like you never graduated from telling on people at school.
He'd just go to youtube
Hes a millionaire already and his wife forgave him. this wont effect him at all. You probably never even seen a real life vagina.
I literally can't because of my genes. If I was Disrespect I could go out and fuck someone within an hour
disrespect wouldn't be legally fucked for this.
just his cameraman.
Certainly nothing gay about this
he would never be permabaanned Twitch takes 1.25$ for the 5$ he makes every sub
Imagine, 7 vaginas. Maybe more.
uh, no. e3 was never open to the public until recently. but their requirements for getting in were lax until the crackdown which happened around 2006, and that was because there were too many nobodies (bloggers) getting in on press passes. still, you had to at least pretend you were in the industry, nobody was allowed in without at least having an association with a gaming website. e3 is only letting the public in now as a way to shore up declining attendance and lack of publisher interest (see sony) and they hope to counter its freefalling relevance by having the option to convert into a fancon
why are you pretending to know anything about a show you've never been to?
By that logic governments are by nature authoritarian, therefore left wing...
Tall chad with the wide stance.
>How can speech be free if you have to pay for it?
You do know that free speech is only relevant in regards to the government right? Social repercussions are still a thing
TGS is superior since it still has business/press only days with none of that pay for admittance bullshit and they gate almost everything behind Japanese anyway.
it was always industry-only. They did charge $700 to outsiders since its inception, if that's what you are referring to. But no, I wouldn't call that "open" tickets.
I'd break the fucking camera.
He worked on Call of Duty and took a break from youtube from 2012-15 then he came back to streaming
Corporations are, by their very nature, supposed to be apolitical. Their CEOs are legally obligated to concern themselves with the success of the company and that only.
People often mistake private companies and functionally private corporations with public corporations, so I can see where the confusion comes in.
That's not to say that there aren't terrible CEOs out there who do get political. Just saying that corporations aren't supposed to be political organizations. Or at least, not when it doesn't apply to their business.
Imagine being at such a low point in your life that you're the cameraman for a twitch streamer
Go fuck off back to Twitter normalfag
Me on the right
It'll never happen
There were so many better ways to handle this
He could've recorded only himself in a urinal near the corner
Is it retarded or ironic?
This is actually a fucking sex offense
Imagine conflating liberalism with leftism because your entire world view of economics and politics stems from memes off a video game board about a boogeyman
Absolutely based and upvoted, /r/_thedonald gentlesir
i am so happy this happened and hope you all never understand and keep trying to find ways to say it and get banned too
>keeping the camera rolling on a literal child pissing
Jesus christ, how fucking stupid can you be
What the fuck was he hoping to do?
When some thot tries to ruin your life a 2nd time you completely ignore all female fans
Isn't this his main source of income? why would you do this?
Didn't Etika commit suicide after getting his Youtube account banned?
>one eceleb thread about a streamer being dumb isnt allowed
go take a shower.
E3 isn't even the most popular event held at that convention center within a month's span. Anime expo is less than a month away and gets more attendees.
Probably just thought he'd do an edgy manchild stunt for the twitch cows and his 50 IQ brain didn't realize that filming other people's dicks is verboten.
it just me or are forsensubs like the worst of all /r9k/ and Yea Forums combined
Apolitical = status quo = capital
Looks half-Asian
>Corporations are, by their very nature, supposed to be apolitical.
Which lobbyists paid you to say this?
He went into the e3 bathroom to film people 3 times.
Pure retardation.
Oh, I thought he was inside a cubicle playing videogames or something and they banned him for that.
Yeah you don't take pictures of people trying to piss, let alone stream it. That's illegal on many levels. Not sure what the fuck he expected to happen.
Cope, nigger.
If I was in there pissing and some guy filmed me on a livestream I would knock him out cold
What is wrong with this moron?
capitalists are about innovation,the new,the revolutions,they're left-wing
Because he's camera man was a retard and followed him into the bathroom
>caring about any streamer that isn't jerma985
i want the zoomers to leave
She was open for the backhand slap to the noggin
How did he miss?
Bootlickers really do believe the shit they spew, huh?
people that watch Forsen are probably the underage kids that post on this site.
Imagine hating people because they're attractive and not calling out the one tribe that actually practices rampant ethnic purity testing and ethnic nepotism around the world.
