What went right?
What went right?
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>What went right?
Masahiro "EVERYONE" Sakurai
Apparently one of the guys who made Mario & Rabbids pitched the idea to Nintendo after talking with Kirkhope and they agreed.
>best model and render that Banjo's ever had
>Grant doing the remixes
>HD models of Grunty, Mumbo, Bottles, Jinjos, etc
the only thing that didn't go right is that Spiral Mountain's skybox isn't an island
Most based director in the videogame industry atm.
Grant is only doing the Spiral Mountain song, sadly. But hopefully there will be originals.
They cleverly delayed the DQ character reveal until they could time it with Banjo Kazooie so that everyone in NA could lose their shits over BK being in rather than rolling their eyes going "ugh not another sword character AGAIN".
it was intentional
>DQ is fighter 72, Banjo is 73
>7-1=6, add 1 to 3 for 4
>fighter 64 was Inkling, who is the only character in the trailer to appear from a franchise created after the BK series