>is exceptionally mediocre and generic
>adds another anime swordsman to smash
>rips off minecraft
>Causes Hunter X Hunter to go on hiatus
Fuck this franchise
Dragon quest hate thread 2
Stay Mad 2
>Me and the boys when we trigger OP
Delicious tears
oi u got a loicense for that banter m8?
>is exceptionally mediocre and generic
Opinions are like butt holes.
>adds another anime swordsman to smash
This is THE anime swordsman.
>rips off minecraft
>improves minecraft
>Causes Hunter X Hunter to go on hiatus
post discarded
Why no female Erdrick
>The anime swordsmen
Link has that beat, sorry mate.
So we can bully her. A FUCKING LEAF(Bluegreen) got in.
not anime
get dabbed on faggot
>That Munchie
blessed image
Surprised you didn't mention Sugiyama for maximum bait
someone post the renders
hey bros I just woke up where is all this hate for DQ as a series came from? I never played any of them but they look fine, what happened?
>Anything designed by Toriyama is anime
I think you mean mango
Would you a Slime loli?
Trannies and Sorafags (also trannies)
I like the DQ monster games. Shame they arent that big outside Japan.
what website is this?
What is this literally who site and why should anyone care?
>different opinion