Israel shouldn’t exist
is this loss?
bajs is /r9k/ and Yea Forums combined
pot calling the kettle black
>he's camera man was a retard and followed him into the bathroom
Do you think the camera man does anything that his boss doesn't approve of ahead of time?
funniest reply ITT, better than the guy complaining about height
Yeah, no, you wouldn't do shit try hard. Dr is like 8 feet tall and almost pure muscle. He would absolutely destroy your lard ass.
Just to be clear, it was his Cameraman not him. Still deserved ban tho
>caring about any streamer that isn't this guy
then why are there so many pornos that take place in bathrooms?
Ok, here I go. I think you're stupid.
One day I will own this board.
Filming other people without their consent retard
Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with people who frequent Twitch?
Is that supposed to be a gotcha? It is what most people think, and it isn't totally wrong as many leftists incorporate using states into their strategy.
and whats a baj?
Even though streamers can forget about it, laws are still laws and apply to everyone. Just because you have 50 thousand children that follow you on the internet around and write shit in chat doesn't somehow make you above the rules.
I doubt he approved this shot.
I don't follow him so much because he keeps playing that retarded moba game but it's still impressive how he keeps demolishing all of /pol/'s idols in debates, how can nobody stop him?
Kys dumb underage
His stream had like 90k viewers today. Do you really think Twitch is stupid enough to perma ban one of their biggest money makers?
>Guy does something illegal
>Suffers consequences for doing something illegal
It's pretty cut and dry.
>Everything is political
>What about corporations
>No not them
Twitch is a garbage SJW platform but you have to be fucking stupid to stream in a public bathroom like that and not expect repercussions
he was probably instructed to follow him around E3 and the dumbass thought filming him in the bathroom would be part of it what's weird is he had 4 guys also following him and none of them told the guy that maybe filming in a bathroom is not a good idea
>literally goes to CNN HQ to get coached on social engineering
>STILL loses every debate to conservatives
>becomes increasingly feminized and deranged every moment
>still averages like 1k viewers and 1k likes on his vids despite DECADES of streaming and activity
why are leftists so unintelligent, unlikable, pathetic etc? why are they bottom feeders?
yeah man the employee knows exactly what the boss wants at all times right?
>stands right next to a guy
What a fucking faggot.
No wonder I only would start to think about paid audiences until this year
It all makes sense now
t. globohomo supporter
man the doc is an absolute unit
fucking towering over anyone
how fucking tall is he again?
>Caring about streamers at all
Time for the rope punks.
gotta make your money somehow
Porn is staged you fucking moron.
He streamed people illegally in the bathroom multiple times with Twitch staff present.
This is pretty much a perma ban.
I love images when men put women in their place with violence
anymore like this? preferably with the women being beaten to death?
What the hell?
And nothing of value was lost.
>open ticket
>costs money so not open to buy
i would never willingly go and pee like that i would enter one of those rooms desu
>No wonder I only would start to think about paid audiences until this year
The press conferences are separate events from E3 proper you dummy
HE was already one of the most famous streamers before all that. Celebs play up their drama, its poor form to invent in entirely.
>none of them told the guy that maybe filming in a bathroom is not a good idea
Well any retard could tell you not to do that. That's filming 101.
So he hired a complete, utter, absolute incompetent retard and paid the consequences. Your crew is you when they're on your payroll, a failure to control them is on your head. He shouldn't have had to tell someone not to break the one law that even corporate lobbying couldn't get by, but he didn't and now he's banned.
>Tfw this looks like me in some dance classes I took in college where most girls barely came up to my sternum
I thank God everyday for having the same height and frame as my mom's father. No matter how bad things are at least I have my height.
If you ask /pol/ they unironically think he loses those debates, kinda sad how jaded people are.
>food analogy
Read Uncle Ted
>film people pissing without their consent
>get the piss taken out of you
the globohomos are capitalists
I mean it's illegal in all states. It's a federal law.
>Not using a Toilet to pee
actual Brainlets
>Chin disappears into his neck when not mewing with a wig on
Well that's indefensible.
>camera in public bathroom
why? He's not showing you anything you can't already see by just going in there. He didn't put the camera into a stall and video someone shitting. What's the problem?
