What race is she?
What race is she?
Succubus / semen demon
Indian as said by the official sources
>straight hair
>blue eyes
not black
It doesn't matter
Just jack off to her
>Americano (Perfeccion)
What the amerimutt becomes after absorbing the last two ethnicities, abos and berbers, becoming the ubermensch
Quintessentially British.
She's black, get over it.
some white supremacist will say paki/arab
She is Indian, sir...
It's anime, stop getting triggered Pajeet.
People don't have orange eyes and green pubes in real life either.
Team Aqua
She looks like a Brazillian black girl, but she also has blue eyes
Black isn't a race numbnuts it's a skin color and brown isn't black either black is fucking black.
Burgers need to stop lumping everyone else in with Africans and Europeans.
Honorary white
a nigger
I'm just here to shitpost. She's black.
How is that an honor?
delicious brown
delicious brown, aka non-existent anime shit
if she had pointed elf ears she'd be just as hot yet no-one would argue that liking dark elves has anything to do with race
Lenora has teal eyes.
Everybody knows that isn't how Japan draws blacks.
These guys get it.
Sub-saharan african or dravidian.
Whats funny about this whole thing is how they basically put dark brown over a woman with typical anime girl features which are a combination of cute asian and white women features. There is nothing black or indian about this girl except her skin. Nintendo did enough research into this kinda thing and decided that the best way for them to include diversity in their game would be color swapping white with brown. No afros, no big noses, nothing. They knew that there would be a witch hunt if they didn't add someone who wasn't white or asian and they knew that these sorta people are considered to be uglier and mightve subconsciously caused people to like the game less. What they did was simple and genius
A blue-eyed lemur
Maybe Africans should stop being so fugly
Paki here. She's too dark to be one
Black as blacks can be.
thank God, I thought she was a nigger!
White man's cumdump
cock sleeve
She's black, get over it.
she looks great. pokemon is a waifu generator like no other
It's literally the same bitch as pic related
Breeding material.
Waiting for them to respond to this.
Doesn't matter. My cock won't know the difference.
Indian Aryan Atleast I think that's what it's called
Trying to assign race to anime stylized features is about as stupid as trying to figure out the breed of this horse.
yfw they're sisters
Indian, unlike Iris who is actually black
Nope too dark for that. Dravidian makes more sense
Jesus, the hentai community didn't waste any time, did they?
Anime characters dont have a race
Pacific islander
What's going on here?
the race that make me diamons
>attractive dark skinned woman is shown in a game
>pol/storm front goon perform gold medal tier gymnastics about how she's arab or middle eastern to justify being attracted to them
every. single. time
More than likely this. She also has the tropical theme going on
>nintendo doesn't pander to nig-
Pokemon has had legit obvious negros since B/W though
have sex
It panders to my dick.
Less out of passion and more about being the first to get your artwork on the internet so it goes viral since people want porn now. If new waifu designs are revealed they'll never waste a chance.
I wish they would also justify why a single woman never found tjem attractive in real life despite being white.
>cute asian and white women features
Anime characters barely even look human at all, let alone any particular race.
>black having long, straight hair
>indian dressing like a slut
I think not. She's anime race, as in not real.
White with black skin. /thread
while this certainly happens, we can't make any claim as to what race this character is. There are not enough ethnic signifiers.
They just blame the juuz
>off model porn
yes, there are pure japanese people with dark skin
White women outside anime are ugly.
Cool, which race has natural blue eyes, brown skin and two-toned hair?
This is not important
Why is that hat sweating?
Why do people give a shit
She's amazing for fap material
shut up thirdworlder.
>India was the leader of the nonaligned movement
So Indian?
depends what race my dick is
perfect example of a little boy trying to fit in with a bunch of strangers
no self identity or self worth
Uchinanchyu. These Japanese Devs are brilliant, they can appeal to a Japanese minority, and an American minority, and nobody will notice. Niggers are too stupid to realise they're being played, they'll just see "brown skin like me, so progressive. Finally some representation" and be satisfied.
but Haitian is a nationality, not a race, user...
>Dude, shes got le white features!
This model is dark af, straight up from Gambia
that because some user want to bleach her, some fear of getting corrupted by her
You boys are looking pretty desperate. We can't possibly make any claim about the character's ethnicity.
black you fucking retarded ass niggas
Shes pokenian from fucking pokemon land
No, I shall not fap today, brown girl thread
For I have elected only the biggest cummies for myself
Sure thing.
I agree with you
eat shit and take my unsatisfying (you)
>We can't possibly make any claim about the character's ethnicity
>btw she's white
even the angle and makeup can hide her huge nose
that's why Puerto Ricans and Hatians are so similar right?
