Alright real talk for a second: Is this shit any good...

Alright real talk for a second: Is this shit any good? I'm in desperate need of something to play and this is £7 on the Xbone store right now.

I like RPGs but I hated Oblivion/Skyrim. Will I like this? It's pointless me going online to find out if it's good or not since it won literally every fucking gaming award available to it, but so did Skyrim and that was shit.

Just raw, honest opinions. Nothing else.

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It's good, it's just that most of the anons here are children and define themselves by their hobbies. And the best way to feel like they have taste and a unique identity is to shit on games that get a lot of positive attention outside of here.

It's very good if you like Telltale games type stuff, it's pretty bad if you like RPGs with a lot of gameplay and interactivity, depends on how much you like the universe if in between
Combat is okay but becomes boring super fast because you'll be op in no time, open world looks incredible but is a bit empty (especially cities, the cities feels incredibly empty) and the game seems to always hold your hand with the detective vision stuff, over intrusive HUD and way too much quest and interest points markers that makes the exploration not very fun.
I still liked some part of it, it is very well written and I remember some of the characters fondly, but it's not for everyone and don't expect to have fun.

I only played The Witcher 1 but it this game is something like that, I hope you like walking from one place to the other, running errands and talking to NPCs rather than fighting or making a build.

If you liked Bioware games from 2007-2012, you'll love it. It's like Mass Effect, but better.

The combat is terribly bland and easy, the movement is floaty and frustrating, especially on horseback, and I personally didn't give a fuck about the story. The quests are quite repetitive.

The environments are gorgeous, with maps full of treasure, secrets and enemies to fight. The character design is great as well as the music. Really, everything art-related is very well done.

I would say this game is overall quite overrated but still a decent time if you like exploration and don't mind repetitiveness. If you do buy it, make sure you complete White Orchard to the best of your ability: It does a great job of showcasing everything the game has to offer in terms of activities. If you don't like what you see, drop the game right there, because it's going to be another 50 or more hours of exactly that.

>I only played The Witcher 1 but
but nothing, who gives a shit what you think if you havent played the game

>Going to Yea Forums and expecting a fair, unbiased assessment of a game's quality
Thanks for the laugh

Yes, it's great and you should buy both it and the DLCs.

You just need to be prepared for a long ass journey it's around 200 hours with the DLC it's not the kind of game you can finish in a weekend

Games in the same series are very similar to each other, when they aren't just $60 expansion packs; a Resident Evil 3 -> Resident Evil 4 situation where the sequel is a completely different game is very rare.

At least I'm honest about not playing 3 and therefore my post can be dismissed; I can't think of a thread discussing a game where there wasn't people talking shit about it even when it's clear that they never played it.