I remember years ago I literally rented corporate housing across the street for an entire month for both E3 and AX. It was quite interesting being RIGHT THERE next to the action and not have to worry about parking or walking far to get there. The two weeks though that didn't have a convention I had to commute to work from there and hang out with the DTLA crowd but it was a pretty legit summer vacation.
honestly if im watching a livestream i dont wanna see a couple of random niggers pissing. i dont care how edgy or random it its pointless
>left wing
It's the opposite in america buddy,
>how can nobody stop him?
Because he edits all of his videos to make his opponents look stupid and he "argues" dishonestly.
This is why I always use the booths. Fuck you, you have your own dick.
Whenever I have to use the public washroom, I go to the stall to piss instead of the piss toilet.
It’s comments and behavior like this that actively push me leftward.
>streamer who does political debates
Sounds like total bullshit if he didn't make the donation.
okay incel
The problem is it's illegal. No need to justify it any further, he broke the law and he's fucked.
You don't need to get a candid shot of their shit encrusted asshole for it to be illegal.
>Breaking the 1 urinal buffer.
He deserves every thing that comes to him.
Libertarians are nazis now?
become a leftist so we can get rid of you
imagine what this person looks like in real life
It's not about if he is showing a dick or not. It's about it being illegal by definition. Victimless crime is still a crime.
Or so you think you argue with police that speeding with over 200 km/h isn't a crime because you killed nobody? Good luck with that.
corporations are more centrist and authoritarian than anything, they're only possible because of the government
I'd never conflate liberals with leftists. at least liberals are effective
...It is?
how can filming in a bathroom end up being political? /pol/ was a mistake
f-fuck off tranny
Yeah so is the point made 2 post before
doesn't make sense for it to be illegal. ANYONE can go in the bathroom and watch someone piss. Even little kids, or now even people of the opposite gender. It's not illegal to watch people piss, so it shouldn't be illegal to film it
>He's not showing you anything you can't already see by just going in there.
If you don't realize there's a difference between seeing something with your own eyes and filming/photographing/broadcasting it then you're beyond explaining to anyway.
What are you, a virgin dicklet who is afraid of showing his tiny peenus weenus?
Honestly, what kind of retard mongoloid streams a fucking bathroom full of strangers? Does he think all the shit TV does with consent slips are a fucking joke or what?
When he cheated on his wife and took a break from twitch for a few months he missed out on the Fortnite BOOM that happened and all these other streamers shot past him in popularity.
If he is banned for a while I don't think it would be worth the risk regardless of the attention he would get for doing it. Plus he will probably have to pay a fine to the state of California given that it is illegal what he did and he opened himself up to be sued by the people he filmed in the restroom against their permission.
>Duuude the most popular board on the site is a boogieman
Watching something is completely different from making a permanent recording of that same thing, then publishing that permanent recording to literally everyone in the world..
big difference between you walking into a bathroom and you showing thousands of people on stream everyone in the bathroom.
when did they make it open?
You can be left wing. It's not wrong unless you start believing the dumb shit the far left says.
Yea Forums is so late on e-celeb and twitch faggotry it's crazy
What a fucking idiot. A permaban is too harsh though
You can't be serious, right ?
I'm white and tall, where are my perks, faggot ?
Are there really people that unironically pee standing up like that? That's fucking disgusting, not to mention super gay with the lack of privacy.
Probably checking out each other's cocks while their piss splashes everywhere from that height.
>t. dumb insecure asshole who takes the only booth because he's afraid someone will see his peepee.
Would you like a stranger to film you while taking a piss or shit?
What's a good twitch alt?
>STILL loses every debate to conservatives
Destiny has logically dismantled jon tron, naked ape, sargon and Jim and BTFO'd them completely. He's just very good at calling out peoples' logical inconsistencies, and forcing them to clearly define the terms being argued. When they can't do that, or start tripping over their own contradictions, they sperg out and start screeching about how he's arguing in "bad faith" or resorting to really pathetic feelings-over-facts type stuff.
Why are these niggas standing next to each other when there's space for buffers????
Mewing isn't a thing, user.
It is above average size. And yes, this one is for the ladies only. Be a faggot elsewhere.
in asia,go get your waifu
No its not you stupid faggot. They did that one on purpose and knew what they were doing
He'll probably just get a temp suspension from Twitch and a fine from the state.
destiny loses literally every debate. leftism has lost the debate. globalism has lost the debate.