>Fake contacts
>Fake hair color, straightened
she's a race I want to fuck
and blue eyes?
>not just one, but TWO delicious brown water type trainers
>the potential for hot incest art if they are related
God has blessed us this day.
My dick doesn't care.
So this is a good enough answer for me
>Fake hair color
Dude are you sure? Thats crazy man
no race
made up anime character with dark skin
I didn't say that. It's just people who design anime characters often like to design brown characters without invoking any particular race.
Not that guy but read the other replies. Whites and Asians cant have pink eyes either but here we are.
>make up, angle, hair to hide her negroid features
yikes dude
Elma in real!
Who the fuck cares what race she is as long as she's hot. It doesn't matter IRL and it matters even less in a fictional 2d world.
black people can't swim, so they need their pokemon
only white men can create women like this in real life
Looks like the Daytona 500
can autists stop complaining about x features on anime characters?
They are ANIME CHARACTERS. Doesn't matter which country they are from, they almost always have the same features. Fuck off with this shit
M = minute
Does she like showing off bikinis?
Your lot that live near me are almost as dark as coal.. she's too light to be one of you.
That's a malaysian gook
>Fake hair color
Holy Fuck really. What tipped that off you fucking moron
Superior 2.5D
As much as I want her to be black, she's most likely Indian considering this region is based off England.
That girl is part Congolese, apparently.
According to twittertwats that can't shut the fuck up, she's AFRICAN and has to be drawn a such.
Strangely, they think people will whitewash her in porn, and when that was proven wrong they picked a pink of with pink nipples to sperg out about with REEEEE BLACK PEOPLE DON'T HAVE PINK NIPPLES.
Try and point it's fiction and they'll tell you "Japanese people don't have pink nipples either, and black people exist all over the world, including the UK.
Also, these same twats act like she's the first black character in the entire franchise.
even africans can have blue eyes.
I hope you all realize blue eyes are a sign of genetic weakness
Not human. The people from the pokemon universe did not originate or evolve from earth.
imagine her teaching you how to swim
Unironically this. Most "black" anime characters look as white as the rest of them, just with the skin color changed.
Post anime characters who actually look black. There aren't many.
Indian, like half of britbongland.
I think it's more pathetic that you have to try to go through mental gymnastics to find any way of justifying that she isn't black because you can't masturbate to her if she was identified as such.
whites enslaved you and then set you free. What does that make you then?
mr poopoo
This girl has black features. It's an interesting stylistic choice to render her in much more detail than the other characters. Compare her to Miyuki from Basquash!.
She isn't black or white or anything in between. She is just pixels on a screen.
She's not black, get over it. She's indian, as said by official sources.
SEETH harder /pol/yp your kind is dying out to the superior races with actual culture.
You know how they tried to mix European honey bees with African bees to make a hardier variety but fucked up and just made an ultra aggressive mutt because the samples escaped? She's what they would have been like had the experiment been a success.
/pol/ can't live with themselves finding a girl who's supposed to be black attractive so they have to try and rationalize why she isn't black.
>ultra sexually aggressive mutt
You didn't enslave any but take the credit of people who like you now get off the net loser and do something with your life
>official sources.
No, more like territorial mutts that just murder anything that comes close. God what a shitshow of an attempt at selective breeding that was.
You posted an octopus.
>character gets released
>first question is what race she belongs to
Where did humanity go so wrong?
I'd like to see those. Thank you.
Go outside. Not everyone in a race looks the same or we'd all look like Doug Jones.
you really think a dark skin woman from the ISLANDS is a fucking arab?
Whose mans is this?
This isn't even an argument that can be made. She exists in an alternate universe. She isn't African or whatever. They can literally have whatever ethnic features the devs decide they want because they don't have the same genes as us.
I'm not talking about the bees
Roughly somewhere between the creation of the internet and the creation of social media.
Racism has existed long before that user.
Now compare OP to this character from the same game.
she looks like she fucks white shotas
It did but just exploded exponentially to autistic levels since then.
She's Japanese you bigot
you thought you could claim her?
the cave demon has jokes
>we wuz animes n sheiiiit
>all anime are white or tanned
what the hell is this thread?
Thank you, we try
Only butthurt wh*te trannies get offended at attractive black people, /pol/ is a jungle fever board
I'm pretty sure it's just the retards on here
who care what race she is
>we're going to get waifu of the week every time Game Freak reveals a new girl
At least she's better than Sonia
How can people draw porn so fast?
