So now that Banjo is in, who does Yea Forums want in smash now?

So now that Banjo is in, who does Yea Forums want in smash now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sans Undertale

Nobody. I got everybody I wanted in one game.
I won.

Doomguy, these autistic NPC’s are obsessed with spamming threads about him 24/7.

This. Everyone else is gravy at this point.


Ryu Hayabusa please, then I’m done

Doomguy, Phoenix Wright, Sans
no women characters are interesting enough

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Crono. Only anime swordsman I want. Not like he'll have a counter at least unless Sakurai is retarded and lazy.

Saber or Reimu

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oh... just a little somebody..

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Tifa from Final Fantasy
Asuka Langley from Evengalion

Jesus fucking christ. Enough is enough. Enough with the Banjo/Smash threads. Either post in a thread that is already available, or take it to . This has gotten beyond ridiculous.

Ninja Gayden

With Kirby finally biting the bullet, it's embarrassing that Smash still has nothing to do with modern changes.
Let's fix this.

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Nothing. I'm completely content. The last two characters could be a Koopa and a fucking Goomba and I'd still be thrilled. I've been on such a fucking high all day man. What a rush. Haven't felt that since the Smash Dojo days.

>no women characters are interesting enough
At least we got Kazooie

Still think it'd be neat
Him or Sukapon

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Doomguy is the default choice
>appeals to boomers
>appeals to zoomers (see "Doom Slayer")
he only angers weebs and contrarians

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banjo wasn't exactly my most wanted, but i love how he looks in smash

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Sora and geno aside? i literally couldn't care less at this point


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I'm still holding out hope for monster hunter

Porky & Doomguy are the only two characters I want who weren’t AT’d. I hope one or both of them can make it in some day.

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Ryu Hayabusa or Crash Bandicoot

Give me one of those two (or better yet both) and my full wish list for Smash (Inklings, Ridley, K. Rool, castlevania reps, Banjo) is fulfilled

Who I've always wanted.

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he even fits the alt costume thing (Doomguy for based boomers and Doom Slayer for shitty zoomers)

Ryu Hayabusa with both Classic and Black costumes.
>inb4 sakurai the mad man somehow gets james bond in

Wonder Red, but I know it'll never happen.



if Yea Forums had any taste they'd push for JC Denton

it's over, stevezoom

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Its time.

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Jill Valentine
Joanna Dark
Dixie Kong

One of these queens.

Geno would be a nice bonus, but I agree with

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There's no one we really *need* to get in anymore to be honest.

So now all that's left is for us to make sure the last two spots aren't Fire Emblem or Minecraft.

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All done, absolutely nothing left for me personally, now it is all about not getting what i wanted in cut.

P e r f e c t i o n

No one. Banjo and Simon were my top choices. Im contempt and rightfully no longer be upset.

I want him in. He will never, ever, EVER, be in. But I want him in.

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Chosen Undead

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Oh and Chun Li too.

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Hero surprised me in a bad way, but maybe he will grow on me. Banjo was predictable, but at least he looks fun, and I feared he would be boring.
I just want someone that surprises me in a good way like Joker again. I bought the fighter's pass, and right now I'd say it's okay. I want to end up thinking it was great.

I want Bandana Dee

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This. There is no reveal which could possibly disappoint me, even if it's another FE character or goddamn Steve

Goldeneye Bond
Phoenix Wright

all other choices are bad, stop asking for faggots with swords you DMCqueers

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They could add anyone else and i wouldn't care. Banjo was all I wanted.

Fighter's pass is only new series to Smash so no FE here

But I'm pushing for Doomguy and Geno for those bros.(at least want Geno's Mii outfit back from Sm4sh)

Travis Touchdown

I’m still rooting for Geno as well. Don’t expect him though

Let me tell you what we need for smash
Thank you

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Geno or anything other than some weeb shit and I'm set

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Jack Frost
Ms Pacman Echo
Metal Sonic Echo
Wonder Red

What did you say, dipshit? I've got my Final Smash right here for you.

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>Monster Hunter

that's the pattern so far, but I'd rather not take any chances

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Is this the model they're using? What the fuck. Banjo's feet don't look nearly as sexy as they used to. Also his head looks smaller.

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my nigga, I miss the PvE content so badly, but at least we got more bosses

That's way too fucking mean. I hope that dickhead got what he deserved.

Monster Hunter has like a dozen weapons to choose from


>no women characters are interesting enough
Repent your sins

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This. Stuff like a fun Kirby rep would be exciting and welcome for me, but I need nothing more. I wish the best of luck for others hoping for their character in the last two slots and hope that the last two characters can satisfy the greatest number of remaining people.