Those are your perks retard. If you're struggling on very easy mode you're as bad as the retard that couldn't finish the cuphead tutorial.
t. faggot
I bet you don't even wash your hands.
>Not just breaking twitch TOS but committing actual crime
>Too harsh
It's not too harsh, it's absolutely justified. Just because you are a streamer you aren't above the law for some reason and twitch know that. They themselves as a company don't want any trouble with law because some retard decided to stream in a shitter.
>letting some anonymous comments dictate your political beliefs
damn. whats it like living only in the internet your whole life?
>sargon and Jim
lul wut
Jim and Sargon both made him so mad he threw an autistic shitfit on cam. He didn't come away from either looking good.
United citizens vs The FEC in 2010 removed any risk of corporations receiving backlash for manipulating public opinion by funding ostensibly grass-roots political organizations and making unlimited donations to the party of their choice. For the past decade corporations have had exactly nothing to lose by wading into politics and using social issues as a marketing tagline unless they run afoul of public opinion.
The solution is to always question the origin and funding of statistical analysis when it's presented as a motivating factor for social or political change. Question, not disregard which means actually taking an extra minute to follow the chain of citation back to the root and get an idea of whether or not the sample size was adequate or the questions fair and not leading or vague. If this info is not available you're dealing with cooked numbers at best, outright lies at worst.
>Does something illegal
>Is temporary banned for it
This is like highschool all over again. The cool kid gets suspended by the principle then returns as a hero.
You guys are pathetic zoomers.
how are those perks if they don't come with anything substantial
Because they are stupid
Ok good, line up against the wall
destiny is pretty good at what he does, which is dismantle other people's views. there are times though he gets caught out, and will start to weasel
>he can just go over to Dlive now.
now that's based
>Faggot loser now has to get a real job instead of screaming for kids while playing video games
And everything was right with the world
um there's tons of voyeur pornos of people being filmed in places with a hidden cam.
no you wouldn't
>exposing strangers just trying to piss is “free speech”
Your rights end where someone else’s begin. Filming strangers on the toilet is a violation of their rights, thus it doesn’t fall under free speech.
he won't touch race and some of his economic arguments boil down to 'muh gdp'
>very easy mode
You have no idea, don't you ? Ofcourse you don't.
I’m pretty sure rights don’t matter
>cool kid
More like the screeching retard everyone likes to laugh at.
>why am i getting in trouble? bringing the gun into the bank WAS a meme, your honor
Why are people literally defending a guy that filmed in public bathrooms?
Hypothetically, if you were in that bathroom taking a piss, and assuming you were enough of a madman to actually do it, what would happen to you if you turned around and flashed the camera? What would happen if you ran over and pissed on the streamer dude?
>I define my values exclusively by opposition to other people
>streamer who wins political debates
>very easy mode
Chill he never said he had money
pic not related
>this is what a man winning an argument looks like
He's right though. Blizzard is a fucking shell of its former self. Everyone who ever cared about video games has left or burned out by now.
is the one next to him his friend or something?
cause it's a bit gay to do shit like that
>After getting expelled
Yeah, I see how fast the quality of posts drop once it's burgertime
Because it wasnt even him to filmed it, it was his dumbass cameraguy. It's obviously wrong but I doubt he would have been that stupid if he was holding the camera probably assumed his retard camerman would turn it off in bathroom
And they would be committing a far more serious crime, you incomprehensibly retarded troglodyte.
Go back to your 3rd world commie hellhole please. When the people don't believe in the laws that govern them that both makes them extreme cucks and those laws will swiftly be changed.
Techinically this retard broke the law not doc
that's a big girl
>If you are an e-celeb you can film underage boys pee pee
Do I say clown world or HONK?
I'm not up to date with the zoomers memes.
Yeah all those right wingers calling for an end to free speech and for their political opponents to be censored.
Hes already a millionaire with a dedicated fanbase. He'll just go to youtube. He will never have to flip burgers like you do faggot.
So rights, which includes the right of “free speech”, do not matter? Is that what you are saying?
Destiny's style of debating is machinegunning flimsy facts at 300 words per minute while hurling distracting comments at you as you try to look up and refute his bullshit "facts". Destiny is one of the most disingenuous debaters around, he never debated Jim, however. And he can be pretty easily beat if you don't play his game and force him to adress a losing point.
how are his fans defending him?
