Lets have a relaxed Baldurs Gate thread Yea Forums

Lets have a relaxed Baldurs Gate thread Yea Forums

What are your hopes and dreams for this game user?
They keep saying that you'll meet iconic characters and such in this game but it plays a hundred years after BG2 so who'd still be alive at that point?

Keep the Larian hate to a minimum

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I want to play as a thick dragonborn male.

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My absolute negro, FPBP

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based and reptilepilled

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honestly, I liked the turn based system in the OS games, so kinda excited to see if they'll implement that with 5e, assuming they do, since they can always do real time still, to stay in line with the first 2 games.

Also kinda disappointed they went with 5e in the first place, the whole point of 5e was to make dice rolls and calculations easier, which is fine in videogame form 'cause it's all being handled by the code anyway.

Will it be turn based?

They haven't said yet.

All I ask is that it isn't shit.

more people need to be like you

dont touch drizzt

Why would it be shit? Despite the majority of Yea Forums harboring some kind of inbred hatred for Larian, these guys haven't made a single bad game, except for maybe Beyond Divinity though I can't say since I haven't played that one

I'd been enjoying Siege of Dragonspear but I got to the big castle assault part and it's a big clusterfuck and is harshing my mellow.

I want a qt halfling waifu. Not being able to romance Mazzy in BG2 was a fucking crime.

Reminder Larian is a reddit tier studio.

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No sjw bullshit. Just a straight experience.


What concerns me is the supposed main antagonist. The Mind Flayer are evil monstrous aliens and nothing else, I don't see much room form moral dilemmas when Mind Flayer are involved: they're the "great outer evil that brings the apocalypse" against which everyone and their dog would fight regardless. Whereas the antagonists in the original games were human-evil, their actions and goal is understandable, perhaps relatable, maybe even admirable.

Also the agenda of the Mind Flayers being so straightforward means it is devoid of mystery. Sarevok at the beginning of the original game was quite the enemy unknown: who is he? What is he doing? Why is he doing it? Why am I involved?
In comparison what is there to decipher about the Mind Flayer agenda? They just want to turn the world into tentacle porn (we already see it all in the reveal trailer).

When does fighter/mage multiclass get good? Falling behind in levels and feels like may as well have made one or the other. BG1 btw

in OS2 the true villains are also no-brainers
however what can be done, as what happened in OS2, is not if you'll defeat them, but how far you'll go to defeat them
will you kill their mind controlled slaves before facing them or try to plow your way through and save them, will you sacrifice a city to bring down their mothership or will you let it escape to come back in the future etc

there's room for dilemma even if none of it involves joining the mindflayers

Planescape Torment tie in where you explore the gith wars against the Illithids with Zerthimonde at the forefront, made reality through the imagination of the nameless guy with help of the Bhaalspawn

No idea though, there probably is some greater evil controlling them or at the very least forcing them into action, if I recall in NWN HotU there were also a bunch of mindflayers you could talk to and such, even if they regard you as irrelevant insects, so they're not a completely single minded evil

I want to MARRY a companion and have CHILDREN

Multiclassing takes a while to really pay off, in BG1 you´re fairly low level so it´s tough. It´s extremely powerful in BG2 though.

Get the fuck out, Spidey. No one asked your opinion on this.

>Western gaming

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Beyond divinity is indeed shit. I actually just booted up divinity 2 EG today to try and holy fuck did that take a lot of tinkering to make function

This to be honest, having the game span across multiple years of ingame time, where you actually build a proper relationship with your companions would be cool to see, really needs to be a long game for that to work though or else it'll feel really forced
I don't want shit like Jaheira jumping on my dick while Khalid still lies warm in his grave, especially when she's still lucid dreaming about his corpse giving consent

>hopes and dreams
good gameplay and non-shit character creation

beyond that I have no hopes or dreams. expect the story to be shit, writing to be shit, companions to be shit; larian are just as garbage at all of that as every other western developer.
I have to assume they all get their writers from some writer-mill somewhere that churns out highly conformist mediocre 110 iq women and faggots with no life or soul to them but the ability to produce whatever generic mediocre uninspired writing you want in whatever quantity you desire

only major RPGs I remember playing in a while where it felt like a human being wrote it has been from CDPR

no gameplay footage = nothing to say

is it RT or TB?

you guys need to take your hopes and dreams with you and go jump in the sea

this shit

Nobody asked but you shall have it regardless.

