Say something nice to him
This is Hero from Dragon Quest 8
something nice
Best designed Dragon Quest hero imo
What's sword is he holding in Smash? I don't remember that one.
How easy is it to emulate his game?
He's in the only good DQ game
he's my fave, can't wait to play as him
Cool guy
Wish he had his dragon armor too but I'm glad he's in
he's cool and fucks horses
I like his Terry alt
>Tfw Link, Cloud, Ike, Joker, and DQ8 Hero are all in Smash
Now all we need is Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia, Rex, and Sora, then every iconic JRPG hero will be in Smash.
The Dragovian Sword and Shield
Looks like he fucks horses.
Lloyd,Yuri,Cress,and a fourth character. Throw in a female.
The mouse is actually his grandpa
>Implying Rex will be DLC
>After some thief from a PS4 exclusive got in before
Even Nintendo hates their own weebshit so why do you think he'll get in?
Nice mouse.
He fucks and marries Jessica in the 3DS port. Alpha chads DQ8 Hero and DQ11 Hero fucking Jade in the Switch port.
F for DQ5 Hero not making the cut.
There's this alt at least
oh shit they included his mouse too? nice
Cute bandana, did your boyfriend make it for you?
He's good at Pokemon.
should be fine if your rig isn't complete shit
just went through the colors
fucking based
The Dragovian King sword, specifically. The upgraded version.
Literal horsefucker.
>want to finish DQ8 now
>would have to find my PS2 and all the cables
I know I could just pirate the 3DS version but fuck if I'm going to start this long ass game again
Give me fully playable Lloyd Irving and not just a mii costume and I don't care what else we get.
I'm stunned they still haven't added DQ8 to Steam.
DQ5 Hero wears a bunch of slave rags. He travels with his wife and never puts on anything nicer than a bunch of rags and a turban
I wasn't able to distinguish if it was Crono or Dragon Quest characters
Why do they look identical?
Cress Stahn Lloyd and Yuri. Maybe Asbel.
I want to suck his dick
I'm almost positive that the version they'd add would be based on the 3ds/mobile version, and if so, I'd honestly rather not see it on Steam packed with Denuvo
The spell was just an illusion spell that made the hero and King see the princess as a horse. The entire time she was still human, but they fastened a bunch of harnesses on her, forced her to pull a cart and took her to every town in the world where all the common folk saw her in that shameful condition.
Still have my ps2 plugged in with the disc intact, such a good game.
he looks so fucking good
It was really progressive of them to make a hero with down syndrome.
Is that really true?
I don't see how they could pull a Dragon Quest situation with Tales protagonists because they all have different personalities and fighting styles but if they had to and Lloyd was part of them sure why not. I don't know how that could work though.
I wish they did with Cloud. Terra and Bartz were recommended, but a fourth like WoL would be nice.
Fuck Dragon Quest.
If you do emulate it, emulate the 3DS version, it has more content. But make sure to get the orchestral soundtrack and uncensored patch.
The Gov is cool, he's part Dragon and doesn't afraid of anything.
No. Munchie(the mouse) is the hero's grandfather though.
Yes I would like to fuck Dragon Quest.
same character designer, toriyama
also dragon ball, if you didn't know
No. Treating girls like domesticated horses is a common scenario on adult bondage videos.
There's no way they'd be able to make that a central part of a dragon quest story and get away with it.
Akira Toriyama, you might have heard of him, did the designs for both games.
He also has a real big sameface problem.
Shit, it's been too long since I played this game, so I forget plot details. Time to emulate it.
The Jessica ends were meh.
>add like one new scene between her and the hero.
>now she's down to fuck.
It'll be Yuri if anything.
Those don't look identical at all.
>Cucking Angelo
>Not dating him instead
The 3DS version does go way quicker thanks to sped up battles and visible monsters on the map. Makes level grinding way easier too, and it's easier to get skill points. The only downside is playing it on the shitty 3DS screen resolution.
Never played 8 but man I love his design, even wore the outfit alot in DQ11, is the 3ds version a good port?
Most DQ boys are some combination of cute/sexy/handsome, so getting four of them is fucking amazing. God I have such an urge to dig up my DS Dragon Quest games and play them. Maybe even purchase all the games that had released on the 3DS.
Getting both a Megami Tensei rep and a Dragon Quest rep in Smash, in the same game, in the same season’s pass. I’m overjoyed right now.
>Jessica calls you hubby in the post marriage ending scene
hnnnnnnnnnnnnngg fuck you fag that was cute, go fuck the horse princess. Besides its expanded, she bowed out when she realized the princess had feelings for the hero. I always felt the PS2 version of DQ8 teased a Jessica ending at the castle when she was acting like wanted to tell you something before you get railroaded into the horse girl ending. When you're meeting all the party members after the final battle, Jessica acted really weird after the fact, the seeds for it were present user, way before the 3DS port.
You are losing out in terms of graphics and music but overall it's an amazing port. It's still amazing that they managed to fit a ps2 rpg onto the 3ds while adding more content to it. I bought a 3ds just for it and I had no regrets.
Yeah it's great. New content, two new party members, no more random encounters, speed up during battle, better alchemy and some more shit. It is censored slightly tho and has no orchestral music, but there is a patch for both of those things. It also obviously looks worse, but it's fine honestly.
Should clarify that the music is still good just not as good as the ps2 version. The same to a somewhat lesser extent applies to the graphics. The graphics are a bigger drop compared to the music but certainly still impressive for a handheld.
dunno which dq i wanna replay rn
Fast forward through battles, well faster speed.
You can avoid random encounters, encounters are enemies on the map/dungeons.
Extra dungeons.
New cutscenes for the villain and rival characters.
New photo taking sidequest.
Rebalanced the skillsets, daily chests respawn so you can get more skill seeds without autistic grinding skill seeds off monsters.
TWO new playable characters, Red and the italian Hercules guy WELL DONE RAGAZO whose name I always forget
Alchemy is instant
Optional ending paths related to which girl you wanna fuck, 2 endings with Jessica because of this
Boss rush dungeon autism zone
Quality of life changes on the bottom screen
The bad is the soundtrack is a mixed of MIDI and orchestra, the graphics took a hit. That's about it. Worth every penny, Dragon Quest games on the DS go expensive years after so buy it while its not an arm and a leg for it. Or pirate if that's what you're into.
Go for 8. It's fine to do replays of it and going with a different main weapon each time. Gets you trying out new things like Angelo with staffs which turned into my favorite way to go with him.
he was pretty cool
He's pretty cool and I like his gimmick with curses.
Did he get in Smash?
Cool. I didnt see the trailer in the E3 stream.
it was in the first minute
Most DQ protagonists got in as alt costumes of the same character simply named "Hero" (like the Koopalings)
It was at the start. He's the same deal as the koopalings getting in with the luminary, the hero from 4, and erdrick. He also has an alt that's either referencing Terry and/or the hero from 3.
He's a skin. The DQ rep is just called Hero and you can pick between DQ 3, 4, 8 and 11.
The Guv is cool because he fucks horses.
Doesn't everyone?
That's a horse of class
Stopped watching there. Congrats to the folks who like this sort of abuse. I'm gonna hit my punching bag.
get fucked nerd
I always liked going Super High Tension because I was a DBZ kid and it was basically going super saiyan.
>congrats to the folks who like this sort of abuse
>gonna go punch an inanimate object out of frustration
well then...
he's cute