So how come Darksydephil is still allowed to be streaming even when he was masturbating live for everyone to see that one time?
>>If you are an e-celeb you can film underage boys pee pee
>Was insta banned on Twitch
I can tell you are not up to date, you are just looking for a reason to call clown world.
I hope you get tortured indefinitely by the fbi, see how much your rights matter
yeah i'm not surprised he filmed a bathroom
The day keeps getting better doesn't it?
I love it.
t. seething fanboy
Keep working wagie, I'm sure he cares about your monthly subs and donations :^)
I love it when people need to resort to adhoms when regarding destiny because it's the most obvious admission of loss
They didn't care when he was a straight pedo, you think they're gonna care that he's a gay pedo?
That's what I assumed he did. It didn't even occur to me that anyone would be insane enough to film random non-consenting people in a bathroom. He's lucky he only got banned from Twitch.
eceleb bullshittery is not video games
You have obviously never watched a debate in full, he constantly says to his opponent that he does talk fast so if he is going to fast they should interrupt him mid sentence. And he certainly doesn't spout flimsy facts thats what all his opponents do.
Columbo got me into ordering a cup of chili whenever I eat out. You can't go wrong with chili.
I make 100k a year im not struggling like you faggot
They spent all that money on him and they don't want it to be for nothing
If you're easily swayed like a spineless reed in the wind then you belong on the left desu
You actually believe this
>Back in 2016 I was able to get some good contacts from other companies and open up my job prospects.
No one fucking cares about you, you fucking weirdo. If you need a fucking nerd circus to network then you suck dick at it anyway and deserve to be unemployed.
>100k a year
LMAO look at this poor cuck thinking he's rich or something
Found the desteeny cuck
Feel free to defend the image of him being a flailing autist, if you've "won" it should be easy.
I respect your right to be a butthurt little faggot
>how are his fans defending him?
Probably with their words. Which you can't use obviously.
>Get out of jail free card for filming underage boys wieners
Can you give any examples that back your claim or refute mine?
>"HE was already one of the most famous streamers before all that."
>only popular with kids
>plays games only popular with kids
>even played games with kids from his stream
underage detected
because despite all the cringe of his character, doc is literally /our guy/
So fucking what? Its against the law, you pay the fucking fine and thats it. Its not like you go to jail over such stupid thing. Thank god the actual real world is more adult than fucking twictch viewers who are permanently trapped in a mindset of a middleschooler.
People that are afraid of urinals tend to have a small dick and think the people next to them will make fun of them.
No one is denying that he is an autist
It is against the law in California but since he was not even the one filming why would he get charged? His Camera guy would
>dismantled jon tron, naked ape, sargon and Jim
i have no idea who the fuck are these people are besides jon tron and jon isn't a guy who actively debates politics. thats like debating sasha grey on who is the best league of legends character to play as she streams.
quick rundown on the pedo thing?
At least unlike most streamers Disrespect actually has a degree. So he won't starve.
>He was expecting something like video related
This. Well more like 50/50, it's either this or they happen to be straight.
probably not like this (you)
Fetch a shovel and start digging degenerate.
So what's next after twitch for this man?
>Too harsh
Is a criminal offense
Probably just hurts twitch more.
>chats spamming shoot that naga while spamming trihard and u good bruh
Cut the bullshit and just owned up to what you was doing. Everyone with a braincell know the meaning behind that phrase
>Called Dr DisRespect
>Acts disrespectful
So even you aren’t sure if you believe in what you’re saying. Interesting.
>Its against the law, you pay the fucking fine and thats it.
That depends on the crime itself.
And the worst thing for services like twitch is to be involved with actual criminals, no matter if prison or "just" a fine, since it hurts their image
So it's obvious that they permaban him and don't want to get involved with him, especially if he is the big streamer since big streamers are literally the face of twitch
He is unironically the most grown up streamer with the most mature content and the guy fucking wears a wig. Tells you a lot about the rest of that shithole.
He got a kid in that. If the parents wanted, he could have gone to jail and being bankrupted till his death
Yeah but did you know despite being 13% of the sealife Nagas make up 50% of piracy
Honestly become the best lefty you can be. We don't need weak willed faggots on our side.