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>want to play as an undead character

I wanna be a skeleton.

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Divinity 2 is pretty cool, I never finished the xpac though
I wish they didn't transition to Original Sin style gameplay and instead kept going in the 3rd person aRPG direction, they could have made some cool stuff if they just refined all the gameplay mechanics to not be so fucking clunky
Stuff like turning into a dragon shouldn't bind you to just aerial combat, why not let me fuck up shit on the ground too

>but how far you'll go to defeat them
i thought about this but honestly it really doesn't sound so interesting, and sort of cheap/fake.
mind flayers are just too apocalyptic and inhuman, the only option is to fight them as implacably as you can to avoid the dawn of squidland.

> They will focus on making a good rpg instead of D&D advertisment
> They will keep BG-pandering in check. It is our swansong, but it's easy to be overdone.
> They will keep their own dry sense of humor in check.
And main hope - it' gonna be fun.

>not gaming on Dragon Quest

It can't be worse than Beamdog, right? With an entire chapter in SoD about poor refugees being abused by all the evil people in the city, you did all the dozen quests to help them and punish those who didn't want to accept them in, right?

Good game and a good Baldur's Gate game
Good/fun game with BG title just tacked on, not a stellar game in the context of the series.

Pretty sure combat is gonna be better but the story won´t be as good. I do like Illithids as antagonists though, they´re fun, creepy and you can pull lots of mindfuckery. And considering it´s Larian i assume it´s gonna have a shitload of content, too.

The devs seem pretty passionate about Baldurs Gate in general so I think it's gonna be good

i dont want to say that too often but fucking HAVE SEX

go live a real life for fucks sake

Hoping that they at least include some of the Xanathar's subclasses like Ancestral Guardian and Hexblade

I'm playing as Red Prince in OS2 right now.
Why is he so perfect bros?

On level 1.
F/M multi starts out quite strong, FAR better than most dual-class memes that only start to get useful after getting to level 9 once and then to level 10 in your second class and certainly more powerful than a low level mage.

In fact F/M starts getting relatively a bit weaker above level 10, where the survivability bonus of having fighter isn't that important anymore with stoneskin and shit, and you start to miss out on having higher level spells compared to a pure mage.

to you want to divorce and pay alimonies too? how about meeting your inlaws in the game?


>5e AND real time with points

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My brother is playing a Hexblade in our current campaign and it's fun as fuck messing with him, never letting him know if he's actually going crazy or if the blade is just fucking with him.

>being so strongly corrupted by Yea Forums antics you cannot see the benefits of establishing proper relations with your companions and other people in video games to tell more meaningful and emotionally charged stories
I seriously hope you don't speak to your mother this way

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His personality and looks.

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and Drizzt could always show up to die again.

Shadow Thieves or Bodhi?
I have 25000+ coin now after helping Nalia with her castle and shiet

Cheating in impossible class combinations in shadowkeeper/eekeeper is fun. In particular, adding kits to multiclass characters.

Kensai/Mage _mutli_ is great from level 1, you don't have that dumb dual class preparation period.
Fighter/Priest of Lathander for that extra melee self buff actually makes them useful as battle priests.
Or Cleric/Swashbuckler which isn't completely trash in melee anymore.

Best BG2 party
You cannot tell me this isn't the canon party of BG2

I actually kind of partially regret it simply because I don't get to interact with him if I'm maining him.

I kind of fucking hate how you miss out on shit if you don't play as an Origin character.

I wanted to make a male elf, a female lizard or dwarf, but no, fuck you, get locked out of content and stuck with a boring husk of a self-insert.

Shadow thieves every time for the amulet. Combined with robe of vecna and later improved alacrity for instant casting 10+ spells in a round. If you love your mages, you will side with the shadow thieves.

I hope they let you actually play as a drow this time around

I want it to play like Baldur's Gate but it won't because people are plebs.

>no Keldorn
>no Edwin
Keldorn is the single most broken powerful BG2 character, and Edwin is the second one.