They have their drawing pads out and pens in hand waiting for the reveals.
none of these character are real human beings btw. also you are using the internet and it is the year 2019, and we live on planet Earth.
do you now what 1+1 is?
Have a model already drawn and just add details later
She’s anime black. Not to be confused with black people drawn in an anime style. The way you can tell is if they have gorilla lips or not because Japs are still drawing pre-bomb charicatures.
not even close
And from what I recall the mutts eventually made their way to a US island where somehow they evolved to be more docile again. Fuck if I know what happened there.
>hurr, what 3D race 2D grill?
>muh painted white
>muh kween
>muh pajeet
>constantly argue their retarded position ad infinitum
>3 threads of this shit so far
This is why nu-Yea Forums can't have nice things.
t. autism
in the us? probably obesity. they can't sting you without the motorized walmart bikes
>england region
clearly indian or paki
She's fucking anime.
Take your race politics out of here.
I think it was Puerto Rico, not sure.
This. You can't possibly claim to have knowledge about the character's race. Just enjoy them for what they are.
I'd say Indian or a dark skinned Paki considering its based on London.
Middle Easterners aren't that dark anyway.
what's the point of this image? they just drew a totally new image over the first one not even the head shape is the same.
I am still trying to find korra real life counter part not played by nog or white girl.
Hey can someone in this shitheap of a thread give me a (you)?
>They knew that there would be a witch hunt if they didn't add someone who wasn't white or asian
nah dude, they just wanted to add some delicious brown
People in pokemon aren't even fucking human, they're goddamn pokemon
>Another hot pokegirl
>All /pol/ cares about is the race
It's a fucking anime girl you mentally braindamaged fucks
>he hasn't heard of a Cotton Eyed Joe
Stop killing him! That strawman is already dead!
Stop discussing the color of her skin and start discussing the color of her nipples you bumbling morons
The entire point of them asking what race she is was to try and point out that she can't be black because reasons, so they don't have to feel bad about finding her attractive. No, her race doesn't matter whatsoever, but for the "no black features!! blacks are ugly" racists asswipes, it's critical to establish this because they're that fucking insecure, and must reiterate at all times how awful black people are.
brown, but ghosty
Fuck this guy.
Here you go, much better than that faggot OP and his cronies.
maybe its because he wants to have a controversial discussion. rent free
Her nipple color would be a dead giveaway to her race though.
Don't all people that dark have brown nipples though? It wouldn't if so.
I wanna stuff both of her feet into my mouth and just suck on them for the rest of my natural born life.
School shooter alert
Ngl you're actually the one reeking school shooter vibes.
you sure?
Brown anime girl
>anime characters are white
more importantly, what's up with the floaties on her feet?
after I started watching japanese shit it really amazed me how similar anime characters are to japanese people. they have no white traits at all
Purely for aesthetic.
>black feet soles
That's not how feet soles works.
Why with pokegirls are people suddenly concerned with the passion behind the porn art? You never think about that normally.
well its been 3 years and no R34 fags has made animations from pokegirls yet
Which i can blame 1000% on the paid artists doing only Blizzard OW shit
Literally none.
identity politics
This one uncensored is so good. Bless bardbot
most hentai artist haven't seen a black womans feet
It was made 20 years ago and people didn't think too hard about it. Now people just repost it because they remember it being funny at some point, but yeah if you just look at it now you realize it's retarded.
that is hilariously arrogant. Pretty sure people need two parents. pretty sure she needed an African parent, otherwise she would just be a boring white girl
>blue eyes
I'd say Okinawan with Ainu/Russian ancestry. Niggers are rare or doesn't exist in anime and otaku culture.
also im 100% certain its a white women that made that since the white supremacist incels here can't even land one of their own skin colour
>Okinawan with Ainu/Russian ancestry
now that's a man of culture
water tribe
not necessarily disagreeing or agreeing with you, but the eye color thing is completely meaningless here. For example, there are Asian characters in Pokemon with pink hair and red eyes.
>dyke gorilla
get this Yea Forums garbage out of here
Paki or Indian mix
yeah she's Okinawan. If she were Indian, she'd have a red dot on her forehead. If she were black, she'd have a fro.
Those are some fucking retarded slippers.
Also she is likely Black. Or like every brown/back girl in one considering her name is Nessa.
Doesn't take place in Japan. Tired of this meme.
lovecraft that you?
Would unironically fuck.
>OBVIOUSLY Indian girl with Indian colored skin and Indian-styled jewelry to match the theme of Indian presence in England like the champion and his brother
>"omgg she's BLACK LIKE MEEE"
Ah yes. Indian. My favorite color.
