So in all seriousness, how is the next Smash going to top this?

So in all seriousness, how is the next Smash going to top this?

Attached: super-smash-bros-ultimate-1174300-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 198K)

Inb4 autistic NPC’s cry about literal who’s like Doomguy


The same but with a story mode that isn't tedious, an online infrastructure that isn't pathetic, and proper dash to air momentum

Make it more 3D and realistic like Tekken and give Mario life sized legs

I'd even take just good online


By releasing Melee HD

>the next smash
It's called Ultimate for a reason.

take a shower and have sex

Condense the roster. Bring back all 1P modes.

They have to go in a completely new direction.
Not even Nintendo fans would buy the same game a third time in a row, right?
smiley winky face

It's called Special in Japan

It's not

Same way it always does - by adding more characters, stages, music, and bringing the gameplay a little closer to Melee again

There is no next Smash. Ultimate will be used as a base for everything going forward. Ultimate will be alive as long as the switch is. Ultimate is gonna get more dlc and you people will buy each of its fighter passes. Enjoy seasons 2-4 of dlc you fucking asshats. You ruined the board for another three years at least.

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Make the select screen less autistic. Sorting the characters by the time they were revealed is fucking retarded

Focus on new stuff rather than having old stuff. Do kind of a soft reboot. Add a good story mode.

Better single player & online mode. Also I bet it will be much more focused on third parties, I can count the number of Nintendo characters popular or important enough to get in on two hands

Reboot with only the essentials and a lot of new characters

Smash fans went to shit when the smash ballot came around, it was a fucking disaster.


They'll just re-use and polish it like they did mk8 for the switch next gen then release smash6 for the next next gen when tech is better and theres new ips.

>So in all seriousness, how is the next Smash going to top this?

Completely different art-style and starting from scratch

I doubt there will be another smash. You really cannot top this