Keldorn instant casts dispels at TWICE his character level, single-handedly taking care of any magical battle. Edwin gets THREE bonus spells per level (+1 specialist mage, and +2 from his amulet).

yeah I max out swimming in deus ex too

in OS2 you were also fighting an apocalyptic threat
there's only one ending possible where you permanently defeat it
And it is NOT a popular ending at all because of how much sacrifice it requires

Feels fucking bad when you can never be a better mage character than Edwin without cheating
Do they do this on purpose to make companions more attractive to use?

I never see any of this weeb shit when I browse steam. Maybe an add or two for legit anime games but none of this

Dude I meant in terms of canon plot

I want a good story and large cities. Oh and a game engine that can support a large amount of characters in a fight at the same time, like a whole camp of orcs or something.

Never played any Baldur Gate or crpg like games, where should I start? Only thing I remember playing is NWN2 long time ago and having fun but I think I stopped around first city or something?

>“We’ve gotten some pushback on some game mechanics,” Mearls admits. “You [indicating Vincke] have talked about how spell slots might not be the most intuitive thing.
Swen is getting rid of Vancian magic. This game is gonna suck.

you can go any of the multi-class options with mage or wild mage for a higher power level than Edwin

Greatest Announcement Possible
Vancian magic is a terrible system that simply didn't work in videogames because every game let you regenerate spell slots whenever you wanted

You also said "best". I'm not sure Viconia canonically fits into that good party, though.

I'd say "fuck balance" can be a good thing in single player games. Same thing with Viccy's massive magic resistance. Wild Mage can be still better than Edwin, by the way.

You got to be kidding me. Dead before arrival. If you throw away vanician casting you MUST nerf spells, since spamming fireballs every round while drinking mana potions won't work. Can't wait to have spell spamming Diablo combat.

>This bitch is coming back.

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>MILF Viconia
Not sure if want. 100 years passed between BG2 and BG3.

>spamming fireballs
how to know you sucked at the game
fireball was a terrible spell not worth a spell slot

>What are your hopes and dreams for this game user?
I tried to envision the perfect world scenario where the story and writing didn't let down, where there were plenty of new characters as memorable as the ones in the first two games, where the sense of grand adventure was kept intact, where the score was just as good if not better, and where BG3 was not only a good game, but didn't ruin my childhood memories. I couldn't. To me, disappointment is inevitable. It might be a great game to some, but it won't be the one to satisfy BG2 fans.

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Game is gonna be fucking garbage with mana pools or cooldowns. DoA.

You don't get what I was trying to say, it was just an example.
Remove vanician spellcasting and you can spam high level spells every battle, and so you must nerf spells massively.

Every new crpg that got rid of the vancian magic system is worse off for it.

Can't wait for all the spells to be boring and shitty like pillars of eternity to make up for being able to cast them whenever you want.

>What are your hopes and dreams for this game user?
not being turn based

If this is true I will pray every fucking day for the game to sell like shit so Larian gets crippled with licensing costs and little return on it and fucking ceases to exist.

it was fun as long as hostiles were susceptible to it and when there were enough of them to maximize dmg.
Maybe gassing is better as long as you can keep hostiles in the AoE of temporarily lasting spells.

Don't elves live longer compare to other races? I would imagine she looks the same.

>Jan Jansen/Edwind


I hope the evil party is good, BG2 really cucked me
I swear I'm not edgy I just find good aligned characters too boring and insufferable
also I hope I can have a cute halfling wife!

Pillars had vanician spell slots and resting on most primary spellcaster classes, though. Did you even play it?

Divinity games had non-vancian casting and were superior in gameplay to every D&D game ever released

there's other resource mechanics to be used
even in D&D
3.5 had a psionics system that was objectively superior to vancian casting

Divinity had literally no utility spells or mage vs mage combat besides hurling damage spells at each other.

>“We’ve gotten some pushback on some game mechanics,” Mearls admits. “You [indicating Vincke] have talked about how spell slots might not be the most intuitive thing. One of the things with Dungeons and Dragons, which I think is very important, is the method by which we do things is not as important for tabletop players as the actual effect on the table.”

>So if somebody says spell slots might be something to look at again, “we would not just change it, but maybe we’ll start exploring alternatives, and then seeing – like, in a playtest – do people like them better? Does it get momentum?"

Baldur's Gate 3 is finished.

>undead character
World of Warcraft is more your speed.