Pafic islander
She doesn't have african facila features
>Indian-styled jewelry
Literally what.
She is likely Egyptian.
she loves BWC
We cannot reasonably make a claim about what race she is. Pokemon characters do not have racial characteristics. Black people can have that shade as well. They can be darker or lighter as well. So can Indians. A person who believes she's black will simply bring up the hoop earrings for example, because that is often considered a black cultural signifier.
However, I am making the claim that we cannot know.
You both fucking cope.
>Literally what.
Literally everything on her head
Are you retarded?
No but you might be
Not him but how is any of that Indian necessarily? This is a stupid point. And yea, I know I'm arguing your subjective position versus mine and we really can't infer anything about the character for sure but this is a such a dumb take.
Have you ever seen a real Indian person in actual real life you fucking idiot.
>I follow this artist
It's not subjective opinion, her hair, hairstyle, accessories, and jewelry are all obviously Indian-themed and the only reason you might not see that is because you don't know how it looks or is usually depicted in art
she's a black too said she might draw her own feet
Nothing on her screams Indian at all. If she had nose piercing maybe.
True words have never been more outspoken than this.
nignog dindu nuffin
>It's not subjective opinion
It is until you substantiate it. Any kind of girl can wear that jewelry. The only thing that seems to be unique about Indian jewelry is that there seems to be something draped across the forehead.
Maybe if you're not familiar with depicting cultures in art. I don't think there's a single Pokemon character with a piercing as they're trying to be the safest most child-friendly IP possible and piercings are seen as a sign of rebellion. No pottu either as they want to avoid any sort of religious implications.
What kind of substantiation will you accept? Bringing up examples of real and drawn Indian women can easily be dismissed as cherrypicking, or not meaning that only they can wear that sort of accessories exclusively.
god i love proportions like this. she just needs wild pubes that trail up to her navel and this would be an 11/10 image
delicous brown race
>I don't think there's a single Pokemon character with a piercing
of course you don't think
Black anime girl voiced by black : caroleandtuesday.com
>7 instances of the n-word
Tifa from FF looks white with brown eyes and black hair. Especially in the new game
Gamefreak has been on point since Gen 5 I think?
>What race is she?
mating press with heavy representation of impregnation
She straightened her hair and wore blue contacts lenses.
I guess naruto and Sakura are white
imagine pokemon chocolate party
>What kind of substantiation will you accept?
To be honest, I really don't think you can prove it. Seems like any argument people make for or against the character being in any racial group in particular will pass through some kind of political/cultural lens that other people are bound not to share.
Belly chains are traditional Indian jewelry
Belly Chains(Waist Beads) were depicted on early Egyptian wall paintings aswell as some of the first known jewelry found from African tribes.
The master race.
She is cultural appropriating
>you'll never reach the level of expertise to pump things like this out in less than a day
Humans aren't a race. Its a species.
>black feet soles
hey there diego
>she's just a generic blonde slut
God nu-Yea Forums is fucking retarded
there were brown characters in pokemon before
Are those flotation devices on her legs? I feel like thats a good way to drown.
Was this really necessary
Can only assume she doesn't swim in those retarded shoes.
As expected of our queen!
A baseball pitch? I'm pretty sure she's not the first to throw a pokeball like that.
I see what you did there, user.
Ooga Booga
Yes it was
It'd look stupid but why not a cricket pitch?
The fuck is a circket pitch?
A green eyed white women with a dark tan and a curly wig
No black nose, lips or eye /hair color
I meant a Bowl, I haven't played it in 10 years.
Only black girl in anime
I wish we saw more of her
>everyone wants to be anime
Damn, I thought some of you faggots hate anime, turns out you all wish you were one.
The fake kind.
Human is a species dipshit.
whats the deal with a bunch of different artists having that specific style
Its great
Bleached fags are worse than blacked fags
>brown is black
why do nogs have an inferiority complex?
t. leb
Her running up to bowl a pokeball would look silly, given everyone's used to the 20 odd years of pokeballs being tossed like the nips favourite sport
I could see it maybe work with another gym leader
They're the same
They're just as gay, maybe slightly more racist
god damn my fucking dick
>tfw 6'1" black guy steamrolling through this at e3
>nintendo cute white chick behind me mirin
>gym leader shows up
>my pants tightin really obviously, wearing short pants
>(oh fuk shes sexy as fuck, wait did cute girl notice)
>looks behind me, we meet eyes
>i die inside
>she smiles
i won though. dynamaxing is OP as fuck thank god it only lasts three turns. you get three pins for winning.
Get out
Anime brown.