The many faces of the western gamer

>the many faces of the western gamer

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That part felt like they got their new face animation system working and wanted to show it off, except it's 2019 and it still looks worse than stuff from 2003-2004.

What the fuck was this teaser and who approved of it?

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*chair clattering

>i am woman hear me roar

Attached: gears.webm (460x292, 1.59M)

it's mass effect all over again

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>when you dilate and pop another stitch

That looks like the face of a weeb when he sees a girl that isnt half naked and subservient to them

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why do women insist on assuming roles they've never had in real life?, it's uncanny

i've never met a woman that screamed like this

>Game comes out in a few months
>shows zero gameplay

Serious question, whos the target audience?
I thought gears was the poster child for toxic masculinity in video games and thats what made in fun.
Now its mutt girl breakdown drama.

The women-only PR department. They all have liberal arts degrees too, so they had no idea that nobody would like this turd of a trailer.

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why allow this mentally ill dyke anywhere near a weapon

>meanwhile in Japan

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This was so bad. How could you not see this trailer and go "What the fuck". Who thought this was a good idea besides some dumb fucking tranny from Califronia hopped up on a bad batch of HRT.

What am I supposed to get from this? That she's so emotionally damaged? Who the fuck cares.

Attached: tranny meltdown at someone being transphobic.webm (640x360, 438K)

I still can't believe they went with this cringe trailer. Who honestly looked at this and thought it was good?

is she pooping

Look at the fucking cover. Is just her fucking face. Everything is about she and her problems. Locust? Friends? Her people? Nah, JUST SHE.

In the other games covers theyve got Marcus with his Lancer and some of the other guys. Now only she matters.

I played the game last month and I can't fucking remember her name.

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There is no target audience.
>I thought gears was the poster child for toxic masculinity in video games and thats what made in fun.
Correct, that's why they made this game. Gears 5 isn't supposed to make money.

Is that seriously the cover? Why arent the People who were complaning about cyberpunks cover commenting about this shit?

Friendly reminder they turned Gears of War into Borderlands. There's a reason they didn't show gameplay at the MS conference. It looks awful.

Whoa shit nigga there's a Gears 5?
Is this series even worth investing in? I only played Gear of War 1 and a little of 2 when they were relevant and I thought that was it

I have two personalities

one...... the nicest woman you've ever met

two, when im on my period, when you ask me where i want to go for dinner, when you ask who i'm texting and why my phone screen is locked, when you tell me children shouldn't be aborted and that birth control is making me depressed and anxious, when you ask why I "wear so much makeup", when you take away my alcohol, when you don't support me for trying to work in a mans job when you

Its gears in name only

They're not getting paid for that.

Gears of War 3 was the pinnacle

Try beating something like this kino that was showed at E3

The first three gears are pretty good and they have interesting lore. Then they made Judgement and it was average. Then 4 came along and just set the bar even lower, I fully expect 5 to be the worst entry in the series.

reminds me of this

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>Dom just laying there waiting to die

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I like how they made sure to make her have just a slight shade of brown


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I figured out why I hate nu-gears

Look at this trailer how could that fucking red hair twink pass for a COG solider? Fucking Anthony and Benjamin had more muscle mass

i bet thats not the only black guy she has inside her if u know what i mean

because cyberpunk has A FUCKING WHITE MALE

Is the Ultimate Edition cover. The basic Edition has this cover. Its kind of better, not much and its got that period reference with that bloody triangle.

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Why are they ditching JD for this bitch? Like whats the point of gears of war 4 now

>Dude JD sucks no ways hes a gears protag ever
>Reveal somehow JD gets fucked up and is not a regular meat head gears guy
>lol nope games not about him

Ill never understand how gears always marketed itself as this edgy grimdark story of hopelessness and war but the community was always full of dude bros now they do the opposite just fucking end the franchise 3 was god tier to end on.

The best part is how they followed this cinematic mess up with another cinematic trailer featuring Lil Jon, all while desperately trying to sell you all kinds of bonus shit for the game without actually showing gameplay. Oh and funko pop Gears.
Absolutely mind-boggling the thought process behind this.

Attached: gears.png (461x343, 303K)

Could have posted a better girl.

It's basically a staple of the series to have really cringe advertising.

I think it's going to be a campaign that jumps between the two, no way in hell will they just focus 100% on Kait, that would be idiotic.
Then again.
>Canadian devs

Why is one of her faces a black guy?
The only people I know who are interested in these games are women.

>all around me are familiar faces


Dust to dust was kino though

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Never played Gears of War (or just Gears as they're now calling it... so fucking pretentious) but what did they mean when they said they rebuilt their trust with Gears 4? That set off a huge red flag for me. Did the series take a nosedive at some point?

Gears Judgement killed the series, and Gears 4 was fun, albeit some things about it are fucking retarded, but it was much better than Judgement.

The created a new studio and decided to make Gears 4 as a way to earn the trust of veterans who thought gears 3 didnt need a sequel.

Gears 4 was amazing and it actually had a great campaign, but i dont know what the FUCK is going on with 5.

>final stand
>reload gun
>brothers to the end
Good shit
>this isnt about you its about me


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gears of war more like tears of war

Have sex sweetie

I hated how gears of war 4 takes place in one night


So is there any hook to her? Something for players to empathize with or even like?

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She has a vagina.

somebody mind posting how she looked in 4?

Her mother was the locust Queen

>toxic masculinity

Toxic how? Are you sure you don't just mean unapologetic?

Mother was a Locust

>They even made Queen Myrrah uglier
Jesus Christ

Thats how gow was referred to a few titles back. Self masturbatory, toxic masculinity, etc
Now we have this

>target audience
You are implying these people have capacity for rational thought. They are stupid low iq people.

Now thats a quality wojak edit

anybody wanna play Gears 4 on PC?
its only $10 and i just finished downloading it

Imagine mocapping this scene

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No but I will pirate it

sure if you gift it to me im not paying california sjws

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Those that labeled it as such and those that want this new game have the mental capacities of a gnat.

>accusation = evidence

women were a mistake