Now she’s perfect
Now she’s perfect
holy fuck yes
perfect for the trash
didnt even recognize at first not even trying to meme, so much fucking better wow
now that's more like it
Should have been her partner
They really did just color swap a white girl
True, surprisingly.
niggers seething
Now. . .. . she's perfect. . . .
>Now she's ruined
fixed your typo
Please, PLEASE have sexual relations
>I want to have sex with people outside my own race because it's unique and different from the norm
this is your mind on SJW
Nobody thinks you are interesting for forcing yourself to like black people user
Quit idolizing white women
I'd rather fuck a child t b hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
That's actually not bad
she looks like she fucks black guys
Have sex or dilate.
seems like she actually was white at first but got blacked to keep the sjw’s away
>"She's not black, she's brown!"
>still have to change her color
The denial is STRONG
She looks too basic. Needs choco
The problem is the Spongebob eyelashes and the nasty blue eyeshadow.
Works surprisingly well actually.
>if you prefer this skin color on this fictional characters it means you want to fuck outside of your race.
Yeah, no.
>no dick
You ruined it
*punches you*
sheeeeeeeeeeeeiit looks like we have a nigger here
surprised you can even read with your underdeveloped monkey brain ooga booga
That actually looks really good.
yikes... cringe and bluepilled
Now, give her tanlines and she'll actually be perfect
I think I'm going to be ill.
Now he's perfect.
unironically no
Based Yea Forumsirgin, fight the good fight!
remove her clothing
where's the swastika arm band?
you only have a 1/8192 chance of encountering this version of nessa
>trying to trick people into being pro-nig by giving hot characters dark skin
>fans give them light skin and everyone realize they're even hotter
any games for this feel?
Holy shit, at last I truly see!
I dont recognize that buldge
the tide pod challenge
She probably doesn't need those flotation devices on her ankles anymore.
>everyone is white
Sorry nigga, even the projects have high speed internet connections now.
Homosexuality you will not get me. Not this time.
He's still alive?
Oh wow John really did a Number on him
Whites prefer other races.
asians > spics > blacks
If there’s nothing better, white should suffice tho’
You gay, my dude?
>decaying ion my room every day
do it faster
Ooh no no no
Suicide soon boys
I will now buy your game.
why are you so racist? all this for a kid's game?
So do you.
No, now she is perfect
Why would you ruin her making her white?
Didn't the artist who made this also have a snarky description to go with it?
Was she just dirty and took a bath? Niggers are people covered in shit, confirmed.
I unironically find this extremely attractive, goddamn
I like to watch little bitches like you desperately cope like this. Keep bending over, little boy.
Literally none
I'm not gonna lie. This is even better.
Have a banana before you get too uppity and I put you down behind the shed, pet chimp.
based and redpilled
seethe harder tranny
>/pol/ desperately trying to convince Yea Forums that brown girls are actually bad and failing
It's gonna be a wild couple of months.
Whiteoid on suicide watch
why not both.
How about now?
thats not how twins work
Based. she looks so good.
You sure about that?
the triple trouble
One's a shiny.
Y the fuck my weewee hard?
P-please post more.
Pucci and Weather Report
I don't know if it has a name, but I've seen this thing where groupies will style themselves the exact same way to keep it symetrical when they're behind their dude.
The only edit that works
high iq post
Its not bad or anything, its really just a chocolate or vanilla thing and a matter of tastes.
Is that what those fucking things are? that's retarded. they'll constantly be flipping her legs up to the surface she'll have to do faster arm strokes to keep her head above water Because she can't put herself up right & tread water.
You can make the skin pitch black, she'll still look good cause of the non-African facial features.
>hurf durf different races all look the same
Probably lets her walk on water
>Yeah bro I can totally discern racial characteristics on a non-detailed anime face
Boobs not big enough
Have sex
Variety is the spice of life, user. Not every girl needs to be a titty monster.
This pleases my dick.
Anime is based on white features. That's why they're so attractive.
>brown girl with blue eyes
Honestly I don't give a fuck about Gamefreak's trashfires anymore but god damn I do like the girls
Yes but it's based on the setting her original skin color makes more sense.
I keep telling people that the whole BLACKED shit is just a minority fetish.
>Asian women are absolutely based as fuck
I had no problems with the previous design, but I do unironically like this better.
Asian master race
fucking kek my man
But you're white user. Why are you ugly?
have sleep
Now for sure
There is no problem you faggot.
based sandalbro
If guys looked like that I would have brought immense shame to my family.
Probably because I eat like crap, don't exercise enough and spend too much time indoors.
How is that in any way relevant? White features are attractive, not all white people are.
step aside faggos! Now this is Taste,
reminds me of kusanagi tonbo's moon girl
>White features are attractive, not all white people are.
The not so superior race!
Legitimately better.
This is the worst brown girl in years. Gamefreak's lost their touch.
People only think that because you subconsciously fill in details from anime. Why the fuck do you think black people make Piccolo into a nigga in their memes? He's colored but has the same facial style as everyone else. They project their blackness onto him just like this pencil dick incel projects his idealistic self onto anime girls.
this seems so wholesome
We need to go darker...
-ly horrible.
you made her into a generic blonde bimbo, fuck off and let me keep my brown beauty to myself
Disgusting. Looks like she's from Jersey.
Unironically looks better. Even giving her a tan would be great too.
>Nintendo hires JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS to be their official speed runner
>he just gets paid a huge amount just to play games quick
>Cosmo joins the 40%
It's just an average normal word, you mongoloid
underrated post
/pol/'s gonna FREAK
someone do a more caramel/tan color
Now this is perfection. Just don't open it.
why is this sentence so funny
Now she's perfect
dont do that
>gauff poke girl
Now we're talking
Based Asian women
That's an old tweet
more importantly
Reminder that Narcissa moved back home with mommy and daddy
There, NOW it's art!
actually fixed now
now THATS a mommy
thats actually pretty cool
Nigga, when I said dark, I meant THE INKY BLACKNESS OF DEEP SPACE!
You have such a strange fetish
what is this deep character lore being constructed in real time on Yea Forums? she is a high roller poker player now?
What if she captures negroes in her pokeballs and deploys them as superweapons against pokemon?
In terms of looks? Yeah, it really is.
In terms of financial success and power? No. That's the asians and jews respectively.
Laughing right now, why is this so funny
Damn you I was just about to make a ganguro version
A man of culture. But allow me to show you WHAT A REAL MAN OF CULTURE HAS!
terrible. she needs to do squats
hi shadman,
>african all have the same facial features
Retarded mutt.
Cosmo really let himself go.
Why is this so hot
give her glasses
My dick is super excited for sword and sheild. I think we have only seen 3 females so far and all are 10/10 top waifu cuties.
Now she's generic. Fuck off, get some variety into your life.
Best one
Based monstergirl fucker