Yeah no
It's literally illegal. I don't think twitch had much of a choice
Reread what I wrote, I am asking for evidence to back your claim or refute mine because I believe mine but in the face of evidence I would be willing to change my opinion like a normal fucking person. Go watch any of the debates in full without your bias and make your own opinion. Don't listen 5 seconds clips on Pol and the narrative people press
No instead they want to tell you what you can and can't do with your own body in the name of "family values".
based and ratpilled
Dude you are retarded. Please fuck off back to your twitch stream cause you obviiously don't know much about life. Breaking the law doesn't make you a fucking criminal, getting a parking ticket doesn't make you a fucking felon. Grow up retard and lurk more.
why does he get affected so much by a single emote?
which emote
are destiny fans all 13 so they have no conception of him from when he was actually relevant
>he never debated Jim
I'd say their debate went through 3 phases, jim won 2/3
Is being white really that big a deal?
I'm white and I never thought it a big deal. Not tall, though, just average. I do have blonde hair and blue eyes, though, if that matters.
It's just weird to think that other people make a big deal about skin color.
Well yeah that ls the whole point of my post
because he has confidence issues, happens a lot with people who were really competitive early in life and then fell off
That's very illegal lmao
The only god tier streamer is Demolition_D
>Filming people in the urinal, considering the fact that there was a kid and it can go up to 6 months in prison according to the laws of that state doesn't make you a criminal
>lurk more
You are a triple nigger, /Pol/ turned your brains into humus
that's 100% why he got banned and why he is totally fucked if the parents have a meltdown over this and sue because you can't film people in bathrooms in california
He lost to Ryan Dawson.
post statute
>All these people falling for such easy fucking b8
Goddamnit, it just gets easier and easier every year
>debating Jim
Just ask him why he keeps reinventing his online persona every 5 years like a fucking teenage thot.
>He is unironically the most grown up streamer with the most mature content
His audience is 8-year-olds.
What the fuck are you talking about you schizophrenic faggot, did
you confuse me with someone else?
Room temperature IQ
he can't handle being the butt of a joke, probably a confidence thing
>say racial slurs
>act surprised when you get banned
isn't he some 6'6 turbochad e-celeb tho?
In my country, our urinals have dividers
This just looks really weird
Invasion of privacy.
Wait, is Doc really a spic?
It's a temporary ban. It's been confirmed.
By Dr.DisRespect himself check his twitter
confidence issues don't always make sense
>>literally goes to CNN HQ to get coached on social engineering
this is my favorite lie because someone actually went through and timed how much each person talks and destiny talks about half the time his opponent does
keep coping with your feelings>facts mentality though
>6'6 turbochad
There you go.
>why does an internet troll use different account names
hmmmm i dunno
Jim was asked that, he said he likes a smaller crowd. Not Jim's fault people naturally like him.
that's precisely why it effects him so much. When you go through life without much difficulty or ever having to be on the receiving end of a joke, it's no surprise he freaks out when it finally happens to him.
Relax m8 just takin the piss :^)
Well it's lucky you have a right to express your discontent and advocate positions that interest you, a right you so eagerly wish to rob from others.
I mean he does, anytime he doesn't debate a literally who he pretty just sits there and gets schooled. Like, actually schooled I'm not exaggerating he pretty much just sits through a lecture and occasionally asks a dumb question. When he does debate he pretty much admits he just sends emails out to people who watch his streams who are professionals in a given a field on what they would say.
Dude, he's a twitch streamer. I don't know why zoomers have such admiration and respect for someone of that calibre as if they dedicate their lives to an academic pursuit. They play video games and e beg for a living. Destiny is not an authority on any subject.
You actually can not read. Learn to read before going on an internet forum.
>people naturally like him
lmao, he stole entire Yea Forums threads for the Channel Awesome videos. Of course they do, he's just regurgitating Yea Forums: The Best Of.
What the fuck does /pol/ have to do with anything that I'm telling you? And if you really think an actual judge is going to watch that clip and find anything wring with it other than a rule violation they you are either retarded or an underage, but probably both.
So fuck off and lurk more.
I mean that isn't what they said at all?
he can talk half the time and still double the amount they are saying. him taking up more time doesn't even make sense because he wants to put them in defensive positions where they have to give long explanation while he desperately avoids those situations himself
Holy fuck JIM BTFO'd him so bad his own comment section is saying he lost. You know you're fucked when your own fanbase is telling you this.
