ITT: Characters that have canonically been BLEACHED
ITT: Characters that have canonically been BLEACHED
Formely Blacked
she loves it
I wanna fuck DVa
> is not a real website
consider me mildly disappointed
>People obsess over who fucks the girl rather than focusing on the girl.
Man it must suck to be gay.
COLONIZED is much better
Bleached is cuck cope.
BLACKED is top tier fetish tbqh
White men are built to breed Asian women.
Lenora, Iris, Olivia and pretty much all brown female characters in Pokemon
Orcs is far superior, yo.
Don't care if it's male human on fem orc or male orc on female human.
Formerly Sneed
It's called Interracial Porn you fucks. Stop making everything into a damn political statement.
This. Can't beat the sight of an orc railing a cute little blood elf.
Finally, a true gentleman.
It's the green, it's the green, it's the green you need
And when I looked into your future
It's the green that I see!
Garrosh fucking when?
It is, I wish it had caught on
Pretty much. It’s the contrast of colors, why blacked is really popular too.
>most bleached is white on black
I just want white on yellow
Choking an Asian woman during sex is the most amazing thing in the universe. My girlfriend is into it. You will never experience a lust and feeling of domination more than you will while you’re choking a woman you’re inside of as she clearly enjoys having the air ripped out of her.
if you are going to do bleeched don't include that dumb sun i dont want my race play to be racist
You mean defiling
You mean like the Resident Evil Switch ad
Blacked is deeply disturbing autism indulged in by low-testosterone 20th century white men who hate themselves.
Bleached its deeply disturbing autism indulged in by mid-testosterone white men with no outlet for their frustrations.
Everyone is autistic but me, holy fuck.