Phoenixchads, would you be as hyped if it was Edgeworth instead?

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Jill Valentine or another RE representative...not Chris

Rundas, baby!

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I'm in favor of Doombros even though I've never played Doom; Smash needs a FPS rep and the Chief is unlikely with Banjo's reveal.

My personal picks are all random shit I don't expect to get in like Arle, Reimu and Tran from IIDX


Dog was lame in mvc, she will be lame here too

Paper Mario

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SMash Bandicoot
Solaire of Astora
Toon Ganondorf
and Geese

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the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums if you never played doom lmao like not admitting to not playing pac-man or minesweeper

>Smash needs a FPS rep

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Dante from Devil May Cry

that's it. we know every character in this is from a new IP so people from games already represented are out of luck. Other than that' I'm like this anonThis is my win and Im so so glad my most wanted was the finisher for a bunch of annoying people.

These 3 are right.

literally me

I was a sheltered kid and it has blood and demons in it

Might pick it up on Steam at some point though

Ya'll got BTFO. Steve was someone who only coattailed Banjo, Steve is a nobody at this point.

>Not posting obvious choice

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geno reimu soul of cinder

geno is weebshit you retard

I just want whoever Sakurai wants. He knows best.

>soul of cinder
I'd rather have havelmom with a giantdad echo

Which 3rd party characters will stay in Smash in the next iteration?

Personally I want DQ Hero to stay as long as all the FE characters go except Marth and Robin

Rayman and Doomguy

This mother fucker, I'm hyped as fuck for no more heroes 3, and some others I'd like would be Heavy and Quote. M. Bison would be nice but that shit ain't happening

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Dante and Kiryu

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I got Joker and Banjo, two characters I wanted a lot, just as far as DLC.
The only other character I even want more than just "oh, that would be cool" is Sora. But I'll be content regardless.

Sakurai has wanted Geno forever and Bond for Melee

smash needs to press s and give steve a mii costume

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>Monster Hunter
>Phoenix Wright
>Classic Laura Croft
>Master Chief I don't care if he's been deconfirmed

Who here Morrigan and 2B?

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I still want a rhythm heaven character. Probably won't be one of the dlc characters sadly.

I still don't have CJ from san andreas

I think we'll find out more about Banjo and Erdrick very soon, maybe a direct or maybe just new content approaching.

Same. BK was the last on my list but had kind of written them off. I was content after K. Rool was revealed.

I don’t expect Geno, I think every fighter pass character is third party, it just makes sense.

I got Eight from DQ, and Banjo from BK.
Everything I ever wanted is in, in some form.
Donkey Kong(fighter)
Young Link(fighter)
Solid Snake(fighter)
K, Rool(fighter)
Fossil Fighter(spirit)
Anything else is bonus for me.

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007 never had a chance no matter how much Sakurai wanted him. Considering he's not originally a vidya character he's as likely as Goku to make it in.

the following ATs:
>Skull Kid, the character I wanted most a year ago
>Isaac maybe if they can find a unique moveset for him

eh, I'm pretty content now that Banjo is in.

Only other thing I would really like is another Zelda rep. I feel like Sakurai must have something against the series or some shit.

Skull Kid, Wolf Link + Midna, Zant, Vaati, or the Majora's Mask transformations (descending order of preference).

I guess bomberman would be cool, too.

this nigga

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Yea Forums is a pro-digimon board that wants agumon.

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Waluigi, Midna, and Skull Kid

Brave of you to utter that name.
I wanted her too, but I'm fine now.

based and correctpilled

I want more incentives for people to go back and actually play some Smash for longer.
It saddens me that in such times of euphoria, even if the characters aren't out yet, I haven't seen a thread on Yea Forums of people actually playing the game to celebrate.
So I don't know, bring back Smash Run, make a new mode, improve the online. Anything to make the people come & actually play the game.

after silksong drops on the switch it will be inevitable

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Dr. Robotnik

This lil nigga

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Travis Touchdown and Ryu Hayabusa. If Ryu did get in, they would probably change his name to Hayabusa.

The time has come

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based and bugpilled

I’m well past the point of giving a shit now that Banjo & Kazooie are in the game, but I would like to see KOS-MOS in the game to appeal to the raging Monolithfag in me, and if that fails, then something from the King of Fighters or Resident Evil would be nice to see.

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I wanted Sora, but he's not gonna get in with The Hero in.
So instead, please for the love of god give Professor Layton. I know Phoenix Wright would be picked over him, but I've been wanting Layton for so long.