Psionics and weeb fightan magic were both garbage. And psions still operated on a daily spells system, just were an even more freeform version of sorcerer.

literally sword coast legends 2.0
and I guess D&D 6E is gonna be shit as well

>Divinity had literally no utility spells
why do you tell lies like that?
plenty of buffs and battlefield manipulation going on, the sheer shenanigans you can get up to with teleport alone is equivalent to about 5 spells in BG2

>indian playtester that never played a D&D game likes the korean MMO combat system
>perfect, let's make this go live
Can't wait.

>cast thunderstorm
>instantly win most fights
>use source vamparism to get 3 source points back after winning fight

Larian is dogshit at balancing abilities. In the first game onslaught one-shot most enemies too and had no resource tied to it.

Psionics were both better balanced and more fun
Same thing with weeb fightan magic compared to phb martials

>no missing because missing isn't fun!
>spell slots are too confusing!
Guess it's going to be bad then.

All I want IS sequel wife! Give ME sequel wife! Give me Jaheira sequel wife! If NOT give ME a wife with the BIG milkies!

thunderstorm doesn't auto-win fights on tactician AND costs 3 source points
and if you're source vampirisming every creature you defeat congrats on your evil playthrough I guess?

I wish it was going to be an isometric rtwp crpg using the 5e ruleset. But it's just going to be some dumb shit for ultra casuals.

>I don't want shit like Jaheira jumping on my dick while Khalid still lies warm in his grave, especially when she's still lucid dreaming about his corpse giving consent

He wasn't talking about good storytelling, he cares about waifushit.

I hope not. And they'd have to get Grey DeLisle on board first.

And what good would bringing her back do? The player knows her, but everyone else in game wouldn't, since they wouldn't be born until ~70-80 years after BG2. So is she a drow of legends whose reputation precedes her now? or just someone who kept to herself all these years and wishes to be left alone? Would she need another round of expository dialogue about her past?

I can't think of any way of making this "bring back old characters" thing work. You've already decided to place the setting a century later, why bother making it known that those past figures are still alive?

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but BG games were casual fests you actually had to try to lose

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Pathfinder: Kingmaker did the same thing. You should be able to romance Linzi.

>thunderstorm doesn't auto-win fights on tactician
Yes it literally does. Massive aoe that does huge magic damage and stuns for multiple rounds. All fights devolved into me casting thunderstorm and cleaning up after. Source point cost is irrelevant when its basically not even a resource through source vamparism and the machines that vendor it out for free.

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>wtf why is this D&D game licensed by the company that makes using the current edition of D&D!?
I don't particularly like 5e either, but what the fuck did you expect?

Sadly owlcat isn't making it. So this will have commercial success, but will be another golden turd of a larian game with only surface level depth and difficulty.

of curse you do faggit.

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BG2 is unironically a good starter crpg, only downside is that you're starting with one of the best and setting yourself up for disappointment if you like it and want to explore more of the genre.

Nothing can be worse than Beamdog. That, at least is a consolation.

Viconia was poisoned by Lolth in the epilogue. The rest could make an appearance, yeah.

it doesn't deal near enough damage to eat through the armor of boss battles
like fuck you used thunder storm by itself to kill adramalik

Are you me? That's my canon party too! (without Sarevok)

Siege of Dragonspear will be better than this

They've made pretty clear they won't treat any of BG2 endings as canon, especially not that one where CHARNAME romanced Viconia and they had a kid together

Hahaha, no.
Granted, I'm not very hopeful about Larian, D:OS writing wasn't that great. But it literally cannot be worse than Beamdog's turd.

Dropped. What is even the point of a sequel if it disregards what happened before?

That's why I said most fights, even then thunderstorm solved the problem with his adds.

>literally more than 1/3 of the participants of these threads

Siege was actually a BG game. It had some bad parts but also had okay dungeon design, and of course, the 2E mechanics intact.

This is just going to be divinity with a D&D skin

Make a lot of money. Promote future titles.

The gameplay may have been proper BG, but the story, the characters etc are more important. And Beamdog completely dropped the ball with that.
I'll grant you it's very possible that SoD's gameplay will be better than BG3's though.

It should've been titled Baldur's Gate: Insert Subtitle here.

I have NEVER played any Baldur's Gate.

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