Destiny is simply an even talentless Ben Shapiro, same meaningless pilpul but without that Jewish instinct. Not surprising these insufferable faggots are manlets. Anyone who is entertained or impressed by either of them is legit braindead.
>All those free urinals
>People still pairing up
As oppose to other streamers? And yeah, seeing his audience is the one that donates the most, I'm sure you're right fag.
he's a music school dropout that doesn't know the difference between absolute and comparative advantage making him the greatest intellect of all of reddit
All I said to you is that you actually believe this and you had a complete meltdown, I suggest you take you medicine before you shoot up a school.
Literally who?
>he's just regurgitating Yea Forums: the best of
Sometimes he does. However its not secret he lurks pretty much every board here and 4+Yea Forums. Hes probably in this thread.
This, Caleb flashed a discord message calling Carcinogen a nigger, got banned for a week and came back to a new peak sub count. Reseteraniggers lose in the end.
some youtuber obviusly
from his getup someone that got lost in a sporting goods store in thailand
>corporation bans man for saying n-word
>this makes me so happy that I'm going to gift $3 to another unrelated corporation for no reason
What the fuck is wrong with modern liberals?
Nah I wouldn't be on this site if that was the case. While the worst on the left just mouth off on Twitter, the worst on the right are actively fucking up the world.
Yeah because going to the farthest urinal like i little fag is such a manly thing to do
Literally who?
Fuck this user.
Praise Jannies.
Another forced meme from resetera and pals. Unfortunately it gets (you)s just like the faggot have sex replies.
>Destiny has logically dismantled jon tron, naked ape, sargon and Jim and BTFO'd them completely
No he didn't. I watched 2 of those and I could hardly call them debates. It was more like a mild conversation. Destiny didn't really have any points against Jon in specific, I remember Jon was more focused on making jokes and Destiny"s entire point was JonTron can't be right wing just because he's half Hungarian and half Person, ignoring the fact that even Hitler would consider such a person to be white. Persians are Indo-Europeans, moreso than Hungarian ffs, and then he had nothing to say but
>I don't believe that
When Jon stated facts like that rich black commit more crimes than poor white people and that Pakistan is an incredibly inbred country. Both are verifiable facts that Destiny just raged about for 10 minutes without refuting either claim.
I am sure the federal government and state of California will allow Doc to break the law because a company worth 1/1000th what they are is too much
>this tranny is still seething and samefagging in every thread that mentions the naga incident
Get a life unironically
You would be a lot more effective if you were truthful
t.The virgin sprinkle.
Quite reactionary of you buddy.
Protip: He isn't a movie star or musician. He will not be fed royalties until he dies. When what he has earned dries up, that is it.
This shit happens to pro athletes and shit all the time.
>t.sits down to pee
i've never seen him 'win' an argument.
to btfo the libtards
I saw a clip of him on the floor today because he interrupted Easy Allies doing their coverage. He stood next to Huber who's 6 feet and he looked like a fucking dwarf next to him. Doesn't stop him from being a cringey as fuck streamer that is only popular because of children.
Imagine the smell
oh no no trannybros looks like /pol/ won this thread and has more influence than ever before how can we compete trannybros i wish i didnt mutilate my penis trannybros
Libshits have replaced god with brand names and corporations while simultaneously admiring communism. Political polarization causes derangement, the right is just as bad with anti-vaxxer nutjobs and Qpedes. I hate libshits far more though.
if destiny really conflates "right-wing" with "whiteness" or the 1930s then he should try reading a book
what do you disagree with him on?
>literally defending adult babysitters breaking the law
Is it time Yea Forums bullied /pol/fags to death yet?
How is that not "open" tickets? It's just overpriced garbage, but still open to the public.
naw dude im pretty sure that shit was open for people to buy tickets to. It would be like comic-con or any other place being closed off business only. The reality is it was something people could pay admission to and later the locked it off because they realized PEOPLE were also CRITICS and smelly. God it smelled awful at E3 with all those smelly nerds running around. You really think they had booth babes, demos with lines, and all that shit just for businesses to walk around and sample shit? That shit was public in the beginning, it started public and it later got closed off to be more commercialized propaganda.