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I still want to see Django. Even an assist trophy where he piledrives someone would be cool.

in terms of assist/spirit turned playable the main one I want is Geno/Rayman but the others people ask for would be fine also.
only swordmen I would want is Dante, Sora, Crono, Yuri and for gunmen its Doomguy and Leon


lol fuck off.

Even if he doesn't show up, I'll still be happy.

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>Banjo got in after Mr Grinch's Wild Ride
>Steve and Sora got btfo'd
>almost every first party pick is deconfirmed by AT or spirits
Is this the end of an era of this current chapter
Does this represent the end of an era of this season of rosterfagging? Where do we even go from here?

But user, Yoshi is in the game already.

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>Despite 70+ cast plus DLC, I am soulless and barely have any attraction to the level of worship for literally any of them

I've never had a favorite favorite character until very recently and it definitely wouldn't be now that the universe would give pleasure to a person this dead on the inside.

Quote or Chrono
I can understand the hate from Chrono if it does happen though

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I'm biased towards a couple (Bandana Waddle Dee, Dante, Doomguy) but I'm totally content with the current roster.

It'll move onto obscure waifu characters, Doomguy, and Travis Touchdown. Stevefags will move onto Sans.

My man

I want you subhuman whinging fucks to just fuck off forever and never ever make another goddamn smash newcomer thread ever again. Literally thousands of identical posts just bitching about dumb shit, there's NOTHING NEW to be said, at all. I'm tired of seeing sometimes three threads about this shit on just the front page every fucking time there's a new smash game, and sometimes when there isn't.

Travis Touchdown
Okami wolf (sorry idk what the name is)

>Travis touchdown

Sora never got BTFO. He's very likely

I would suck the dick of every person in this thread.

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Pic related is my #2, and I'd like to see another character from F-Zero. But they have no chance of even being considered until the next Smash game. For now, I am more than happy with Banjo.

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Goemon, Bomberman, Wonder [x]

I didn't care all that much about Banjo, though I'm happy for his fans. My dream pick remains Phoenix. I'm still holding on to a sliver of hope.

>Okami wolf (sorry idk what the name is)
Amaterasu, origin of all that is good and mother to us all.

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My only remaining dream fighter is Shantae. I got Meta Knight all the way back in Brawl, I got my Ridley, I'm getting my Banjo. Shantae is the last on my personal wishlist.

So I'm thinking this is how it's gonna go down:

We got one "broad appeal/kickoff" character (Joker)
One cartoony Japanese character (Hero)
One cartoony Western character (Banjo)

I think next up will be a pair of "M-rated" Japanese/Western characters. Doom Slayer is the obvious choice for the West. For Japan, it could be Ryu Hayabusa, dream pick is Kiryu. If they're looking for a female character, Jill Valentine or Morrigan would fit the bill as well.

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now i want jill in smash uwu

I'm down with this idea

Leon S. Kennedy
Crash Bandicoot

these are the most likely choices for the last two slots. Pick two

There is only one man missing.

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Leon would be the M rated character, on top of already being Cloud/Link/top 10 greatest games of all time tier with RE4

Then they need a normalfag magnet, which would be Sora without question.

Pretty much this. In a perfect world we'd get Geno, but given how insanely stingy Square is (Cloud had TWO fucking songs and NO FF spirits) we're lucky we got Geno as a spirit at all. At this point all I hope out of the last two DLC fighters is that they're surprising and fun to play

Square has Cloud and Dragon Quest reps now. Smash has already paid quite a bit of lipservice to JRPGs at this point.

>Namco still has only one character
>Tales of is really popular with Japs & weebs alike
>RPGfags getting a huge chunk of the DLC plan
I wanna play as this scary, people-eating monster. Yuri would be acceptable too.

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even if I never get bandana dee, having banjo as a rightful playable character satisfies and honestly perfects the roster for me, incineroar, piranha plant, spirits, and the fact 80% of the roster will be gone in smash 6 destroyed any excitement I had for new characters and the future of the series or a long time, but after today, something happened that I thought I would never be able to say again, i am excited for their release, no ecstatic for when they come out. my god it feels so good to be excited for smash bros again, this is the best swan song to the series they could have possibly done

I was already fully content once best Belmont: Richter got confirmed. Everyone else after is just a bonus for me, happy you Banjofags finally got your guy in.

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skull kid or wolf link w/ midna

My understanding is that Joker was the normalfag magnet, after the mainstream success of Persona 5 and how they revealed him at TGS instead of a Direct.

I don't care anymore

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Joker - the weeb trash pander
Anime Swords - the japan pander
Banjo - the smashboards roster autist neckbeard pander
Leon S. Kennedy - the "mature/gritty" pander
Sora - the normalfag/mainstream pander

If him and Rayman are the other two fighters I would infinatly nut.

>Square Enix, the stingiest company ever, getting three spots

It's literally his turn

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this but unironically, really any undertale rep but I like sans, wanted one ever since I fought Papyrus for the first time and thought huh, I wonder how this would work in Smash

>Square has Cloud and Dragon Quest reps now
Yes, and? Disney doesn't have anyone yet. So how is Sora BTFO?
>Smash has already paid quite a bit of lipservice to JRPGs
But not ONE action game, and not ONE mainstream game

I got Banjo after waiting for over two decades, I'm content now.

Although if I gotta say it: Crash and Doomguy would be the perfect last two fighter packs if possible.

Who is this fuckhead?

If he's not getting a game anytime soon, then the least that can happen is for this legend to be playable in Smash

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Joker is not a normalfag magnet lmao. His game sold average as hell. KH3 is the best selling game in the same year normieshit like Mortal Kombat and Days Gone came out. That's normalfag appeal

>Square Enix

Rivery Geralt. The only good swordsman.

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sorry sweetie, but he can play with his cartoon friends Finn and Jake in Brawlhalla ;)

I still have wild hopes for Geno or Doomguy, but both are a long shot. Porky would be cool, or a Sony mascot like Crash or Spyro to even out the microsoft rep.

Fucking this. I wouldn't say no to Master Chief but I don't really care who gets in anymore, I'm content.




>Banjo proves that a western character who hasn't seen a game in a decade can be added as DLC


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Sora is not gonna happen due to him being tied up with Disney and Square having 2 spots already

rayman would be fucking amazing

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Bomberman, Chibi Robo, more cartoony characters.


Disney isn't a problem, and Square isn't relevant to Sora getting in. Also Konami and Sega has 3 characters.

I want him too, but he's already a spirit.

Now this is based

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but how do you translate half life's set pieces into a playable character

that would be too perfect for this works user

There's a couple minor wants I could ask for (namely Doomguy and Terry Bogard) but I've gotten absolutely everything I've majorly wanted with Ultimate. I'm in no position to ask anything more from Sakurai.
>a Belmont (Simon was my preference but Richter is a sweetass bonus)
>a kickass setlist for a Castlevania fighter (I couldn't fathom beforehand that it'd get such a massive and overall quality music set on its first go)
>K. Rool (his lack of a stage just for him is a tad sad)
>OoT Ganondorf (I genuinely have wanted this for a while since I don't like his dopey hair curler design from TP, I just had no fucking idea it could actually happen)
>Young Link to return
>Banjo goddamn Kazooie not only happening but the aesthetic, sounds, and moveset references being fucking nailed


Doomguy, Dante, maybe another villain character, but I can't think who.

you've got a sticky up, quit making more threads you retarded nigger

The only character I ever really wanted playable was Wario, and that happened 3 games ago. Since then, I’ve just been content with whatever character Sakurai decides to include. I’m happy for the Banjofans though.

Hatsune Miku

Crash bandicoot
Classic Lara Croft,Underworld preferable, but Nu-lara with moves referencing classic games would be nice too


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reddit's that way.

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Are these character analogies appropriate?
>Doomguy is equivalent to Ryu, virtually every fighting game and FPS owes at least some of its mechanics to SF2 and Doom, respectively
>Master Chief is equivalent to Sonic, while nowhere near the first of their kind, they singlehandedly made their home console relevant to the mass market (Halo for the Xbox, Sonic for the Genesis

I wanted steve and banjo in

Let's use the power of Yea Forumseme magic and get Gex into the next Super Smash Bros. title. Nothing would be able to top Banjo-Kazooie's inclusion for this game (aside from maybe Doomguy but that's not feasible).

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me too

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Banjo was the last character I wanted so I feel ya man, I'm 100% content with the Smash roster now

a refund option

Shouldn’t Frisk be in first?

Stanley;the stanley parable

His AT is MIA. But maybe I’m WAY too hopeful

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Things I want that are possible:

Things I want that are NEVER EVER:
-Headdy (Dynamite Headdy)

I, too, want to play as Jamie Foxx.

dark pit

I'd love Geno, but that ain't happening. After getting Castlevania and Dragon Quest characters in the game, now all I want is Hayabusa.

This. I got Ridley, I got Dark Samus, I got K. Rool, and now I just got the bear and the bird. There is no one else I truly want at this point, only characters whose inclusion I would find neat.

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Tails (not an echo, like...the isabelle to sonic's villager. different recovery, one other unique special, a few unique standards, and a new final smash)

Ms. Pac Man (echo lol)

Rayman (But spirits deconfirm so RIP)

Conker I guess? might as well start hoping for everything at this point.

Some version of Doomguy would be cool if executed correctly. Would want it to be very goofy / not gritty, go for the style of the coverart of the original game

Geno but lol

Isaac, Takamaru, Ray (custom robo), Saki, Stafy, Andy, Lip, Sukapon, Balloon Fighter, Mach Rider, Dillon, Rusty (from real deal baseball), a rhythm heaven character please. an ARMS character. if they have a semi notable first party franchise / release i'd be fine with them being playable if given love and attention

This, Crash and Doomguy all the way as the remaining two characters!

>(aside from maybe Doomguy but that's not feasible)
Yes it is.

Bartz but it'll never fucking happen

>this fat faggot didn't recognize the jiggy

Chill out and fuck off.

>Paper Mario
>Karate Joe
>Sly Cooper

But I know those aren't happening anymore, and I got Joker, so good enough I guess

I wouldn't mind if Minecraft got a Swordfighter costume and Master Chief got a Gunner costume.

There are other characters I would like, but after Banjo, I'm done asking for anything, and personally, I want Smash to end here, since it's all downhdownhidownhdownhildownhdownhidownhdownhill fromheree

Preach brother, preach!
Same. I got every hero and villain of my childhood across multiple franchises and systems beating the shit out of each other. It's like I'm 7 years old again.

Paper Mario
Crash Bandicoot
Spyro the Dragon
Skull Kid
That's my list of who I want that haven't made it in. Banjo was #1 so i'm happy but if anyone else from here gets in i'd eat a dick.

>people unironically wanting Paper Mario
>a 3rd version of Mario
>from a series that Nintendo openly holds contempt for


doomguy to ryu, yes

master chief to sonic, no. crash would suit it better.

you don't need analogies for master chief though. he is a huge gaming icon that should be in.

>Control F
>No heihachi, jin, yoshimitsu, kazuya
It's over for me

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>those teeth
What the fuck

I unironically want an Undertale rep in the game, personally I'm hoping for Frisk or Kris

I don't really care about my personal favorites like Sora, Crash, Doom guy etc not making it cause they aren't going anywhere, was only worried about characters like Banjo and Geno cause they were basically dead ips and I guess Rayman is more so ignored rather than dead

I got Mega Man and Ryu in 4 and Simon and Richter in Ultimate. Everything else has been icing on the cake. That said if I get Amaterasu, Kratos, Master Chief, or Viewtiful Joe I would never ask for anything ever again.

Yeah, the Sakurai favoritism is annoying. Even getting a non-Sakurai assist or Mii costume would be a miracle.

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>One of the most famous video game villain, along with Bowser.
>We need another Sonic rep, and Knuckles and Shadow are AT.

I'm still hoping!

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cease to exist......

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crash was not the sole game that made PS1 relevant, user

I agree with Though characters for NEXT TIME, I'm hoping for King Boo, Waluigi, Shantae, or Dillon.


because people who want him don't want him as a clone but as his own character whose moveset would represent the series. haven't you played the games?

Yeah, this is actually how I kinda feel about the DLC lineup so far. I got Joker, Banjo, and the DQ8 hero. Some of my favorite games are represented in Smash now. There's still characters I'd like, of course, but honestly I feel like this has been really good luck so far. One of these next two is almost guaranteed to be a disappointment because I doubt they'll make two more characters I really like

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Travis Touchdown
Yuri Lowell


Honestly what I wanna know is more along the lines of, who's actually a possible candidate at this point? I mean, I know a lot of people argued about Banjo, but in the end he had a lot of fan popularity behind him and someone at Microsoft saying he'd be cool with his inclusion. A Dragon Quest rep has been rumored for months, and kinda makes the most logical sense after a FF rep. Even Joker was in a situation where Atlus spirits were in the base game so we could make assumptions. But really, who's even a viable candidate beyond that? The only ones I can think of are-
>Doomguy-since he's been in other rumors
>Ryu Hyabusa-Same
>Steve? Just because there's been the Vergeben stuff I guess?
>Sora-though honestly DQ in the game pretty much killed his chances
I mean, apart from longshots who else is a serious contender?

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I don't even who she is. She looks just like another big boobs waifu for neckbearded egdefags to me.

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I'd say Crash and Rayman, just because both companies have been cool with Nintendo recently. Crash also has the benefit of being popular in Japan, to an extent

Crash, Leon, Dante and a pick that is just out there Scorpian could also have a chance but
Namco having only just Pac man is strange, maybe Klonoa, Yuri, Kos Mos or a Tekken character could happen

unironically this.

A Resident Evil rep is pretty much the safest bet right now